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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Yahya the same goes for those militia's residing in Gedo who have captured the city multiple times and have been ousted everytime, even from their own region of Gedo due to bad governance, warlord mentality and clannism.
  2. Its to easy to blame everything on Faroole. Dont forget that before Faroole's Presidency, Puntland had many other problems which Faroole actually solved.
  3. The good people of Kismaayo dont need another Dhoobley or Gedo led clan militia. They have ousted these clan militia back in the 90's. The whole reason why Kismaayo is of the biggest strong holds of Al Shabaab, is that they are fed up with clan militia's and need justice and governance free of clan militia's. Some people still dont get it.
  4. Finally, shariifka is doing what he is supposed to do. Hope he stays in town and continues to clean up the town.
  5. Interesting article. Garowe based Garaad's are not only trying to influence the organisation of the Conference, they are even suggesting to host and fund the Conference. If they succeed, it could lead to failure of the Conference. Just as the previous ones organized by the Garaads. And the organisation committee seems to be divided on the offer of the Garaads to host the Conference. Ali Khaliif Galeyr is strongly opposing the offer of the Garaads to host the Conference.
  6. Warbixin: Xubnaha Guddida Qaban-qaabada Shirka Khaatumo2 Ma ka Badbaadeen Tabaha Cusub Ee Faroole, Qorshayaal Kale Oo Soo Ifbaxay Iyo Kulammadii Ay La Yeesheen Madax-dhaqameedka Garoowe?. Written by Tuesday, 06 September 2011 16:41 Tukoraq:( ayey ahayd markii warbixin dheelli-tiran, oo ahayd xog rasmi ah oo aan ka helnay xubno ka tirsan maamulka C/Raxmaan Faroole ay na siiyeen warbixin buuxda, taasoo ku saabsanayd Tabaha Cusub ee Faroole u degay Dhagareynta shirka ***********. Maalinta warbixintaasi ku soo baxday Warbaahinat Horufadhi, oo u taagan midnimada beesha SSC iyo Soomaaliweynba waxay ahayd 31kii bishii hore, Maalin uun ka dib oo ku beegnayd 1dii bishan September waxaa Tukokoraq soo gaadhay Garaad Abshir Salaax Maxamed iyo Sulub Cali Gaas, oo sheegay inuu ka wakiil yahay Garaad Cali Buraale Xassan. Maxay la Shir Yimaaddeen Garaadka Iyo Wakiilka Garaadku? Sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen Xubno isugu jira dadka deggan Tukoraq iyo guddidii qaban-qaabada laftooda markii hadalku furmay, ayuu Garaad Abshir Salaax ka codsaday xubnaha in ay qeexan waxa sida dhabta ah ay ugu socdeen, cidda soo dirtay, cidday taageersan yihiin, oo weliba afka loogu dhuftay ''Haddaad SSC tihiin noo sheega''?. Intaas ka dib ayaa xubnaha ka socda Jaalliyadaha ee qaban qaabinaya shirweynaha SSC ee Khaatum 2 ay sheegeen in ay u socdeen Dhul*****, isla markaana aysan cidna matelin, kana tirsanayn kooxaha Garoowe u adeega kuwa Hargeysa iyo xataa SSC, oo ay dhex-dhexaad ka yihiin Arrinta SSC ka dhex-taagan oo Khilafkaadka u dhexeeya hoggaamiyaha iyo Ku xigeenkiisa. Waxay xubnuhu intaaas ku dareen in waxa keliya ee ay daneenayaan ay tahay in *********** Aayihihiisa ka tashado, danahiisana uu maamusho cid kalena uusan ka Amar qaadan. Markii inaas ay ku afceliyeen ayaa waxaa markale hadalka u baxay Garaad Abshir Salaax wuxuuna ku yidhi sidan ''Waad mahadsan tihiin Adeer, waana maqalnay hadalkiina, waxaana idin sheegayaa in aysan raggii kale idin soo socon, anigu ma hubo Garaad hadda soo socda oo idin imaanaya. Waxaanse idiin sheegaya in aan shirkan u arag wax xun ee aanan ka hordegin''. Waxaan idinka codsanayaa inaad Garoowe noo raacdaan, oo aad la soo kulantaan Madaxweynaha". Garaadka ayaa markuu hadalkiisi ku afxidhay Garoowe noo raaca, ayaa waxaa u jawaabay xubin ka mid ah guddida, wuxuna si qaboow ugu sheegay "In aysan u socon carro Mj******, ee loo soo diray Carro Dhul*******. Garaad annaga nalooma soo dirin Dhulka Maj**** ee walalaheen ah, waxa aan u soconaa waa dhulka SSC, waana tegynaa ilaa Jiidali, nagana raalli ahoow, oo sabab aan u aadno Garoowe ma taalo". Maxaa dhacay Maalinimadii Jimcihii oo ku beegnayd 2 September? Waxaa Tukoraq soo gaadhay Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Maxamed, oo ka soo kicitimay magaalada Garoowe, Garaadka ayaa sidey farriin fulineed ahayd shirkii madaxtooyada Garoowe lagaga heshiiyey ee ahayd sidii loo afduubi lahaa shirka. Garaadku markuu yimid ee war laga kala qaatay, isla markaana la bar-baray ragga inta badan oo qurbaha ka yimid ayuu hadalka u baxay. ''Adeer haddii aad timaaddeen, oo aad waddanka aragteen waad fiican tihiin, belana ma waddaan baan filayaa, adeer shirkanna waan soo dhaweynayaa, haddii taladiisa la isla oggol yahay". "Shirkan anaa dhigaya gogoshiisa, waxaan diyaar u ahay inaan Qarashkiisa iyo waxii ku baxayaba dhigo magaalada Taleex, oo ah meel aan kafaalo qaadi karo si kastaba '''. Erayadaas waxaa yidhi Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Maxamed. Garaadka oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa yidhi "Dadkan in badan baa la wareershaye waxaan idin sheegaya shirkan dawladda ayaa inaga caawin doonta, waa Puntland'e. Waxaan kaloo idin sheegaya anigu marnaba ma diidani xoreyn, ee aan shirka uga hadalmo". Sida aan warbixintii 31kii Agust, ku sharraxnay waxaa jirey Madax-dhaqameed la isla qaatay inuu shirka Marti geliyo, isla markaana uu meesha iyo goortaba sheego, ayadoo Ergooyinka Isimada Garoowe xuli doonaan. Markii aan warbixinta qoreynay xubinta shirka fadhidey wuxuu kala Garan waayey labo Madax-dhaqameed ka la adeegsaday ama loo xilsaaray gogosha. Labadaas oo kala ahaa Ugaas Cabdullaahi Ciise iyo Garaad Saleebaan, waana taas arrinta keentay in aan la xusin Magac aan weli la hubsan. Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Maxamed ayaa noqday madax-dhaqameedka loo adeegsaday afduubka shirka. Arrinta fajacisada noqotay ayaa ahayd marka xubnihii Qaban-qaabada, oo aan waayadan meel Internet leh gelin ay ku dhaceen dabkii Faroole, isla markaana si KMG ah u yeeleen, una sheegen in ay Garaadka gogoshiisa waafaqeen, ayagoon ogoyn dabinka ka danbeeya iyo hawlaha laga lee yahay. Garanna waayey nimankii hadda idinku lahaa Garoowe noo raaca ma waxaad yeelaysaan Gogoshooda?. Warbixintii Hore halkan ka Akhriso Waxyaalo Is Beddelay? Haddaba markii Garaad Saleebaan uu ku laabtay Garoowe, isla markaaana xubnihii qaban-qaabadu ay sii wateen socdaalkoodii ayey gaadheen magaalada taariikhiga ah ee Taleex. Halkaas waxay kala kulmeen soo dhaweyn heer sare ah, Dhul******* iyo weliba waxyaalo kale oo aysan fileyn. Magaalada Awrboogays lafteeda ayaa looga gacan haadiyey ka hor inta aysan kaba tegin Tukoraq, waxaana waxgaradkii, Culimadii iyo dhalintii reer Awrboogays, ay si Kal iyo Laab ah u sheegeen in ay gogosha dhigayaan, soo dhaweynayaan isla markaana diyaar u yihiin. Arintaas ayaa waxay keentay walaac hor leh, oo ku dhashay qolyihii Garoowe ee ka koobnaa Madax-dhaqameedkii, Faroole iyo Aaranjaankii. Waxayna hadda wadaan qaban-qaabo ay ku beddelayaan shirka gogoshiisa, ayagoo markale soo diraya Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Maxamed. Wuxuuna Garaadku markan keenayaa shirkii waxaan u beddelay Sarmaanyo, maadama Taleex tolnimo laga soo sheegay. !! War uu nasiiyey mid ka mid ah dadka Carruurta ka biisha Garoowe, hase yeeshee sida uu sheegay u adkaysan la' mu'aamaradahan wuxuu sheegay in Garaadku uu ku sugi doono guddida magaalada Tukoraq, oo marka ay ka soo noqdaan Nugaal godan, uu hor dhigi doono fikirkan, asagoo rajeynaya in laga qaadan doono, maadama kii hore ayadoon lagu margan la qaatay. Waxaase su'aashu tahay xubnahan dhawr iyo tobanka ah, oo hadda wax kasta ka dheregsan sida ay yeeli doonaan. Inkastoo ay ilaaween in ay yihiin ergo Dhul*****, oo aysan go'aan lahaayn. Wararkale oo ku saabsan Mu'aamarahada kala soco wararkeena danbe insha Allaah. Abdulsalaan Cartan. Soomaaliya.
  7. Baashi;744816 wrote: Thankful, There is no such thing as Al Shabab in Galkacyo -- at least in the context of this event. What happened in Galkacyo was unfortuante event and should never happen again. Al hamduLilaah elders are knee deep in resolving the misunderstanding . Hope they succeed in their task of adjudicating btw querraling sides. Faroole failed. His security personnel -- trigger happy -- traspassed their boundaries. They acted as if they are the judge, jury, and executioner. No-go in clan-based society. It appeared as if they are in charge of every decision made, and they have the power to detain or kill whomever they choose . Baashi, I think you have a point there. Puntland is contructed on the basis of a clan confederacy with equal participation of clans in its political and governance process. This has worked in creating peace between the sub-clans. But creating the foundations for strong, neutral and independent civil institutions who have earned the trust of the public has become more challenging. Cade Muuse invested a great deal in dialogue, participation and seeking constant mandate from clan elders in Puntland political process. Knowing Puntland is build on the basis of clans. By this there were hardly investments left for the development of Puntland's public insitutions(back then soldiers were randomly paid, money was printed, inflation was high, piracy started flourishing). Faroole's Agenda on the hand was to invest and proffesionalize Puntland public institutions. Goverment started investing in infrastructure, equipment for security forces, Soldiers, teachers and goverment personell received their salaries. In this process he neglected and hardly paid any attention to clan elders and grievances clans had. By this he has challenged the clan-confederancy which was the fundamental principle Puntland was build on. This has contributed to the current governance crisis or lack of it. Where incidents easly escalate to large proportions, dissatisfied regions break away from Puntland(Makhir, SSC, Rascaseyr), mistrust of institutions (PIS, PSF).
  8. Xiinfaniin, The latest fighting in Galkacyo, the Ras Caseyr case, Galgala, SSC regions turining to Somalilan, assanisations of elders and politicians in Bosasso, all point to a crisis. In all these cases locals felt disfrenchised with authorities and turned against Puntland security forces. I think besides failing of security forces, lack of leadership to solve issue's, there are serieuz sttructural causes which have to be sought in the fundenmental structure of Puntland governance and Authorities. Ignoring this. Could Eventually lead to collapse in trust and governance.
  9. The regional goverment of Puntland has lately been plagued by multible fightings and crisis situations. Clans are fighting the very same army of the authority which they are part of. There seems to be similarities between the diffrent conflicts. What is the underlying cause for these problems and how should it be solved? Is it all about Faroole's lack of leadership or are there deeper underlying causes? How should this be solved? Please share your ideas.
  10. anigu reer xebeedna ma ihi, kaluun ma cuno, ma badaalan karo. markaa uma arko piracy mashruuc aan gali karo
  11. Alpha Blondy;744541 wrote: Hi All. Thanks for your warm congratulations. Its been an amazing couple of weeks. I'm thinking of having a traditional 'under the tree' ceremony as its more authenic and consistent with her upbringing. The 'Mrs' is one of those daqan aan dorfin, but we seem to get along quite well. She is a little passive, but thats exactly how I want it. atleast its better than a foul-mouthed miss independent proposing we sign a pre-nup. i think it'll be an interesting partnership and she understand her role perfectly, anything else would be considered surplus to requirements. the wedding should happen after I've met her uncles in the sheikh highland and negoiated the mehr. I'm not entirely sure where we'll go for our honeymoon but I've suggested Addis, although that might be a little tricky as she doesnt have a passport. my mother doesnt seem to agree with my plans. she said that ''naag'' will 'destroy me' but i've already told her that its none of her business, anyways she's in london. god, i cant stand people interfering in my business. her family seem very happy and they're are convinced that i'm a translator with the UNDP rule of law programme. already, i've been attacked by several old temptresses who want to sabotage my happiness. people are so jealous of me, what did i do to deserve all this hatred bal? Congratulations Alpha. Are you marrying a Sheick girl?
  12. Piracygii walee mashruuc ayee noqotay. Dawladan Somalilandna mashruuc raadis ayaa la mooda, NGO camal.
  13. I think Passerby is not a Xabashi, he might be a Somali supporting the Ethiopian regime. There are many of them lately.
  14. The title says that he will face justice. XX and JB's remarks says the same. markaa maxaad lasoo booday, mise ninku waa tolkii?
  15. What is this fighting exactly about? I still dont understand why an army would attack a particular neighbourhoud of the city.
  16. Its not up to Ethiopia nor Ethiopians to decide on Somalilands immigration policy.
  17. A_Khadar;744529 wrote: So to answer your question after the conference if fast majority of people agree upon anything, that is where the family will go. It could be s/l with certain conditions such as no disunity from somalia.. BUT 100% that is unlikely and more likely won't be p/l either. So it's certainly will be maamul u gaar ah bulshadaan.. AND both admins are tirelessly working to stop it.. A_Khadar are you sure about that? According to my sources that is there are options on the table which would make it possible for SSC community and others to strive for Somali unity within Somaliland's political insititutions.
  18. A_Khadar;744492 wrote: All I can say about this is part that s/l is seeking a little attention since all THE attention went ot Mogadishu lately.. Or maybe the deputy Minister for Interior Affairs who anounced this (Maxamuud Garaad Soofe) is showing his muscles now that he is in the big chair?
  19. Indeed, holding the conference in Las-Anod would bring a better and more fundamental outcome. Somaliland authorities will try to infuence the outcome irrelevent of the venue, after all its politics. But the more interesting question is, will Somaliland repect the outcome of the Conference or atleast be influenced by the outcome?
  20. I just translated the heading of the Taleex Media article, which said "Galaydh-oo-ku-amray-guddiga-khaatumo-in-ay-laascaanood-tagaan Somaliland-la-kulmaa. Indeed a better interpretation of the conversation would be that Somaliland authorities in Sool offered the Conference to be organised in the regional capital of Las Anod. Ali Khaliif Galeyr and some members of the organising committee expressed this to be a good idea and Ali has 'requested' the organising committee to visit Las Anod and engage with Somaliland authorities in Las Anod to discuss the Conference to be organised there.
  21. Cali Khaliif Galeyr orders to organise Khaatumo Conference in Las Anod
  22. As many as people on the ground want. Governance is a constant proces of seeking balance, compromise and inclusiveness. This is essential for the proper governance of any country. And if it takes 50 regional authorities to govern Somalia, so be it.
  23. Interesting development. Somaliland authorities are welcoming the organisation committee of the SSC Khaatuma Conference in Las Anod and have offered to organise the Conference in Las Anod. Cali Khaliif Galeydh(chair of the Khaatumo Conference) has ordered the organisation committee to meet with Somaliland authorities in Las Anod and hold the Conference there.