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Everything posted by Carafaat
Its not going anywhere Xaaji, SSC ee Saado usoo heesisay, waa ti la aasay.
Jubbaland waa jeclahay.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TVAIf0ROTJQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Ciidamo Milatery ah oo maanta Lagu daadiyay Magaalada Marka ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose Kismaayo24 News: Boqolaal ka tirsan Milateriga Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta lagu arkayay dariiqayada waa weyn ee magaalada marka ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose. Guddoomiyaha Cusub ee Maamulka Marka Maxamed Cusmaan cali Yariisoow oo saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa sheegay in Ciidamadaasu ay ka tirsan Milateriga Dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya isla markaana ay sugayaan ammaanka guud ee Magaalada Marka. Guddoomiyaha ayaa intaa ku daray in Ciidamadaasu isagu shakhsi ahaan u dlabay si ay wax uga qabtaan Xiisado la sheegay in maalmihii u danbeeyay ay ka jireen Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose gaar ahaana Magaalada Marka. Yariiso ayaa farta ku fiiqay in ciidamadanu aanay wax dhibaata ah u gaysan doonin shacabka isla markaana ay yihiin Ciidamo Rasmi ah kuwaasoo ujeedka ay halkaa u joogaan ay tahay oo keliya sugidda ammaanka magaalada. Arrimahan ayaa waxa ay imaanayaan xilli muddooyinkii danbe Magaalada marka ay ka jirtay amni darro iyo dagaalo u dhaxeeyay Askar ka wada tirsan Ciidamada dawladda oo markii danbe isu bedelay qaab beeleed taasoo ugu danbayntiina keentay in xilka laga qaado maamulkii Magaalada Marka. Shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada marka ayaa maanta soo dhaweeyay Ciidamadan ka Tirsan Milateriga Dawladda iyadoona lagu xoojiyay Ciidamo aan sidaa u badneen oo hore uga hawl galayay magaalada marka kuwaas oo ka tirsan Ciidamada Boliiska iyo kuwa Nabad Sugidda Si kastaba Xaalad degganaansho ayaa iminka ka jirta Magaalada Marka in kastoo weli aan xal kama danbays ah laga gaarin Khilaafkii u dhaxeeyay Maamulkii hore iyadoo Guddoomiyihii Degmada Marka oo goor sii horeysey hadlayna uu sheegay inuu isagu yahay Guddoomiyaha sharciga ah ee magaalada marko. Xafiiska war qabadka kismaayo 24 ee Muqdisho.
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Xaaji Xunjuf;931845 wrote: Sheikh dalxiis was to soft , it seems that Hassan culusow knows what he is doing he has a plan on how to reach his objectives No more bickering between The president and Prime minister No more bickering between The President and the speaker of parliament Liberated many parts of south central Somalia Arms embargo partly lifted Governmental recognition achieved In the process of re establishing the Somali defense forces. Visited almost every region of Somalia from Puntland to Kismayo Sheick Dalxiis and Abdiqasim Salad were to soft, trying to appease local warlords and elites. No wonder they goverments failed. Culusoow understand that it's a goverments task to excersize its souvereignity and establish its authority. Dowladnimo bilaash kuma timaado. At the end wax ka macaan ma jirto, we need to be a bit patient though.
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;931861 wrote: If you want a decent hotel owned by wadaado, then check Madiina hotel or Andalus , both just on same location as of the three I mentioned in the previous post. Heed this, though: Your visitors are pretty much restricted, especially of the opposite gender. Also Andalus doesn't have satellite TV. Waxaa kaa ilooway about the road construction, which affects the location of those mentioned hotels. Jidad badan Islii laga dhisoyaa and some which are completed now. STOIC, Andalus is a proper Islamic and decent Hotel. But if you want to enjoy those natural green delicacy from the Meru highlands or those fine figured Sijui's from the opposite gender, I wouldnt recommend you to stay there.
Enforcing the law, returning the goverments authority and its monopoly on force. Taking on the Dawladdiids from Banadir, Beletweyn, to Baidoa, Marka and all the way to Kismayo. Kudos to the Goverment.
6 dead as heavy war erupts in Merca, Somalia
Carafaat replied to Waranle_Warrior's topic in Politics
Amar dowladeed maha ina laga so horjeesto. Ha jabaan kuwaa dawladdiidka ah. 20 years ayee na afduubteen. This the last battle in the war against anarchy. -
Kaka, Naweza kupendekeza Hoteli ya Royal katika Eastleigh. Nilikaa huko mwisho Agosti, na tu payed 20 dola usiku, chumba yangu ilikuwa karibu na maarufu mwimbaji Nimco Dareen. Ilikuwa kabisa chama huko.
Juxa;931831 wrote: So who will make the laxoox berito? Life is difficult without a Maid.
Inaar, it wouldnt definetly work. Dont forget an advertisement on the Somali TV. May I suggest a name for your venture. How about 'Gorilla Fashion', sounds quite strong and powerfull, doesnt it? Guaranteed Quality Clothing.
Fashion Brands You already have the first Somali fashion brand targetting Somali public. Decka Haboon Dirac. Omar Munie and his handbags achieved international succes. http://omarmunie.com/ Daily Paper Fashion is on the rise, it is founded by a Somali guy from Holland. http://www.dailypaperclothing.com/ Olaf Hussein another Somali owned brand that is on the rise. http://www.olafhussein.com/
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;931800 wrote: Maqaayadda Rayaan downtown Nayroobi ku taalo maa tagi jirtay? I thought it was overtly cafe, not a real maqaayad. Xildhibaanada iyo xildhibaano ku sheega meeshaas lagama waaye. I think it is where a certain SOLer gets his daily dose of fadhikudirir in Nayroobi. Waxaa joogay bishii ramadan Nairobi, markaa waa ka afuri jirnay Rayaan. aad ayee u fiicneed, xarunta fadhikudirirka ee Mooge ma meshaas baa.
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;931792 wrote: Carafaad, maqaayada Soomaalida leedahay ee magaalada hoose Nayroobi ku taalo ma tagtay? By the way, sawirka meesha soo saartay waa maqaayada Xamdi ee Toronto ku taalo. Cuntadooda, saxankoodaba, koobkooda cambaha iyo waliba miiskaas cuntada saarantahay waa wada aqaan. MMA, kamaan dhamaan jirin ba maqayadaha Somalida. Waxa tagi jiray maqaayadaha Xamdi, Salama, Rayan, Sagal. Maqayadaha Keniyaatiga maan tagi jirin ba. Waxa aan aad uga heli jiray, vieuw'gooda fiican, cuntada macaan, service kooda(dhalinyaro dhaqso badan), koobka shahooda oo waaweyn marka loo eego kuwa kale ee kenyatiga. Eastleigh waxa tagi jiray, Moonlight, Kilimanjaaro iyo kaa ugu jeclaa wuxu kasoo horjeeda Barakat Hotel, magacii waa ilooway. Laakinse wuu xirnaa marka tagay bishii Ramadan sanadkii hore.
Baashi, The Federal Goverment has many diffrent options here. If I were to advise Hassan Sheick on his next move, then I would definetly suggest to divide and rule by appointing Provincial administrations for each Gobol (Bak, Bakool, Gedo, Middle Juba, Lower Jubba, Lower Shabbele, etc) loading them with cash and some military muscles. This way you can appoint many more 'locals' to diffrent positions and knowing how clannish our folks are, it will definetly work to create administration that are close to the people and have grassroot support.
Africa waxaa kusoo arkay restaurants badan Somali leedahay oo sameeya cunto aan inaba caadi eheen.
Somalia: Bay region admin ‘violates federal constitution’: Baidoa MPs
Carafaat replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
This is the goverments first real test. If the goverment cant excersize its authority now, then it wont be able to yield any leverage in future (regional) conflicts either. It will become a second TNG, subject to the grill of local lords who neither elected by the people themselves. -
xiinfaniin;931725 wrote: The PM said he came back for more consultation with his government . He said there are many delegates that are present at Kismayo who want to establish federal state. He said people of Jubba region and their temporary administration want and support central government. The PM said the conflict is a constitutional one . This is a fact we repeated many times in these boards. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/70073-The-Somali-Constitution-on-Federalism?highlight=Somali+Constitution+Federalism xiinfaniin;925154 wrote: ^Did you read the constitution? Being part time politician is not excuse for being lazy waryaa . The disagreement on Jubba Conference is not about its constitutionality. It is , I repeat, about pure politicking ..which does not surprise anyone. In fact, given the significance of the region, political games are expected from the administration Xiin, glad you admit now this issue is a constitutional disagreement. Now why dont stop tribalising and politizing this issue and leave is to the Parliament to resolve.
Samafal, who is talking about sins? We are merely exchanging some memories from when we were young and innocent, some people were more innocent then others. This thread must not be considered as if its encouraging dating white girls, on te contrary. Ciyaalo iska ilaaliya cadaanka.
Somalia: Bay region admin ‘violates federal constitution’: Baidoa MPs
Carafaat replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
MMA, spot on. This is why I support the Federal goverment nominating the temporarly the regional admins. Some local elites/militias wexe rabaan iney gobolka afduubtaan yaga oo dantoona wata. Cidna looma joojiniyo. -
Qaybdiid not Happy with Principles of Federalism, Lashes out at PM
Carafaat replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
The FG of Somalia cant afford to give in on the demands and interest of local elites. This was their line towards Beletweyn, Baidoa, Marka and even HAG state Galmudug.That is the reality of weighing a goverment does between local interest against national. Cidna uma joojiniso. -
malistar2012;931641 wrote: Pm should give Gandi and madoba ultimatum no room for apeasment . The country is watching , you let Morgan and Gandi have their way then tomorrow Must Sudi and abdiqabiid too are gonna form states. FG has to make statements. That is exactly the dilemma and the heavy responsebility the FG is facing. The FG has to establish her authority throughout the country. By giving in on those local elites, the goverments authority will be reduced to merely a bystander without effective rule nor power. Hence why the FG cant and wont yield for the local elites and militias that wanted to rule Beletweyn, Baidoa and Marka. And they cant afford to give in to those in Kismayo as well. There is much more at stake then Jubbaland here. Hence why cidna loo joojineen.