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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Wali Ali Haashi: Former West Godey Project Manager and now Msc in Agricultural Economics student at KU, Thailand. Since 1991 the government of Ethiopia has made tremendous efforts to ensure sustainable economic development, lasting peace and democracy to the country. Notably last decade Ethiopia registered a milestone development in health, education, infrastructure and other sectors. These results didn?t come by accident it came through long term will and commitment of current ruling party (EPRDF) leadership which implemented various political, administrative and financial reforms. The government successfully designed sustainable development policies, programs, and strategies (five year program for sustained and accelerated development to end poverty, implemented millennium development goals among others). According Andy McKay (an economist from Institute of Development Studies) economic growth is necessarily sufficient when it?s sustainable, sustained and inclusive. That is exactly what Ethiopian economic trend shows: continuous double digit growth, multi-sectoral and generated jobs. Although there were development efforts going in Somali region of Ethiopia it couldn?t keep pace with rest administrative regions of the country when it comes health, education, infrastructure and other sectors and the main reasons were anti-peace movements of former UWSLF (Union western Somali liberation front), ONLF (****** national liberation front) and co. Today there is a light at the end of the tunnel, the change agents have come to power, and they were born, educated and trained the best universities of the country and outside world. Five things why the current crop of leaders of SRS will be successful 1.The popular acceptance of the people. When current president of the Somali region of Ethiopia was elected a few months ago people from all walks of life in the region applauded for him. That shows how much confidence he has from his people. 2. The peace agreements signed with UWSLF & ONLF The armed movements of these organizations hampered the development of the region these agreements will bring to an end era of instability & chaos. The region will surely benefit from the agreements, not only to accelerate development efforts but also to implement national development policies and strategies. 3. The human capital of the region [/b. ]In the past the region did not have skilled, competitive and qualified personnel but now thanks to regional as well as national colleges, universities the region has qualified personnel though still we fall short. 4. Diaspora community of Somali region of Ethiopia :The role of the Diaspora community is paramount important for the peace and stability as well as the alleviation of the livelihood of the people and development of the country in general.Little has been done in the past in terms of establishing rapport and good relationship in order to win their support but the current regional administration has given priority. With leadership of president Abdi Mohamud Omer, already tremendous job has been done to make sure preparation of conducive environment so that Diaspora can invest, create job opportunities and offer their skills & know how for the government and their people. 5. The intimate relationship of the president with ministries and representatives of Somali region at the federal level. They share common goals and objectives that are:-betterment of the livelihoods of their people which is also good sign. Having said above points as justification for my arguments it?s time for the current crop leaders to deliver what our people have been waiting for decades although, it asks a bit to give time until they blossom. Wali Ali Haashi Email:
  2. A case has been filed in Holland against Generaal Canjeex last month, his son already testified. He left in a hurry. There is even talk of a Somalia Tribunal to be based in The Hague, there is already a International tribunal for Yugoslvia, int for Libanon, int tribunal for Rwanda. The ICC has now cases from Liberia, Kenya and numerous other countries. Even the regime of Argentine an Spain of more then 30 and 40 years ago are being trialed. So its only right that some people become very nervous now.
  3. I belief the landers in return pointed out to a general infliction often seen with those who loose. And I irronicly you and your kind have been literly on the loosding side of ends. Generaal Tuke just reminded you which side you were on. God thank your abti's are kind and loving. They welcome you back with open arms even knowing your treatious record. They thend to be mild and have soft spots for your kind, another infliction they are known for. All others would be less mild in their welcoming and respond.
  4. Abtigiis;745418 wrote: According to your clan histriography which apportions culpability for crimes on 'aano-qabiil' basis,I could well be the guy in the video Jacaylbaro posted, ordering for the destruction of Hargeysa. According to notes from my biography, I was a student in Diri Dhaba, with the closest contact I had with SNM being in Faras-magaalaha , where they used to viciously munch daba-musbaar as if it was the flesh of 'Afweyne' itself. Abtigiis, You know, I know and they know. So who are we kidding here. But I guess its in the nature of those who loose to deny that they ever played.
  5. Soo kan dafiriya tariikhdiisi, ma tii Tuke iyo ayuu difaaci karaa.
  6. Abtigiis;745413 wrote: Carafaat, No. I didn't fight against SNM. I wished them good luck when they were freedom-fighters. Once they turned into freedom-fighters who don't know about freedom, I started opposing them. There was nothing wrong with them resisting oppression, but the atavistic clannish mindset of this clan needs to be confronted vehemently. Atleast admit what you stood for back then. Because according to your file you were gacan yarihii Aden Gabyow.
  7. Abtigiis;745409 wrote: For the record, I distance myself from any deragatory labels against SNM. My beef is with the SNM's miscalculations and treasonous tendencies, not against their struggle per se. Havent you fought against their struggle? Atleast admit it.
  8. Jacaylbaro;745403 wrote: Somaliland destroyed and Somalia United xagay isaga yimaadaan bal ?? ,,, ha la yaabin dad badan ayaa caqligoodu meesha gaarsiiyaaa.
  9. Well done to whoever made the Burco city plan.
  10. Ileen Abtigiis wuxu vuvuzela ugu xiiqay, oo maxkamad lasoo taagay?
  11. Abtigiis;745378 wrote: ^ :D : D war haa'e, adigu tan ma aragtay: sow sidii uun kolba oday ah online kuma makamadaysid oo kuma biyo keentid? So JB was right al this time. All this vuvuzela blowing anger because your uncle is getting justice for having committed genocide and war crimes.
  12. Abtigiis;745387 wrote: Of course, I will not take the bait of ONLF from Carafaat. Let him open a seprate thread for that. There is no need to engage in side ambushes. But it suffices to say his modus operandi is that of tea-shop politicians with the unmistakeable trait of mindi mindi ku taag. Abtigiis, its only fair that you ask the ONLF of what you are asking of Somaliland (denouncing independance and joining Somalia). I wont compare the suffering of people and the atrocities and war crimes committed by the ONLF and by the Ethiopians. Eventhaught you compared those committed against people in Somalia back in the '80 and '90 by SNM and Somali army. that would be real mindi mindi ku taag, dont you think?
  13. Sensei;745268 wrote: Seriously!? Kismaayo degaankeeda wey iska cadahay, taasi muran kama jirin, not even our dear leader Siad barre was lost on that. Nin shalay guri ka gatay ama xoogay lagama hadlayo. But, in all honesty, reerka greater D + cidkasta meesha wey degi karaan. :confused: I think the issue is not about if people from certain clans can come and live there. The issue is about certain guest acting as if they are owners of the place.
  14. If only the TFG would have done this back in 2006 with the Islamic courts.
  15. Basicly many are saying its all about Faroole faults and others that AL Shabaab is the cause? Is this all you can come up with?
  16. N.O.R.F;745371 wrote: Finally, those who hang on to this one argument are missing the boat as far as I’m concerned. I have said this many times on here. You’re inviting Somaliland back to the crumbling house I mentioned earlier. At least put the roof on! Touché. Even the ONLF wants independance rather then joining Somalia. why not tell them its better to join Somalia.
  17. Dabrow;745339 wrote: Bro what kinda of reality do you live in? Somali people in O oppose Ethiopia thats why they are still fighting and will fight. You are under the influence of xabashi propaganda. Read this wikileak and ask why Tigray are accusing USA for supporting ONLF. Their frustration is ovious. If you think 200 soldier can do this you are not driven by logic. Sure bro, thats why O people betray hem everywhere where they go. How many cities, villages and territory did the ONLF capture? How many of the turned out to be Ethiopian informants? How many work for the Somali region and Ethiopian authorities. How many have of them have been handed over by the tolka(Puntland) to the Ethiopians. Abtigies, wuxu Somaliland ugu ooyiyaa. tolkii ayaa ku noqday wax aan la isku haleen kareen.
  18. Some stil cant accept that they have stood on the wrong side and they indeed lost, and on top of all that have lost all they stood for.
  19. NGONGE;745244 wrote: Abtigiis, since you answered yes to my questions I am going to keep my defence very short and to the point, saaxib. It's a play on my guru's "defeated lot" argument, you see. History is written by the winners, saaxib. Right or wrong does not matter much either. What matters is that those that won the fight have lived to tell the tale in their own way and according to their own preceptions. Now you went to SL and had to go through an airport, get a visa and walk around in a city that is run by these winners. Of course, as a matter of principle, you may have disagreed with the whole thing but, in fact & practice, you had no choice but to follow the rules (rules put down by the people you disparge now). And, since you have no other way but to accept these blatent facts, you must also accept the fact that nations celebrate their own history and lament their losses in grand ways (WW II, Statue of the Sayid, etc). Now, tell me again, what was this thread all about? This thread is about losers of history finding it hard to accept defeat.
  20. Abtigiis;745213 wrote: Ngonge, the question is irrelevant. For so many reasons, but I mention two here: I work for an international institution and they have little choice than to let me in. second, I have my people in Hargeisa and I don't need to be welcomed or treated well by anyone else. For the avoidance of any doubt and for the benefits of the hysterical Carafaat, my position on ONLF and the struggle against the colonial occupiers is clear. I have always asked myself if it is possible to support an organisation whose name I detest and whose strategies I disagree with. And the answer is yes. The ONLF is fighting aggression, occupation and slavery of the worst order. They are reacting to the rape of their daughters and mothers, and the dehumaniation of their elders and thinkers.. It is a legitimate struggle and any freedom-loving human being will not see any fault in their struggle. It is a bona fide liberation movement. And I support it with all I have. However, that doesn't mean I am oblivious to the shortcomings of this otherwise remarkable organisation. The shortcomings start with the name. And I disagree with the name OGA.DEN and with any vision of an OGa.Denia state. There is no need for one. I, however, cannot accept to let a dwarf Tigre from the barren fields of Adwa to determine how I live and who I call myself. I refuse to submit to the idea that because other somali clans are not in the mood to fight aggression, the Oga.den clan, who is targeted for extinction by the Ethiopian regime, should not fight back. That is nonsense. And if the clan that is leading the fight against aggression happen to be the one that sired me, it is a coincidence. An unwavering belief in individual and collective freedom guides me and who is championing it comes second. That said, the issue is about Somaliland and not about Somaligalbeed. Other than invoking the matter of my identity and an altogather different issue, the recognition-seekers had nothing substantive to offer by way of defence to the important question of why their narrow fiefdom mentality should be allowed to kill Somali nationalism. Indeed, the fact is when their clanish prediliction is put on the on the spot light, their feeble personalised rebuttal is akin to the courtesy bow by of a woman whose lower garment accidently snapped before a watching gallery. Sure they are. thats why the whole ONLF fighters number a not more the two hundred, while mass of the O.caden collabrote with the regime. If a majority of the O people would oppose the Ethiopians they would free their land long time ago.
  21. Abtigiis;745168 wrote: Why a non-existent genocide is broadcasted with deafening vuvuzelas has nothing to do with honoring fallen SNM heroes or lander victims. To understand the main reason for this, one needs to look at the barely disguised divisions along clan and sub-clan lines among Somalilanders. The secession agenda stands on weak legal and moral grounds and needs some other support to escape death from asphyxia. And historically, tyrannical entities consistently employed the tactic of creating imaginary enemies to evade popular scrutiny of their bad ideas. What economic, political, social and cultural benefits are to be gained from dismembering Somaliland from Somalia? Who separates from whom in the knottily intertwined Somali society? What pressing and inescapable realities dictate such disunion? Answers to all these critical questions could reveal to the masses the irrationality of the secession agenda SNM militants imposed on the Somaliland populace. That is why old Migs have to dangle from buildings in Hargeisa. That explains the fixation with retribution rather than forgiveness. That is why old men who happened to be the front points of a military at war with foreign-backed shifta are given the persona of Adolf Aichman, solely on the basis of hearsays from traumatized former SNM fighters, who see phantom killers everywhere. The SNM chauvinists, who are seen as heroes in Haregeisa, but could well end up crowding the roll of shame of Somali nationalism if they don’t repent, know the shakiness of their hollow aspiration. That is why unionist parties are outlawed in their constitution, which boasts of being based on democratic principles. That is why fear of a revival and re-colonization are propagated every time a rebirth of a strong Somalia State is discussed. That is why freedom of expression and association is forbidden for Somalilanders who preferred to fit into more spacious pants than the narrow clan underwear the rest of the clan choked itself with. This, against a well-known reality that the sort of government system that led to the civil wars in Somalia, will not be able to come back again in any form. We all remember the bloody infighting that ensued after the declaration of secession in early 1990s. Their own internal feud is so intense that without Rayaale, we may have witnessed a second cycle of bloodshed. Now that establishment of political parties is legalized, brace for 45 different habros , each with a tiny flag and four-letter party name. The lot is clan-worshippers to the bone. They seek salvation in clan identity, oblivious to the time-tested reality that there is no endgame to a clan identity. Like the onion it is often equated to, clan identity gives you new faces in layers. A week ago, a guy from Burco area averred to me that he prefers to be under Sheikh Sharif or Abdiwali than to be humiliated by what he called a supremacist Awal boss. He meant Mohamed Hashi, the Finance Minister of Somaliland. Says the man from O-land, who wants to name a country a clan name and break up the beautiful country of Ethiopia he so worships by imagining so called opression and killings and labeling Meles Zenawi(the father of the TFG) a tyran. Chauvinism and hypocracy at its best.
  22. Governance or the act of governing is not just about the competencies of the leaders. Its about the collective vision, expectations and the structure, systems and policies in place to perform and achieve those collective goals. Somehow every discussion turns in to a discussion about the "strong me", Somali's are so much used to.
  23. AYOUB;744966 wrote: Here are two suggestions made; Mustafa Dhuxulow (TFG parliamentarian) sardonically suggested sending AMISOM to Gaalkacyo residential areas. Another person wrote an article asking; since reer Puntland bought a liver for Yey and a kidney for Cadde Muuse, isn't it about time they bought a brain for Faroole? Is this all you can contribute to the topic?