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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Aaliyyah;802269 wrote: Kingofkings, so you and Somalia bought into one man's "been" without any verification? and took that clip from a questionable source at that (taleexmedia? LOL) It is not TaleexMedia, but you yourself have uploaded articles from Taleex so I do not understand why you would have something against them now, more sii soco soo soco. Now, you figured out that your use of oxymoron was well, lets just say wrong, do you now dispute the fact that there are PL troops in Buuhoodle?
  2. Mario B;802267 wrote: Somalia, you keep on confusing opinions as FACT. As they say "opinion is free but facts are sacred"...and you won't know facts even if they were to hit you face:cool:. Why don't you face my opinions which are in reality facts and debate them instead of sitting there and letting your women speak.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;802266 wrote: Pl doesn't really care about the border dispute they don't want to fight Somaliland or they don't have the balls to do so either way the fact that they are a clan state and don't have defined border is another issue.They don't care some of them are indifferent when it comes to khaatumo some of them embrace it like duke xiiney and some of them like you are against it but one thing is certain the political bridge between the clans of laascaanood and garowe is officially broken.Today Liibaan Aaaliyaah have lost complete trust in you're fiefdom even their elders the most purest Plers in the past are now screaming the loudest khaatuumo, and down with Faroole this is what i predict in the next few days mass demonstrations in the buhoodle district and sool against the garowe enclave and faroole. No one fights anymore it is 2012, too many eyes are on Somalia and especially Puntland, you think we would ruin what we have build since 1998 for some clan fighting? No, I am against it because Khaatumo is a fallacy, it doesn't exist. I believe in the unification of SSC as one state, united, I have nothing against that though I would always prefer them to be part of Puntland, but even if this is not possible, they should unite, Khaatumo has done nothing so far, and it is because it is exclusively for some "people", with them grabbing power and letting other ones outside the room, just like these people do with each other all the time. When one gets locked out, he goes to SL or PL. Aaliyaah and Liibaan have themselves to blame for the failures in their region. Puntland is not a very centralized state government, each clan manages his part, they failed to manage theirs with years of sii soco soo soco. I bet if I look at their comments from when they started onward like FreshPrince they have shifted sides several times.
  4. Gaacuur;802257 wrote: Miyaadan ogeyn in Puntland ay Dawlad Dawlad kale ku hoos nool iney tahay, lehna Muwaadiniin, Xuduud u gaar ah, Dastuur, Ciidan Military oo Bad, Barri iyo Cirba leh.. Xaajiyow mise waad is yeelyeeleysaa? States can have constitutions.
  5. Aaliyyah;802258 wrote: what an oxymoron comment. let me clarify for you puntland is not involved and there are no puntland soldiers in buhodle. If you insist on that, then those 600 must be only visible to you. Khaatumo army is in buhodle fighting and the buhodle men are in the Khaatumo army. So if that is not united? i dont know what your definition of united is?? You are truly on another level. Do you even know what an oxymoron is? I NEVER SAID THEY WERE INVOLVED. They are there now. I mean damn, what is this one smoking. Buhoodlepost Xaalada Gobalka Cayn oo mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyey dagaalo khadhaadh oo dhexmaray Reer Buuhoodle iyo Kooxda SNM ay ka dhacayeen ayaa hada waxaa soo shaacbaxay khilaaf ka dhashay arimo is biirsaday oo soo dhaweeyey in Ciidanka Xooga Reer Buuhoodle kala furfurmo,ugu horayn waxaa dhawaan warbaahinta laga lagu arkayay wasiirka Kaluumaysiga Maamulka Puntland oo sheegaya in ciidan 630 askari ah oo Puntland ahi ku suganyihiin gobalka Cayn hadaba Maxamed Faarax Aadan ayaa hormuud ka noqday fururka ciidanka difaaca isagoo ciidan horay u joogay Buuhoodle oo puntland mushaharo ka qaato ku kordhiyey tiro kale oo aan badnayn hadana warbaahinta ka sheegay tirada iyo tayada ciidan ee Buuhoodle u jooga arintaas waxay kaliiftay in Yaasiin Sulub oo ah wasiirka arimaha Gudaha Khaatumo uu dhexgalo ciidanka Reer buuhoodle uuna laba u kala qaybiyo isaga oo sheegaya inuu qayb qarameeyey, Yaasiin Sulub iyo Maxamed Faarax Faruur waxay hoos u dhigeen niyada ciidanka Buuhoodle ee Jiida ku wada jiray waxaana meesha ka dhacday in labo wiil oo dhufayska ku wada jiray la yidhaahdo “adigu waxaad tahay Ciidanka Khaatumo ee Rasmiga ah adna laguma qaramayn ee iska joog, halka ina Faarax Faruur Faroole u xilsaaray inuu Buuhoodle ciidan cusub ka soo qoro ayaa isku sawiray Ismaaciil Xaashi oo in mudo ah Bukaan ahaa waxaana arintaas ka dhashay khilaaf dhex maro odayaasha iyo Ciidanka. As for united, united means being one state, not uniting just in clan fighting, why isn't Khaatumo taking hold in Buuhoodle, why is this?
  6. Mario B;802255 wrote: Somalia/FBISomalia is a juvenile delinquent from Mudug, he excels in trolling, don't take him serious. Facts are inconvenient for you?
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;802253 wrote: Waryaa Somaliland and Somalia are two separate entities countries and have two different capitals two different flags two different Currency. That said Somalia is Somalilands neighbor and sure they should talk and perhaps restore relations if that is possible. So Somalia stop rejecting you're president Mr Sharif Ahmed faroole is you're local governor sharif is you're president. We are not two different entities, Sheikh Shariif is my President I never denied that, that is foolish, but if he's negotiating with you regarding your secession we are at an unprecedented level of weakness. You know this, I know this. And Puntland doesn't take issue with your secession, just the land you occupy.
  8. Aaliyyah;802248 wrote: Somalia you are clueless and false information was whispered to your ear. I suggest you speak to your adeer and find out the truth for yourself...Puntland wasn't involved in the buhodle war. As for the qurbajoog comment, were all the people in laascaanod who were celebrating khaatumo state qurbajoog? how about buhodle? how abt taleex? how about bocame. Seriously, get real! I never said they were involved but there are over 600 as we speak right now, notice Xaaji did not go against that point, neither did Gaacuur, only you did. People will celebrate unity, but how come Buhoodle is not part of Khaatumo as we speak?
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;802245 wrote: Waryaa if the garaad clan don't want to be part of the Garowe clan enclave why are you trying to force them they said no accept it. Hahahaha, so those 600 troops are there by force? I think it takes more than 600 to occupy Buhoodle. They are there as part of Puntland. You are just trying to turn everyone against each other, this Kastuumo unit has not got much to do with Buhoodle, how come Buhoodle hasn't united with them or any other part of Sool? w
  10. Gaacuur;802239 wrote: ^^ Then change your name to Puntland, (joke). Ma Madaxweynihi dhan ayaad leedahay nama matalo, walee dad badan ayaa dhaqan celin u baahan. He represents us in the international scene, you can't even see how the secessionists are embarrassing you, they are part of Somalia and here you are negotiating with them. Xaaji Xunjuf is having a swell day
  11. You don't even know how a Ponzi scheme works. Wow. And we know where she hails from, you are just as sad as her at this point about Puntland's progress. There's now 12 pages dissecting her bullshit.
  12. Aaliyyah;802216 wrote: You are right reer buhoodle don't need Faroole or his subclan. Neither does Khaatumo state as a whole. It is time Farole stops sticking his nose in matters that don't concern him. They do need him, why are there over 600 soldiers in Buhoodle, why did the PL Minister go there and tell them that they are part of Puntland, the only ones that disagreed is the qurbojoog creation of Khaatumo.
  13. Carafaat;802038 wrote: Sheick Shariif is the President of Somalia, he speaks for Puntland. No he doesn't, he doesn't even speak for Mogadishu, that's the work of the AMISOM spokesman. Puntland territories are Puntland's concern.
  14. Gaacuur, it depends on your definition of Somaliland and Puntland. His definition of Puntland includes Sool, Sanaag and Cayn. Who does SSC come under? If you believe Somaliland, then you are right and he is wrong according to you.
  15. I can't disagree on your point regarding the timing of the constitution. However, there's no such thing as Khaatumo, he was speaking regarding 'occupied territories', currently under secessionist control and especially the capital of Sool known as Laascaanood. Khaatumo is a village-state known as Taleex. SSC region as a whole is different. :cool:
  16. Serendipitous;796942 wrote: I've come to the conclusion these kind of stories only happen in Saudi Arabia. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  17. What did he say wrong? Puntland will have a constitution just like any other federal state in the world! And what he said about internet maamul goboleedo is also great. And he only spoke about Somaliland in the context of SSC. Gaacuur, Gaacuur...
  18. AfricaOwn;801903 wrote: they're trying to get you to buy stocks, get excited about the news. Isn't that what you used to say when the rig wasn't even there?
  19. Freedom, stop stealing food, akhas, what is that? :D
  20. Lol wtf, I already commented on this and I made another thread
  21. Xaaji Xunjuf;801885 wrote: It was already posted by by Jacayl baro salax and general duke Oops :eek:
  22. Range Resources' (LON:RRL) chances of a big oil find in Puntland, Somalia increased significantly with yesterday’s drilling update, according to broker Panmure Gordon. The news was encouraging given the frontier nature of the exploration, added the broker, which has adjusted its estimate of the chance of success to 40% from 12%. “This newsflow de-risks somewhat this frontier play and we have upped our chance of success to 40%. We have accordingly adjusted our target price to 18p. We retain our Buy recommendation,” it said. Range owns a 20 per cent stake in the Dharoor and Nugaal blocks in Puntland. Operator Horn Petroleum said yesterday that the Shabeel-1 well had reached a depth of 2002 metres against a target depth of 3800 metres. The well is currently drilling a 400 metre section composed of interbedded sandstones and shales believed to be Upper Cretaceous in age, Horn added. Panmure said the well is proceeding as scheduled and while it is premature to determine the quality and prospectivity of the prospect, oil and gas shows have been noted and a regional seal inferred. The drilling and evaluation period for Shabeel-1 is estimated to be 90 days and be complete by mid April 2012. The upper 1,600m of the drilled section included a thick section of Tertiary limestones and shales. Panmure said this appears to be a regional seal, as no oil or gas shows were encountered above this depth. Oil and gas shows observed in the 400m section confirmed the existence of a working petroleum system though the quality of the reservoir and prospectivity of any potential oil bearing intervals can only be determined once the downhole electric logs and formation tests are completed. The Dharoor and Nugaal Blocks are estimated to contain 1bn unrisked and undiscovered oil prospective resources, with P50 gross 300 million barrels (net 60 mmbbl) and 375 mmbbl (net 75 mmbbl) recoverable oil at the Shabeel-1 and Shabeel- North prospects. The source rocks are expected to be rich Jurassic Kimmeridgian shales in the deep portion of the rift, immediately down dip from the Shabeel prospect, according to the broker. Reservoirs are expected to be sandstones and carbonates of the Cretaceous and Jurassic systems, analogous to Yemen. On confirmation of a commercial oil reservoir, Panmure said that the valuation multiple for these prospects is likely to re-rate to more than US$3/bbl. This would translate to a valuation of £113m/5p for Shabeel-1 and £141m/7p for Shabeel North, which translates to an implied share price of 24p. As well as Puntland, Range Resources has interests in the Republic of Georgia and in Texas and Trinidad. Red Emperor Resources (LON:RMP) also owns a 20 per cent stake in the Dharoor and Nugaal blocks in Puntland. Broker Fox Davies, commenting on Red Emperor, also said the latest drilling results from Puntland significantly reduced one of the key risks for the prospect. "Reflecting this result we have adjusted our risking and raised our target price [for Red Emperor] to 65p," it added.
  23. HARGEISA(Somalilandpress) Agent’s belonging to Somaliland anti corruption and good governance have arrested three top officials in president Silanyo administration. The agents raid the names of the officials in the early hours of Saturday morning among those netted in the raid was the governor of Maroodi Jeex Haji Abdillahi (Hamarji, the director general in the ministry of resettlement and rehabilitation Ahmed Elmi Barre and the personnel advisor to the vice president Osman Saeed Jama on corruption charges levelled against them. Soon after their arrest the presidential spokesman Abdillahi Mohamed Dahir (Cukuse) issued a press release which stated as follows: The president of Somaliland H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud (Silanyo) has issued presidential decree dismissing the three officials with immediate effect pending investigation concern misappropriation of food aid. Meant for less fortunate Somalilanders. It’s rumoured that the arrest was prompted when the consignment of food aid was went missing and was later traced to private warehouse where it was confiscated by security force’s offer intensive investigation the traders bought the food from government official’s investigations are still ongoing. On during his campaign president Silanyo pledged zero tolerance for corruption. This is the first major arrest of prominent officials by the anti corruption commission since it’s formation.
  24. Somaliland Government Officials Arrested & Sacked Over Alleged Food Aid Theft Written by Qaran news Mar 10, 2012 at 12:46 PM Hargeisa(Qarannews)- This morning three senior members of the Somaliland government of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo" were dismissed from their posts and subsequently arrested for the alleged miss-appropriation of food aid intended for some of the poorest citizens in the country. The three officials are; The Governor of Marodi Jeh region Ahmed Omar Haji Abdillahi "Hamarji" The Director-General of the Ministry of Resettlement & Rehabilitation Ahmed Elmi Barre and a senior adviser to the Somaliland Vice-President. After being dismissed from their respective posts by a decree from the President, the three former officials were arrested and taken into custody. The steps taken today by President Siilaanyo appears to be an exercise in damage limitations.With the exception of former Governor Hamarji, neither of the other two alleged culprits have a high profile and they all have the makings of being scapegoats for other senior officials in the government who are allegedly involved in this scam. This scandal is the latest one to engulf the administration of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo" which took office in 2010 pledging to fight corruption and miss-management. There are currently under way several investigations by the Auditor General into various government departments, including the ministry of Foreign Affairs, after accusations of corruption and miss-management were made by the former Director-General, Mohamud Rage Ibrahim, prior to his resignation from his post. Meanwhile, with the exception of a few media outlets, some of Somaliland's most prominent news media have been silent on these allegations of corruption and miss-management that are casting a shadow over the government of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo". Reliable sources have confirmed to, that these arrests are the tip of the iceberg and more arrests are expected soon.