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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. Gaalkacyo (APL ): Magaalada Gaalakcyo oo uu ka Dhacayo Aas Madaxweynihii Hore ee Soomaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxaa si weyn Maanta waxaa looga Dareemayaa Gaalkacyo diyaargarow ku aadan sidii loo Xakamayn lahaa amaanka Gobolka iyo Guud ahaan Magalada Gobolkaas. Ciidamada ayaa heegan ugu jira sidii ay u Xoojin lahaayeen Nabadgelyadda Magaalada Gaalkacyo,waxaana Madaxweynaha loo Samaynayaa Aas Qaran iyadoo Marka Hore ay kusoo Horumarayso Diyadda Sidda Maydka Madaxweynaha . waxaana garoonka diyaradaha ee Aadan Cade loogu Samayndoonaa Aas qaran oo ay kasoo qaybgalayaan Madax Afrika ka imanaysa ,Madaxda Sarsare ee Dowladda KGS,iyo Dadweyne aad u tira Badan ,Janaasadda Marka Lagu tukado Marxuumka ayaa loo soo Gudbindoonaa Magaaladda Gaalkacyo oo lagu wado in halkaas lagu Aaso , Aaska Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa Galkacyo kaga Qaybgalaya Masuuliiynta Dowladda Federalka,Puntland , Salaadiin Soomaaliyeed ,kuwa puntland & Qaybaha Bulshada Reer Puntland . Madaxweynaha puntland ayaa ku wajahan Goobta Aaska eek u taal Magalada Gaalkacyo ee Xarunta Gobolka Mudug waxaana uu iminka ku suganyahay Madaxweyne Faroole iyo Wafdiga uu Hogaaminayo Degmadda Buurtinle iyadoo ay Hiirtii Hore ka soo baxeen masuuliintu Magaladda Garoowe,Aaska Madaxweynaha ayaa ah kii ugu Balaarnaa ee loo sameyo Madaxweyne Qaran.
  2. kingofkings;809185 wrote: damn! what is wrong with these people. why can't they make sane remarks. troll, do i look like somalia:confused: in case you're having difficulty sorting people apart, let me introduce myself. my user name is kingofkings and no, i am in no way, form, or shape somalia. we are to different people, however, we are friends nevertheless. i hope that helps ease your mind. For the record, the only one living in other people's shadow is you and the sad reality is you know it. All you have to do is accept it and embrace it. Last. but not least, if you still don't believe me, pm one of the admin. and ask to to compare our ip address. however, to save you the embarrassment, we live in to different continents.
  3. kingofkings;809163 wrote: if memories serve me correctly and i believe they do, he was the same dude that used a chick to defend him. i guess insanity is the least of his worries.
  4. Abdul;809160 wrote: No i meant he knows how to put you in your place,i know you guys cant fight. There are no fights here, it's simple discussions, I wonder why you need another man to defend you though, what's up with that? kingofkings, what's up with that do you think, why does Abdul need another man to defend him?
  5. kingofkings;809155 wrote: you can't rely on others to fight for you:confused: that's so wrong. Lol
  6. Clan thing? You were the one who alluded to clan politics and I merely responded, but sad we can't post it because I'll be banned for breaching your privacy. It'd be fun though :cool:
  7. Abdul;809143 wrote: Where is Abwaan ,he knows how to deal with you and your other name. Oh, Abwaan, my latest victim, cursed me out in the pm, it was hilarious, I wish I could post it but I'd be banned for violating the rules. We must always follow the rules. :cool:
  8. Peacedoon;809104 wrote: Hateful news. I dont know who to hate more: Ethiopians our archenemy or nabaddiidka alshabaab. I wonder why it is a hard choice.. :rolleyes: @Che, that is the option at this moment, it works everytime.
  9. burahadeer;809090 wrote: real show.Where are the puntland soldiers...hehe in lascanod,buhodle!!!!!!!...jajajajajajajajajaj:D Actually there's 630 Puntland troops in Buhoodle.
  10. Those pictures are from a different demonstration. So this is not only misleading, but also fake. Lol@AllSSC
  11. kingofkings;809051 wrote: since there're not here flooding the thread with their usual nonsense, i say they are speechless. :cool:
  12. It's not you that matters for me, it's the new generation which had to be pushed back several times by a bunch of coat turners. Your kind is a lost cause for me.
  13. I wonder how the divisionist Xaaji Xunjuf and his sidekick the spammer 'Liibaan' are feeling
  14. You won't debunk anything all you'll say is "amxaaro buu keenay", like Sheikh Shariif did. And that is all you got, and will ever have. This man is an iconic figure and one of the most high profile Somalis ever to have existed. That is the truth and you will be told once he's buried. For now, lets wait and take things as they come.
  15. War naga daa, @Xaaji, this must be a conspiracy implicating the highest figures of Puntland politics?
  16. kingofkings;809002 wrote: i dont' think the ssc folks on sol are going to like this. i a wait their usual noise. We showed pictures and it is still fake! These people are on something else. They deny facts.
  17. Yes, but lets wait and discuss his wrong deeds after he's buried. This thread is dedicated to the part of him people don't want to see.