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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. 1976 - Abdullahi Yusuf working in a company before being called into the army by Siad Barre. He was given what is the size of 2 divisions around 35.000 troops as a Colonel while he's suppose to manage only a regiment (up to 3000 troops).
  2. 1964 - President of Somalia Aden Abdulle Osman decorates him a war hero. Abdullahi Issa is present.
  3. 1964 - Abdullahi Yusuf defeats Ethiopian contingent with light armoury and drives 15 km into Ethiopia at the age of 30. He represents Somalia in peace talks to quell the tension. He is honoured by his opponents for his extraordinary work at just 30. 1964 - Picture of Abdullahi Yusuf
  4. Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf with the then Major General Siad Barre and Colonel Mohamed Farah Aideed (later General).
  5. AUN, President of Somalia 2004-2008, Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf Authored Struggle and Conspiracy; A Memoir by Abdullahi Yusuf few months before his death. Mogadishu Times Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed ayaa caawa ku dhintay magaalada Dubai. Wuxuu Madaxweynaha dhintay 7:30PM waqtiga magaalada Minneapolis. Dahir Mire Jabriil ______________________________________ “Madaxweynaha waa dhintay alle ha u naxariisto. Tacsi ayaan u dirayaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed meel walba oo ay joogaan. Sabar iyo iimaan alle ha ka siiyo” Sidaas waxaa yiri Dahir Mire Jabriil oo Madaxweynaha u ahaa Chief of Staff waqtigii uu Madaxweynaha ahaa. Mudo dheer ayuu xanuunsanaa Madaxweynaha. 15 Sano ka hor ayaa laga badalay beerka. Aad ayuu u xanuunsanaa dhowrkii bilood ee ugu dambaysay. Cabdullahi Yusuf wuxuu ku jiray saraakiishii ugu horeysay ee ciidamada military-ga. Wuxuu ka mid ahaa saraakiishii ugu aqoonta badnaa ciidamada qalabka sida. Colonel Abdullahi Elmooge Heri Colonel Abdullahi Elmooge Hersi oo ka tirsanaa ciidamada qalabka sida ayaa ii sheegay in uu Colonel Cabdullahi Yusuf uu madax u ahaa ciidamada qeybta 60aad waqtigii dagaalka Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya. Ciidamada uu watay waxaa lagu qiyaasay 35 kun. Wuxuuna saldhigooda ahaa magaalada Baydhabo. Waxay dagaalka ka galeen dhanka koonfurta galbeed. Wuxuu ahaa aas aasihii maamul goboleedka Puntland. Waqti yar ka dibna wuxuu noqday Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.
  6. The Hermet;808442 wrote: He wasn't a war hero he was the first somali under ssdf to ever raise an ethiopian flag on somali soil furthermore the man who destroyed somalias peace under the islamic courts union by asking for help from ethiopians which led to countless dead innocent civilians. Even in death you seem not able to find one of you that has positIvely enhanced somalis or peace. Amazing no need to fabricate history. What does any of that have to do with whether or not he was a war hero? Secondly, he didn't raise "Ethiopian flag", I know people like to use that fake story, in fact he was jailed for not handing over Goldogob for 6 years until 1991. BBC: But he fell out with the Ethiopians over their claim to areas of Somalia and was jailed in Addis Ababa in 1985. And yes, he did remove the Islamic Courts with the help from the Ethiopians, just like the TFG is now trying to remove Al-Shabaab areas that are relatively peaceful with help from Ethiopians. Just say AUN and move on please, have some decency for once.
  7. General Duke;808434 wrote: He should be buried in Garowe, he was born in Nugaal region and this happens to be the capital of Puntland..Remember that Yusuf greatest legacy today is Puntland State and that should be underlined.. I agree, in Garowe he should be buried.
  8. Atirisho;808413 wrote: It is still sad nonetheless. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was the former president of Somalia, and Somalis everywhere will surely miss him. His death was tragic and bringing up his pass and debating about it is not really appropriate in this discussion. Waa caqli xumo dad oo qaranka burburiyey in ii maanta hadliyaan, waa cajiib. AUN Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, founder of Puntland, the founder of the TFG and the founder of federalism in Somalia.
  9. Atirisho;808410 wrote: Must you guys derail this thread? The man hasn't even been dead for few hours and you guys are already attacking one another. Let the dust settle first. Just say AUN and move right along. It was inevitable, some people need a dose of the truth.
  10. Abwaan;808405 wrote: Iska hadal iyo nacnac....waa midda adiga iyo waxa kula midka ah ee qabyaaladda la gubtay aad meesha ku haysaan....******** aan adiga iyo noocaaga ahayn miyaaba jira? Shariifna fad amase ha fadin isagaa Madaxweyne kuu ah ee nin dhintay kuuma ahan. Don't project your qabiil infested logic onto me.. Ethiopians are in Somalia today, the one thing people held against Abdullahi Yusuf, the man who was fighting Abdullahi Yusuf is now friends with the Ethiopian, he used religion to get his political goal, everyone knows this. You don't have man who achieved anything even close to Abdullahi Yusuf, Aideed was one man who tried but he was the man who thought soap was food in prison and started an attempted genocide, the reason why your whole people are associated with violence, rape, killing and carnage. Shariifna Garoowe baa laga xukumaa, waa kaas hadal cad. Aduunka qaabkaa uu fekertiin wuu arkay, waana mushkilo la baa bi'indoono mar doow inshallah.
  11. Abwaan;808397 wrote: AUN....AY wuxuu ahaaba Ilaah baa oofsaday. Ilaah ayaana kula xisaabtamaya..... Qofna taariikh uusan lahayni ma raacdo...Haddii laga daba heeso oo hero lagu sheego iyo haddii kaleba.....Socon mayso taasi ee wakhti ha iskaga luminina. bal iska aamus for now, ku jooji hadalka 'AUN', sheekoyinkaasa oo amxaara ku xisaabsan wii damaadeen after Sheikh Shariif siyaasadiis..
  12. Atirisho;808392 wrote: So it is officially confirmed? Ina lillahi wa ina ilayhi rajuucun! Sabar iyo iman Ilahay ha ka siyo eheladisa, qoyskisa and ummada Somaliyeed oo Idil. Officially confirmed. We got the call as well. Also AllPuntland.
  13. General Duke;808369 wrote: The news is like lightening around Minneapolis. He was a hero to many those who hate him can, but one can not deny he was a historical Titan. Of course. They are denying history. Part of the men who foiled coup attempt in Waqooyi Galbeed 1962 Decorated in 1964 for role in border wars. Given a division in the army by Siad Barre in 1977 war, got closest to Addis Ababa. These are all inconvenient facts but the news hasn't spread to the UK.
  14. K.O.W;808355 wrote: A bad legacy. A war criminal, a warmonger, and an Ethiopian puppet. But, according to Somalia, I'm a lier. What bad legacy, this is the founding father of federalism in Somalia. What else is there to say? You are a liar sxb, nothing more nothing less. And the Ethiopian puppet card doesn't work anymore, Ethiopians are in the country as we speak, maybe his logic seemed better that he thought about stabilizing Somalia way before the moryaans that used religion against him..
  15. Somalina;808344 wrote: He's was not a war hero neither did he find the TFG. AUN, samir iyo Iiman to his loved ones. Actually he is. He's the only Colonel to be given a division in the Somali Army and capturing his target closest to Addis Ababa in 1977, 70 km from Addis Ababa to be exact, a town called Mojo after Nazret. He's also the only commander to have steered the Ethiopian invasion of 1964 when he drove them 15 km into their own territory where he was hailed by the Colonels on the other side because he was only 30 years old during the peace talks.
  16. My theory is that the admin is on a crusade to get some users that came after 2008 to leave by making the website less interactive friendly with its cool and hip add-ons. This theory is further proved by his constant denial of bikini pics as my avatar by not replying to my demands. I believe that is enough evidence on my part. I give the floor to the next commentator.
  17. It will take years and upwards of a half a billion dollars to build the necessary infrastructure to export oil, I hope they get started as soon as they find something.
  18. Stop replying, you know what I meant, K.o.W, which gender are you though, I've been meaning to ask you for some time?
  19. K.O.W;808302 wrote: What do Somalis say, "Qosal Gariir"? You keep repeating, "It's funny", came to realize that your dream of ruling over a wide area, over 3 huge clans, under the umbrella of "Tolnimo" has come an end. Nah, I'm stating the obvious, I don't care for those areas in term of resources. Why do you people seem hell bent on whatever resources that may or may not be there when you can't even get your act together and rule the place? I think Puntland should get one of these for its own sake, are you with me?