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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Carafaat;948746 wrote: Some say the demographics of the city/region has changed. But I think its more likely that the folks with the arms established military and thus political dominance. I think the same has happened in Moqadishu to certain extend. Baashi, Indeed the video is shot in Mogadishu. And MMA's point still stands, weather for Mogadishu, Kismayo, Berbera or Marka which are all are coastal cities with a history of a divers populations but are now politicly claimed by particular sub clans who established military dominance during the civil wars.
  2. Xaaji, very unfortuanate you think like that. And here I was thinking Somaliland would become politicly more mature.
  3. Alpha Blondy;948701 wrote: certainly, for many, being born with a silver spoon in their mouths, is NOT enough. similarly, the over-saturation of university education, in this day and age, has allowed many such individuals to forge forward, without regards to set conventions, by ''accessing'' and ''consuming cultural products'' , which was previously beyond their reach. they MUST demonstrate their superior ways by ''consuming cultural products'' and brandish this is in our faces. ''cultural consumption'' is very important for them and indeed allows them to create ''an exclusive enclave of the cultured'' , that pays homage to their acquired tastes...... but, that, they do this, in such aggressive ways, leaves much to the imagination..... i think the term that best describes their behaviour is...... neo-intelligentsia-cultured classes here's something i've written about such people...... Didnt you organise an 'Art' event for those progressive neo-intellectual cultural dhaqan celis elite.
  4. Nin Yaaban, inaar, close and personal friend, I will repeat my advice in a more blunt way. Naagaha 'cadaanka' ka har saxiib and make some Somali (girl)friends for a starter.
  5. Its also when Somalia became independent. A great day for the people of Somalia.
  6. Xaaji, cushitic nimadii waad si dhaafday? What changed?
  7. The video says more then the picture from your uncle and Italians in Kismayo that was posted here recently.
  8. Abdi Ileey's policy(close alignment of his clan with ruling tribe/regime) is the same policy as those in Kenya have been practicing for decades. And it is working quite well for him, support from his constituency for the regime is increasing and the diaspora even throws parties for him. The question: is this strategy in the benefit of the people in the regio? In the case of Kenya, I would say no it is not in the benefit of the region.
  9. Some say the demographics of the city/region has changed. But I think its more likely that the folks with the arms established military and thus political dominance. I think the same has happened in Moqadishu to certain extend.
  10. Faisal Ali Waraabe has met Sheick Shariif as well. And he met Abdi Ileey, Omer Guelleh, Faarax Macalin, Melez Zenawi, prof Galeyr and he even met with Prof Samater.
  11. This Sijui girl who I used to work with gave me once Xalwad. Through it right in the qashin. never take sweets from Sijuis otherwise you get hooked for life.
  12. uchi;948464 wrote: Another entertaining thread. SOL is certainly boring without our friends from SL. This is why we have to stay together, we need each other. +1 Indeed it would be so boring without eachother.
  13. Its discusting and beyond any form of morality. Human bodies stuffed and displayed for admiration. This what fircoonis used to do.
  14. Ilyria and Xiinfaniin, where does it state these demonstraters where IDP's? Even the former President spoke out against these elections, calling it a charade Faroole is orchestrating. So why assume that locals dont share these vieuws.
  15. Jubbaland si ay u hesho aqoonsiga dowladda federaalka waa in ay saxiixdaa heshiiska, islamarkaasina ogolaataa wax ka badalka dastuurka iyo in ay awooda la qeybsato dowladda federaalka, kuna wareejiso maamulka meelo muhiim ah sida dekada oo kale iyo ciidamada Police-ka iyo Militariga . This was the crux and dispute from the beginning. If these conditions are implemented, Jubbaland will be another decentralized administrative region under the central government. We wil see the exact formulation of this framework set by the government, that will set a precedent for others regions as well.
  16. xiinfaniin;948342 wrote: No there is no UN Map. It was a political map. Go check Puntland map for its upcoming elections , which IC is financing awoowe. Marka maps inta iska deysid xaqiiqada jirta qiro. UN Maps or not, Caynabo as a district is a shared territory. How many miles is Ceegaag from Caynaba waryaa? Siyaasadda yeysan ku indha tirin, oo dadka dhulka jooga ogow wax badan baad isku tihiine Never liked the term disputed, as if the people are disputing each other. Shared sounds better, all Somali regions, districts and cities are 'shared' between people.
  17. xiinfaniin;948307 wrote: :D Some people never cease to amaze. 'xiin what is your opinion of this development' they ask. Ya guxuush, Jubbaland is a significant contribution to the return of governance to South Somalia. The government was misled on this issue. And we prayed for common sense to prevail. If this rumor turns out to be true, it only means our prayers were accepted :D Heshiiska ay tahay in ay Jubbaland saxiixdo ayaanan ahayn mid ay ku farxi doonto Puntland oo si weyn ugu ololeyneysa dhismaha Jubbaland. Not everyones prayers apparently. Those wanting to see a weak central government and clan federalism wont be to happy with this new framework set by the government.
  18. Malistar, the issue is not only about Jubbaland but it will set a precedent for kind of a governance system Somalia will get in the future. there is much at stake for Somalia. But if the news is true and that framework is implemented, its a good thing for Somalia
  19. Good move of the government. Those pre-conditions or framework in which Jubbaland would be established would make it a decentralized administrative Province or "state", the best governance system applicable to Somalia. Xiin, what is your opinion of these conditions and the governments move?
  20. Alpha Blondy;948278 wrote: NG, is this the beesha haradan's equivalent in those arid lands? why do they need to shout?
  21. Nin Yaaban, I think substance abuse is often caused by loosing touch with ones self. To find back your own self(true idendity), you need to do some soul searching. Change of people and environment is often the first step in finding a solution. Specially if you are young and hang around with gaalo or others who are far away from their own self, one tends to loose ones identity as well and then use alcohol or drugs in order to cope with them and with your lost self. Specially their women tend to be the devil in disguise. One of the best things I have ever done is stop hanging around with them. This is a necessary step in order to find and discover ones own belief, culture, own people and own identity. Does this make sense?