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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh oo Villa Somalia ku Casumey Madaxweynaha Jubaland iyo ku Xigeenkiisa, faahfaahin Heshiiskii Adis Abeba Ka dib heshiis maanta duhurkii 21 Ogoosto, 2103 Adis abeba ku dhexmaray Madaxweynayaasha Jubaland iyo Dowlada Federaalka ah ayaa Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh Wuxuu Casumaad rasmi ah u fidiyey Madaxweynaha Jubaland Axmed Maxmed Islaam iyo ku Xigeenkiisa Cabdulaahi Sheikh Ismaaciil Farataag iney booqasho ku yimaadaan Muqdisho. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh wuxuu kaloo sheegey in loo baahan yahay in lasii wado dib u heshiisiinta Gobolada isla markaasna la sameeyo tanaasul dheer oo dhinacyo badan taabanaya. Heshiiskii maanta dhex maray Jubaland iyo Dowlada Federaalka ayaa Dowladu waxay si buuxda u aqoonsatey Maamulka Axmed Madoobe iyadoo horey dhowr jeer Madaxweyne xasan Sheikh u sheegey in deegaankaas ay ka jiraan Madaxweynayaal dhowra isla markaasna uusan mid gaara aqoon saneyn. Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa kaalin muuqata ka qaadatey in labada dhinac heshiis isla gaaraan iyadoo cadaadis adagna la saarey, Hebayn hore ayaa labo Ergo oo kakala socda labada Madaxweyne ay Wax heshiis ah isla gaari waayeen iyadoo kulan Casho ah oo labada Madaxweyne isku arkeen uu isna ku dhamaadey guul la’aan, saaka waabarigii ayaaWasiirka Arimaha dibada Itoobiya Dr Tedros wuxuu ukala dhexeeyey socod labada dhinac ah oo uu ukala dabqaaday tasoo dhalisey in labada dhinac is arkaan ayna wada hadlaan, isla markaasna heshiis wada gaaraan. Heshiiska ayaa nuxurkiisu ahaa in dowlada Federaalka ah ay si buuxda u aqoonsato Gobolada Jubada hoose, Jubada Dhexe iyo Gedo ay yihiin maamul Goboleed uuna Madaxweyne u yahay Axmed Maxamed Islaam isla markaasna Doorkii Dowlada dhexe la waafajiyo. Jubaland waxay hoosta ka xariiqeren iney iyagoo raacaya Dastuurka Federaalka ah ay si buuxda ula shaqaynayaa Madaxwyen Xasan Sheikh iyo Xukuumada Raysal Wasaare Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon. Waxaa la isla meel dhigey oo kale in waxayaabaha dhiman lagu dhameeyo Casumaad uu Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh ku casumey hogaanka Jubaland magaalada Muqdisho, lama shaacin xiliga ay Jubaland aadayaanm Villa Soomaaliya. Adis Abeba
  2. War deg deg– Shir deg deg ah oo hada dhex maray jubaland iyo Dowlada Federaalka ah heshiis rasmi ahna la isla gaarey Iyadoo kulankii Xalay natiijo la’aan ku dhamaadey ayaa hadana Itoobiya waxay tan iyo saaka ukala dabqaadeysey labada dhinac ilaa aakhirkii maanta duhurkii mar kale la isu keeney Madaxweyne Xasan iyo Madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe. Labada dhinac tanaasul ayay isu sameeyeen waxaana la isla meel dhigey heshiis rasmi ah. Dowlada Federaalku waxay Sharuud la’aan aan taageereen Dowlada Jubaland, Iyadoo Sadexda Gobol yihiin Maamul jira ayna Dowlada Dhexe si buuxda u aqoonsan tahay. Waxaa kaloo la isla meel dhigey in Dastuurka la raaco si aan qalad dabe u dhicin. Heshiiskaan waxaa ka xumaadey Xildhibaanadii awal Dowlada la socdey ee ka qayb galay wada hadaladii shalay, waxayna ku tilmaameen khiyaanovQaran. Wafdiga Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh Galabta ayay u dhoofayaan Muqdisho, Madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe Beri ayuu u duulayaa Nairobi, Wafdiga kale ee Jubaland waxay kusii jeedaan Jigjiga waxaana hagaaminaya Madsxweyne Xigeenka Jubaland Jen. Farataag. Goor dhow ayaa Saxaafada loosoo bandhigayaa Heshiiska dhex marey Dowlada Jubaland iyo Dowlada Federaalka. Adis Abeba
  3. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;974258 wrote: Shimbiryahoow heesa, hees wanaagsan heesaa. MMA, Thanks for posting this agreement. It quite ironic and sad that after 20 years of civil war, 20 years after the Addis Abeba peace conferences in foreign lands and 20 years after UNOSOM. We are back at square one and still trying to negotiating peace between Somalis in Addis Abeba of all places.
  4. Egypt's government crosses a red line Security forces arrested the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, something not done under Mubarak's rule. Last modified: 20 Aug 2013 15:54 Mike Hanna Mike Hanna is an award-winning correspondent with more than 30 years' experience. It was a red line that even the Mubarak regime would not cross - the arrest of the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood. The organisation itself was outlawed and tens of thousands of Muslim Brotherhood members were imprisoned in the Mubarak years - but the detention of the General Guide himself was apparently never contemplated as it was regarded as too incendiary an act. The General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood is far more than the most senior of administrative positions within the organisation - he is also regarded as a role model for members, a man of unimpeachable integrity, strong moral code, and above all, the deepest religious faith. The General Guide is supposed to embody the social and religious values that drive the Muslim Brotherhood not just in Egypt but around the world. Mohamed Badie has held the position of General Guide since 2011 - and in his public pronouncements at least has advanced the idea of a tolerant and moderate organisation. Even in the heated atmosphere of a mass rally held to protest the military takeover of government at the beginning of July he had this to say - “Our revolution is peaceful, and will remain peaceful, and God willing our peacefulness is stronger than their bullets”. During the period the government of Mohamed Morsi was in power Badie gave the appearance of being more politically moderate than the president who had once been one of his followers in the Muslim Brotherhood. Voting during the referendum on a controversial new constitution he told reporters: “We should have dialogue by speaking kindly to each other. There can be no dialogue through the throwing of stones, or with bullets, or by using guns”. Yet this is the man who now stands accused of inciting violence leading to the deaths of hundreds of people, including his own son, Ammar, who was shot by police while demonstrating at Ramses Square in Cairo a few days ago. The message being sent out by the interim government and its military backers in this arrest is very clear and final - there will be no dialogue. Along with his Deputy General Guide, Khairat el-Shater, and other senior Muslim Brotherhood leaders Badie will appear in a Cairo court on August 25. He is being held in the same prison as the man that his organisation helped bring down in the revolution two and half years ago - Hosni Mubarak.
  5. Xiinfaniin, All Aid can be considered as having political motives to gain support. Weather this Aid comes from the US, EU, AU, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Somalias goverment, Somali diaspora or even from a Somali clan. But denying your opponent aid or food, in order to remain in power is desperate act and a grave mistake. Surely you can see that. This article from Horseed Media even calls it an act of oppression! SOMALIA: Puntland – Food and Oppresion! During a war by denying your enemy food was a means to weaken him. So by starving him and his family forcing him to surrender to you. In today’s world Humanitarian Aid is given by those countries able to provide food to those in need. Yes, you can find Food Aid marked with such as “Donated by the people of XXXX country”. Some may see this as political others as a means to show that the people of the world have not forgotten them. Countries of different beliefs both give and accept assistance for the benefit of those in need. The welfare of their people being above politics. Who would be the one to turn away the orphan and not urge others to feed the poor? Yet we now see this by the ‘government’ of Mr Farole! PRESS RELEASE Somalia: Puntland Sends Back to Mogadishu Politicized Turkish Aid Puntland State of Somalia 10 August 2013 A ship transporting so-called food aid from Mogadishu intended for specific districts of Puntland has arrived near Port of Bossaso, while Puntland Government received no communication regarding this matter whatsoever. The illegal manner in which the food shipment arrived in Puntland and the intentional bypassing of Puntland Government is clear violation by Federal Government against Puntland Government and its laws. Puntland Government nominated a Ministerial Committee to assess and decide on this matter. The Committee studied the shipment’s documents, assessed the manner in which the shipment was organized and sent, confirmed the objectives and political interests involved, acknowledged that the Federal Government did not send a request or any communication to Puntland, and the Committee decided to send the shipment back to the original source. It has become clear that this shipment is part of Federal Government’s political manipulation in Somalia, in gross violation of Provisional Federal Constitution and Puntland Constitution. The Committee expresses its disappointment with the Turkish Red Crescent office in Mogadishu, which requested Federal Government’s Ministry of Interior and National Security to provide security for food distribution in districts of Puntland. Puntland Government will soon send an official letter to Turkish Red Crescent and the Turkish Government to provide clarification on this politicized violation that Turkey has become part of. Puntland Ministerial Committee 1. Minister of Security and DDR 2. Minister of Finance 3. Minister of Interior and Local Government 4. Minister of Ports and Maritime Transport 5. Minister of Information and Telecommunications — END — So Mr Farole and his Puntland Ministerial Committee are happy to see people in Puntland starve! Mr Farole and his fellow travellers are no doubt feasting at this time, yet deny their own people. The hypocrisy of denying food to the people of Puntland claiming “Politicized Aid” whilst as such seeks to deny any who oppose him basic Humanitarian Aid! Yet another deliberate act of aggression against the people of Puntland. Not content with the shooting of women and children Mr Farole would also like to see them starve.If a person stole food from your family would this not be considered a crime? As such are not Mr Farole and his Puntland Ministerial Committee, by depriving the people of Puntland of Humanitarian Aid in the form of food aid also guilty of theft? A crime against the people of Puntland, a crime against Humanity? Yet this is the man, Mr Farole, and his so called ministers who being only interested in their own greed want to remain in power in Puntland! The people of Punland need and expect better than this. Daud Omar
  6. Naxar Nugaaleed;974168 wrote: Yaa Doctor, yes I am a "secularist". lets be clear though, there is no suppression in a secular society, you are left to your own devices unlike a theocratic one Might I suggest though that logic and even Islam are also "secularist", does not Islam say there is no compulsion in religion and to each his own religion? all that is beside the point though, did even see Mubarak as a Secularist but my "support" (I prefer understanding rather then support) has nothing to do with that but everything to do with the undignified treatment of a ailing old man who devoted his whole life to his country. In your eyes the Egyptian military coupe and dictatorship killing and arresting thousands isnt suppression. But the democratic elected government of Morsi is suppression.
  7. DoctorKenney;974136 wrote: I'm not surprised at all saaxib. This is coming from Naxar, a man who's secularist inclinations are in full-view to anyone in this forum. He previously said that Islam should be pushed back and suppressed, and should be restricted to "only the 4 corners of the mosque, and nothing else".... I wouldn't be surprised that he supported Mubarak, a secularist dictator who was well-known for suppressing Islamists. Naxar is willing to side with Dictators as long as he agrees with their ideologies. He has zero principles As if someone can be only muslim during the prayer in the mosque. Secularist are showing they true face.
  8. Abaayo Narnia, waa la fayaa. Ani kajeeri adi mijeridaaso. Intee ka qoyte? Ku keyti. Ani kajecli mi jelidaaso.
  9. Dottore, why is the local Garowe office of the Somali National TV closed down?
  10. An exclusive interview with Hon. Amabassador Dr. Moha Dahir Farah, the outgoing president of JAR
  11. Haatu;973901 wrote: Carafaat, when you went to Hargeysa did you get the red carpet treatment since you are part of those circles nowadays? Sxb, I have been visiting Somaliland since you were 5 years old and received the best treatment during every visit.
  12. Waryaa, cayda jooji. I don't claim anything. Just posted the funny article. You can debate XX about Landerism
  13. Wiil cusub, thanks for clarifying. Is the runway tarmac that expensive?
  14. Kenya and Somalia Foreign Ministers Fozia (L) and Amina are both Somalilanders "The top priority for the Federal Government of Somalia is to protect its citizens, so that the federal government forces and AMISOM can bring peace and stability in the area and take over the national infrastructure and reorganize Somali National Army and improve the political process," SFG Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fozia Yusuf Adan "I think there is a lot of work for all of us and there will be very little time for us to complain, all of us are in control of our countries but in order to be in control of an area, you have to have some stability there, you must have security, you must have acceptance from the locals ... that is what the Somali government must do, it must get the confidence of its people so that it can go and establish all these institutions without any opposition." Kenya secretary for foreign affairs Ambassador Amina Mohamed Somalilandsun – Control of Jubaland and the lucrative trade flowing through the Kismayo port has created animosity between the governments of Kenya and Somalia. Kenya controls Jubaland the new administrative region of Somalia after its troops, as part of an African Union peacekeeping force, routed al Shabaab rebels from Kismayo in September but fighting flared up and dozens of civilians died as rival warlords each claimant to the presidency of Jubaland Tensions that have been simmering for months between Kenya and the Somali federal government-SFG, took a new dimension recently when the Kenya secretary for foreign affairs Ambassador Amina Mohamed accused her Somalia counterpart Ms Fozia Yusuf of maligning the Kenyan government during a meeting in Nairobi. According to sources the Kenyans are incensed by a diplomatic letter from Ms Fozia Yusuf to the African Union which accuses Nairobi of backing Ahmed Madobe, a former warlord whose militia fought beside the Kenyans and who now controls Kismayo. Mogadishu opposes Madobe's leadership. The Nairobi meeting turned acrid as the two ladies and foreign policy chiefs of the two countries, both originally from somaliland are reported to have argued vehemently on the issue of Kismayo with the Kenya's Secretary of Foreign Affairs Amb Amina Mohamed accusing Ms Fozia Yusuf who also doubles as the SFG's deputy prime minister of slandering the Kenyan government through the letter (See below) which was leaked to journalists. The letter submitted to AMISOM by the SFG Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fawzia Yusuf Adam - who is also the deputy prime minister - to the African Union is headed "Extremely Urgent - Kismayo conflict" accuses the Kenyan army of causing recent faction fighting that left at least 65 dead in the port of Kismayo. Kenyan troops are part of the African Union force battling Islamist militants in support of the UN-backed government. The letter and subsequent fallout between the foreign ministers exposed a rift between the Somali government and Kenyan troops - supposedly allies with Mogadishu alleging that the Kenyans, who are part of the African Union peacekeeping force, Amisom, of not being neutral peacekeepers while alleging that the Kenyan Defence Force (KDF) backed one Somali faction against others, arrested a senior Somali government army officer and used heavy weapons in areas containing civilians. What the letter bluntly called the "incompetence" of the Kenyan commander of Amisom in southern Somalia is said to have caused an outbreak of recent fighting in the southern port city of Kismayo that had led to a "preliminary" count of 65 dead and 155 injured". The Kenyan Amisom contingent was recently reinforced by several hundred troops from Sierra Leone who are "embedded" inside Kenyan units, so the KDF is very much the dominant force in this part of Somalia, which is known in Amisom jargon as "Sector 2". The letter calls for the "immediate deployment" of a multinational African peacekeeping force in southern Somalia. It doesn't go as far to say the Kenyans should be replaced, but pointedly says new "political officers" should be appointed for the area "whose nationalities will be different from the Amisom contingent in Sector 2". Kenya has not yet officially responded to this explosive diplomatic letter, though the anger and acrimony of the two Somalilanders Ms Fozia Yusuf and Amb Amina Mohamed who are the Somalia and Kenya ministers of foreign affairs respectively is ample evidence of what the two governments supposedly allies turned enemies stand. While Somalilanders are proud of their natives whenever and wherever they hold senior positions they also hope the two ladies who are very powerful within IGAD and African diplomatic circles would take time to campaign for the international recognition of their homeland. During the just concluded Kampala conference of African heads contributing troops to AMISOM, Kenya was asked and agreed to hand over control of Kismayo to the Somalia Federal Government-SFG in Mogadishu in efforts aimed at defusing the rising tension between the two countries. The decision of the leaders from the troop contributing countries to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) followed protests from the Somali government against Kenya that it should be allowed to control the port and airport and also remit revenues to the central government. In her address at the Kampala meeting Ms Fozia Yusuf said "The top priority for the Federal Government of Somalia is to protect its citizens, so that the federal government forces and AMISOM can bring peace and stability in the area and take Read the full article,
  15. According to the article the first lady came to lobby Somaliland goverment regarding the Turkish food aid which will be distributed through Berbera port. http://
  16. Somalia;973869 wrote: This is odd. Did they welcome her as if she is in a formal capacity or is she Somalilander? Formal welcome with red carpet and bambooydii playing Shankaroon.
  17. The battle-scarred lives of three Somali women The Orchard of Lost Souls, by Nadifa Mohamed, 352 pages August 16, 2013 Nadifa Mohamed’s second novel, The Orchard of Lost Souls, opens in 1987 with Somalia on the brink of civil war. In the northern town of Hargeisa – where Mohamed herself was born – the guddi, the regime’s neighbourhood watch, is rounding up people to fill a stadium for the annual October 21 celebrations marking the military coup that brought Mohamed Siad Barre to power 18 years earlier. Barre’s corrupt regime – embodied in the novel by the fictional General Haaruun – “needs women to make it seem human,” Mohamed writes. She builds the story around the intertwined tale of three women: Deqo, a nine-year-old orphaned refugee, who has been promised a new pair of shoes to take part in a welcome dance; Kawsar, a widow in her fifties burdened by grief; and Filsan, an ambitious soldier. Deqo is the thread that connects the women. On the morning of the general’s visit she finds herself confused on stage and is beaten for falling out of step. She has only just left the grim refugee camp in which she had been abandoned and suffers a moment of stage fright. Kawsar rushes to her aid, and for her trouble she is arrested by Filsan who beats the life out of her, rendering her unable to walk. Mohamed’s debut novel Black Mamba Boy (2010), set in 1930s Yemen, was longlisted for the 2010 Orange Prize and won the 2010 Betty Trask Award. The Orchard of Lost Souls follows on the heels of her selection as one of Granta’s Best Young British Novelists 2013. Her characters are believable, strong, self-empowered women. But the novel lacks pacing and tension. Things just happen – bloody, brutal things – and they tend to be presented in rapid-fire succession with no room for menace to fester. In one section we learn that Deqo never knew her father and was abandoned by her mother; lost her only friend in the refugee camp to cholera; is homeless; goes to jail; gets taken in by a brothel where she lives with prostitutes called Karl Marx, Stalin and China; gets sold by the brothel’s madam; is attacked by an old man, and so on. While Deqo’s physical and emotional insecurity is moving, she never gets the necessary space for tension to build. Filsan, the soldier, is similarly unclear. Her lines are too neatly drawn; when she does good, it’s very good, and when she does bad – as she does often – then it’s very bad indeed. Filsan has served in what she proudly calls the “third largest army in Africa” for seven years and demands respect but feels she is often treated no better than a secretary. She is a hard character to empathise with: she never misses an opportunity to kick down on someone weaker than her, regards a certain kind of power and violence with awe and is blinded by her own ambition. Of the three women, it is Kawsar, the widow, who is the most robust; she copes with loss and loneliness with a quiet dignity. Through her tale, Mohamed manages to weave fascinating insights into late-1980s Somalia and its spiral into civil war. We see very plainly the extraordinary amount of violence that women faced and the exploitation of local girls by predatory foreigners. Mohamed writes sensitively and with a keen awareness of her characters’ vulnerability, but The Orchard of Lost Souls is too rushed and the women are lost to the odd pace of the story and its many, many revelations. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2013.
  18. The most important question is where did the $10 million dollar from the Kuwaiti donation go? The most of these improvements are local mutuluyaal, and I see only one new building and I can imagine new asfalt also costed some money. But I dont really see anything that could have costed 10 million dollar. This is the design of the new terminal the Goverment showed couple years ago.
  19. TAHRIIBTU WAA AAFO QARAN OO DHALINYARADEENA KU HABSATEY XALKEEDANA MA’AHAN MID CID KALIYA KU KOOBAN WAA MID CID WALBA UTAAL by Abdikadir Maxamed Ibrahim posted by Maxamuud Jama | August 17, 2013 | In Articles aaaaaTahriib waa qof raba in uu si sharci darro ah ku galo wadan kale oo aan laga ogaleyn tahriibta waxay ka mid yahay faldambiyeedyada qawaaniinta caalamka la dagaalanto lana mid ah sida maandooriyaasha, tahriibtu waa socdaal aan sharci loo haysan oo dhib iyo rafaad ku saleysan kaaso qofku naftiisa ku biimeeyo waxyaalo khatar ah, Hadaba waxaa jira dhaliyaro badan oo Iyagoo doonayaa in ay maraan wadada dhibka iyo rafaadka badan ee saxaraha iyo badba isagu jirta ee ka bilaabanta Somaliland ilaa talyaaniga arintan waxay aad usoo koradhey mudooyinkii u danbeeyaya lakiin iminka waxay gaadhey halkii u sareysay oo aad arkeyso dhalinyaro aad uu yar yar oo hadal haaya saxaraha sudaan , libiya iyo lambaduusa markaad tagto meelaha ay dhalinyaradu isagu timaado waxaad arkeysaa iyagoo hadal haya oo leh “hebel mudo wax war ah lagama haayo “ iyo hebel ayaa doontii ku qornaa ee duceeya in uu ilaah bada u fudeeyo” iyo “ hebal baa galey talyaaniga balse nasiib xumo faraa laga qaadey isagoo fadhiyi doona mudo badan isagoo wax shaqo ah heli doonin darbi jiifna ku noqon doona darbiyada talyaaniga sida ku dhacdey dhacdey dhalinyaro badan. Hadaba maxay tahay tahriib goormeyse bilaabatey? taariikh ahaan tahriibku waa shay soo jireen ah sida laysla qaatayna ka soo bilaabmay qaarada Yurub muddo iminka laga joogo boqolaal sanadood ayaa dadka reer Yurub waxay ku qulquli jireen dhinaca Maraykanka ama America ,taasi waxa kasii danbeeyay oo xoojiyay tahriibkii dib uga bilaabmay qaarada Africa kadib markii dadkii la adoonsan jiray (African slavers) ee qaarada Africa ay markii danbe noqdeen kuwo dega oo hela nolol liita balse la is lahaa waxay dhaantaa tii markaa ay ku jirtay qaarada Africa oo ahayd mid qoloqolo iyo qabiil qabiil laysku laayo, (African civil crisis) ayaa waxay dadkii qaarada ku sugnaa door iyo dan moodeen inay xamaanta iyo xaabada u gurtaan qaaradaha Yurub iyo Ameerica oo markaa dadku u hayaami jireen iyada oo markii dambe gaadhay ilaa waqooyiga qaarada Aasia oo dadbadani kaga soo furmeen Ameerika Sababaha ugu badan ee keena tahriibka dhalinteena waxaa ka mid ah: 1) Sababo dhaqaale, waxa iska cad oo muuqata in maanta dalkeenu ku raagay hoos u dhac dhaqaale oo soo joogtoobay oo maalinba maalinta ka danbaysa sii xu maanaya, sidaa awgeedna dhalintii jaamacadaha dhamaysatay waxay waayeen wax rajo ah oo ay ka qabaan in ay helaan fursado shaqo oo ku filan Taasina wax ay dhaxal siisay inay meelkasta oo damiirkoodu siiyo u hayaamaan in kastoo xukuumada iminka jirto sameesey shaqo abuur badan hadana taasi xal uma noqon inkastoo inan aaan saaxiib nahay uu igu yidhi dhalinta tahriibta ma’ahan qaar ay haysato dhaqaalo la’aan markaad eegto qarashka ku baxaya oo ah mid aad u badan ilaa (5,000) thousand dollars kaaso hadii siwanaagsan hadii uu u maamulo isaga iskadaaye dhalinyaro badan shaqo ugu sameyn lahaa 2) sabab siyaasadeed , dhalinta dalkeenu kama qayb galaan siyaadada dalka dadkeena waawayn oo aan jiilka cusub u ogolayn inay siyaasada wax ku yeeshaan awgeed taasina ay sii xoojiso hayi kaca tahriibka oo aanay jirin xal kale oo ay kaga joogaani inkastoo xukuumada iminka jirto waxooga dabacsanaan ah u sameysey dhalinyarada oo ah in local (golaha degaanka) ahaan kusoo galaan siyaasada hadan ma’ahan mid ku filan wali. 3) Sabab saboolnimo, dalkeena waxaa ka jira saboolnimo isa soo taraysa taasi oo dhalinta ku abuurta niyad jab iyo rajo la’aan dhinacyo badan leh kuna kalifa inay dalka ka baxsadaan Hadaba waxyaalaha soo wajaha tahriibayaash waxaa ka mid dhac, xarig, dhimasho, madaxfurasho iyo qafaalasho aaqirkii keenta in lagusoo furto kumanaan kun oo dolar Gabogabo Bal dhaliyarooy imisa dhalinyaro oo aad taqaaney ayaa ku jira xabsiyada liibiya imisa haween ah ayaa lagu faroxumeeyay oo nalashoodii iyo mustaqbalkoodii ku waayay, bal hooyo iyo aabo imisa hooyo ayaa ku weyday wiilkeedi iyo inanteedi qaliga ahayd oo in badan soo kolkoolisay oo ay maanta u suurto galiweyday xataa inay aragto meydkeedii waa dhab in hooyadaa maanta xasuus iyo murugu ku reebtay dhacdadaa, hadaba dhalinyarooy ka fiirsad inaad nolashiin ku haligtaan meel aan wax idiinka horeeya aaney jirin kuwii idinka horeeyaba dhibkan marey aaney wax ka dheefin ,hooyo iyo aabo caruurtiina ha u horseedina rafaad, dhib, dhi masho, madaxfurasho hadhowna saameyn idinku yeesha nolashiina. Hadaba tahriibtu waa aafo qaran oo bulshadeena ku habsatey xalkeeda ma ahan mid xukuumada kaliya laga sugaayo waa mid cid walba u taal hadey naqoto aqoonyahan siyaasi ama bulshada inteeda wax garadka mana haboona siyaasiinta mucaaridka ah ka dhigtaan wado ay u maraan hogaanka dalka taan waxaa oga faa’daysta siyaasiga daneystaha ah aan bulshada dan kalahayn markaa xalka waa mid cid walba sugaaya By Abdikadir Maxamed Ibraahim Tell 4415327
  20. Nin-Yaaban;972535 wrote: Maya. The U.S system is way more fair. I was responding to the suggesting of adopting the US system. The numbers speak for themselves, its not a fair system neither does it lead to lower crimes nor real justice.
  21. The discussion regarding Jubbaland is mainly a discussion about the future State structure of Somalia. This is a necessary discussion, even though the timing, place and momentum is not the most ideal. Not exactly a futile exercise like Dr.Weinstein puts it.
  22. Dr. Ahmed Samatar (photo by Ibrahim Hirsi) Professor Ahmed Samatar has been a leading advocate for a united Somalia and a strong critic of the country’s clan-based political system that continues to divide Somalis. Demonstrating his views through academic writings, interviews and speeches, Samatar once described the current Somali politics as “sewage." In a recent speech, Samatar described a shift in his opinion, from advocacy for a completely unified Somalia to advocacy for independence for Somaliland. Samatar, an international relations professor at Macalester College, received his undergraduate degree from University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and his master’s and Ph.D. degrees from University of Denver. In recent years, Samatar has shifted his role from being a mere political commentator to being an active participant in the process of redefining the politics he’s disparaged for decades: He recently served as a member of the Somali parliament and ran for the presidency last summer, although he lost the election. Editor’s note: Since Professor Ahmed Samatar’s discussion was in the Somali language, reporter Ibrahim Hirsi roughly translated the quotes into English. On August 10, Samatar spoke to nearly 300 people at Brooklyn Park Community Center about his recent visit to Somaliland, a self-proclaimed independent state, which has been struggling to gain recognition from the international community for the last two decades. “I’ve seen peace, security and a trace of law and order everywhere I visited in Somaliland,” Samatar said, addressing his audience in Somali. “I’ve seen people paying tax willingly because they are satisfied with what the government is doing. There is sense of democracy. Freedom of expression. They understood that if you don’t let people speak from their mind, the government would fall.” Earlier this summer, Samatar visited Somaliland for the first time in about 18 years. Even though he’s never held a public office in Somaliland and has opposed its separation from Somalia for many years, hundreds of thousands of spectators assembled on streets with photos of Samatar in an expression of profound love and respect for the international studies professor at Macalester College. “No words can describe the reception I received,” he told the crowd, speaking behind a podium placed in between two flags — that of the United States’ and the green, white and red striped flag of Somaliland. “I can’t wait to go back.” Samatar endorsed a separate Somaliland state, though he cited obstacles that will present tough challenges in that quest. “The world’s attention is on Somalia right now,” Samatar said. He reminded the crowd, mostly Minnesota-Somalilanders, of the official recognition the United States granted last January to the Somalia government in Mogadishu. He added that the world is busy in the reconstruction and development of Somalia, suggesting that no one is considering sovereign statehood for Somaliland at the moment. In case option one — an independent Somaliland — doesn’t work out, he urged the people of Somaliland to have a second option: negotiation with Somalia. When an audience member confronted his suggestion of having a Plan B, Samatar said, “You won’t go anywhere if you don’t have Plan B.” But he reassured the crowd: “I want Somaliland to win. I mean it.” Somaliland reports mistreatment Before 1960, Somalia was in the hands of British, Italy, France and other colonial countries that divided the country into pieces. For instance, the southern part of Somalia, including Mogadishu, was colonized by Italy. Its northern part, now called Somaliland, was a British-occupied land. After a long journey of bloodshed and struggle for a sovereign Somali state, Somaliland gained its independence from Britain on June 26, 1960. Four days later, Somalia got its independence from Italy. Having shared a common struggle for independence, Somalia and Somaliland decided to join forces and become one strong Somali nation. While many Somalis say it was a milestone that Somaliland joined Somalia, some people from Somaliland — not all of them — argue that the merger was a mistake. They say Somaliland hasn’t benefited from the 31-year-old marriage to Somalia. For the past 50 years, Samatar said, there were only two clans that took turns to fill the presidency. The clans Samatar was referring to are ****** and *****, two of the largest clans in Somalia. Because Somaliland felt disenfranchised, they formed their own government when Somalia collapsed in civil war in 1991. They created their own flag. They created their own national anthem. And they refer to Somalia as nothing more than a neighboring country. For the Somalia government, on the contrary, Somaliland is just another region of Somalia. Somaliland needs improvement Samatar’s presentation on Somaliland wasn’t all about praise — he also pointed out many low points that the autonomous Somaliland state can improve upon. Somaliland isn’t that different than Somalia in terms of power sharing, Samatar said. Somaliland feels like a village with one man in power, he said, referring to the major clan, ****, which has held the presidency for many years. He called for diversity in the Somaliland leadership. “The government should reflect on the people it services,” said Samatar. He also urged the government to work on energy development. “You can’t run a country without electricity.” Samatar also said that he met people, who don’t have access to clean water. He added that people go on foot four miles, fetching water. Audience reactions Samatar’s assessment on the issues in Somaliland seemed more like those of an academic than a politician. After Samatar’s presentation, the audience was given a chance to comment and ask questions. Asked if he would run for Somaliland presidency, Samatar said: “It’s not about me wanting or not wanting to become a president. It’s about the desire of the people. Is Somaliland asking someone who can change? Someone who can lead? I don’t see those questions asked. I see corruption. I see romanticization of clan, which I’m not into." “It was a fair discussion,” said Said Ahmed, who identifies himself as a Somalilander. “It was very informative.” Aisha Hassan, who hasn’t been to Somaliland for the past 15 years said she’s glad that Samatar visited “my country” to see the realities there.“The professor is a genuine man,” Hassan said. “He says it like he sees it. I respect his conclusion.” The event was made possible by the Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council, Africa Institute for International Reporting, Horn Development Center and the City of Brooklyn Park.
  23. Marwada Koowaad Ee Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Oo Safar Qarsoodi Ah Ku Timi Hargeysa + Wasiiro Ka Tirsan Xukumada Siilanyo Oo Ay La Kulantay!. Writen by Qaran News | Published: Aug 17th, 2013 at 03:52 AM Marwada Koowaad ee Madaxweynaha Maamul goboleedka Puntland oo safar qarsoodi ah ku timi Hargeysa + Wasiiro ka tirsan Xukumada Siilanyo oo ay la kulantay!. Hargeisa-(Qaran-news)-Marwada koowaad ee Madaxweynaha maamul goboleedka Puntland ayaa dhawaan safar qarsoodi ah ama warbaahinta laga qariyey ku timi magaalada Hargeysa sida il wareedyo xogogaala oo arintaa u dhuun daloola Qarannews u sheegeen. Marwada madaxweynaha Puntland oo ay safarkeeda ku wehelinayeen masuuliyiin ka tirsan is-maamul goboleedka Puntland ayaa kulamo xasaasiya la yeelatey wasiirka maaliyada Somaliland Sheekh Cabdicasiis Samaale iyo masuuliyiin kale oo ka tirsan golaha xukumada Siilanyo,Balse weli may soo bixin xogo ku saabsan inay madaxweyne Siilanyo is arkeen iyo in kale inkastoo la sheegay inay fariintii ay siday gaadhey. Marwada koowaad ee Puntland iyo masuuliyiinta safarkeeda ku wehelinaayey ayaa sida tibaaxo Qarannews heshay sheegayaan u socotay laba arimood oo mid hore tahay in Somaliland kala hadasho,kuna dhiirigeliso inay dib u celiso Markab siday Raahsin deeqa oo ka yimi Muqdisho,loona wado Degaano ka tirsan Puntland iyo khaatumo oo hore dawlada Puntland u diiday in laga dejiyo Dekeda Boosaaso . Deeqdan oo Hayada laanqeyrta cas ee Turkigu bixisay ayaa dowlada Somaliya u qoondeeysay degaano ka tirsan ismaamul goboleedka Puntland oo baahi cunto ka jirto, hase yeeshee ismaamul goboleedka puntland ayaa siyaasadeeyay Raashinkaa, dibna u celiyey. Arinta labaad ee la sheegay inay marwadu kala hadashay wasiirka maaliyada Sheekh cabdicasiis Samaale iyo masuuliyiintii kale ee ay la kulantay ayaa la sheegay inuu ku saabsanaa sidii Somaliland iyo Puntland isaga kaashan lahaayeen , meelna uga soo wadajeeswan lahaayeen Dawlada federaalka ah ee Somaliya oo beryahan danbe Deeradu dhexmiranyso maamul goboleedka puntland oo xurguf siyaasadeed soo kala dhex gashay. Isku soo wada duuboo qadiyadan marwadu wadey oo la sheegay inay Qasriga madaxtooyada Somaliland gaadhay ayaan la ogeyn waxa xukumada Siilanyo ka yeeli doonto inkastoo la sheegay in Markabkii deeqda siday ku xidhan yahay Dekeda Berbera, lana filaayo inla dejiyo maalmaha soo socda.Geesta kale arinta labaad ee marwadu kula soo galgalatey Somaliland ee ku saabsan inay dhinac uga soo wada jeestaan ama iska kaashadaan Dawlada Federaalka Somaliya ayaa haddii xukumada Somaliland aqbasho u eeg mid wax u dhimaysa xidhiidhka wadahadaladii u socday Somaliland iyo somaliya oo dhawaan la filaayo in wareeg kale oo cusubi ka bilaabmo Dalka Turkiga. Qarannews Hargeisa