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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Allow Khaatumo2 Khayr ka dhig waaydan danbe waxa bulshadda SSC isha ku haysaa qabsoominta shirweynaha Khaatumo 2 kaas oo la filayo in uu ka dhaco dalka gudihiisa shirweynahaasi waxa la filaya in ay ka soo qayb galeen inta badan Waxgaradka Bulshadda SSC Isimadda, Aqoonyahanadda, Siyaasiyiinta Ururadda Haweenka iyo dhalinyaradda waxana uu daba socdaa shirweynahi kii London ee Khaatumo inkasta ooaan la qoondayn xiliga iyo goobta uu ka dhacayo Khaatumo2 hadana waxa isi soo taraysa taageeradda iyo niyad samaanta ay shacabka SSC ku qaban in shirkaasi dhaco guulna ku dhamaado, Khaatumo waxa horkacaya aqoonyahano iyo Siyaasiyiin caanka ah Afrika kuwaas horay inooga seexday hase-yeeshee kolkan guntiga u xidhay sidii ay inoo gaadhsiin lahaayeen gobaladda kale ee dariska aynu nahay Odayaashan hormuudka ah Khaatumo2 waa shakhsiyaadkii ugu sharaf iyo magaca weynee SSC waana ragg miisaan Siyaasadeed ku leh Geeska Afrika kuwaas oo cadkeenii inooga so dhicin kara dunidda hadii aynu inagu la nimaano talo meel mar ah iyo isku duubnaan, G6 waa markii ugu horaysay ee arimaha *********** ay soo fara gashadadan, waxana ay u jibaysan yihiin sidii ay uga miro dhalin lahaayeen hadafkooda oo ah in ay Khaatumo ku dhameeyaan arimaha SSC ee murugsan, G6 waxa ay la socdaan Siyaasadda Geeska Afrika si joogta ah waana ragg wax badan og hadii aysan suurta gal ahayn in *********** yeesho Maamul-na ma aysan soo fara galiyeen Siyaasadda *********** Khaatumo 2 waxa uu ku soo beegmay xili kala guur ah oo uu dhamaanayo wakhtiga Hogaanka SSC isla markaasna aysan muuqan u diyaar garow sidii looga bixi lahaa wakhtigaas oo aan ka ahayn Shirweynaha Khaatumo, waxana Guul ah in Hogaamiyaha SSC uu diyaar u yahay cidkasta oo Taladda loo dhiibo shirweynaha Khaatumo ka dib in uu ku wareejinayo si tolnimo leh Isimadda *********** ayaa dhamaantood taageeray shirweynaha Khaatumo 2 kuwaas oo bayaan cad ku sheegay in ay ku niyad san yihiin shirweynahaas iyo go’aamadda ka soo baxa waxana la filayaa in dhamaan Isimadda SSC ay shirweynahaas ka wada qayb galayaan inkasta oo hadeer ay isku maandhaafsan yihiin Aayo ka talinta *********** shacabweynaha SSC gudo iyo dibadd-ba waxa looga baahan in ay ka qayb qaataan sidii shirweynahaasi u dhici lahaa isla markaasna go’aamadda ka soo baxa looga miro dhalin lahaa, waxana uu u egyahay shirkii ugu danbeeyey ee SSC kala daadsan ay ku midoobi lahaayeen isla markaasna looga bixi lahaa hoos jooga iyo gumaysiga Maamuladda Hargaysa iyo Garoowe, Allow Khaatumo2 Khayr ka dhig Amin Amin Short URL:
  2. UNDP has hardly been present on the ground in Somalia since 2007. They fund some useless security/governance related activities/programmes for the TFG. UNDP can be blamed for doing nothing. WFP is to be blamed for most the food crises of the last 20 years in Somalia. Instead of supporting people to create own livelihoods(by simply funding livestock or proving seeds to grow again), they have destroyed the livelihood of millions by letting US/EU to dump their excess food on the Somali market. So that farmers and pastoralist will never compete with the 'cheap' food provided by WFP.
  3. The winning candidate is well educated, seems very competent and has a lot of international experience. I assume he will be promoted soon (away) to an international position (like many before him have) or became a cabinet Minister(if he feels comfortable in corrupt and dirty Kenyan politics). Anyhow, next year there will be elections again. And this seat(constituency) definately has became a Somali one. So, this will mean new chances for a Somali candidate to clean up this dirty slump called Eastleigh.
  4. Ceebtaasi wakhti dheer ayee socotay.
  5. Abti, I know you oppose Ethiopia interference in your land and in Somalia. And I am against this deal as well. But actually I was refering to your cousins here in SOL pretending to be concerned with Ethiopian interference or well being of your land/people. While they have supported(some even cheered) Abdullahi Yusuf bringing 30.000 Ethiopians to Moqadishu in creating the biggest massacre Somalia has ever seen, who support Faroole and Adde Muuse for handing over O'brothers to Ethiopia, who support Etiopia's nr.1 officeboy of Sheick Shariif, who support "federal troops" in Dolo funded, trained, coordinated by Ethiopia and a TFG which is Ethiopia's puppet show for the past 7 years and other's who have paraded around with Zenawi's kitchenboy, Abdi Ileey.
  6. I am suprised that you guys didnt know this???? WFP is barely present in Somalia. The last of the local staff were evicted from Somalia from 2007 on. And besides even then the food aid that has been going to Somalia, wasnt given away. Only in the refugee camps they provide the food for free. But almost 90% of the food has been sold to people. It hasnt been stolen, but was "brought" to the local market. Even in Somaliland and Puntland Food aid isnt provided for free by the WFP. They operate these programmes called food for work or food for training. Where people get the food for provided labouw work or participation in trainings. Even then the food aid always ends up in the local markets. Because of the food aid that flooded the market since the last famine in the 90's to Somalia, has desorted the market severly. And therefore Somalia has been on the infuse of food aid since then. And farmers and livestock owners havent been getting an honest price since then, because of 'cheap' or 'free' food aid. Many of those farmers and livestock owners that received 'food aid' never returned to farming or herding ever since and stayed in those camps in Kenya that If the most recent donations are chanelled through the WFP for 'food aid', then I am afraid this will distorte the market for the coming decade. And many more will give up farming and pastorlism. Unless this aid isnt used or spend diffrently.
  7. Strange that those who oppose cooperation with Ethiopians (because of the situation in the Somali region) have not raised their concerns when Ethiopia is choreografing the whole TFG for the past 7 years, entering Somalia illegaly on a frequent basis, is organising, training, funding "federal troops" in Dolo, Ethiopia importing 90% through Djibouti port, thousands of Somali's(Ocadeni's?) working for the Ethiopian goverment in the Somali region or when Abdullahi Yusuf was bringing 30.000 Ethiopian troops to Moqadishu.
  8. Its a commercial port. Now they are proving priority to charity.
  9. Another clan based political party to be formed. We should be thanking Kulmiye for its leadership and setting the example.
  10. Zack, congratulations with the O candidate.
  11. Reading these reponses by SOL members, one could ask who the real opponents of Somaliland's economic development are? For sure it aint the Chinese nor the Ethiopians.
  12. Kuwait has always been very generous towards the Somali people. Ilahay kheyr ha siiyo.
  13. Sheick Shariif should travel more throughout Somalia and less to other countries.
  14. baalcade;741026 wrote: Rebuttal by Unionist [ In summary the authors try to explain in 13 pages that one particular clan wants sucession and they can never become a nation, because another clan disagrees. Clan, clan,clan, clan and clan. Some people really dont get politics.
  15. Kenya: Big hunt for Kamukunji votes Three major parties are set for a bruising battle in next week’s by-election in Kamukunji with the winner earning bragging rights ahead of the General Election. ODM, PNU and Narc-Kenya are engaged in a bare-knuckles fight for the seat — which fell vacant following a successful court petition against former MP Simon Mbugua — as they wind up their search for votes in the next seven days. However, Mr Mbugua is not contesting, and so Kamukunji will be represented by a new MP. The Kamukunji seat is crucial for the control of Nairobi politics. Currently ODM has four MPs in Nairobi — Mr Odinga (Langata), Mr Fred Gumo (Westlands), Ms Elizabeth Ongoro (Kasarani) and Bishop Margaret Wanjiru (Starehe). PNU has Dagoretti (Beth Mugo) and Embakasi (Ferdinand Waititu). Makadara is held by Mr Gideon Mbuvi of Narc-Kenya. ODM candidate Ibrahim Ahmed aka Johnnie, who filed the petition against Mr Mbugua, and Mr Yusuf Hassan (PNU Alliance), have emerged as front runners. Narc-Kenya that fielded candidates in the most recent by-elections, bagging the Juja and Makadara seats, is also confident of winning the Kamukunji seat through youthful candidate Brian Weke. Five other candidates — Ms Catherine Muthoni Kihara (GNU), Mr James Matagaro (Kenya Social Congress), Mr David Waihiga (Agano), Geoffrey Mutuku (TIP) and Mr Daniel Omao (Ford People) are also in contention. Voters in the constituency on Tuesday said they were likely to vote for a candidate who demonstrated he or she would address their immediate needs, among them, jobs. Kamukunji constituents interviewed by the Nation said the period between the August 18 by-election and next year’s General Election was not adequate for whoever is elected as area MP to achieve much, but they wanted an MP who would address their immediate needs. These include unemployment, poor roads, inadequate housing, lack of clean water, environmental degradation and poor public health services. Ms Cindy Wambui who has been jobless since she completed O-level in 2009 said she prefer an MP whose priority would be unemployment. “Time is limited, and we cannot heap a lot of expectations on who will be elected, but we need a person who will provide immediate solutions to some of problems facing Kamukunji residents,” she said. Ms Dorcas Achieng, 23, a resident of Majengo slums said she had lost interest in the polls and she was not going to vote because she did not expected to be helped by whoever was elected. Ms Grace Wambui Njenga, 42, said she wanted the new MP to create job opportunities for the youth. The candidates have taken up door-to-door campaigns and road shows ahead of the by-election which was initially to be held on May 23, but was halted after an aspirant who was barred from contesting moved top court. The vote rich Gikomba market, Majengo and Kiambio informal settlements have been frequented by the candidates as have the Eastleigh and Pumwani areas. The Somali community in Eastleigh and Pumwani is viewed as a likely decisive factor in the by-election. Traditionally, the two areas have represented close to half of the votes in the vast constituency of 130,472 voters. According to the Interim Independent Electoral Commission, polling centres in Eastleigh and Pumwani hold 75,000 votes. Somalis are known to align their politics at the ballot on clan lines. But with the by-election having attracted two Somalis, each in ODM and PNU, other communities are also key in the polls scheduled for August 18. Still Mr Hassan and Mr Ahmed are expected to be the top contenders as the campaigns enter the home stretch. The PNU Alliance is counting on the unity of its key leaders Uhuru Kenyatta (Kanu), Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka (ODM-K) and Internal Security minister George Saitoti (PNU). The support of the G7 Alliance which brings on board Eldoret North MP William Ruto and Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa is also seen as a boost for Mr Hassan. From ODM, party leader Raila Odinga, deputy Musalia Mudavadi, Cabinet ministers James Orengo, Charity Ngilu, Franklin Bett, Anyang Nyong’o, Fred Gumo, Joe Nyagah and Mohamed Elmi have been in Kamukunji to market Mr Ahmed. Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua, who has declared interest in the presidency, has been at the constituency to bolster Mr Weke’s campaigns. Kamukunji, like other constituencies faces numerous challenges., among them are poor infrastructure, poverty and youth unemployment. It is home to poorly planned Gikomba market where traders have often lost their wares to fires due to poor roads. Eastleigh has some of the worst roads in the city. Kamukunji also experiences long periods of water shortages coupled with a poor sewerage system. Other major issues the candidates have promised to address if elected include land grabbing, insecurity, and the poor state of Pumwani Maternity Hospital. Source: Daily Nation
  16. Correction: YES 52.63% + 10.53% = 63.16% NO 31.58% + 5.26% = 36.84%
  17. Che -Guevara;739754 wrote: We can argue till the end but let's establish facts. Any oil and gas exploration will come at the expense of the Somalis in Ocaden. Those who know this simple fact and chose to do business with Zenawi despite pillaging, rape and genocide by his forces have spoken their mind. They should be judged on their deeds. Whether it's Berbera or Jabouti is beside the point, it's matter of being an accomplice to criminal act. There are many Somali's who cooperate or do business with the Ethiopian regime(Somali region in Ethiopia, TFG, forces in Gedo, etc). Are they all criminals? How about those who cooperate with other foreign elements who are up to no good? for example with the militia's in Kenya(Azania)? Or those who support or cooperate with Al Shabaab?
  18. The poll so far: Yes (52.63% + 5.26%)= 57.89% No = 31.58% When will the poll close?
  19. Thats the thing, they are not eliminated. But they have been bought off for a couple of weeks, till funding is extended.
  20. The Zack;739225 wrote: ^Alshabab's defeat was within, not from AMISOM or TFG per se. Since 2007 AMISOM had only presence around airport and seaport of Muqdishu. Since couple of months they have more then 24 security outposts around Muqdishu. So we can assume that they are strangely more active, then they have been for the last 4 years.
  21. This is what Boubacar Gaoussou Diarra (the special representative of the chairperson of the African Union Commission for Somalia and the head of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) said: "Virtually everything we do at AMISOM revolves around donor support. If that support were to stall now, amid our biggest gains to date, the results for Somalia would be disastrous."