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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Axad, 09.11.2003 - 17:28 Wakhtiga London Axmed Siciid Cige - BBCSomali.Com Cabdiraxman Axmed Cali oo loo yaqaaney Cabdiraxman Tuur ahaana siyaasi weyn oo Soomaaliyeed, jagooyin badanna ka soo qabtey Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland ayaa bsihan November 8dii ku geeriyoodey magaalada London. Allaha u naxariistee, Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Cali (Tuur) wuxuu ku dhashay miyiga hawdka magaalada Burco, qiyaastii sida dad yaqaannay ay BBC-da u sheegeen, kun sagaal boqol iyo dhawr iyo labaatankii. Walaalkii Maxamuud Axmed Cali oo ahaa aabihii waxbarashada Soomaaliyeed ayaa Cabdiraxmaan ka soo kaxeeyay miyiga oo ku daray dugsiga, iyagoo isku fasal noqday rag kale oo uu ugu magic dheeraa Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahim Cigaal. Waqtigaasi wuxuu ku aaddanaa 1943kii ayuu Cabdiraxman ku biirey dugsiga caanka ah ee sheekh. Wuxuu ahaa Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Cali arday ku fiicn waxbarashada iyo ispoortigaba oo marnaba aan laga qaadi jirin kaalinta kowaad. Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Cali alla ha u naxariistee markii uu dhammeystay waxbarashadiisii dugsiga dhexe ee sheekh wuxuu waxbarashadii dugsiga sare ku soo dhammeystay dugsi sare oo la yidhaahdo XANTUUB oo ku yaalla dalka Sudan, magaalada Khartuum. Wuxuu kadib diploma sare oo ah cilmiga maamulka ku soo qaatay jaamicadda la yidhaahdo EXETER UNIVERSITY ee dalka Britain. Somaliland ayuu Cabdiraxmaan ku soo laabtay wuxuuna noqday kaaliyaha DC-ga Boorama oo ahayd shaqadiisii ugu horreysay. Sanooyinkii 1961-1963kii wuxuu noqdey Guddoomiyaha Gobolka woqooyi Bari ee magaalo madaxda ay u ahayd Burco ee Jamhuuriyaddii Soomaaliya. Sanadkii 1964kii wuxuu kaloo noqday Guddoomiyaha Gobolkii Woqooyi Galbeed ee Hargeysa ay magaalo madaxda u ahayd ee Jaamhuuriyaddii Soomaaliya, iyadoo isla sannadkaasi uu noqday Safiirkii Soomaaliya ee Sudan oo loo beddelay Khartuum. Sanadkii 1968kii Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Cali wuxuu ka qayb galay doorashadii baarlamaanka ee Soomaaliya isagoo furtay xisbi oo iska soo sharaxay magaalada Burco, laakiin kumuu soo bixin doorashadii. Cabdiraxmaan wuxuu mar kale ku noqday shaqadiisii Safiirnnimada isagoo mudadii u dhaxeysay 1969kii ilaa iyo 1977kii uu ahaa safiirka Soomaaliya ee Addis-ababa ee dalka Ethiopia . Sanadkii 1978kii wuxuu kaloo noqday safiirkii Soomaaliya ee Barlin ee Jarmalkii Bari, isagoo markii danbena noqday Danjiraha Somaliya ee Imaaraadka Carabta oo uu joogay ilaa iyo 1984kii, xilligaasi oo uu ka goostay dawladdii Siyaad Bare kuna biiray Jabhaddii SNM. Cabraxmaan Tuur isla sannadkaasi 1984kii wuxuu noqday wakiilka SNM ee Yurub oo fadhigiisuna ahaa London. April 1990kii waxaa loo doortay Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Cali Guddoomiyaha SNM isagoo xilka kala wareegay Axmed Siilaanyo. May 1991kii waxaa Cabdiraxmaan Tuur loogu doortay shirweynihii beelaha Somaliland ee Burco ee lagaga dhawaaqay goonni isu taagga Somaliland inuu ahaado madaxweynaha cusub ee Jamhuuriyadda loo bixiyay Somaliland muddo labo sano ah. Shantii May 1993kii shirweynihii kale ee beelaha Somaliland ee lagu qabtay Boorama waxaa Cabdiraxmaan Tuur uu xilkii ku wareejiyay Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahim Cigaal oo shirku u doortay madaxweynaha Somaliland. April 1994kii Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Cali wuxuu ku dhawaaqay isagoo markaa ahaa guddoomiyaha SNM inuu ka noqday mowqifkii goonni isutaagga Somaliland oo uu aaminsanyahay nidaamka Federaalka oo ay ku midoobaan woqooyiga iyo koonfurta Soomaaliya . Wuxuu noqday Cabdiraxmaan Tuur waqtigaasi ka dib madaxweyne ku-xigeenkii kowaad ee dawladdii Salballaadh ee uu Jeneraal Maxamed Faarax Caydiid kaga dhawaaqay magaalada Muqdisho. Waqtigaasi wixii ka danbeeyay wuxuu marxuumku u badnaa magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo London, hase ahaatee wuxuu Hargeysa yimid bishii April ee sannadkan 2003, markaasoo uu u ololeeyay sidii uu u soo bixi lahaa doorashadii socotay madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin oo ka sharaxnaa xisbiga UDUB, kadibna wuxuu ku laabtay magaalada London oo uu ku geeriyooday 8dii November 2003. Alla ha u naxariistee maydka marxuumka waxaa la keenayaa magaalada Hargeysa 13ka November 2003 oo si heer qaran ah loogu aasi doono.
  2. Nuune, adeer, dhiigi iyo sonkortii ma kugu kacday wadiga caytamiyee? waa runtaa anigu kacaanki kumaan so korin, been igumee shubin.
  3. Abwaan;921975 wrote: ninkan Odey caqli caqli buu ciyaarayaa, at least I give him a credit inuu xiin iyo The Zack dhaamo. Wakhtigii xooga wuu dhamaday.Siyasadu waa caqli.
  4. Oodweyne, The days when the man with the biggest gun used to give orders are behind us. Xoog wax waa lagu waayay. The battle has moved to the poliical stage and political battles are won by political maneuvers, strategies and majorities. What we see here is that two diffrent major clans (the settlers andDigir iyo Muufo) are claiming the same three regions and are both prebaring to set-up "federal states" over the same territority and thus it is the authority of the goverment(as mandated by the constitution) to settle this dispute over territories and set-up provincial admins that can count on the support of the Somali people. They have done this for Hiiraan, Bak, Bakool, etc. And will do so for the other regions of Somalia.
  5. Odey;921874 wrote: I may not agree with all the points raised and it seemed like an attack on the individual, but the Arms embargo should stay in my view because of the following reasons 1- We do not have a Professional army that can be trusted with such heavy weapons, nor do they have a Nationalistic View/Mindset or have a wider appeal in its make up that people trust. Their moral compass is questionable still and have a long way to go. 2- We are in the phase of winding down a Civil War and until peace takes hold and we are in a position to move away from talking with a barrel pointing at each other, I strongly believe more weapons isn't going to help 3- We are a poor nation and we shouldn't be purchasing weapons, but instead should be purchasing medical equipment, building roads and investing in other assorted infrastructure. 4- Rebuilding a huge army will immediately make our neighbors uneasy, particularly since our politics hasn't evolved beyond the gun. 5- There is a great danger that these weapons will be sold to the highest bidder as they have done for a long time now and cause yet more bloodshed. I think the embargo should stand and even tightened for the exception of Defense capability, coupled with a wider professional training of our security services. They should all be taught Citizenship from a military standpoint and their duties instilled in them so they don't differentiate between the citizens they have been sworn to protect. Their powers and involvement should be made clear and jurisdictions defined, particularly when operating inside the country. a lot has to be done before arms embargo is lifted. Odey, you make more sense then the author above does.
  6. xiinfaniin;921839 wrote: By Faisal A. Roble Feb 26, 2013 “More than 100 religious leaders and business executives, a doctor and other prominent residents of this Port city were hunted door to door and killed in three nights of terror that began on the eve of the Americans landing in Mogadishu...” Jane Perlez, New York Times, Dec. 1992 “Someone’s looter/killer is another person’s hero.” President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud This piece is the last of a three-part installment on the deteriorating political situation of the presidency of Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. The crusade which his government is waging to have the world community lift the arms embargo comes at a time when political conflict is at its highest since the 1991 civil war. His zeal to go after arming his troops at this time in the country’s history and his unwavering sabotage of local efforts in Jubbaland are all the more troubling. As a recent Garoweonline editorial opined, “Somalia needs a major disarmament and demobilization plan, but instead the country's new president is asking for more weapons.” Few days after this editorial was posted, about eleven people were killed in Kismayo in a serendipitous conflict that pits Mogadishu against Kismayo. In December 1992, nearly about twenty years ago, the late General Aidid’s militia murdered about hundred civilians in a witch hunt that Jane Perez of the New York Times documented. Not to go back to those days where mass killings happened with impunity, the AMISOM forces are in a bid to find the culprits responsible for the Kismayo murders of February 23, 2013. When History should be Lesson for Arms Embargo This is not the first time Somalis smelled the coffee and felt the danger associated with weapons supplied to their beleaguered nation; they rightfully raised their voices and pleaded with Western nations in the past to exercise caution prior to supplying destructive weapons to Somali leaders. In the late 1980s, for example, when the government of Siyad Barre was carrying its massive atrocities in Northern Somalia (Somaliland), one of the Somali National Movement’s (SNM) activists (Dr. Hussein Bulhan) wrote an op-ed piece on the New York Times. Under the heading of “No Arms to Somalia,” the activist argued that arms given to the dictatorial regime of the late Siyad Barre would most likely be used against its own civilians. It so happened that, according to Africa Watch, the Barre regime was at the time “at war with its own people” in the North and eventually killed thousands of innocent civilians with the very weapons the US government and other western countries supplied to the late dictator, Mohamed Siyad Barre. The critics on the government side at the time called the author of the op-ed piece, “unpatriotic,” and a “Somalia hater.” Many sought to silence him. In hindsight, we now know that the eclipse that blanketed Northern Somalia could have been averted, or its impacts possibly minimized, if the US did not jump the gun so quickly on arming Barre. More importantly, the very same weapons of destruction that the US gave to Barre fell in the hands of Southern Somalia’s warlords and ended up being the weapons of mass destruction in the “Clan Cleansing in Somalia’s Ruinous Legacy” of the 1990s civil war. Dr. Lidwien Kapteijin’s new book, “Clan Cleansing in Somalia: The Ruinous Legacy of 1991,” is a seminal work in the study and assessment of the effects of the massive carnage bestowed on Somalis in the 1991 civil war. The existing arms embargo instruments on Somalia, as stipulated under resolutions UN 751 and 753, were imposed in 1992 by the world community mainly to slow down the carnage of the day in Southern Somalia. Many forces were responsible to bring these instruments to fruition. Unlike the 1980s outcry, the world listened to the 1992 plea and imposed arms embargo on Somalia. The heavy lifting was done by hard working and fast lobbying diaspora groups. But the most influential work was carried out by the late Omar Moalin Hilawle, who served Somalia’s ambassador to the US in the 1960s. Ambassador Omar used his massive connections and relationships to put weighty pressure on Pateros Ghali, the then Egyptian-born UN General Secretary. Also, international aid groups in Kismayo, Bardheere and Baydhabo witnessed real atrocities against civilians and then helped push for embargo. Prior to the arms embargo, the world watched silently (between 1990 and 1992) when thousands of Somalis, mainly from certain groups, were butchered in the infernos of Mogadishu, Galkayo, Kismayo, Baydhabo, Baardheere, and many other locations in South Somalia. The 1990s was one of the darkest and most momentous in Somali history; it was a period when Somalia’s civil war was at its zenith, causing massive famine and wanton killings of civilians. It was also a period when the most powerful President and leader of the free world President Clinton did nothing to secure aid for starving Somali indigents? Neither did President Clinton help stave off the killing fields of Somalis in the hands of merciless warlords. In the following years, America simply did not want to be reminded of Somalia due to its dismal performance in the Somalia political conflict; Somalia affairs got worse after18 rangers were killed and the ensuing humiliation of US power in the hands of Mogadishu-based militia. The Somali question was completely relegated to oblivion following the massive heart attack Les Aspen sustained as a result of stress induced by the Somalia crisis. Read more: The author is delussional by comparing Siad Barre regime to the recently installed goverment of Somalia. From the 1980's on the regime used weapens on mass scale against its own citizens, therefor it was logic to campaign for a embargo. But there is no single proof, evidence nor reason to think the goverment based in Moqdishu would do the same. Waxani waa teydii ayaa laga so horjeestay, tan aan kasoo horjeesto. eye for an eye. waxaasi xal maha, caqlina maha.
  7. Alpha Blondy;921917 wrote: maxa cusub, maxaa isku dhacaayo? trolling from Ceel Afweyn.......LOOOOL...... dongle hasn't been working perfectly........... y'all have to see where i am and what i'm doing right now....words alone cannot describe it. a big feast was prepared for our arrival. its was amazing. its late now and most people have slept. i brought along a generator for electricity and stuff. its rather loud but luckily our tent is far from the our hosts..... anyways, its crucial the trolling continues. tomorrow, we plan to explore the city centre. it's quite exciting being here and i'm quite happy too. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Ceel Afweyn has a city centre?
  8. Oodweyne;921831 wrote: ^^^Gheele, In the politics of Somalia what is written on the page has no passing relationship to what the cold light of the day will invariably show. Hence just as the then TFG of late Col. Yey have had no relationship with was good for Somalis at the time and was indeed acting for the benefit of the "tolka" of pirate-land, it seems similarly that this government is also talking a good game of "Somalinimo" while in truth it's acting no more discreditable in it's "clannish calculation" than all of those previous governments for Somalia have done in their days. How is the goverment being clannish in this context? There a diffrent major clans claiming the same provinces and in the process of establishing "states". The goverment has played indepedent and invited all parties for a consultative meeting In Moqdisho. I dont see how why you would think that is discreditable?
  9. Abwaan;921869 wrote: Carafaat, Why would you return to Mogadisho? Go to Burco baadiyaheeda man haddii aad run sheegeysid. Aniga Mudug markaas waan aadayaa.... Inadeero, mar hadee saas tahay. better, Lets share all the cities, ma is tidhi.
  10. Alpha Blondy;921679 wrote: AT is a regional administration whore, ma istidhi? isku xishood. the correct term is federal states fatoosh.
  11. Abwaan;921866 wrote: Carafaat adba so Rotterdam lama aadan wareegin baxaad ula yaabi? Waryaa Abwaan, Rotterdam is a temporary refuge. I am planning to return to my moqdishu. Will you do the same and return to your Mudug?
  12. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;921783 wrote: The polical solution for Jubbooyinka - Jubbada Dhexe iyo Jubbada Hoose - is simple enough. Laakiin dad aan u dhalan meesha iska indhatiraayoo. There are two simple solutions: Degma walba guddoomiye ha iska doorato ama haloo magacaabo, markaasna gobolka guddoomiye ha iska doorto ama haloo magacaabo mid kumeel gaar ah. Guddoomiyahaasna gobolkaas ayuu maamulaa meel kale uu shaqo ku leeyahay ma jirto. Guddoomiyaha Jubbada Dhexe shuqul kuma lahaan karo gobolka Jubbada Hoose, which will have an equal guddoomiye gobol. Waxaan 'laan, laan' la leeyahay hala iska iloowo. Kuwa Kiinyaatiga u sacabtumaayo ha ogaadaan iyagaba dalkooda wey u diideen wax la yiraahdo federalism, instead opting pseudo-centralism in the name of 'counties' aanan shuqul isku lahayn. The second solution is simple: Native indigenous residents should ask Barbaarta to come back. Xaaraan kunaaxyaasha edeb ayee lahaayeen markaas, si nabad bilaa isqabqabsi ku jirana waa loo deganaa. +1 Well said. It seems that goverment can count on the support of atleast 3.5 blocks of the 4.5.
  13. xiinfaniin;921832 wrote: If it helps our brothers in the North, corrections has been made to the Professor Gandi's original initiative. Today Kenya is under AMISOM mandate just like Uganda. The name is no longer Azania , it is Jubbaland. Gedo and all other communities are included in the process. On top of that, there was a mini gathering in Nairobi hotels to sort out Sheep N Shoe disagreements in the region. The leadership has been conceded to our numerous brothers who surround the region from all corners. It is a big tent, and the strongest among us fiercely guard it . These corrections are purely cosmetic. A change of name and decoration of Kenya's army with Amisom flag doesn't change the intentions nor the agenda of the Kikuyu's and their Somali-Kenyan countrymen. Xiin, I hate to say it. But you have turned and bent for those who you called prisoners. And we can only guess what prisoners might do with those who bent so flexible and easily.
  14. Where is the original Niiko? Walee Xamar waxa la wareegay reer Myi iyo reer Mudug.
  15. Oodweyne, Atleast Xiin and the Caravaan should step out of the closet and explain themselves to all other Somalis. Why they have decided to oppose the Somali govermenmt and support this Kenyan endevour they have opposed so fiercely not that long ago.
  16. Alpha, isnt that Boqor Buurmadoow territory? what are you doing there? Are you campaigning for UCID inadeero?
  18. Abtigiis and tol are still supporting their Kenyan invasion/occupation. Logic, for they are Kenyan nationals for most part. What is more suprising is how Xiinfaniin and co have turned around and are after all supporting this disasterous foreign project.
  19. Abtigiis, welcome back comrade. Ever since Aden Madoobe an his militia came to Kismayo, you have been silent on SOL. maxaa jira? Tolkii me ku laalusheen?
  20. gooni;921427 wrote: Odayaal hadii la yiraahdo reer caabudwaaq iyo reer qabri dahare iyo reer badhan iyo reer gaalkacyo talada yaan wax laga siin dad yar oon la af garanayn baa meesha kusoo haraya 100 sano ka hor cidii daganayd waxba kama noola runta ha la isu sheego dalkana aan ku wada noolaano si siman oo talo wadaaga federalkana ha laga ducaysto Xagee aadeen dadkii meesha ku noola?
  21. STOIC;921338 wrote: Carafat, Mario was just joking.Read your flawed and hasty conclusion again. I'm NOT Somali like others on this site, but I can still point out hypocrisy.May I say maybe sometimes you guys NEED someone to rescue you guys from the demagoguery of Somalinimo mantra.I doubt you have the authority to define the boundaries of the Somali domain.Without seeing Somali in a different context than your myopic ways it is difficult to define what Somalinimo is for you! Be that as it may, you are equally aware of the fact that maybe one doesn't need to be Somali to point out the the raping of the country by the Somalis you are proud to exclude others from.Your romamticism of Somalinimo is the most dangerous of sort that folks like us need to point out to you guys once in awhile when you engage in deceit and hypocrisy! Most of you guys that jump with the "You are NOT somali giberish" have some sort of innate insecurities with the way you present your clan politics hypocrisy! STOIC, on a serieuz note. you and all other Somalis are free to express your opinion. However what worries me is the actual interference on the ground by Somali-EthiopiansKenyans with the financial and military backing of foreign countries. That is something which only will complicate Somalias state building and reconciliation.
  22. xiinfaniin;921393 wrote: Many here will be disappointed wallee , The Kismayo conference is on track. Nothing changed other than the 6 month old government has fired the first bullet to abort a grand Somali gathering. Political posturing from Mogadishu has only solidified the resolve of those organizing the conference. The unfortunate incident was a simple police work. In the coming days and weeks , you may hear similar things. Xiin, are you accusing the central goverment to be behind the recent clan fight in Kismayo? What evidence do you have for this statement?
  23. Mario B;921263 wrote: Stoic is a sijui from Tanzania, he has no business in Somali republic's affairs. +1000. Somalia for Somalis.