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  1. AllPuntland. Sool (APL ): Gudiga Kumeelgaarka ah ee Doorshooyinka Puntland (TPEC) ayaa deegaanadda puntland ka Wada Barnaamij Balaran oo ku aadan afti u qaadista Dastuurka puntland iyo Xulista Ergadda Ansixindoonta ee la filayo in ay Magaalo Madaxda puntland ee Garoowe soo Gaaraan 15 Bisha April ee Fooda inagu soo Haysa ,ka dib Markii ay gudigu dowladda u soo Gudbiyeen Talo soo jeedintooda ah in la qabto waqti cad oo lagu soo xulo ergadda ansixinta dastuurka ,ergadaasoo ay soo xulayaan Bulshadu oo ay Hormuud ka yihiin Salaadiinta Dhaqanka puntland.Xilligaana ay dowladu la qaadatay Talo soo jeedinta TPEC uuna si rasmi ah ugu dhwaaqay madaxweynaha puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud in 15 Bisha april ay fariistaan ergadda laga sooo xulo gobolada dalka si ay u ansixiyaan Dastuurka puntland. Gudigu waxaa uu Gudagalay ololaha lagu gaarsiinayo barnaamijka aftida Dastuurka oo gobolada iyadoo Bulshada loo Qabanayo Kulamo ku aadan Xulista ergadda Dastuur ansixin doonta iyo sidii ay usoo xulan lahaayeen Cidii uga Qaybgali lahayd ee Matali lahayd .Meelaha Maanta laga Qabtay kulamadaas ayaa waxaa ka mida Degaano ka tirsan Gobolka sool. Kulanka oo ahaa Mid ay kasoo qaybgaleen Qaybaha Bulshada Sool SidaMaamulka Gobolka ,kan degmada ,Xubno ka socday Gudiga Doorashooyinka puntland ,odayaasha,dhalinyarada,Haweenka. Ayaa waxaa ugu horeyn ka Hadlay Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud ( Dubays) ayaa sharaxaad dheer ka bixiyey ujeedada shirka iyo arrimaha dastuurka iyo habka loo xulayo ergadda Dastuurka, Axmed waxaa uu sheegay in Barnaamijkani hordhac u yahay sidii loo xuli lahaa Ergadda ansixindoonta Dastuurka puntland oo la doonayo in 15 la ansixiyo dastuurka kamadanbaysta ah ee puntland, Waxaa kaloo uu sheegay in uu gudigu wado sidii dadweynaha loo ogaysiin laha in ay iska xulaan cida uga qaybgalaysa Ergadaas. Dubays waxaa uu sheegay in kulankaani uusan ahayn kii ugu horeyey ee ay Bulshada sool u Qabandoonaan barnaamijyo kale oo la xiriira Nidaamka Geedi socodka ee puntland u sii siqayso. Gudoomiyaha Gobolka sool ee Puntland Axmed Ibraahim Faarax (Faracade) ayaa u Mahadceliyey ugu Horey Xubnaha ka socda Gudiga TPEC oo waday Barnaamijka loogu soo Bandhigayo Bulshada sidii ay u Fahmi lahayd Dastuurka una xulan lahayd cidda u matalaysa ergadda Ansixinta Dastuurka Puntland. Gudoomiyuhu waxaa ahmiyadda kulankani uu yahay sidii bulshadu u fahmi lahayd Dastuurkooda isla markaana ay ka arinsadaan cidii u matalaysa ansixinta Dastuurka,iyadoo puntland u hayamayso nidaamka Xukunka dadweynaha Gacanta loo galin lahaa iyagoo u madax banandonan in ay ciday rabaan dooran karaan, iyadoo laha guurayo nidaamkii Mudada lagu soo Taamayey ee ku salaynaa Qabiilka. Gudoomiyuhu waxaa uu ku Booriyey Dadweynaha in ay Ergadda u xushaan Shakhsiyaad u matali kara dadka iyo deeganka puntland. Maxamuud Xirsi Faarax oo ka mida odayaasha Dhaqanka Gobolka sool ayaa isna sheegay in ay soo dhaweynayaan Barnaamijka afti u Qaadista Dastuurka iyadoo ay xulista ergadana ay ka tashanayaan Dadka deegaanku si ay ugu gudbiyaan Gudiga doorashooyinka puntland. Haweenka ayaa iyana si weyn usoo dhaweyey nidaamka ergadda loogu xulayo ansixindoonta Dastuurka ayna la shaqayndoonaan Gudiga ku meelgaarka ah ee doorshooyinka Puntland. Caasho Jaamac Faarax oo ku Hadlaysa Magaca Hooyooyinka ayaa Goobta ka Tirisay Buraanbur ay kusoo dhaweynayso Dastuurka puntland ee lagu wado in afti Dadweyne loo Qaadayo 15 Bisha April. Dhalinyara ayaa iyana u riyaaqay in la hirgaliyo nidaamka axsaabta Badan ee ay higsanayso puntland kaasi oo ay sheegeen inuu siinayo ahmiyad balaran oo ay kaga Raysanayaan nidaamka ku salaysan Qabiilka ee la filayo in la gudbidoono dhawaan. Caaqil C/laahi Caynab ayaa lagu soo dhaweyey Codbaahiyaha waxaana uu ugu baaqay dadweynaha in la xoojiyo nabadgelyadda ayna odayaal ahaan soo dhaweynayaan nidaamka Aftida Dastuurka iyo Xulista Ergadda ansixindoonta Dastuurka puntland. Xildhibaan Maxamed jaamac Banaf oo ka tirsan xildhibaanada Baarlamanka Puntland ee ka soo jeeda Gobolka Sool ayaa kulankan soo xiray wuxuu dadweynaha kula dardaarmay in bartaan xuquuqda uu dastuurku siinayo si ugula xisaabtamaan hay’adaha dawlada. Ugu Danbaystiina waxaa Goobta lagu Qaybiyey Nuqulo ka Mida Dastuurka puntland oo ay Bixinayeen Xubnaha Gudiga Kumeelgaarka ah ee Doorashooyinka puntland.
  2. The Zack;808981 wrote: Can we now talk about the evil things this man has done or this is still too early? Let me know when they emotions settle : ) After he's buried. I'll be waiting for you.
  3. Oh no, pirate syndrome, how that one makes sense I have yet to understand. I'm just wondering how you don't know you are being hoodwinked, it's so obvious yet to are dreaming, Faroole invites the issims of Puntland, why was he there? Wow.
  4. Associated Press: In a political career spanning almost half a century, Yusuf survived several assassination attempts, two stints in jail and a liver transplant. ____________________________________________________ Born in 1934, Abdullahi Yusuf was born into a nomadic family in Nugaal region. He joined the army in 1950 in Galkacyo, Mudug region and was sent off to Italy for training in 1954, making him one of the original 16 to graduate from military academy. In 1957 at the age of 23, he became the deputy police commissioner of Banaadir. Later that year he was given the position of police commissioner of both Lower and Upper Jubba Regions. In 1960 he was sent off to Italy for military training and when he returned he became military police at the 26th division in Woqooyi Galbeed Region. In 1964, as a lieutenant officer in Bay, he fought off a surprise invasion from Ethiopian forces, he did this with light armour weapons and consequently invaded 15 km into Ethiopia. He represented Somalia at peace talks regarding the border war. That same year he was decorated with the Medal of Valor by President Aden Abdullah Osman and promoted to the rank of Colonel for his actions. He was then sent off to the prestigious Frunze Military Academy in Moscow, then the Soviet Union. In 1969, he refused to take part in a coup with then Major General Siad Barre and as a consequence imprisoned for 6 years after Siad Barre took power. When released he and then Colonel Aideed were given similar jobs at the Fiat Company in Mogadishu. In 1977, Siad Bare handpicked Abdullahi Yusuf to lead Somalia's elite forces in the ****** war. He was given a total of 35000 troops which invaded the ****** from the South till they reached their target, Mojo, 70 km south of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital. He was the only Colonel to lead divisions of the Somali Army during war and was the only Somali leader to reach the vicinity of Addis Ababa since Ahmed Gurey in wartime. After the war was lost, Abdullahi Yusuf and other military officials attempted a coup against Siad Barre in 1978, the coup failed and Abdullahi Yusuf and other officials fled to Kenya. 17 alleged co-conspirators were executed and others were sentenced for a minimum of 20 years. His actions led to reprisals against his ********** clan, specifically his Omar Mahamud sub-lineage, with over 2000 people dying of thirst after Siad Barre's paramilitary units destroyed their wells. In addition it is estimated that the clan lost 50,000 camels, 10,000 cattle, and 100,000 sheep and goats. That same year, he founded Somalia's first rebel group, the SSDF, Somali Salvation Democratic Front (then known as DFSS) and it put its base in Ethiopia. Here they used to engage the Somali Army in border skirmishes. In 1982, SSDF fought the Somali Army in two border towns, seizing it with Ethiopian help. This led to further reprisals against Abdullahi Yusuf's clan. The Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam declared the territories to be part of Ethiopia, creating tensions between the two and Abdullahi Yusuf was subsequently jailed in 1984 for not handing over the territories which Somalia later regained. The SSDF's armed wing was disbanded. He was released from a prison in Gode, ****** region in Ethiopia in 1991 after the collapse of the Derg (Haile Mariam's regime). As Somalia also transcended into chaos after the toppling of its dictator Siad Barre, Abdullahi Yusuf returned home to his ancestral homeland in North West Somalia. The SSDF is relaunched as forces loyal to Abdullahi Yusuf capture, Northern Mudug, Nugaal and Bari, and later on Sool and Eastern Sanaag. Puntland State of Somalia is then founded in 1998 with the backing of locals, business community and the clan elders, creating a state from Gaalkacyo to Buhoodle. He became the first President of the autonomous region and stayed on the post till 2001 when he lost an election. He regained his seat by toppling Jama Ali Jama which he believed had close ties with the newly formed Transitional National Government, a coalition of former warlords and Siad Barre era officials that wanted to establish a government. This subsequently failed. He was elected President of Somalia in 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya. His newly formed government was flew back to Somalia a year and a half later and made Baidoa, the capital of Bay Region, the government's seat due to Mogadishu's safety concerns. In 2006, Ethiopia invaded with the approval of the Transitional Federal Government amidst an expanding influence from the Islamic Courts union, which seized the capital of Somalia, Mogadishu and large swathes of the south. Ethiopia entered Baidoa, the temporary capital for the government and went onto Mogadishu and toppled the UIC. An insurgency progressed against the Ethiopian forces and they withdrew in 2008 after Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed resigned from his post as President. He moved abroad due to health reasons, living between Yemen and the United Arab Emirates. He died on the 23rd of March 2012 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  5. Sii socod soo socod symdrome. God help them, didn't take long for 'Liibaan' to spam with his useless quotes. If they are two maamulo then why are they in Puntland? Cajiib
  6. Nice pics,especially the chill spot
  7. Did you ever dodge bullets? Anyway, we'll stay tuned.
  8. burahadeer;808477 wrote: there was gov't in somalia & certain people dominated since it's inception in 1960 not by numbers but by deceit & ultimately destroyed it.Now that certain group r working so hard to regain the driver seat.Look abdiweli & Faroole playing dominant role?!!! that's why somalia politics will neva be straight! somaliland have no choice but to leave a quakmire altogether. Your blaming Somalia's destruction on people from Puntland? You really are a dreamer. Use your minds and compete for once instead of crying. "Oh, those Puntland people, they are so hard to compete with, we must blame them for mastering politics and we are the good ones for lacking skills".
  9. Qaranki;808553 wrote: WTF 3 days of mourning, is this serious. What do you mean?
  10. Gheelle.T;808640 wrote: Here is a quote from an Ethiopian General on the late Col. Yusuf in the battles of 77 before the Soviet came to the rescue Of course what prevented the Somali army to reach its goal was the combination of the elite Soviet advisers, Cuban,Yemenis and other Warsaw block foot soldiers that were deployed to assist the Ethiopians. Great link thanks.
  11. 1962 - Abdullahi Yusuf while under the command of General Caynanshe was part of a group of officers who foiled a coup attempt in Hargeisa, Waqooyi Galbeed which was led by Col. Koongo and Col. Kayd.
  12. Siad Barre, Abdullahi Yusuf, Salaad Gabeyre Kediye and Mohamed Ali Samatar among others. ______________________________________________________________ More pictures available in his book, Struggle and Conspiracy; A memoir.
  13. Whatever you thought of him during his TFG years, his political skills and historical footprint in Somalia can't go unnoticed, even his worst opponents would admit that. So to deny that he was a war hero is just wrong, pure and simple, just like no one can deny others who fought before the collapse of the nation.
  14. in 1977 - Abdullahi Yusuf captures his target Mojo, after Nazret, 70 km from Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa.
  15. NASSIR;808466 wrote: Where did you get these pics from? They were sent to me.