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Everything posted by Carafaat
Somaliland: NEC Announces Votes Recount in Hargeisa The National Electoral Commission has decided reviewing the controversial Hargeisa election results which has prompted an outcry from the public. The Chairperson of NEC Mr. Esse Yusuf Mohamed (Hamari) speaking to reporters said the commission has temporary dismissed the Hargeisa Election Results after consulting with the concerned political organization’s in order to review the vote counting process. The Commissioner said “The National Electoral Commission Headquarters has today decided to review results from a couple of districts in Hargeisa of Maroodi Jeeh region in order to satisfy the discontent candidate’s from the various political parties and also to defuse tensions in order to avert the cycle of violence the capital has seen in the past two days. Mr. Hamari added the commission has agreed with all political parties that only the Electoral results from a couple of districts in Hargeisa shall be reviewed ,” although I believe that not much will change from the second counting of the ballot boxes, we are doing this to satisfy the dissatisfied parties. The Decision to repeat the vote counting by NEC was prompted by the condemnation of the code of conduct of the electoral commission by the public. Goth M Goth Somalilandpress.com
General Duke;897452 wrote: So much for free and fair elections. Whole clans are upset and some are overjoyed. Carafat seems unhappy not sure why? I protesting against these sub clan based elections. waa uff
Who can trust the NEC and the oligarchy government of Mr. Siilanyo with any election any more after this travesty!? http://www.qarannews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15126&Itemid=65
Beel Ku Eedaysay Muuse Biixi Inuu Codkoodii Boobay Oo Musharax Kale Ku Soo Saaray http://www.qarannews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15131&Itemid=62
Doorashadii 5aad ee S/land oo ku Shaashowday Shicib lalaayey iyo ku Shubasho Xad-dhaafa. http://www.qarannews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15141&Itemid=65
“Waa Doorashadii ugu Horreysay ee Somaliland ku Guuldarraysato, Guulna ii Noqon Mayso Guuldarrada Somaliland.” http://www.jamhuuriya.info/view_article.php?article_id=18972
Guddomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Muuse Bixii ayaa iska Difaacay eedeymo Shegayey in Xisbigiisu ku shubtay Doorashadii Golaha deeganka. (HALKAN KA DHEGAYSO) http://waaheen.com/?p=55052
Did I hear Dr.Ali Khaliif say "Waqooyi" must come together?
STOIC;897443 wrote: Chaaw!...waar waa pure clan politics...Its like me sporting Uciid jersey and my wife sporting Kulmiye jersey...Clan is indeed everything! The question is how is it possible that the wife win more then you. Mee ka xoog badan tahay?
Ucid vice Chairmen Cali Guray: Xasan Xiise(Xaqsoor) loves Somaliland more then all the Kulmiye officials http://www.hadhwanaag.com/detail.aspx?id=84330
Xaqsoor Party demands votes recount of all Somaliland regions http://www.caynabanews.com/view.php?id=21382
Somaliland Socities Europe warn Somaliland goverment in using force and bullets against demonstrating youth http://www.caynabanews.com/view.php?id=21405
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Che -Guevara;897433 wrote: Can these issues be resolved without whipping tribal passions into a frenzy? No. Somaliland politics is all about clan based party politics. Just check who got elected for which party and their sub clan. How will you avoid clan passion. http://www.haatuf.net/2012files/4185.html
Electoral Comnission admits mistakes and cancels earlier resultst in Hargeysa. promises recount. http://www.jamhuuriya.info/view_article.php?article_id=18974
Che, they would have if it was about small irregularities. But it seems Kulmiye won in most districts while being least popular. And to make matters worst Kulmiye Chairmen seems to have several cousins get elected in Hargeysa. This added more fuel.
Naxar Nugaaleed;897419 wrote: Lol Warya Carafat, history has taken on a quite different thing among our people lately, malleable, midkey cugdad ku jirtaba "buug" meel lama soo fadhisan. Bal Kee banu akhrina the trick is true read diffrent sources, then you will get a more complete picture. you cant rely on your uncles version alone.
Kulmiye MP accused of voter fraud, flees his home http://www.qarannews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15127&Itemid=59
Kulmiye Chairmen accused of voter fraud by north Hargeysa community.. http://www.qarannews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15136&Itemid=59
Kulmiye accused of voter rigging http://waaheen.com/?p=55052
NEC annouces voter recount in Hargeysa http://www.haatuf.net/2012files/4196.html
Somaliland: President Silaanyo Requests Halt To Recount, NEC Chair demurs. Written by Qaran news ** Dec 09, 2012 at 11:00 AM * Hargeisa(Qarannews)- According to reliable sources within the presidency, who wish to remain anonymous, Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Silaanyo" telephoned to the chair of the Somaliland Electoral Commission (NEC) Eng. Ise Yusuf Mohamed "Ise Hamari" on Sunday to request the cancellation of the proposed recount of votes in the local election council in Hargeisa and Marodi Jeh. Citing the need for the safeguarding the nation's stability and security and the validity of the recent local council election, President Silaanyo made his request to the chair and was rebuffed. Our sources confirm that the NEC chair Eng. Ise Hamari demurred on the President's request along with another request by the erstwhile Presidency minister, Hersi Ali Hassan, that only the votes from the district of Ahmad Dhagah be recounted in the presence of Xaqsoor members. Our sources also confirmed that the chair of the Somaliland Electoral Commission (NEC), Eng. Ise Yusuf Mohamed "Ise Hamari" had threatened to resign if there are more interference from the administration in NEC procedures and process. Having met with the party leaders, the NEC commission have committed themselves to a recount of the whole of Hargeisa and Marodi Jeh ballots, box by box. Our attempts to contact the chair of the NEC to go on the record on this matter have been unfruitful, as the chair is not answering neither his office or mobile phones. Qarannews
Naxar Nugaaleed;897391 wrote: Salaad gaba who? Wasn't the mastermind the president Naxar really should try to read more on history, except the kacaan sources!
Alpha Blondy;897328 wrote: by far the worst group of people to go on holidays with! i'd take: 1. archdemos 2. inaadeero arafat 3. Alpha 4. Rudy 5. oba Alpha, add wyre to the group. Arabs know how to entertain.
Naxar Nugaaleed;897240 wrote: Stoic and Somalia, like other khatumo haters, that darwiish country would be the first place they would use airplanes in Africa is testiment to the kinda warriors the darwiish were. Saalax and Wadani, AMA jidbale, AMA taleex AMA midhisho kolay so all darwiish ma aheen. Hater foqal haters They well all Darwiish, but not all from the same clan as some potray that particular movement.