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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Xiin, you are not up to date. Kismayo ayaa ku mashquulisay. Lasqoray is part of Somaliland since recently, there is even a military camp there.
  2. Saalax;937476 wrote: Dawarsi state vanished after it was rejected by Mogadishu as invalid. Mashruucii Awdal-state Oo Fashilmay “Addis-ababaa nooga dhow Muqdisho”. Diaspora based Awdal, SSC and Makhir States are all gone. Even Puntland dissapeared from the Somaliland territories it used to occuby.
  3. P.S. If Belgium can have 7 Parliaments and 7 Goverments while they are only 2 diffrent communities(French/Dutch). Then for sure Somalis could have more Parliaments, capitals and goverments. We just need to be a little creative.
  4. Baashi and Ilyira, First of all, a good thread. I think this its an excellent idea to philosophize or atleast theorize about possible political solutions for Somalia. As Ilyria mentioned, there seems to be diffrent options on the table. But none of the options seems to find common ground among most of the stakeholders. Does this mean, there is no possible solution where most Somalis could be satisfied about? No, I dont think so. But it certainly means that so far the Somali political actors have narrowly focused on the number of states and the relation between central authority and regional States. While if you analyse the root causes of the Somali conflict there are several diffrent factors that played a role and are not adressed by Federalism. So we need to look broader for diffrent political solution in terms of decentralisation, power allocation and governance configurations. For example: 1. The Somali capital or even multiple capitols. There are many countries who multiple capitals or where the largest city isnt the seat of the goverment. I have once proposed to make Garowe, Somalias official capital while Muqdisho remains seat of the goverment or vica versa. 2. Traditional Parliament(clan based Guurti) The current Goverment and Parliament are responsible for administrative issues and services. But I think many of the issues in Somalia are historical, cultural, traditional and thus clan related issues. In which any Goverment would be considered biased and can only be resolved by the clans themselves(the traditional Sultans, Aaqils, Kings, Garaads, etc). This is in line with our traditional history. So next to the Federal House(Parliament and Senate) that make legislation, there should be Clan Based Parliament(Guurti) dealing with clan related issues. Such a political platform would be inclusive and could achieve the clan balance or allocation (4.5 formula) that would dissapear once you have an elected Parliament and a House of Elders appointed by the regions. This was the outcome of an earlier social debate on the real roots of the Somali conflict. I think both options could be achieved without much change to the Constitution and current Goverment set-up.
  5. Xiinfaniin, stay on the thread please. You are setting an bad example by calling Kenya for the arrest of Somali nationals who disagree with you on domestic issues. this itself is a bad precedent. Imagine President Culusoow asking foreign countries to detain Faroole next time he travels. How tempting this might be, its still a very bad idea.
  6. Apophis;937308 wrote: Not while this government is acting like a schiziod vis a vis, the Jubbas. I have to disagree. Specially in the Case of Jubbaland, the goverment has showed willingness and restraint. Remember they have appointed administration for all Somali regions, except for Middle and Lower Jubba. To give the local reconcialiation and peace process a chance and time to come up with their demands.
  7. Apophis;937303 wrote: And this bit was rather telling: A political newcomer, Mohamud's election was hailed by many as a vote for change, but seven months on some grumble. He promised to improve security but it has not yet happened,'' said shopkeeper Halima Bile from Baidoa Apophis, the goverment has recently appointed a new Administration in Baidoa. Inshallah, security will improve soon.
  8. Apophis, many African countries dont receive any direct budgettary support. And as these direct budget support has mostly political purposes, I think Somalia can overcome and develop itself without it.
  9.!" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;937285 wrote: What is this nonsense , xiin ma wax kalo u meesha so galiyu wayey War waxani wa sheekoyinki xawalayda By the way all the oromos are deported Bosasso ayee wali ka buuxaan.
  11. Only God knows how heavy the burden is they are carrying. Ilahay ha garab istaago madaxda Somalia. Amiin.
  12. Even the Economist reports it. Dabrow, this is what they call daylight robbery, a common practice in Kenya, I hear.
  13. Fananada Caanka ee Ikran Jamac, heesta "Iga jeedi cashaqa'.
  14. Young artist Mursal Muuse with the song of Lafoole "Saxansaxo" .
  15. Whenever Xiinfaniin losses another argument, his bloods boils and starts to call everyone names. Thats when I know for sure, the guy is wrong.
  16. Baarlamaanka oo maanta warbixin ka dhegeystay qaar ka mid ah gudiyada Joogtada ah Muqdisho(RBC Radio) Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta Muqdisho ku yeeshay kulankoodii 14-aad ee kala fadhiga 2-aad kulanka maanta oo ku saabsanaa dhegeysiga gudiyada baarlamaanka ayaa waxaa soo xaadiray 160 xildhibaan iyadoona uu shir gudoominayey ku simaha gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka ahna gudoomiye ku xigeenka 2-aad ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Mahad Cabdalla Cawad. Kulanka ayaa waxaa warbixino looga dhegeystay ilaa 4 gudi oo ka tirsan gudiyada baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo kala ahaa gudiyada,Xuquuqul Iinsaanka,Difaaca,Arimaha Dibada iyo gudiga dib u eegista dastuurka dalka kuwaas oo baarlamaanka uga waramay shaqadii loo igmaday. Max’ed Axmed Kulan oo ah xoghayaha gudiga difaaca baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo baarlamaanka ka hor aqriyey warbixinta uu soo diyaariyey gudiga difaaca ayaa waxa uu si kulul u dhaleeceeyey wasaarada gaashaandhiga xukuumada Soomaaliya oo uu sheegay iney ka gaabisay la shaqaynta gudiga difaaca baarlamaanka. Xoghayaha gudiga difaaca baarlamaanka ayaa sheegay in wada shaqayn la’aanta wasaarada gaashaandhiga xukuumada Soomaaliya iyo gudiga difaaca baarlamaanka Soomaaliya uu masuul ka yahay wasiirka wasaarada gaashaandhiga dowlada Soomaaliya C/xakiin Xaaji Max’uud Fiqi oo sida uu sheegay ka dhega adaygay codsiyo dhowr ah oo ay u direen. Max’ed Axmed Kulan ayaa soo jeediyey in wasiirka gaashaandhiga looga yeero baarlamaanka si uu uga jawaabo sababaha uu uga caga jiiday inuu wada shaqayn dhab ah la yeesho gudiga difaaca baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Shir gudoonka kulanka maanta Mahad Cabdalla Cawad ayaa baarlamaaanka xasuusiyey in baarlamaanku uu qayb libaax ka qaato fantasyahay loo samaynayo maalinta 12-ka April oo ahayd markii dhidibada loo aasay ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliya oo la aas aasay sanadkii 1960-kii. RBC Radio Xafiiska Wararka Muqdisho
  17. The Zack;937005 wrote: The new government of Kenya is blocking spoilers of Jubaland conference from entering its territories. Apophis;937219 wrote: Fck it! Kill them all and let god sort them out. xiinfaniin;937011 wrote: They should have been detained and debriefed, Good policy , inta Jubbaland laga dhisayo buuq lama rabo Xiinfaniin, many Somalis have countries they call their second home. My second home is Holland. But would never ever call for Dutch authorities to block from entering(Zack), detain and debrief(you) or to slaugher(Apophis) fellow innocent Somalis, regardeless of their political opinion on Somali issues.
  18. Saalax, dont take this to serieuz. Some pirates have destorted and falsified numbers from a UN Project survey. Nothing more.
  19. Apophis;937219 wrote: Fck it! Kill them all and let god sort them out. Calling for Kenyan massacre against Somalis. Reminds me of this.
  20. Apophis;937234 wrote: When your intellect fails you, use emotional blackmail. Sxb, theer's no such thing as "country men", only interests, perpetual interests. When Oodweyneh called some here, Kikuyu butlers, I though it was a joke. But as of today it is quite obvious why that name is a correct term for few folks here.
  21. Haatu;937235 wrote: Whether they're a nomad, a farmer or fisherman, they're all Somali. Besides, the nomadic culture = somali culture. As for the dialects, meh. Nobody disputes that. Neither Khadafi nor me made that suggestion.
  22. Jacpher;937213 wrote: I guess there are no countries on earth that refuse people entry for political grounds. For those of you protesting Kenya's right to do so; look no further than your host country. I am too tired now to list the gazillion countries who turn away people for this reason or another everyday. Stop holding Kenya to a higher different standard. Heck, Somaliland, turns away anyone having to do with anything Muqdisho politically. For those of you threatening Kenya to invade or evoke sovereignty, on what ground? Kenya must accept every Somali citizen that lands its space?? Jacpher, Kenya (as any other country) can do what it wants and has always done so. But what is suprising and shocking is few folks here(Zack, Xiinfaniin and Apophis) supporting Kenyas actions against their own country and country men.
  23. xiinfaniin;937011 wrote: They should have been detained and debriefed, Good policy , inta Jubbaland laga dhisayo buuq lama rabo Your sideliding yourself with Kenya above your own country. Some would call it treason.
  24. The Zack;937212 wrote: Really? Then why in the world have you created more than a dozen of threads about Kenya and not a single one about Uganda? Why do you speak so loud against Kenyans and whisper about the Ugandans? Why aren't you protesting against the Ugandan influence in Xamar and Jowhar and whine about Kenyan facilitation in Jubbaland? Why waryaa? I responded to the article you posted here on Kenya and have rejoiced. If you would have posted an article on Uganda I would have responded the same. Ma kala jecli Uganda iyo Kenya. Laakinse what they do to Somali citizens, does matter to me.
  25. I did not make any diffrentiation between Uganda and Kenya. They are both foreign countries with their own agenda in Somalia, but it seems you seem to align yourself to a great extend with one of them two countries.