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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. 17 in SL can be compared with a 25 year old from Europe. in terms of maturaty and experience that is.
  2. Blame it on Somaliland and Puntland they started this now every one wants his own country with in the country
  3. Kulmiye won the Lughaya district xaqsoor second and Ucid last Lughaya district is awdal region.
  4. Good job Mahiga calling Somaliland state of Somalia what was he thinking
  5. Haatu, mbona kuwalaumu yao. Wewe ni Wasomali wa Kenya pia hujulikana sijui.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;894785 wrote: Carafaat what do you mean real opposition ucid was not real opposition.they were busy with the party ucid. Never were they oppositon not now or to president rayaales govt Xaaji, atleast Ucid made Kulmiye goverment throw its wait behind Xaqsoor and Wadani.
  7. Gheelle.T;894780 wrote: ^Waryaa party-ga reerkiinu waa midkee? Gheelle, there are diffrent cousins who are candidates in the diffrent parties. like Wadani, Kulmiye, Ucid, etc. We will know after couple days which one of the cousins has received enough votes.
  8. Haatu, cayda waa maxaa. Dadkani waa dad Somaliyeed, inkasta ee aaminsanyihiin Ethiopia.
  9. A_Khadar;894769 wrote: I am waiting Xiin to see AT's posting where he compared Xiin and Alpha.. Aint voted yet. Though I voted AT few times, this time I won't.. Wanted the list added Malika, Valanteena, Juxa and few of the cool head Successionists like Stoic. A_Khadar, is because of AT's Khatumo bra shop or the Khatumo pre paid politicians thread?
  10. Xaaji maxaa ku diiday the real opposition, Ucid iyo Umadda? We all know Xaqsoor and Wadani are Kulmiye proxies.
  11. Gheelle.T;894723 wrote: ^ To be honest with you, I know nothing about the Habros/non habros and their settlements up north. I was just pointing out the clans/sub clans and their allegiances to the political parties. Gheelle, Baligubadle is inhabited mainly by one sub clan. still Kulmiye and Ucid received thousands of vote there. the SL aint that simple as you potray it.
  12. oba hiloowlow;894710 wrote: yeah right. iminka ma aniga ayaa ogolaasha iga rabtaa? Adigana ma VISA Muqdisho ku weydiista? Never!!!
  13. oba hiloowlow;894698 wrote: If i was born in Hargeysa or Boosaaso would i be allowed to claim it? Naga daa dee Yes, you would have every right to do so.
  14. Gheelle.T;894683 wrote: Habar kasta xaafaddeeda raynaysaa maaha Naga daaye dee Baligubadle Habar iska malaha.
  15. Oba, why do you talk nonsense. Xamar is just as divers as Kismayo. FYI, I was born in that city, while you came walking from Mareeg village.
  16. oba hiloowlow;894505 wrote: The Sayid and his horse should be placed back.
  17. Alpha, he is actually from Sheick. P.S. Inadeero, why dont you answer your phone?
  18. NGONGE;894678 wrote: ^^ Abadan! Waa ciyaal batata iyo durom! lool@ ciyaal patat.
  19. Daqane;894600 wrote: In a previous thread that you did not supply the answers to I asked the following questions... Have you been to Mogadishu carafaat? How is the banadiir council divided, and how would you improve this division of seats as well as the current small employee base? How is the airport and port managed by whom and in which fashion from the head to again the small employee contingent? What is the clear correlation of the creation of juba land state provided for by the different Kenyan led initiatives and the mamuul of mogadishu? In the event that people from other parts of somalia should be appointed in the banadiir administration wouild that according to your mind mean the goverment can do the same in kismayu? Maybe if you gave an answer to any of them we might take you more seriously jaale carafat.. I must have hit a nerve. Yes, the goverment should the deal the same with Muqdishu as it deal with Kismayo. But at the moment it doesnt. It demands inclusion, diversity and representetive bodies in Kismayo but it doesnt in Muqdisho.
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;894661 wrote: They are tigrayans mostly from aksum internal tigrayan disputes, They are the TPDM rebel group they are opposed to the TPLF regime of Ethiopia because Meles zanawis regime favored his own tribe from adwa over the others. They are being trained and financed by Isiyas afarwerki of Eritrea So its a sub clan of Tigreys opposing the regime.
  21. NGONGE;894652 wrote: Xaajiga himself was born a few feet away from you in utrecht. Rotop the both of you. Waryaa Ngonge, aflagada jooji. Xaajiga ma ciyaal casiir ama fish iyo chips ayaa mooday.