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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Concious music is favoured by leftist elitist and youth high on weed. it certainlty doesnt attract crowds. It makes them feel good, like they contribute something to society.
  2. TFG is recruiting soldiers among SSC. Nothing wrong withh that.
  3. The former regime used the State to enrich the elite of a certain clan. USC is the direct effect of this. The former regime excecuted many wadaads and sheiks, Al Ithixaad and its fundamentislic vieuws were the consequence. And as you know Al ithixaad is the mother of all fundementalistic groups in Somalia. Nothing just happens like that. cause ---- effect
  4. You cant compare 'cause' and 'effect'. A lot has been written about the Somali conflict of the past decades . And all scholars and researchers(Somali and non-Somali) agree that cause of the Somali conflic is because of the the governance and policies of the former regime.
  5. The reason why I have mixed feelings about somali women in the police is because I had encountered them several times at Berbera or Hargeysa Airport. And they were quit rough in their dealings with civilians like myself, and normally I would respond to any police officer by bribing or respond elequently. But by the though, rough and motherly way these ladies look at you, I didnt know how to respond. I said 'wayahay Eedo', looked at the floor and followed orders. I felt humiliated.
  6. SomaliNationalist;737711 wrote: it will be great if SSC and Awdal state was armed to destroy the fake SNM adminstration in Hargeysa. This has been tried earlier by the former ousted regime of Somalia. The result of this was the Conference of the Northern clans where on 18 may 1991 Somaliland was declared by all clans.
  7. Atam and the Highlanders called for peace negoitiations last year. Puntland refused back then and called him a terrorist. Atam is not the one who made a U-turn here.
  8. The issue isnt about Silaanyo, but a lack of an administration to adress the Source of the problem and actually make things worser for the people. You should focus your energy on adressing those issue.
  9. All those countries are monarchies ruled by despote leaders who can impose their rule. So explain how you will prevent that those rescources become a curse.
  10. What do you guys think of Somali women serving in the police/army? I have some mixed feelings about it.
  11. Good news that both sides agreed to talk. This proves that Atam isnt Al Shabaab, like some claim here.
  12. gooni;737561 wrote: bilowgii 87dii in qaxooti maydan ahayn xero laydinku xareeyana balcad kuma oolin Mise arintu waa gabadhii ilmaha dhabta loo saaray ku ilowday xanuunkii ay soo martay. This issue is about now and here. We all want the best for the people who fled their homes. This aint about what happened in the '80. No need to get emotional.
  13. Nothing wrong with learning from good examples. even if their israeli's. Israel has managed to set-up agriculture in the desert. its worth taking a look at it.
  14. I hope it wont have the same negative effect that oil/mineral exploration had on Congo, Angola, Sudan, etc in the begin years. Any ideas on how to prevent a resource curse?
  15. The picture I posted is from somewhere in Middle Juba. And I am not from a tuulo, but born and bred in a metropolitan city.
  16. Thankfull I understand you just responded to the negative news posted by certain SOL'ers. But aside from this, what do you think of the oil exploration and what effect it could have on stability?
  17. When will the Conference take place and where?
  18. The UN provides much more assistance and aid to refugees then to IDP's. UN Assumes that IDP's receive assistance from own population and goverment. Therefore the prevered location for most (vulnerable)people from Somalia will always be Kenia and Ethiopia, rather then Somaliland.
  19. Eritrea has more then often been (falsely)accused by donor agencies of many things. For example a couple years ago they used to claim that Eritrea denied UN food aid to own population and therefore many people were starving. But today Eritrea has proved it achived some sort of self sustainability and sufficiency without relying on donor aid. A true example for many african countries.
  20. No, I am not from the Jubba region.
  21. This thread doesnt seem to generate a lot of interest from the common SOL'ers. But this doesnt suprise me. Conscious music has always remained the popular music genre for leftist elitist, which had its golden years back in the '70.
  22. You guessed well, mon ami. You wont guess this one?