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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Mogadishu (RBC) Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has late on Wednesday met with senior United Nations and African Union officials in his presidential Villa in Mogadishu, a press statement from the president’s office said. The meeting also attended the defense minister and the president’s senior advisers while the Special Representative for African Union Mission in Somalia was also present. The joint delegation from the United Nations and the African Union presented to the Somali president the process of transforming the AMISOM troops in Somalia into UN peacekeepers with a United Nations Security Council mandate. “The joint delegation from AU and UN will give visits to Baidoa, Jowhar, Beledweyn and Kismayo regions to measure the achievements made by AMISOM so far and then they will report to the United Nations Security Council later this year.” Walid Musa from African Union said. The delegation from African Union and the United Nations Supporting AMISOM Office will also look the possibibilities to transflrm the mission to UN hatted forces in Somalia next year. Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said that the government appriciates such initiative as he also thanked the role by the African Union and the United Nations towards building Somalia security. “Despite defeated al Shabab are still posing high threat against our stability.” president Mohamud said. Meanwhile Somali government is willing so see the Kenyan army to be replaced from Kismayo following earlier calls for multinational forces to be brought into the port town. RBC Radio
  2. Ra’iisul wasaare kuxigeenka ahna Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga H.E. Fawzia Yusuf H.Adam oo maanta Muqdisho dib ugu soo laabatay kadib safar shaqo oo qaatay muddo ka badan hal todobaad oo ay ku joogtay wadanka China iyada iyo wafdi ay hogaamineysay oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Wasiiru dowlaha Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga Qaranka Mahdi Maxamuud Cali iyo Wasiir kuxigeenka howlaha guud ,dib u dhiska ,gaadiidka badda,dekedaha iyo tamarta Nadiifa Maxamed Cismaan ,ayaa waxa ay shaaca ka qaaday in dowladda China ay la soo saxiixatay heshiis dhinacyo badan taabanaya , kaasoo ay qeyb yihiin dib u dhiska wadada xiriirisa Magaalooyinka Gaalkacyo iyo Burco, garoonka weyn ee Stadiom Muqdisho,Isbitaalka Banaadir, Tiyaatarka iyo goobo kale H.E. Fawzia Yusuf H.Adam, oo Shir jaraa’id ku qabatay Airport-ka Aden Abdulle ee Muqdisho ayaa sheegtay in dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo China uu ka dhaxeeyo xiriir soo jireen ah oo soo taxnaa muddo 1000 sano ah , iyadoo Soomaaliya ay uga horeysay wadamada bariga Afrika ee xiriir diblomaasiyadeed la sameeya China ,iyadoo la xasuusan yahay in Soomaaliya ay u ololeysay ,una codeysay China si ay u hesho xubinimada joogtada ee golaha amniga . Ra’iisul wasaare kuxigeenka ahna Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga oo si heer sare loogu soo kala dhoweeyay Magaalada ganacsiga ah ee Shanghai,gobolka Inner Mongolia iyo Caasimadda China , ayaa waxa ay mudadii halkaasi ay joogtay ay la kala kulantay Mas’uuliyiin kala duwan oo uu ka mid yahay Ra’iisul wasaare kuxigeenka China Wang Yang ,Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Wang Yi iyo Mas’uuliyiin kale oo ka tirsan dowladda dhexe ee dalkaas. Mar Ra’iisul wasaare kuxigeenka ahna Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga la weydiiyay kaalinta Wasaaraddu ay ka qaadaneyso soo siideynta Soomaalida dibadaha ku xiran , ayaa waxa ay tiri “ Wasaaradeydu waxa ay ku howlan tahay, kalana hadashay dowlaha ay ku xiran yihiin muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed , sida Maldives , Seychelles , Kenya , Ethiopia, Yemen , Libya,India iyo wadamo kale ,si loo siiyo xuquuqdooda sharci , lana suura-geliyo siideysmadooda, waxaa naga go’aan ah ilaalinta sumcadda iyo xuquuqda muwaadinka Soomaaliyeed ee dibadda ku nool”.
  3. UN Mission to set up station in southern Somalia’s Kismayo port Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) – The UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) will establish a presence in Kismayo to support the new Jubba Interim Administration, Nicholas Kay, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Somalia and Head of UNSOM, has announced. Kay’s announcement followed the signing of an internationally supported agreement between the Federal Government of Somalia and the Interim Jubba Administration here late Wednesday. The agreement establishes the modalities of administration and governance in the Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba and Gedo south and south-western regions of the Horn of Africa country. UNSOM is mandated to support peace-building and state-building as well as the Federal Government’s peace and reconciliation process in the country. Meanwhile, the Federal Government and the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) have called for a reconciliation conference to follow the new agreement. The deal is expected to bring to an end months of standoff and political dispute over the future of Jubba area and Kismayo.According to Kay, UNSOM stands ready to assist the proposed conference. Source:PANA
  4. Agreement between Somalia government and Jubba delegation The United Nations (UN) and African Union (AU) welcomed the agreement between the federal government of Somalia and the Jubba delegation The United Nations and the African Union (AU) on Thursday welcomed the signing on Wednesday in Addis Ababa of an agreement regarding the current political, governance and security situation of the Jubbas. Under the auspices of Ethiopia, Chair of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and Chair of the AU, an agreement between the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the Jubba delegation was signed regarding the current political, governance and security situation of the Jubbas. "AU Chairperson of the Commission Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma commended the Somali parties for reaching this historic agreement, which is a further illustration of the capacity of the Somalis to triumph over their differences," the AU said in a statement. The Chairperson thanked Ethiopia for its efforts, the committed resources and its dedication in facilitating the negotiations between the parties. "In this respect, the chairperson looked forward to the successful holding of the High-Level Conference on a New Deal for Somalia, scheduled to take place in Brussels on 16 September 2013," the statement highlighted . "Somali authorities and other stakeholders of the AU’s continued commitment, notably through AMISOM, to assist them in consolidating the tremendous progress they have made," otğ chairperson assured. The United Nations envoy in Somalia on Wednesday also welcomed the agreement signed between the country's Federal Government and the Interim Jubba Administrationx establishing the terms of governance in three southern regions. “This is a significant step towards restoring peace in Somalia, building a strong Federal Somalia and contributing to regional and international security” said the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Somalia, Nicholas Kay. “This agreement unlocks the door to a better future for Somalia,” the UN stated. The agreement was signed in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, by the federal government's minister of state, Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir, and the leader of the Interim Jubba administration, Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islaan Madobe. It established the modalities of administration and governance in the Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba and Gedo regions. Somalia has been torn asunder by factional fighting since 1991 but has recently made progress towards stability. In 2011, Al-Shabaab insurgents retreated from Mogadishu and last year new government institutions emerged as the country ended a transitional phase toward setting up a permanent, democratically-elected government.
  5. President Xasan Culusoow reaction to Faroole cutting ties with Federal Goverment.
  6. Oday Xaad is angry about the Jubba agreement. Another spoiler opposing compromise between Somalis. Odey Xaad Oo Afka Furtey, Diideyna Shirkii Iyadoo Labo maalmood ay ka soo wareegatay heshiiskii ay DF iyo Jubaland ku gaareen magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa markiiba odayaasha sheegta inay yihiin odayaasha dhaqanka ****** ayaa ka soo horjeestay heshiiskii Addis. Oday Xaad ayaa wareysi siiyay warbaahinta gudaha wuxuu ku sheegay in heshiiskii DF iyo maamulka Jubaland ee u hogaamiyo madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe inay ka soo horjeedaan, islamarkaana ay DF kula talinayaan inay ka laabtaan heshiiskaas. ] Maaha markii ugu horreeysay ay odayaasha ku qaraabta magaca beesha ****** inay ka soo horjeestaan in dalka uu ka hirgalo nidaamka Federaalka oo shacabka soomaliyeed sameystaan maamul goboleed. arintan ayaa waxay noqotay mid caado ah in mar walba ay ka hadlaan odayaal sheegta magac qabiil oo aan cidna matalin. Arrimahaan ayaa ilaa hadda aysan ka hadlin masuuliyiinta ugu sarreeysa DF sababta ay mar walba odayshaan ku adeegta magaca beesha ****** ay u hurinayaan colaadda iyo isku dirka umadda soomaliyeed. Halkan hoose ka Dhageyso .
  7. Even reports that Faroole opposes the agreement and in his words adding more add fuel to the fire, one day after the signing of the agreement. Faroole is clearly the number one spoiler of Somalia! What is not helpful is defending him out of clan reasons, like some SOL'ers are doing here. People like Cadde Muuse, Xoosh, Gaas and countless other Puntlanders have distanced themselves from Faroole and his politics for a good reason. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo eedeeyay Dowladda Somalia kana soo horjeestay Heshiiskii Addis Ababa lagu gaaray Khamiis, August 29, 2013 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Puntland, Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole) ayaa ku eedeeyay dowladda Somalia inay is-hortaagtay nidaamka federaaliga ah ee la doonayo Soomaaliya in laga hirgaliyo. Madaxweyne Faroole oo beryahanba ku sugnaa magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya, ayaa sheegay inuu wadi doono qorshaha lagu soo saarayo shidaalka Puntland islamar ahaantaana uusan la qaybsan doonin dawlada federaalka dakhliga kasoo gala shidaalka. Isagoo wareysi siiyay wakaalada wararka ee Reuters ayuu sheegay in Puntland aysan aqbali doonin in dalka dib loogu celiyo nidaam lamid ah kii Maxamed Siyaad Barre sida uu hadalka u dhigay. "Waxay rabaan in dalka ay ka hirgaliyaan nidaamkii awooda oo dhan dawladda dhexe gacanteeda ku jirtay, sida kii Siyaad barre oo kale” ayuu yiri madaxweynaha Puntland. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sidoo kale sheegay inaysan ogolaan doonin in dawlada dhexe shirkad shidaal oo ay heshiis lasoo gashay ay ka hawlgasho deegaannada ay maamulaan. “Waan ka joojinaynaa inay dhulkayaga timaado shirkadii heshiis lasoo gasha dawlada federaalka ah” ayuu yiri. Heshiiskii Jubbaland: Dhanka kalana madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa kasoo horjeestay heshiiskii shalay ka dhacay magaalada Addisababa ee xarunta dalka Itoobiya, isagoo sheegay in dawladda Muqdisho aysan ogolayn inay maamul goboleedyada awood siiso. "Waxay rabaan inay isku dhac ka dhex abuuraan dadka Jubbaland, horayna waa u sameeyeen, si ay ugu doodaan habkaani shaqayn mayo oo wuxuu keenayaa inay dadku is laayaan” ayuu yiri. Doorashada Puntland: Mar uu ka hadlay doorashada soo socota ee ka dhici doonta Puntland ayuu sheegay inuu doonayay in nidaamka halka cod ah oo ay shacabku codaynayaan uu hirgaliyo balse ay fashiliyeen dad uu ku tilmaamay inay yihiin siyaasiyiin hore oo saamayn ku leh Puntland. Wuxuu sheegay inay u dhici doonto doorashadu qaabkii hore ee odayaasha qabaa’ilku ay soo xulayeen xildhibaano doorta madaxweynaha. Hadalka Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa yimid maalin kaddib markii ay Maamulkii horay loogu yaqaanay Jubbaland ee loo bixiyay Jubba iyo dawlada federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya kala saxiixdeen heshiis taariikhi ah oo la filayay inuu soo afjaro mushkiladda ka taagan Soomaaliya, kana mid ahaa arrimihii sii kala fogeeyay maamul goboleedka Puntland iyo dawlada federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya. Axmed C/samada, Hiiraan Online Nairobi , Kenya
  8. Of the tribes in Jubaland the Somali are by far the most important. In the whole of East Africa there are two branches of the Somali, the Darud [******] and the Ishaak. The former only is represented in Jubaland. The Dirr and Haweyeh tribes, largely represented in Italian territory and slightly in Jubaland, though called Somali are really the aborigines of the Benidir coast, and are in no way co-tribal with the Somali, with whom they seldom intermarry . The Somali report that about 700 years ago an Arab sheik, Ismail Juberti by name, having been outlawed, fled from his country in a dhow. He landed on the Benidir coast near Hobia (or Obbia), but the Haweyeh, who then lived in the neighbourhood, refused him hospitality, so eventually he joined the Dirr tribe.
  9. Haatu;975404 wrote: Carafaat you need to come with something clear. That article doesn't say he opposes it, just dismisses it. Besides, who even cares about what Faroole thinks? He can bark like a mad dog in Garoowe all day if he likes. Haatu, Read the Somali sources as well. According to those sources Faroole opposed the Jubba deal and tried to sabotage it. Thats why he was refused to enter Addis. Faroole cares little about Kismayo or Mogadishu or even a city close to home like Galkacyo. He has his own agenda and it a step foward for the Jubba contigent to enter in to a deal directly with the Federal Goverment without interverence or middleman as Faroole.
  10. Homunculus;975389 wrote: Don't you know, we are all federalists now. The constitution states Somalia is a federal country. The question is do we want a clan cofederacy only supporyed by Faroole or 18 regional decentralized States with real inclusive admins. The Jubba deal bring us closer to the later and Faroole knows that.
  11. Thursday, August 29, 2013 The semi-autonomous Somali state of Jubaland agreed Wednesday to ally itself with the national government, in a deal hailed as boosting to efforts to unify the war-torn nation. The is welcome news for Somalia’s internationally-backed authorities, who have struggled to extend their reach far beyond the capital Mogadishu and are also fighting the Al-Qaeda-inspired Shebab militia. Jubaland, situated in southern Somalia and bordering Kenya, was one of several breakaway regions of the fractured Horn of Africa nation. There is also Puntland in the northeast tip of the country which wants autonomy within a federation of states, while Somaliland in the northwest declared total independence in 1991. The agreement was signed after a week of negotiations in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa between Somalia’s state minister, Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir, and the self-appointed leader of Jubaland, Ahmed Madobe. “The Federal Government of Somalia and the (Jubaland) delegations have agreed to an Interim Administration” for the region, the agreement states. The deal will still see Madobe remain in charge of Jubaland for a two-year transitional period, but he did agree to hand over control of the port and airport in the strategic coastal city of Kismayo. Madobe also promised to integrate “all security elements” — including his own private militia — into the national army, which is backed by the 17,700-strong African Union force. Madobe, who pronounced himself president of Jubaland last May, said he was committed to implementing the accord. “I want to assure you I have not stood up here to say something and then we don’t implement,” he said after the talks. “I hope this will be something that will be implemented practically and will be good… for the rest of Somalia,” he added. Somalia’s representative hailed the deal. “We agreed that we are not two parties in building the state of Somalia, we are only one party in building the federal state of Somalia,” he said. Further details of the accord are to be finalised at a reconciliation to take place in the capital Mogadishu, officials said, although no firm date has yet been set.
  12. How would you interprete the words 'But Farole dismissed the deal'? How will you spin this one?
  13. Tillamook;975377 wrote: ^ Adeer wax caqli gal ah ku hadal. Faroole meel uu uga so horjeestay heshiishkii shalay lagu kala saxiixday lama hayo ee meesha kalatag sheekada raqiiska ah. Read the Reuters article, published one day after the signing of the Jubba Agreement. Mogadishu on Wednesday recognised a former Islamist commander as the interim leader of the southern Jubaland region and reached a deal over administration of a lucrative port. But Farole dismissed the deal, saying he saw little sign of Mogadishu giving ground to allow the regions more autonomy. "They want to create and did create a conflict in Jubaland to demonstrate to the outside world that this model doesn't work because the people will fight against each other," Farole said.
  14. Tillamook, anigu waxan maan so qorin ee website yada ayaa lasoo wada galiyay. Waxaan la yaabanahay odaygu Faroole wuxu uga so horjeedo heshiiskan Jubba, oo Somali oo dhan dan u ah ina la heshiiyo oo xal la raadiyo. Federalism ayaa rabaa iyo gobol kasta fara galin ayaa ku sameeniyaa isma qabtaan.
  15. Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland C/man Faroole ayaa la sheegay in loo diiday in uu ka qeybgalo shirkii lagu soo gunaanadayay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia. Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland C/man Faroole ayaa la sheegay in loo diiday in uu ka qeybgalo shirkii lagu soo gunaanadayay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia. C/man Faroole ayaa laga celiyay garoonka dayuuradaha ee magaalada Nairobi isagoo doonayay in uu u dhoofo magaalad Addis. Ka joojinta dhoofintaanka ayaa wararka ay tilmaamayaan in ay ka dambeysay codsi ay dowlada federalka u gudbisay dowlada Kenya iyadoo ka cabsi qabtay in uu carqaladeeyo kulankii ka socday magaala madaxda dalka Ethiopia. Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa kulankaasi uu ahaa mid maalmo qaatay oo ay heshiis kula soo gashay maamulkii la magac baxay Jubba Land. Madaxweynaha Puntland C/maan Faroole ayaa gebi ahaanba joojiyay xiriirkii uu la lahaa dowlada federalka kadib markii uu eedeyn u soo jeediyay dowlada inay wax ka bedeshay dastuurka. Xiriirka ka dhexeeya dowlada Federalka iyo maamulka Puntland ayaa tan iyo markii uu jaray xiriirka waxa uu ahaa mid aan wanaagsanayn hase ahaatee dib u dhaca ka soo gaaray C/maan Faroole sidii uu lug ugu yeelan lahaa heshiiska Jubbaland ayaa waxaa ay ka dhigaysaa mid uu hoos u dhac ka soo gaaray kaalintii uu ku lahaa siyaasada Jubbaland.
  16. Ma dhabaa in Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole loo diiday inuu galo magaalada Addis ababa? Wararka Ka Imaanaya Magaalada Adis Ababa Ee Dalka Itoobiya Ayaa sheegay In Madax weynaha Maamulka Puntland C/raxmaan Sheekh Max’ed Max’uud faroole shalay loo Diiday In Uu Gudaha U galo Magaaladaasi sidaasina waxaa warbaahinta u sheegay afhayeenka ururada bulshada rayidka ah ee puntland, wadaxweynaha Ayaa la sheegay In Uu ka Amba baxay Dalka Kenya Isla Markaana Markii Uu Ka Dagay Air Port-ka Adis Ababa Ay Is hortageen Ciidamada Amaanka Ee Air Port-ka Kuwaas Oo U sheegay In Aan Loo Ogoleyn In Magaalada Uu Gudaha uu galo. Axmed cumar siyaad oo sheegay inuu yahay afhayeenka ururada bulshada rayid ah ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in sababta faroole looga celiyey inuu gudaha u galo magaalada addis ababa ay ka dambeeyeen sida uu yiri dowladda itoobiya oo ka baqeysay inuu qas ku sameeyo saxiixa heshiiska ay wada gaareen dowladda soomaaliya iyo maamulka axmed madoobe isagoo xusay inay jiraan qodobo dhowr ah oo ka mid heshiiskaasi inuu ka soo horjeeday Faroole, sidaas owgeed laga baqay in ergada dowladda soomaaliya ay shirka kabaxdo haddii uu soo galo faroole goobta shirka Ma jirto cid xaqiijineysa warka lagu sheegayo in madaxweynaha puntland loo diiday inuu gudaha u galo shalay magaalada addis ababa,isagoo doonayey in inta aan la saxiixin shirkaasi uu kulan la yeesho ergadii ka socotay maamulka axmed madoobe si qaabka ay u dhigan yihiin qodobada qaar wax looga bedelo Xubno katirsan maamulka puntland ayaa iyagu beeniyey warkaasi waxayna sheegeen in madaxweyne faroole uu ku sugan yahay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya uuna halkaasi kulamo kula lee yahay xubno katirsan beesha caalmka ,islamarkaasna uusan aadin dalka itoobiya sida ay yiraahdeen.
  17. DHAGAYSO: Faroole oo isku dayaya inuu fashiliyo Wadahadalada ka soconaya Adis Ababa Xili Magaalada Adis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya ay ka soconayaan wadahadalada udhaxeeya dowlada Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Axmed Madoobe ayaa lasoo sheegayaa in fashilka shirkaas uu ka shaqeynayo Madaxweynaha Puntland Faroole. Waxaa la tilmaamayaa in Madaxwaynaha maamulka Puntland Dr C/rixmaan Sheekh maxamed Maxamuud Faroole uu ka shaqeynayo fashilinta shirka Addis Ababa uga soconaya dhinacyada Soomaalida ee sida wayn iskugu haya siyaasada Jubbooyinka. Faroole ayaa la sheegay inuusan marnaba raali ka ahayn shirkaasi inay kasoo baxaan Qodobo Muhiim oo labada dhinac isku afgartaan. Guddoomiyaha Ururada Bulshada Rayidka Puntland ayaa ku eedeeyay inuu toos u wacayo Magaalada Addis Ababa, isagoona Axmed Madoobe uu cadaadis ku saarayo inuusan qaadanin wax aysan dani ugu jirin Puntland.
  18. Dalada Bulshada Rayidka ee Puntland oo madaxweyne Faroole ku eedeysay in uu faragelyay wadahadalada Jubaland iyo dawlada Soomaaliya August 28, 2013 | Filed under: Wararkii ugu Dambeeyay | Posted by: Webmaster Garoowe Aug 28,2013(SDN)-Afhayeenka dalada ururada bulshada rayidka ee Puntland ayaa ku eedeeyay madaxweynaha maamul-goboleedka Puntland in uu farogelin ku hayo wadahadalada Adis Ababa uga socda dawlada Soomaaliya iyo maamulka dhawaanta looga dhawaaqay Kismaayo ee Jubaland. Maamul-Goboleedka Puntland ayaa horaantii Bishan xiriirka u jaray dawlada dhexe ee Soomalaiya oo uu ku eedeeyay in ay ka jebisay Dastuurkii dalka. Afhayeenka Dalada ururada Bulshada ee Puntland Daahir Cumar ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole uu ku qanciyay madaxweynaha Jubaland Axmed Madoobe in aanu heshiis la sexeexan dawlada Soomaaliya. Afhayeenka Dalada ururada Bulshada Puntland ayaa sidaa u sheegay Iddaacada Dalsan ee laga dhegeysto degaanada Puntland. Wadahadalada Dawlada Soomaaliya iyo Jubaland ee ka socda Adis Abab ayaa mudo haatan dhawr maamood ah la isku mari la’ayahay sharciyeynta maamulka Jubaland. Maamul-goboleedka Puntland ayaa hore ula saftay dhismaha maamulka Jubaland ee doodaha badani ka taagan yihiin jiritaankiisa. SDN-Garoowe
  19. Faroole considered as spoiler and refused entry to Addis Abbeba. WAR DEG DEG: Faroole” Oo Lagu Xidhay Garoonka Adis, Warysi Afhayeen (Maqal) Madaxwaynaha Maamul goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland ayaa galabta in lagu xanibay garoonka Bole International ee magaalada Addis Ababa xili uu kasoo dagayay Madaxwayne C/rixmaan faroole. HALKAN KA DHEGAYSO COD Wararka ayaa sheegaya Madaxwaynaha inuu doonayay shirkii galabta ay ku kala saxiixdeen Addis Ababa Maamulka KMG ah ee Jubba iyo Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya inuu ka qayb galo waxaana arintaasi shaki ka muujiyay Dowladda Ethiopia iyo Ergada beesha Caalamka kuwaasoo ka cabsi qaba hadii uu Faroole shirka kasoo qayb galo labada dhinac inuu khilaaaf horleh soo kala dhex galo maadaama xiriirka maamulka faroole iyo dowladda Soomaaliya xiliyadii ugu danbeeyay uu sii xumaanayay. Xayiraada Madaxwaynaha Puntland lagu soo rogay ayaa la sheegay inay amreen Wasiirka arimaha dibadda dalka Ethiopia Tedros Adhanom iyo Ergeyga gaarka ah ee xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Amb Nicholas Kay. Ilaa iyo iminka lama ogo in Xayiraadii laga qaaday madaxwayne Faroole galabta la saaray, waxaana arintaasi xaqiijiyay Afhayeenka Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah ee Puntland, Isagoona Kashifay Arimo Badan oo la Xidhiidha Cabdi Raxmaan Faroole.
  20. Somali govt undermining federal plan - regional leader DRAZEN JORGIC AND EDMUND BLAIR Thursday, August 29, 2013 NAIROBI (Reuters) - The president of Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region said the central government was undermining plans to create a federal system and that he would develop potential oil resources in his area even without a revenue-sharing deal with Mogadishu. Abdirahman Mohamud Farole's remarks in a Reuters interview show the deep national divisions and the huge task facing the Mogadishu government as it seeks to unite the nation with devolved powers after two decades of war and clan rivalry. Mogadishu has promised to share power and resources in the poor Horn of Africa state, but distrust of central government still threatens fragile security gains of the past two years, highlighted when Puntland broke off ties this month. "Mogadishu has undermined the federal system," said Farole, 68, who spent four years in Australia in the 1990s and then secured the presidency of Puntland in northern Somalia in 2009. "They want the highly centralised government of the (Mohamed) Siad Barre model, where Mogadishu is the centre," he said late on Wednesday, referring to the dictator toppled when war erupted in the early 1990s and splintered the nation into a patchwork of fiefdoms run by warlords and then Islamist militants. The president of Puntland, which has managed to create a semblance of order in its territory, said it would assert autonomy by exploiting oil resources believed to lie within its borders. Farole said the current constitution forbids Mogadishu from awarding oil contracts to foreign firms across the nation while it is still negotiating how future oil revenues will be shared with the regions. Oil companies that did strike a deal with Mogadishu and tried to work in Puntland would be prevented, he said. "We will physically stop them," he said, without giving details. SHARING THE PROCEEDS However, Farole said Canadian explorer Africa Oil and Australian firm Range Resources would continue drilling for oil in Puntland during talks with Mogadishu, which he said could benefit from future proceeds. "When we brought Africa Oil to Puntland, I publicly announced that this (oil) is not only for Puntland," said Farole, one of the early advocates for a federal Somali state. Some diplomats say Farole's stance, including the decision to break ties with Mogadishu over accusations the government was failing to share power, is aimed at drumming up support before a regional election next year. The central government insists it is committed to federalism but says it needs time because of years of chaos. Continued attacks by Islamist militants, notably in Mogadishu, still threaten a return to the disorder that shattered Somalia. In a move diplomats said could help build devolved government, Mogadishu on Wednesday recognised a former Islamist commander as the interim leader of the southern Jubaland region and reached a deal over administration of a lucrative port. But Farole dismissed the deal, saying he saw little sign of Mogadishu giving ground to allow the regions more autonomy. "They want to create and did create a conflict in Jubaland to demonstrate to the outside world that this model doesn't work because the people will fight against each other," Farole said. Puntland is due to hold a presidential election in January, but Farole said plans to let citizens vote directly had been blocked by former politicians with strong power bases. In an effort to prevent bloodshed, Farole said he had agreed to repeat the old electoral process whereby members of parliament selected by their communities go on to elect a Puntland leader in a secret ballot, a process that mirrors how Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was picked in Mogadishu. (Editing by Richard Lough and Dale Hudson)
  21. GM crops won't help African farmers The UK's environment minister says GM crops will help combat hunger in developing countries. But Owen Paterson is wrong Farmers sow seeds in Ethiopia. 'Farmers in Africa already have effective approaches to seed and agriculture Last week we heard that Owen Paterson, the UK's environment minister, is claiming that GM crops are necessary to help address hunger in developing countries, and that it would be immoral for Britain not to help developing countries to take up GM. Millions of small-scale farmers in Africa would disagree. African farmers and civil society have repeatedly rejected GM crops, and asked their governments to ban them. Paterson does not appear to understand the complex realities and challenges of farming in Africa. Nor does he seem to grasp the limitations of GM crops. He fails to recognise that farmers in Africa already have effective approaches to seed and agriculture, which are far more environmentally and farmer-friendly than GM. Most of all, he fails to acknowledge the devastating impact that GM crops will have on African farmers and farming systems. In the UK, Africa is often talked about as a failing continent where the hungry apparently wait around for northern benefactors to save us. Talk of Africa seems to imply that we have little or no food production, that our farmers are clueless, our seed unproductive. We won't go into how patronising and insulting this attitude is. Instead, we will focus on how this failure to acknowledge African farming systems and seed is being used to wipe them out. Traditional African farming systems have developed an incredible diversity of seed varieties, which are able to deal with the multiple challenges of farming. Seed breeding is a complex art, and scientists who really listen and engage will realise that African farmers have a vast amount of ecological knowledge. Having many different types of seed – bred for their flavours and better nutrition, and which have evolved with local pests and diseases and are adapted to different soils and weather patterns – is a far better strategy of resilience than developing a single crop that is bound to fail in the face of climate change. It is a myth that the green revolution has helped poor farmers. By pushing just a few varieties of seed that need fertilisers and pesticides, agribusiness has eroded our indigenous crop diversity. It is not a solution to hunger and malnutrition, but a cause. If northern governments genuinely wish to help African agriculture, they should support the revival of seed-saving practices, to ensure that there is diversity in farmers' hands. But GM crops pose an even greater threat to Africa's greatest wealth. GM companies make it illegal to save seed. We have seen that farmers in North America whose crop was cross-pollinated by GM pollen have been sued by the GM company. About 80% of African small-scale farmers save their seed. How are they supposed to protect the varieties they have developed, crossed and shared over generations from GM contamination? This will be a disaster for them. Paterson refers to the use of GM cotton in India. But he fails to mention that GM cotton has been widely blamed for an epidemic of suicides among Indian farmers, plunged into debt from high seed and pesticide costs, and failing crops. Paterson also refers to the supposed potential of GM crops developed to be drought-tolerant. These crops are not yet on the market, and we don't know if they ever will be. The only two varieties of GM that have been sold in the past 15 years are resistant to a particular type of pest and a particular type of herbicide. Ask farmers if stalk borers or weeds are a cause of hunger in Africa, and they will laugh at you. Instead of waiting for expensive GM solutions that may never arrive – and will ruin us if they do – we have worked with communities who were able to produce surplus food in times of drought by returning to their traditional varieties. A long-term study (pdf) in Ethiopia showed that crops fare much better in an environment where soil and water is conserved in composted land than on land that is pumped full of fertiliser and imported seeds. Communities increasingly understand that modern seeds often fail in these times of changing climates and unpredictable weather. The only way to ensure real food security is to support farmers to revive their seed diversity and healthy soil ecology. As Esther Bett, a farmer from Eldoret in Kenya, said last week: "It seems that farmers in America can only make a living from GM crops if they have big farms, covering hundreds of hectares, and lots of machinery. But we can feed hundreds of families off the same area of land using our own seed and techniques, and many different crops. Our model is clearly more efficient and productive. Mr Paterson is wrong to pretend that these GM crops will help us at all." • Million Belay is co-ordinator of the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa. Ruth Nyambura is advocacy officer of the African Biodiversity Network, which last year co-released the film Seeds of freedom
  22. Each region will get its own administration. Gedo, Middle and Lower Jubba will all have their own Governors and deal directly with the Federal Goverment. The income of the Port And Airport will be divided between the Federal Goverment, City of Kismayo and the 3 regions. Axmed Madobe is appointed as coordinator of the transitions of the Jubba regions. Somalia will have a normal decentralized administration with three layers of government. Central, Regional and District level. There will be no 4th level of clan based Super States. This is a major win for Somalia.
  23. Alpha Blondy;975146 wrote: ^ i see you'd rather use 'biotechnology' produced GM foods than maintain your integrity and sharaf as a human of equal proportions? until now we've REFUSED these scientific creations of the gaal but you're an ''il yare geelbeed'' and we know many of your ''ibaax'' folks were ''objects of desire'' for the colonial masters in and around the State House iyo Hindiya Laynka area of Hargeisa before the 1960s........ so your thinking doesn't come as a surprise, abti. for centuries now, the whites and their proxies, in their haste to further sow the seeds of population control measures, have been looking to test their ''inorganic'' and ''cell in a petri-dish'' manipulated generic foods on Africans as though we're like mice, mouses or other rodent-like creatures.......can you believe that? :confused: around the early 2000s Robert Mugabe refused GM foods because ''apparently'' his 'people are not mice in a laboratory to be experimented on' , ma garatay? also...... why is WFP and other tentacle-like agencies of the 'Global World Order' dumping cheap produces on African Markets, abti? Africans can produce their own produces, you know. abti, let's bring back the US-listed terrorist group Al-Shaabab because it's quite obvious they know how to plough the fields and harvest the crops better than INGO field officers on the ground. Alpha, You are absolutely right. From a geo-political perspective, the food chain is considered by the west as the single most important security "thread" or rather the most important battle field. For the last 20 years the world food markets have been distorted with cheap foods dumped on the African markets supported with export subsidies by the US and EU, WFP 'food aid' and speculations on foor markets. This has greatly affected the African food production, making it ripe for interverence and monopolisation.
  24. Wiil Cusub, My biggest concern on GMO food is not related to the health concerns(risk on cancer). But on the prospect of the seeds being intellectual property and thus pattented by large multinationals. This could in turn make the food sector a monopoly of large firms, much like the pharmaceutical sector. To give you an example: Imagine I want to plant mais or tomatoes. You buy the seeds from a large corporation and then you harvest the mais or tomatoes. The problem starts when you want to use the seeds of the plants you harvest. These gmo plants have been geneticly modified and do not contain seeds you can use to plant again. This will force you to buy new seeds from the multinational. This will literly create a monopoly on the food chain. This isnt an issue for the rich countries but specially for countries in Africa. Just like the pattent on medicine is an issue for these countries and less for the west.
  25. Naxar Nugaaleed;975119 wrote: nin deeganka uu ku dhashay in digniin lugu diro imitaankisa waxay waxay ka mid tahay sababaha uu shaqeen karin this khaatumo s/land thing wont work. anyways, I think the VP is on his way to shir beeleed of the "hunters" in sarmanyo. Best of luck to the conference and the VP. There is a lot going in the capital of Khaatumo. Faroole is trying to get support from Taleex elders, this would mean Taleex elders withdraw they support for Khaatumo. The Taleex clan elders a soon be meeting to discuss direction. At the same time Taleex is the last district where Somaliland hasnt set a foot yet and considers it the last front. Hope things can be settled through political means.