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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Nuune, If you used your green Somali Aiport then you would have only paid $10 dollar.
  2. by Mohamud M Uluso Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Clan politics, rivalry and hatred have ruined the social bond, moral principles and trust among Somalis who share common language, culture, territory, history, and religion. Now, three political manifestations -secession, clan based federalism, and unitary decentralized political system- divide them and are obstacle to the recovery of the lost nation of Somalia. The Provisional Constitution (PC) rejects secession, suggests voluntary federalism of regions while it establishes a unitary democratic central government. Respect of human rights, political and civil rights for all citizens, free market economic system, political pluralism, and promotion of peace constitute the basic foundation of the new constitution. The US diplomatic recognition of the government of Somalia gives impetus to the implementation of these goals and offers space and encouragement for internal unity and dialogue. Therefore, the people of Somalia led by their farsighted and legitimate leaders have the responsibility to engage a national dialogue that aims to respond to the sentiments and anxieties underlying the three political manifestations so that strong Somalia can bargain with the International Community. In his 1963 book on Somali nationalism, Saadia Touval wrote, “Somali nationalism stems from a feeling of national consciousness in the sense of “we” as opposed to “they” which has existed among the Somalis for many centuries. It was nurtured by tribal genealogies and traditions, by the Islamic religious ties, and by conflicts with foreign people.” This kind of exceptional Somali nationalism is now needed more than ever. Bad faith political negotiations fail Somalia.. Today’s acrimonious relation among Somalis is in full public display. Late Said Osman Kenedid captured this sad situation when he said in his book “xusuusqor”, a Somali becomes foe of the other when clan difference is discovered. This approximates the present social breakdown. Clan federalism worsens the situation and tears Somalia apart. It’s an overstatement or wrong to claim that the PC has created a federal government for Somalia. Yes, article 1(1) stipulates the establishment of the Federal Republic of Somalia (FG). The stakeholders of this FG are the 4.5 clans represented by the 275 members of the Federal Parliament (FP) and not by Federal Member States (FMS), Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama, Ras Kamboni or by other factions. In accordance with articles 48 and 49 of the PC, the FP must enact a law establishing the parameters and conditions to be used for the establishment of FMS and appoint a commission that will study the issue. The findings of the commission will determine the options. Article 49 (6) sets only one parameter: The voluntary merger of two or more regions based on the 1991 boundaries can form a FMS. In the interim, FG will represent the country and administer the regions and districts. Clan-based federalism is against many articles of the PC. For example it is against article 8 on the people and citizenship; Article 11 concerning equality of all citizens and prohibition of clan based discrimination; Article 21 on the freedom of movement and residence; Article 46 which prescribes that the power of self-governance begins and ends with the people. Article 142 does not recognize in name the existing FMSs and harms national interest. To appreciate the concept of federalism in Somalia, a review of the different views, motivations and perceptions propounded by ***** and ***** ***** (Puntland) for their resolute support of federalism is helpful. In 1991, some politicians suggested a federal system between the two territories united on July 1960. Hizbia ***** (HDM) Party of “**** clan” proposed in 1947 a clan-based federal system later debated in 1957 and rejected by the parliament. In his paper titled “the emergence and role of political parties in the inter-river region (1989),” Prof Mohamed H. Mukhtar noted that HDM divided the Somali Italian territory into two regions: North of the Shabelle River and South of it. Sheikh Abdullahi Sheikh Mohamed (Bogodi), founder of HDM told the Four Power Commission sent to Somalia in 1947 the following: My people are those who behave themselves better than others. We always prevent other people from making trouble or robbing. .. The Other people who are not *****, they may live and stay with us, but we want them behind us recognizing the land as belonging to us and not to them. One of the three things the founder requested the Commission was that “the country in which ***** live always to be regarded as belonging to them and if the government who live with them wish anything from them they want the government to be discussed with them.” As a result, HDM federalism was for land ownership and intended to take place between ***** clan and the rest. No significant power was allowed to the central Government. In May 1998, sub clan ***** ***** decided to form a “Puntland State” composed of five regions –Mudug, Nugal, Bari, Sol and Sanag- and to make “ clan federalism” the national form of government. On October 9, 2010, Mr. Mohamed Abshir Waldo published a paper on Federalism: Birth of Puntland in which he put forward three reasons why Puntland decided to predetermine a federal system for Somalia. They are: (1) to heal and overcome the fear, hatred and distrust of the bloody civil war; (2) To take a middle solution between an autocratic, centralized system of government -which is an imaginary future government, and the outright secession of Somaliland. Sanag and Sol regions are claimed by Somaliland; 3. To emphasize district level socio economic development. Residents in Puntland became divided into two categories: Puntland citizens and refugees. There was no economic, social political and legal study about the feasibility of a federal system for Somalia or preliminary discussion among Somalis. Mr. Waldo stressed that “It [the decision] was not borne out of emotion, clan sentimentalism or as resentment resulting from the clan cleansing massacre of thousands of people originating from the current Puntland regions that took place in what is now known as South-Central Somalia (SCS) mainly in Mogadishu.” Puntland State is now in confrontation with FG over the formation of Jubbaland State which will comprise three regions-Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba and Gedo and will be under the rule of *****, ******, and ******* as the majority group out of 38 clans in the area. As consequence, Bay, Bakol and Lower Shabelle regions will be under ***** rule. Middle Shabelle, Hiran, and Galgudud regions will be under ****** rule. Togdher, North West, and Awdal regions will be under **** rule. In consideration of clan imagination, Mogadishu, the capital and seat of FG will be under sub-clan Abgal-********** rule. To revive HDM federalism, a preparatory conference for a new State of six regions-Bay, Bakol, Gedo, Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba and Lower Shabelle is underway in Baidoa, Bay region. Puntland federalism aims to deal with past and future “clan cleansing” and to control the central power if ever emerges. In Somalia, “clan cleansing” takes place every day as long as clans fight and people leave their homes for new destinations. It happened different parts of the country. Somalia clan federalism resembles the clan division suggested by President Yuweri K. Museveni of Uganda in his letter dated July 15, 2009 for handling the Banyoro political grievance against Bafuruki in Banyuro region. Banyoro are considered an indigenous (natives) clan, while Bafuruki (migrants/settlers)- a derogatory word are Ugandan citizens whose ancestral land is not Banyuro region even if they they were born in it. The President proposed clan land ownership and ring-fencing the positions of local councils and Member of Parliament for the indigenous Banyoro clan. This has raised firestorm inside and outside Uganda because it was seen as tribalism, unpatriotic and unconstitutional and later President Museveni backtracked. The signs of many problems associated with clan federalism like violent minority dissent within are now visible in Puntland. In fact, clan federalism rather than solving the problems of bad governance expands them. Only Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa practice clan based federalism in the African continent. A comparative study carried out in 2012 shows that African federalism fails for at least nine causes like a lack of commitment to democratic values and obstruction of the central government authority. In the gloomy prospect for Somalia’s future, the observations of Saadia Touval about Somali nationalism provide pride and hope. He testified that Somali leaders were always striving to eradicate “political tribalism” because it was and still is detrimental to national harmony. In 1958, political parties with clan names were banned. He also stated that Somali leaders (northerners) gave up their privileged positions for the sake of realizing the broader nationalist goals of unifying the British and Italian territories in 1960. These kinds of patriotism are deeply rooted in the Somali culture and could re-emergence at the right moment like today. MohamudM Uluso
  3. Haatu;917144 wrote: This was a crime carried out by the kenyans. Whether or not their Somali puppets knew about it is irrelevant. As for justice, give me a break. These people can't even get a km of road built and you think they're capable of getting justice. One does not solve Somali clan disputes by using the Kenyan Military to wipe out entire communities. Wouldnt suprise me if the same is repeated in Jubba region.
  4. Daqane;916908 wrote: Things just got physical!! Xaaladda Magaalada Baydhabo oo kacsan Jimco, February 08, 2013(HOL): Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta u ah Gobolka Bay ayaa waxay sheegayaan in xaaladda magaaladaas ay aad u kacsan tahay kaddib markii ay la weeraray hotel uu magaalada Baydhabo ka deganaa guddoomiyaha cusub ee ay dowladda Soomaaliya u magacawday Gobolka Bay. Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in ciidamo uu horkacayay Guddoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Bay C/fataax Ibraahim Geesey ay weerareen Hotel Eeden oo uu degan yahay Guddoomiyaha cusub ee Gobolka Bay Cabdi Aadan Hasoow. Intii aysan ciidamada Guddoomiyihii hore gudaha u gelin hotelka ayaa waxaa goobta soo gaaray Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah, kuwaasi oo la wareegay ammaanka Guddoomiyaha, waxaana lagu soo warramayaa in Guddoomiyihii hore iyo ciidamadiisa ay goobta ka tageen ka hor intii aysan soo gaarin ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah. Ciidamo faro badan oo raxan-raxan u socda ayaa gudaha magaalada lagu arkaa, kuwaasi oo aan horay gudaha magaalada loogu arki jirin. Guddoomiyihii hore C/fataax Geesey ayaa ka soo horjeestay go’aan ka soo baxay Dowladda Soomaaliya, kaasi oo guddoomiyenimada gobolka Bay loogu magacaabay Cabdi Aadan Hasoow. La soco wixii ku soo kordha xaaladda Magaalada Baydhabo. Xafiiska Wararka Hiiraan Online Sheeko waalan walee. Is this the usual L vs H story?
  5. AUN Aphopis and Haatu should apologize, for this massacre created by their uncles.
  6. Why attack Horseednews and speculate on their intention? They are just messenger. Better to discuss issues.
  7. Sxb, I am not upset. Just contributing my 3 cent to the discussion. Some ppl can actually discuss issues without being a prisoner to ones own condition. You should try it.
  8. We should blame the FM. After all he is the Minister responsible for Foreign Affairs.
  9. NGONGE;916275 wrote: Guru, Are you free now? I think that phone call is long overdue. Plus, I need to talk some sense into you warya. As for what you say there; well, there really nothing much I could say about your worries and unease (for that's all it is). The bottom line here is that at no stage did SL declare, announce or even hint at a wish to rejoin Somalia. The SL government has been clear that it is engaging in the talks to engineer a civil option of parting the ways with Somalia. However, since these are talks to clarify the relationship and since the "other side" still have hope of bringing SL back to the fold, it should come as no surprise to you that some Somalis will talk about the end of SL as an independent nation. They will talk about working together to fight terror and piracy. They will talk about helping each other in certain areas and they will talk about sharing lessons in democratic processes and what not. But when it comes to Somalia being one nation, the SL delegation will shrug and refer the Somalis to the demand that you, I and every Somalilander had for the past twenty one years. Meesho maqaaxi maaha, saaxib. It's not the Imam's silly tantrums about being Somali one day and wanting to breakaway the next. SL professes to be an independent, democratic and organised nation. It claims to be ahead of Somalia when it comes to political maturity and practice. Therefore, it has to act the part and show that it is willing to do anything and everything when it comes to working together. It needs to openly display its flexibility and wisdom. It needs to appease all observers by proving to them that this quest for independence is not born out of the whim of a few fickle characters and that there is no going back on SL's secession. You really need to stop panicking every time Somalia gets something positive going its way. You also have to remember that this is a nation being brought back from the dead and that only such positive actions will help it sustain itself on the road to recovery. But, none of that has much to do with the TALKS between the two sides nor does it change the SL stance. Only you and I can do that. No they havent. But sure they(Minister of Foreign Affairs and President) act like it. And for one to judge, one needs only to observe how one behaves. And in that case they for sure say one and do another.
  10. Till there is some clarity on the outcome of the talks and the future relations between Somalia and Somaliland, It would be wise not participate in Somalia conferences. But the goverment has done the contrary till so far.
  11. Sunday, 03 February 2013 11:12 IS-BEDELKA SOMALIA, WUXU MUDAN YAHAY FOOJIGNAAN IYO DIB ISU-HABEYN” ENG MAXAMED XAASHI CILMI Haddii aan ku horeeyo, Qaab-Dhismeedka Qaranka: “Qod. 37-2. Dhismaha Qaranku wuxu ka kooban yahay saddex waaxood oo kala ah: Fulinta, Xeer-dejinta iyo Garsoorka……., Waax waliba awoodda Dastuurku u gaar yeelay way u madax bannaan tahay”. Waa ku talagal is-dheelitir ah. Qoraalkani, wuxu ku saabsan yahay, sidii loo sixi lahaa gafafkii is-biirsaday ilaa1991. Sida musuq-maasuqa baahay iyo Dastuurka, la baal-maray. kuwaas oo halis ku ah horumarka Dalka. Waxana maamulka la toosin karaa, marka lagu dhaqanka sharciyada Dalka. Kuwaas oo Sal u ah: Cadaaladda, Nabad-galyada, Kobcinta dhaqaalaha & horumarka dalka guud ahaa ba. Waxa Dalka soo maray affar Madaxweyne, oo lagu dhaariyay: DASTUURIGA Qod.129. “Waxaan Ilaahay Ugu Dhaartay In Aan U Noqonayo Daacad Diinta Islaamka, Dalkayga Somaliland, Dadkiisana Ku Maamulayo Sinnaan Iyo Caddaalad Inta Aan Xilka Hayo”. Haddii aan ku bilaabo, dhaqaaluhu waa laf-dhabarka Dawladi ku tamariso. Waa In la kobciyo kharashkana la dhimo, si dalka u dhismo dadweynuhuna daryeel u helaan. Waa arrin muhim ah, oo mudan ku talo galkeeda. Affarta Madaxweyne ee hogaanka Dalka soo maray, laba way geeriyootay ( A H N). Labada NOOL ayay faaladani khusaysaa, oo wadaga:- Burinta Dhaarta, Baal-maridda Dastuurkaiyo ku Tagrifalka hantida Qaranka. 1.Madaxwene Rayaale, muddadi xilku waxa ay kaga dhamaatay, adduun urursi iyo Daaro iibsi. Waxa kale oo laga dhaxlay, deyn ka badan, (U.S.D. toddobaatan milyan ($ 70 milyan), oo ayna ku jirin, daarihi iyo dhulkii Dawladda ee ay iibiyeen. WuxuRayaale TAHLI waayay, inuu bixiyo affar bilood Mushaharkii shaqaalaha, kii ciidamadana laba bilood. Waxa kale, oo deyn badan lagaga yeeshay: Raashinkii jeelasha, cusbataalada iyo ciidamada. Kharahkii hawl socodsiinta Jan-July 2010 oo ahaa; $ 22 milyan, dawladana bixisay. Xukuumadda Rayaale ma gaadheen bishii Sept. 2010, haddii aan doorashadii ka soo gaadhin.2. Madaxweyne Ahmed Maxamed wuxu yidhi, waxba uraacimaayo, hantidii Rayaale iyo Xukuumaddisii lunsatay.Ilaalinta hantida Qaranku waa waajib saran Madaxweynaha iyo Xukuumaddiisa. Waxanay ku caddahayDastuurka Qod.96-t.Ku xad gudub Dastuurka. Mudnaanta Siyaasadda A. Dibadda, Daryeelka Dadweynaha Iyo Horumarka Dalka. Aqoonsigii Somaliland ee 26 June 1960, halagu raadiyo, siffo sharci. Khudbaddii Madaxweyne Axmed ee 30 Jan 2013 qaybtii A. Dibaddu aad bay u fiicnayd. Balse waxa ay noqon, hal-bacaad lugu lisay, haddii laga qaybgalo shirka Somalia loo qaban doono May2013, ee Somaliland loo aqoonsan yahay, dawlad goboleed Somalia ka mid ah. Waa KHAYAAMO QARAN KA QAYB-GAL KEEDU. ARRINTA Somaliland way ka culus tahay, sheekaysii laba Madaxweyne, isu hor fadhiistaan. Waa in wada hadalku ahaado mid, innaga iyo iyaga ah, oo ka baxsan shirka goboleed Somalia. La soo noqoshada madax-bannaanida Somaliland waa GO’AAN AFTI- DADWEYNE. Waa in garyaqaano caalamiya iyo xog loo urursado, wada hadalada. Hay’adaha ajnabiga ee Dalka ku jooga, magaca Somalia, waa marag ,qiraal ah in aynu qayb ka nahay Somalia. Hay’aduhu ka joogeen Dalka magaca Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ama DHAKHSO ha innoo dhaafeen. Baahiyaha iyana xusidda mudan:- In miisaaniyadda lagu daro waxa ka mid ah, dawada Umulaha oo ANGELA GORMAN- British, inagu caawiso, sidii loo yarayn lahaa dhimashada umulaha. Laba iyo tobankii UMULOOD ba (1/12) mid GEERIYOOTO. Dawooyinkaa umuluhu waa:- MAGNESIUM SULPHATE. Qiimuhu yahay: Ampoul sls 10,000 ama 1 tab 2,000 sls iyo MISOPRTOL 1 tab. sls 5,000 Umushii ba. Waa wax jaban. In miisaaniyadda lagu daro, $ 240,000 sannadkii, si bukaan-jiifka kalyuhu fadhiistaan, looga dhimo kharashka dawada. “HAANI GUNTAY KA TOLANTAA”. Xukuumaddu, xil ha iska saarto daryelka, Shaqaalaha iyo ciidamada. Sannadkii 2011 waxa loo kordhiyay mushaharka 100%. Talagalku wuxu ahaa, 100 % kale, in loo kordhiyo. Shanti sano ba, lagu jaan-gooyo maceshadda Dalka. Qod. 20- 3. Shaqaaluhu waxay xaq u leeyihiin mushahar u dhigma hawsha ay qabtaan…. Qod. 20- 5 shaqaalaha dawladdu iyo xubnaha ciidamada qalabka sida waxay xaq u leeyihiin gunnada hawl-gabka iyo kaalmada bukaanka ama shilka iyo kaalmada qofka naafooba oo xeerka waafaqsan.TALA-GALKII, KORODHKA MUSHAHARKA SHAQAALAHA / CIIDAMADA SANNADKII.
  12. Xaaji, this is no laughing matter! Its already worse enough that there is quite some confusion and that public is left in the dark about this sudden visit of Siilanyo to UK. Even the VP didnt agree with the visit. Instead of explaining it to the public, he insults and starts name calling.
  13. Somalilands nr 1 diplomat.
  14. The SL Foreign Minister is the most incometent figure in Siilanyo's goverment. Not only did he violate the constitution, but he even drags the President to all kind of diffrent conferences for personal gain.
  15. metta;915953 wrote: No. I don't believe in their self determination when it comes to staying with Somalia. I want them out of Somalia. Their opinion is irrelevant. Any other issue like who Khatuumo wants to join (Sland or Pland), they should have self-determination. Let's be honest, do you think the people of Hiiraan, the Shabelle, Galgaduud and the other side of Mudug want to share a country with Puntland and Jubbaland? The answer is no. Same with Jubbaland and Puntland. They don't want to share a nation. They much rather protest a innocent President outside London over his clan. Somalia cannot and will not work. We need to convince them that separation is the best solution to our problems. Faroole has already entertained the idea. Some diaspora Jubbalanders have talked about it. I think it's possible. Very possible. Let's be real: Let's say Mahamuud gives Sland their recognition and tells the international community to recognize them, do you think Puntland will be pleased? They will be jealous. They will want recognition too. Hopefully Jubbaland will express interest too. So you see, it is very possible. They may not be 100% now but they will be if Sland separates officially. What do you think? Why are you promoting sessecion of Puntland and Jubbaland?
  16. Why are all the Puntlanders so silent on these ridicolous ideas coming from Faroole and beesha members?
  17. Beesha has a thing for redrawing maps. Somalia has seen enough of that.
  18. The hell with Alpha Blondy. We want a new Governor, maybe a Makhirian or a Hunno Somalilander(one from Gebiley or Borama).
  19. Xaaji, Sahil is a progressive region. We demand a new governor as well. We demand the same treatment as Hargeysa.
  20. Hargeysa region is being run by a Dhulos. Thats what I call governance.