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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Refuge's have many talents and Hargeysa benefits from it. Locking people up in camps wont add anything to them nor to the country.
  2. General Duke;737212 wrote: ^^^Nassir adeer spare us the waffle. Attam has long been defeated, its the government that has won the day and forced a Carthaginian peace on the supporters of the agent of Al Shabaab. After Puntland waged a war for more then a year against Atam and his local supporters, Puntland goverment has officialy anounced that they are negoitiating peace with locals. You cant pretend that peace has been forced upon. Reality looks very diffrent from what you are suggesting.
  3. The camps created in Kenia and Ethiopia have become sort of permanent refugee settlements with many tragic problems. Better to create new neighbourhouds like Ayaxa in Hargeysa or Koosaar/Aden Saleebaan/Ali Hussein in Buroa. So people can integrate socially and economically in the city, instead of isolation in far away camps.
  4. Great solidarity exist between the Somali people in times of crisis. This has kept the Somali race alive the past decades of wars and tragedies. Hopefully soon we will find away to translate this solidarity in political support to find a lasting solution for peace in Somalia.
  5. Irrelevant of the idea's that people residing in the West have people, reality on the ground tends to be much diffrent. Lets assume that people know where their interest lies. Therefore we here in the diaspora cant do else then support the self-determination, free will and choice that people make.
  6. Agree with Nina. Diffrences in political vieuws and interest should not be used to create animosities that dont exist. There is politics and this aint it.
  7. This unfortunate negative Politicization of Artist and Singers wont work, because its not in their intere st and therefore they always kept a distance from it.
  8. Wisdom is sometimes very simple. Jidka tartiib aaas loo maraa, hadiis kale baa buur asku dhecee.
  9. Somalia was and will be again a true beauty among nation states. Somalina, thanks for posting.
  10. The artist mentioned are SOMALI singers and artist. Half of the singers mentioned were members of the Waaberi Group.
  11. Som@li;737290 wrote: This fool and his convey should eliminated! :confused::confused: You call for the assasinations of politicians??? care to explain yourself?
  12. Dib ayuu usoo nolaaday. Somaliland iyo Somalia ayuu heshiisiniyaa gudoomiyuhu. Sida Yahuudu iyo Falistiniintu miis u wada fadhiistaan ayuu Somaliland iyo Somalia miis u wada fadhisiin.
  13. Djibouti is already the regional hub for Ethiopia and the Somalia penisula. Its development is interwined with that of the region. And as long as the world perceives the Horn of Africa as a fragile region, you cant expect more then it already has achieved. This is the best Djibouti can due.
  14. NASSIR;737296 wrote: S@Mali, Welcome to the dirty game of politics where you don't have permanent friends but permanent interest. Well said. Politics is all about interest, not about friendship nor charity.
  15. The prospect of gaining huge wealth from oil or mineral mining has often lead to fueling conflict in already instable regions without strong goverment institutions. There are many examples of countries in Africa where this happened. And these latest developments in Ufeyn and the many skirmishes and clashes that occured last couple of years in regions were oil and minerals were explored are proof of that. Without strong goverment institutions and a socio economic system to re-distrubute wealth, oil exploration will lead to more instability.
  16. The stock of Range Resource Limited isnt doing much better either. It went from 20 to 15 dollar a share, the last 3 months. Thats a loss of more then 25%.
  17. Even analyst are advising to sell the Range Resources stocks.