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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Ok, I don't think Abdi likes ethnic Somalilanders, this is my theory, it's not ground breaking, I am still exploring the hypothesis. I'll let you know of the findings soon.
  2. This is not the first time that such actions have taken place against predominantly Somaliland communities in the Hawd areas of the Fifth province, and it is time that the Ethiopian Federal Government took action against these rogue elements operating under its auspices. ?
  3. It's the parliament's decision, but eventually something be worked out so they can govern their territory. I just don't understand why the two parties have to fight when the TFG doesn't seem to want none of what they want anyway, they ought to unite.
  4. Arguably the best rap song in history.
  5. Naxar Nugaaleed;805542 wrote: Chimera, didn't like the movie so much but the music from Drive was great The film was good but the music was soundtrack.
  6. Lol, it was a funny debate, the little jabs, why don't they just stick the middle finger out and say it, and the Banaadir guy just didn't stand a chance. That said, I don't know why they are squabbling, these people interbreed, they are more or less the same and it won't be their decision anyway.
  7. Mario B;805652 wrote: Puntland at best represent 20% of the somali population, the number games is against you, saxib wait till you see the coalition against you. Why would you go against me, in the name of a guy named Jeberti, we are supposed to be on the same side for God's sake! kingofkings;805653 wrote: with a percentage like that, no wonder people don't like PL. :cool: :cool:
  8. Oh and Kastuumo would be any different? Wake up man, we were way ahead and we will always be way ahead. I just want people to realize this and stop wasting their time
  9. You aren't worth my time Mario B, I just hope my comment sinks in, every people needs its thinkers, when you realize who yours are, everything will sink in. And why would I be scared of the national army? You think it is a clan based institution? :rolleyes:
  10. Wadani;805628 wrote: Somalia, Including Somaliland? Wallahi ur delusional. I don't care about Somaliland. I am telling you, without Puntland, Somalia would have been in a different and much worse state than it is now. Without the head, the body can't work and vice versa. Puntland is the head, Somalia is the body. Take that in whichever way you want it, if you want a history lesson I'll give it to you.
  11. Wadani;805622 wrote: waryaa Dr Osman, reer Khaatumo wax kaa galay baaba iska yar. Nimankan anagaa walaalo ah, oo xidid iyo xigaal ba ah, oo waxaanu doonaan isku samaynaa kana heshiinaa, ee adigu arrimahan iskaga bax. Waa mar aad reer galgala iyo reer goldogob xasuuqdaan iyo mar aad Khaatumo inkirtaan. Inaad ilmo Jabarti tihiin ba la idin ma moodo. Without Puntlanders you'd all be a leaderless flock. Ilmo Jeberti kulahaa..
  12. Taleexi;805606 wrote: You are very kind but I'm just a humble human being. Somalia is both a script and corrupted mind. A product of anarchy indeed. Product of education, logical thinking and reasoning. If you need advice regarding your future, let me know, I will be of assistance.
  13. Wadani;805612 wrote: ^ i understand, but boy wat a shame. Horta wat do ur parents teach u guys? that beeshiina is super human or I dont get where this sense of superiority comes from. Its not conducive to Somali unity, so get rid of it bro. My parents never taught me anything related to Somalia other than the spoken and written language. And no one feels superior, but in the state the rest have put themselves in, who can blame anyone who feels superior..
  14. Why you concerned doctor, this is the National Army, they'll take Garowe if they want
  15. Wadani;805583 wrote: Taleexi waa nin dhexdhexaad ah, oo aan eexashada aqoon. Somalia should take notes. I speak as I feel, and I speak for my interests, I don't have the sii socod soo socod virus. A man must have a code, that's the difference between people from Puntland and the rest.
  16. Wadani;805578 wrote: Lol, those words describe very well many who hail from ur regions. But not everyone, i dont want to generalize and plus i have immediate family who are puntlanders. Brilliance may seem narcissistic to your kind, I don't blame them though, they probably don't know the difference.
  17. Wadani;805574 wrote: ^ Listen u pretentious and narcissistic pirate, this topic is for the big boys, so i suggest u leave it alone. Ur lot aren't experienced in the dynamics of the haud nor are they seasoned warriors like the people who reside there. Markaa carar, yaanad ku waalane. "Dynamics of the haud" Hahahaha, I'm sorry if my comment rubbed a nerve. I don't get how I am pretentious or narcissistic, I think this is an attempt to act smart by using big words isn't it? You won :(
  18. Cambuulo iyo bun;805561 wrote: cute iyo taasi waa lamo shey kala duwan
  19. Good job by the Liyuu police, push the aggressors back into their homeland. This is the 1970s all over again.
  20. General Cali Samatar's equivalent for Mudug-Nugaal-Bari areas after 1978.
  21. Che -Guevara;805436 wrote: Somalia...From your track record, it's safe to assume listing crimes against women in Somaliland is mere politics not expression of sympathy or support for the victims. Don't assume anything, state for me where I mocked. That's all I want to know Che. @nuune, thank you, ii soo duceey adeer