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Everything posted by Somalia

  1. @oba hiloowlow When you want to add photos from RadioMuqdisho, upload them onto sites like Because they have disconnected hotlinking, we can't see it.
  2. nuune;707295 wrote: This is a generated keyword, and in most rare cases maybe based on what you have being searching on the internet, ie, the ads may appear if you have being to any matchmaking sites, or simply were looking for tips on keeping girfriends or wives. LOLOL So true
  3. The ones that were forgotten, were forgotten for a reason - Somalia SOL User/Online Intellectual
  4. I'm not sure there's nothing yet, we have yet to hear anything concrete, only rumours at this point. There might be an announcement on the signing of the PL constitution.
  5. Somalina;810690 wrote: Thread baad furtey PM soo tuurna waad leedahay? Odey Faras ka tag yaa ku yiri? tix soo daa uunbaa lagu yiri, meel fog ha aadin. Heshiis baa wax lagu bilaabaa marka hore, safkuna waa dheer yahay ee sidaa u ogoow. Damn right.
  6. Here they are on their way to Abdullahi Yusuf International. Man, that was fun
  7. It hasn't got anything to do with the US. Eritrea lost its last supplier Gaddafi, it's finished and can't even respond. I expect Ethiopia to work something out with them regarding using their ports.
  8. Africa Oil Corp. announced Monday it has discovered oil in Kenya, sending its share price soaring 54% to reach $3.63 by 10:14 a.m. ET on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The Vancouver-based company said its joint venture with Tullow Oil Plc. had struck oil at more than 20 meters deep, encouraging the company to launch an “aggressive” drilling program in next 18 months to explore the potential of its other rift basin plays in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. “The Ngamia structure is the first prospect to be tested as part of a multi-well drilling campaign in the Tertiary Rift Basin in Kenya and Ethiopia,” the company said in a statement. “Many similar leads and prospects to Ngamia have been identified and following this discovery the outlook for further success has been significantly improved.” The find was Kenya’s first major oil discovery. “This is the first time Kenya has made such a discovery and it is very good news,” President Mwai Kibaki said in a statement read on live television . “It is however the beginning of a long journey to make our country an oil producer, which typically takes in excess of 3 years.” Africa Oil Corp. has assets in Kenya, Ethiopia and Mali as well as Puntland (Somalia) through its 51% equity interest in Horn Petroleum Corporation. Read more:
  9. I like how they think Aideed is near Abdullahi Yusuf, naga fuqa man And I will keep them coming.
  10. @Abwaan, this is my last one I hope, don't get mad at me Mujaahid Geedi and ambassadors from Italy, Australia, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and the UN. Also Foreign Minister of Kenya Moses Wetangula. _________________________________________________________ Safaarada Soomaalida ee magaalada Nairobi ee Dalka Kenya ayaa u furtay buuga tacsida madaxda Soomaalida ee ku dhaqan Kenya iyo dublamaasiyiinta shisheeye. Safiirka Soomaaliya u jooga dalka Kenya Maxamed Cali Nuur (Ameeriko) oo furay buuggga tacsida iyo baroor diiqda loo samaynayo madaxweynihii hore C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo shalay lagu aasay magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa u duceeyay madaxweyne Yuusuf oo uu ku tilmaamay inuu ahaa nin qaranka u soo halgamay. Ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi oo kasoo qaybgalay baroor diiqda ayaa ku tilmaamay C/laahi Yuusuf inuu ahaa nin ay ka go’antahay midnimada Soomaaliya. Waxaana uu sheegay inay wax badan wada qabteen intii ay wada shaqaynayeen taasoo ay kamid ahayd furitaanka safaarada Soomaaliya ee magaalada Nairobi. Safiirrada wadamada Maraykanka,Talyaaniga,Australia,Itoobiya,Iiraan,Sucuudi Carabiya,Algeria, qaramada midoobay iyo wasiirka arrimaha dibada ee dalka Kenya Moses Wetangula ayaa u yimid safaarada inay tacsi u diraan shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo qoyskii madaxweyne Yuusuf iyagoo tacsidoodana ku saxiixay buugga tacsida. Waxaana safaarada la suray sawirka marxuum C/laahi Yuusuf madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya. Dhammaan safiirradii kasoo qaybgalay baroor diiqda ayaa uga tacsiyeeyay Soomaalida geeridii ku timid madaxweynihii hore. Xildhibaano iyo madax kala duwan oo kamid ah DKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa iyaguna qayb ka ahaa baroor diiqda oo ay sidoo kalana ka qayb galeen shacab ka kala yimid magaalooyinka kala duwan ee dalka Kenya. Safaarada Soomaalida ee magaalada Nairobi ayaa sheegtay inay buuga tacsida uu furnaan doono maalmaha soo socda si fursad loo siiyo dublamaasiyiinta kala duwan ee ku dhaqan dalka Kenya, kuwaasoo doonaya in farriinta tacsida ay u gudbiyaan DKMG ah ee dalka Soomaaliya.
  11. Carafaat;810190 wrote: Somalia and Samafal, should be ashamed of themselves. In one thread they oppose uniting the city of Galkacyo because of the painfull past. And here they rejoice people's reconciliation through a mere memorial of the past. I rather have memorials to remember us of the sad history of crimes committed and to reconciale us with the past, so people can start focussing on their future. Then silently relive the past by the divisions of today, clan animosity and insecurity of their region and city. I suggest we all learn from this kind of reconciliation of people's with the past. And maybe then one can take steps forard. What painful past has Galkacyo gone through? Abdullahi Yusuf was the one who allowed them to settle in the city in the 1993 agreement. Do you want me to find the documents for you? And Galkacyo is already united but not politically. So what do you want to do politically, who shall it be apart of? The majority or the minority? Or should it remain as it is.
  12. Abwaan;810179 wrote: Orod asaaydaada meelaha la wareeg talo kale ma hayside.....Ceelbuur maxaa adiga kaa khuseeya? Worry about Balli-Busle. Amxaaradu intee u jirtaa? soo transit kuma soo maraan? Haddii aad Amxaaro la dagaaleysid maad jidka u gashid. Xamarna haddaad sharaf u haysid Balli-Busle ma barbardhigteen yaad u sheegeysaa maalayacniga. Muqdisho waa magaalo madaxdii Soomaaliya, cid kaa leh iyo cid gaar u leh ma jirto laakiin haddaad ku aflagaaddootid runtaa laguu sheegaa intaas lee adiga ku dhibta karbaashna kuu ah. Ma adigoo Balli-Busle ka yimid baa Taariikh ku faanaya? Qof kasta oo balibusle ka yimaadey baa kaa taariikh wacan, no doubt about that. :cool:
  13. Yeah but I don't see how it is bad given that Aideed then drove the country into anarchy, if anything you just helped "caruurta" further the history of Abdullahi Yusuf
  14. @Abwaan He came to Mogadishu and told Aideed that one will take the PM and one will take the Presidency. Aideed refused and said that the reer waqooyi should be given a position. What happened later with Aideed? And how was it possible?
  15. ^^ Acuudi billahi "dad baad sanka ka marmarinaysaan inay ka hadlaane" He can't even hold himself back.
  16. Those are not comparable, they are about their troops freeing themselves. Yours is about the SNA. Seriously man, you people are full of cuqdad, let it go.
  17. This is the battle in Saliid 1993. Sawirkaan hoosena waa isla xiligaas waana Buuraha Saliid 1993, Waxaa sawirka qaadey Yusuf Mohamed Ismail Baribari Alla ha unaxariistee Cabdullahi markuu saraakiisha Ciidanka la shiraya wuxuu samayn jiray dhexda ayuu fariisan jiray saraakiishuna saasbay isugu geydaami jireen, hadba ninka hadlaya ayuu u jeesan joray isna taladiisuu dhiiban jiray kolkaas ayuu go’aanka gaari jiray.
  18. Warka joojiya Even Wikipedia recognizes the change.
  19. Wallee waa cajiib. Wow. Absolutely 100% pathetic, I mean let it go for God's sake.