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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Immigration is in most countries a very painfull and sensitive topic. Even more in countries that have large own migrants abroad(like Somaliland).
  2. My 2 cents on this thread. 1. Consultative meeting in Moqadishu is a positive first step towards dialogue between regional stakeholders in Somalia. 2. Many other regional stakeholders(Azania,Gedo,Bay&Bakool, Hiiraan,Shabbele's,Xiin iyo Xeeb,etc) are missing in the meeting. 3. These regional stakeholders have other priorities at the moment (establishing authority on the ground, ousting Al Shabaab). But will join the consultation when they have established authority and Al shabaab is ousted. 4. The TFG institutions as we know it now will end to exist. They will make place for real federal insitutions set-up by and for regional authorities in Somalia. 5. Constitution can only be drafted when all relevant regional factors are engaged and elections can only happen when framework for this is set-up. Neither is possible at the moment. 6. Remaining period of the TFG it should spend funds and manpower in supporting regional actors to gain authority on the ground and ousting Al shabaab from Somalia. 6. Dialogue and cooperation between Somaliland autorities and SSC/Maakhir is considered by most stakeholders as a seperate process due to factors on the ground (authority is with locals, Al shabaab is not a relevant factor, etc). 7. Dialogue and talks between Somalia and Somaliland will be established once they solve the more urgent issue's and establish real authority on the ground. 7. All in all, I think Somali;s are slowly establishing an equilibrium.
  3. Good step by the administration. Atleast they are trying to limit the hugh numbers of immigrants coming from Ethiopia.
  4. 12. The two parties agreed to seek an end of the transitional period and to institute a Somali Federal Government. It was particularly underlined to encourage the formation of federal states in line with the requirements of the Transitional Federal Charter of Somalia. The meeting is a positive step towards a dialogue between stakeholders in Somalia. Soon more regional authorities will be formed in Somalia and join the dialogue to create peace, order and authority in Somalia.
  5. Shiikh Shariif Xaq uma lahayn in Madaxweyne noqdo,hadaan shacabku u codeyn..... Shiikh Shariif Xaq uma lahayn in uu Ugandiis wadanka keeno.... Shiikh Shariif Xaq uma lahayn in uu Burundiis wadanka keeno.... Shiikh Shariif Xaq uma lahayn in uu Farmaajo eryo..... Shiikh Shariif Xaq uma lahayn in uu maalin walba dawarsi tago... There are so many possible things Shiick Shariif xaq aan u laheyn. The least of them being going to the airport and reveicing his friend Erdodagan.
  6. Donor aid does not bring stability and peace. But some will never understand this.
  7. Xaaji, you are an elder. What do you think the outcome of this Conference will be?
  8. A_Khadar;742684 wrote: 4.5 Does 4.5 mean you should not have any qualification or experience? Are you saying that there isnt a more qualified or experienced person from Dhirta Waqooyi?
  9. Xaaji, Are you saying this guy has no political or military experience? And that he doesnt have any power base or a constituency in Somalia? How did this guy became Minister of Defense?
  10. Till those three parties get elected, there will be a lot of verbal violance.
  11. So the whole time he was acting to be a cultural relativist?
  12. Many similarities with Somalia. Hope they maintain the peace after the dictator is gone.
  13. This law hasnt been thought through. Althought opening up the system is what people want, still lawmakers should have considered the conditions in order to prevent fragmentation and polarization of the country. The Guurti has dissapointed me.
  14. Dawladii Somaliya ayaa ku yaraatay reer kaliya. tolow yee ku filnaanisaa?
  15. I nominate abaayo Somalina to represent the Banadir regon.
  16. Som@li;742123 wrote: I am with Ismahan here, Most Somalis have directly or indirectly contributed to destruction of Somalia, the forces of evil (qabyaalada, Revenge, nepotism etc)was far greater than the forces of good. This has blinded many people. When doctors, professors, innocent people were being killed? how many bystanders try to stop? or enjoyed? Some set the example(goverment), others indeed follow(civilians). Nice song. AUN Fanaanada Qaranka ee Magool. Ilaahay Janada ha ka waraabiyo.
  17. Somali Rebels Claim Hold on Capital City December 31, 1990|From ReutersRebels in Somalia said today they control most of the capital of Mogadishu and President Mohamed Siad Barre was at the airport preparing to flee the country. "I think he will be gone in the next 24 hours," said a spokesman for the United Somali Congress, one of the main rebel groups fighting to overthrow Maj. Gen. Siad Barre, who has been in power since 1969. "We now control 99% of Mogadishu," the congress spokesman, contacted in Rome by telephone from Nairobi, told Reuters. The spokesman said that the United Somali Congress began taking control of Mogadishu on Sunday morning. "From yesterday evening many of the army people had retreated to their camps, and there is fighting going on around the camps, mainly in the south of the city," the spokesman said, adding there was also fighting around the president's palace and the airport. He said Siad Barre had left the presidential palace early today. "We don't know which country he will go to but he is certainly preparing to leave," the spokesman said. The spokesman said as soon as Siad Barre has left, the congress plans to call in other rebel groups and political opposition organizations to cooperate on forming a transitional government. Residents in Mogadishu said fighting, especially heavy Saturday night, continued today in many parts of the capital. There has been an upsurge of violence in recent weeks in the capital. The United Somali Congress and another major rebel group, the Somali National Movement, said in August they would cooperate on trying to overthrow Siad Barre. The rebels rejected as mere cosmetics his recent efforts to liberalize one-party rule--in force since he came to power in a coup--and to call in opposition groups for peace talks.
  18. Why Ethiopian music, why Zack and why for Eid?
  19. You can Sambuuse, timir and quraac on every corner in Hargeisa. No need to cancel Iftar for that.
  20. Siciid1986;741846 wrote: Are these soldiers marching in front of Mohamed Abdullah Hassan's stronghold at Taleex, that was bombed by British warplanes in 1920?
  21. Inshallah the Conference will lead to a sustainable peace, dialogue and cooperation between communities.
  22. April 24, 2011 Go’aamadii Shirka Khaatumo: Declaration of the Consultative Conference of Beesha *********** Diaspora Guiding Principles The declaration of the consultative Conference held in London on April 21-24, 2011 have been centered on the issues of peace, security, the provision of humanitarian assistance to those adversely affected by the war campaigns waged against our people and ravaging drought which envelops our territory. The related issues of the extension of social services, of carrying out reconstruction projects and of the undertaking of development programs have also been discussed. The deliberations have uncovered the necessity of crafting of a common political framework and identification of appropriate administrative mechanisms for assuring peace and stability in our territory among us and our neighboring communities and in the wider Horn of Africa area. 1. The common political framework incorporates the enduring commitment to the principles of : 2. Unity and territorial integrity of Somalia 3. Democratic self-governance and the abiding rights to resistance against aggression 4. Peaceful political dialogue in managing conflicts 5. Peaceful building, sinking the deep roots of stability and sustainable development 6. Good practices in self governance such as accountability and transparency 7. Sustainable management of the ”commons” (grazing areas and water points) in accordance with the carrying capacity of the land and the curbing of desertification. Our commitment to these principles guide our strategy of self-governance and decide our own destiny. They motivate our embracing of conflict management through peaceful political dialogue and peace-building. They drive demand to end of the military occupation of our territories: towns, villages and country side. The above principles also guide our dedication to resistance and pursuit of liberty for our people. The other Conference Recommendations and Conclusions are with regard to: * To hold an all-inclusive conference inside the country for SSC people, both at home and Diaspora. * To name a technical committee that will select the venue of the meeting, decide on the time and raise funds for the conference * To hold the conference in one of the towns of SSC that meets the criteria set by the technical committee at the appropriate time preferably in the rainy season * To fund the conference from the resources of the SSC people and to invite local and international media to cover the conference * To convey to domestic and international communities the commitment and conviction of the SSC People to live in peaceful co-existence and harmony with the neighboring communities inside Somalia and in the Horn of Africa at large. * To insist on the in alienable right of the SSC people for self-determination, to resist occupation, and to come up a visible plan to achieve the liberation of SSC territory. * To unite the efforts and power of the SSC (economic and security) in order to achieve peace and sustainable security. * To develop the SSC territories by focusing on rural sustainable livestock management, curb renewable natural resource degradation (Desertification and resource depletion), and develop water resources * To develop the physical and social infrastructures such as airports, roads, schools and clinics etc. * To develop the human resources of SSC through skills training, repatriation of qualified professionals, short term voluntary services and minimize the influx of the local communities * To promote investments in SSC regions through potential sources of funds such as NGO’s, contributions from local and diaspora communities and regional and international aid agencies * To strengthen Nugal University including the research capabilities for conducting surveys and needs assessment * To promote private sector development, specifically micro, small and medium enterprises * To promote awareness through social networking and media outlets Finally, we wish to inform the people of Sool, Sanag and Ayn that the efforts of the SSC diaspora are united and indivisible in order to attain liberty and development in our territories, and will endeavor to achieve the same for all the people inside Somalia. To this end, the SSC Diaspora Conference recommends the convening of an all-inclusive congress of SSC communities inside the country at the appropriate time and without delay.
  23. Gudigii Qaban Qaabada Shirka Khaatumo 2 Oo Si Heersare Ah Loogu Soo Dhoweeyey Magaalada Buuhoodle(Daawo). Buuhoodle(Allssc): Habeenimadkii Xalay Abaaro 2:00am Habeenimo ayaa waxaa magaalada buuhoodle soogarey wafti balaaran oo ka koobnayd 10 xubnood waxayna waftidaasi ahayd gudida qabanqaabada shirka khaatumo2, hadaba waftidan ayaa waxaa xalay si diiran u soo dhaweeyay qaarkamida odayaasha deeganka ururada dhalinyarada bahada sportska waxaana ay kaga hortageen tuulada kuusey oo 10km u jirta magaalada buuhoodle kunataala gudaha ethopia, waxaana loo soo galbiyay dhinaca magaalada buuhoodle waxaana lakeenay hotel abdigurey palaza waxaana goobtaasi soo buux dhaafiyay dhamaan dadwayne badan oo isugu jira kuwo sugayay iyo kuwo hurdo ka soo kacay, soo dhaweyn iyo salaan ka dib xubinkasta oo ka mida gudida waxaa uu dadka u sheegayay magaciisa oo sedexan ee meesha uu ka yimi, intaasi ka dib waxaa dadweynaha goobtaasi ku soo xaadirey ee soo dhaweynay gudida qabanqaabada shirka khaatumo2 lahadlay gudoomiyaha gudida qabanqaabada shirka kh2 xasan cali yuusuf waxaana uu u mahad celiyay dhamaan dadwaynaha halkaasi ku soo dhaweeyay, waxaana sidoo kale isaguna uu ku wareejiyay hadalka afhayeenka gudida qabanqaabada cabdale maxamed haybe waxaana uu afhayeenku uu uga mahad celiyay dhamaan dadwaynaha soo dhaweeyay, sikastaba ha.ahaatee soo dhawaynta gudida qabaqabada shirka khaatumo2 ayaa waxaa ay ku soo beegan tay xili ay dhamaan dadwaynaha ka hurdeen magaalada hadana aad loo soo dhaweeyay.