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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Indeed he is and it's going to be very big, just look at the hall alone :eek:
  2. uchi;802443 wrote: ^ I was enjoying the conversation, why did you have to ruin it? LOL
  3. Mario B;802551 wrote: What has he done? you would have known what he has done if you didn't have your head up his ***. Ok, you confirmed your homoerotic thoughts of butts and men as well as having no substantive argument at all. Sxb, sii soco.
  4. Man, stop hating, I am just sharing reality with you, I don't know why you Khaatumo people have something against Faroole, what has done?
  5. I rarely make threads about the guy, I just defend reason and logic. But you people are obsessed with him.
  6. I actually feel sorry for the likes of Mario B and Carafaat, why you so obsessed with us man, let go of me man, please, leave us alone
  7. Carafaat;802498 wrote: Che, its only a valid question if the man hasnt visited the city, when he request Amiisom troops in the northern part and even another Maamul whith own flag is declared in the clan Part. Maybe you got more Intelligence on the City. Again another lie. This West Puntland thing is not true. Here is the Governor of Mudug in Western Mudug.
  8. Mario B;802493 wrote: Daarwish are building their own Airport in Taleex. That's not an airport, it is an air strip, and the Daraawish are still with Puntland for now, if Khaatumo becomes a state we will change names
  9. Based on what do you make these false assumptions? He tells the people he appoints what to do, he fires the man he wants, he collects the taxes of the region, he controls the movements of the Daraawish, it is under his control. And Bosaso is the largest city, not Gaalkacyo.
  10. Carafaat;802445 wrote: Abdiwali is posing for the camera. More of the same self organized Xayesiis and Dalxiis. That's your second comment of frustration.
  11. Dabrow;802410 wrote: are assuming that Somali people are allowed to have a army?. Well thats not the case.
  12. This clearly shows that the so-called Somaliland region is not of the people on the ground, but of the diaspora. Maybe this is why they get their food stolen by politicians
  13. Other projects Presidential Palace in Garowe is being constructed and also a Government Guest House in Qardho, Puntland
  14. This is what we have now. Lets go through the journey together
  15. No she isn't from Gaalkacyo. And she's been ridiculed enough, I actually feel sorry for her at this point. Kulahaa, "concern for the environment", man you are just as jealous as her. Fix your part Somalia, too much corruption in Somaliland I hear.
  16. Mario B;802324 wrote: Like you have ruined most other threads with your trolling.:cool: Confrontation as @burahadeer put it.
  17. He ruined the whole thread of discussions, this won't go unnoticed.
  18. Don't grab anything, just wait till there's fully peace, a reallocation commission should be set up and get your family's property back.
  19. Eng.Cadde;802306 wrote: It is the job of the federal Gov to solve that issue.The local clans want their rights and that is wax ay xaq u leeyihiin iney ayagu aayahooda ka tashadaan just like every body else. :D: Not the federal capital it is outside clan influence, it is governed by the parliament of Somalia.