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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. xiimaaya;808285 wrote: Dhiib maleh you do act your age sometimes. Nothing wrong in following suit in development. In fact all somalis should exploite their natural resource... Whatever man, I just think it's funny. I'm glad progress rubs off on people, good luck tapping whatever you may have.
  2. I agree, all of these ones slipping through, my God, so annoying, like whatever :rolleyes:
  3. K.O.W;808208 wrote: ^ @ Somalia; AWOOD BAA JIRIN XAGAADO AFKIIBA JUUQDA GABAY If you say so.
  4. Carafaat;805860 wrote: We should all sign a petition and hand it to Sillanyo's legal advisor Norf. I agree, we would get hundreds by the end of the day, maybe thousands within a couple of days! It's possible!
  5. The list doesn't include Faroole. This is a disgrace I'm outta here!
  6. Hahahahaha, there's been a rush to prove one has natural resources since 15th of January, it's funny. Good luck.
  7. Conspiracy;808186 wrote: I just can't be asked to click on a post with a title thats written in Somali, I just don't have the time or patience to read your Somali scribbles in whatever Somali dialect you wrote them in. Plus even if I do read them cause I think you are a cool dude/dudette I knew for years I still won't reply to your post because I feel obligated to reply in Somali uuuggggghhhh. What if the girl you are beside is not cute, but maybe a transsexual, but you don't know she's a transsexual so you assume she is cute? That's the question we must ask ourselves.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;808061 wrote: Liibaan i thought wasiirka beeraha from baydhabo already recognized khaatuumo aqoosniga khaatumo badana
  9. Mashallah, civilization taking hold. Great job, continue inshallah.
  10. Timur;808156 wrote: The first pic is the port of Xamar, that's clear. The second picture I called out is Gobweyn, a small village a few miles north of Kismayo. Bob, I know because I have a brain. I feel bad for you if you don't know your own country. You could take a picture of sand in Somalia and I could tell you which village the sand came from. , you should have let it go.
  11. Wow, this guy does my job better than me.
  12. Chimera;807159 wrote: Kismaayo 1980s , HQ of the Somali Navy, the southern most Urban center in Somalia. This is the best picture.
  13. Carafaat;807572 wrote: livestock, agriculture, fisheries. Hahahahahahaha, wallee waa cajiib. :rolleyes:
  14. Somalina;807224 wrote: Dream big boi! You actually think I'm lying about having land in Kismayo? Ok ..
  15. What existing industries do we have?
  16. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;807385 wrote: Sii aqriso Hasn't the moryaan cutting down trees for 20 years, causing drought, been of concern to you?
  17. Mooge;807534 wrote: he thought he could sneak out when alshabaab is sleeping. fulaysanaa macalinka. lol
  18. kingofkings;806527 wrote: somalia, clear your inbox. it's full. thanks. Done
  19. I play this song by whistling and tapping the side of my bed.