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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. The girl is gone men and she aint returning. Move on with your life, find a job, buy some new clothes, find another foxy lady and try to be a better husband this time. The second marriage is often more succesfull.
  2. Niiko sidaan loo qasbiyo, should be forbidden.
  3. Listen to intervieuw with the President of Karkaar State. Garoowe(Allssc): Madaxwaynaha Maamulka Goboleedka Cusub Ee Karkaar State Col.Maxamed Siciid Jaamac “Jaadhig” oo Shalayto Galinkii Dambe Looga Dhawaaqay Magaalada Qardho ayaa waraysi Siiyay Saxaafada madaxa banaan. Madaxwayanaha Maamulkaan Cusub ayaa ka warbixiyay Baahida Keentay Inay Maamul Samaystaan , Sidoo kale Deegaanada Hoos yimaada Maamulka Karkaar State . Waraysigii Madaxweynaha Karkaar State Waxa Uu U Dhacay Sidatan
  4. Cali Khaliif: Lasanod Waxaa Soomaaliland U Saxiixay Cabdulaahi Yusuf(Daawo) Xogta Habta ah Boocameonline( Minnesota) Shabakadda Wararka Ee Boocameonline Ayaa Waxay idiin Soo Gudbinaysaa Professor Cali Khaliif Galaydh Oo Horey Ugu Hadlay Wax u Dhexeeye Isagga iyo Ragga Ay Magaca Beesha Wadaagaan Ee ka Tirsan ama Taageera Puntland. Cali Khaliif Ayaa Hadalkan ka yiri Shir ka Dhacay Magaaladda MNPLS ee Gobolka Minnesota. Mudo hadda laga Joogo Sanad ka badan . taas oo shabakadda Wararka Boocame ay Go’aansatay in ay sii dayso Ka dib Markii Dacaayaddo badan laga fidiyay oo ay qoreen Shabakaddaha taageersan Maamulka Faroole AMA Doonaya Inay Burburiyan Shirka Khaatumo2. Cali Khaliif ayaa Wuxuu Ka hadlay Sir badan iyo Waxyaalo Badan oo Xaasxaasi ah, oo ka Waramaya Waxa u Dhexeeeyey Issaga Iyo Cabdulaahi Yusuf. Galaydh ayaa Wuxuu Sheegey in Issaga Iyo Cabdulaahi Yusuf ay Yihiin laba Nin Oo Siyaasiyeen ah ayna Isku qabteen Siyaasadda Soomaaliya, qaas ahaan Markii uu Raysal Wasaaraha ahaa. Cali Khaliif Ayaa Wuxuu taageersanaa Raggii Siyaasadda iyo Maamulka Shibilka Waday Puntland Ee ay Cabdulaahi Yusuf ku Tarmayay Siyaasadda Puntland. Cali Khaliif ayaa Wuxuu ka Hadlay in aysan Jirin Wax Xumaan ah oo uu Qabo Puntland ama ******teenkaba. BALSE Cali khaliif Ayaa Wuxu ku Canaantay ragga ka Dhashay Beesha ee ka galaya Cali Khaliif Eexda aan Cadaaladda ahayn. Oo Ku Eedeeya Cali Khaliif Waxyaala aan raadka lahayn. Cabdullaahi Yusuf /Riyaale iyo Ethopia Ayaa ka Heshiiyay Arinta Lasanod: Arimaha Ugu Waawayn Ee Uu ka Hadlay Cali Khaliif Ayaa Waxaa ka Mid ah Cabdulaahi Yusuf in Uu Wax ka Ogaa Qabsashadda Lasanod. Haddii aad Xusuus leedahay Cabdulaahi Yusuf Wuxuu ahaa Madaxwayanaha Soomaaliya Markii Lasanod la Qabsadday. Madaama ay Ethopia Taageeraysay Cabdulaahi Yusuf Wuxuu U fuliyay Amarkii Ethopia oo ahaa in Lasanod lagu Wareejiyo Somaliland. Fadlan DHagayso
  5. Foreign countries cant rebuild Somalia, this has to come from the Somali's. Despite good intention from the Turks, there are many power brokers in Moqadishu with less good intentions.
  6. Somaliland is prebaring to reach its borders. But the Makhiri border is more trickier then the SSC one. Caution is advised.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;745788 wrote: Ayoub wait till abtigis comes in and says that Pudhlayn is not on the right track of Somalinimo but they should be rewarded for working with MrShDalxiis. And that actually Abdi iley is the one who reflects pure Somalinimo or was it the Admiral. Abtigis loves his own self determination but he is denying others that same right maybe its because some people take what belongs to them with their Guns and some just will continue to sing with saado cali O'gadeniya way xoroobi.
  8. The current Somaliland goverment broke many records in terms of violance and crack down on the media. Anyone who writes something they dont like, can expect reprocussions. Kulmiye used to stand for the free press, today they are the main obstacle for the free press.
  9. Seeking int recongnition is not the top priority of the current Somaliland goverment. Its all about economic development, recongnition will come once you mean something economic wise.
  10. Come on. It cant be worser then say for example the TFG.
  11. Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, Race (classification of humans), religious, or national group. I have no love Ethiopia either. But accusing Ethiopia of genocide is a serieus allegation which you should back up with more then just calling names to those who doubt these allegations. And looking at the number of Somali's that live peacefully in Ethiopia, number of Somali's that work for Ethiopia, Somali's that have sought refuge in Ethiopia, Somali's that travel to Ethiopia (including many SOL members), that do business there, Somali goverments that work with Ethiopia(Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland, TFG, Ahlu Suna, Gedo soldiers,etc) and the number of Somali's that pacifly sit by and do nothing while abroad. By just looking at these number I would say there are many that have doubts of a Somali genocide in Ethiopia. But you can proof me wrong. And I will be the first to admist that I was wrong. But show us the proof of the Genocide.
  12. xiinfaniin;745805 wrote: I am not sure Xaaji Xunjuf and Carafaat but Ayoub knows his argument is quite shallow and has no depth. Whatever the original aspirations for greater Somalia were the birth of Somali Republic in 1960 was never contingent upon the realization (or securing) of other missing three region . To say that the Republic should be dismembered because she failed to bring the other three regions into the fold of greater Somalia is hadal quus ah oo la rabo in qadiyad daciif ah gaashaan loo dhigo... :confused: You cant be serieuz. You should read the draft consitution of the former Republic which was put to a referendum 1961.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;745780 wrote: Laascaanood Oo Soo Dhoweeysey Gudida Qaban Qaabada Khaatumo2- Lasanod Online. Monday, September 12, 2011 Laascaanood,(lasanod Online)- Dadweynaha ku nool magaalada Laascaanood ayaa maanta isugu soo baxay soo dhoweynta Gudida qaban qaabada Khaatumo2.. Iyagoo safnaa marka lagasoo bilaabo meesha loo yaqaan Dhidinka ilaa Kontroolka dhinaca Garoowe. Shacabkan maanta soo dhoweeynayey wafdiga gudida ayan hore loo arag tiro intaas le'eg oo isu soo baxda, dadweyanhan ayaa ku dhawaaqayey eryo soo dhoweyn ah, waxayna ruxayeen caleemo qoyan iyo boodhadh iyo cankii Bluuga ee dalka Somalia. Baabuurtii siday Wafdiga ayaa dadweynhu dhinacayda qabsadeen oo meel ay maraan waayey.. waxaana hadladii dadku ku dhawaaqayeen kamid ahaa " Maanta.. maanta .. maanta waa maalin weyne maanta". Wafdiga waxaa lagu dejiyey guriga qasarka ah ee Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil oo Ku yaala Magaalada Laascaanood. waxaana illa habeenimadii hor dhoobnaa boqolaal dadweyne oo damaashaad iyo ciyaaro halkaas ka qaadayey. Soo dhoweyntan Maanta ka dhacday Lascaanood iyo dadkan kasoo qaybgalay ayaa lagu tilmaamay inay lamid tahay tii shacabkii reer Qaahira ka bilaabay kacdoonkii " Tahriir Square".. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in dad badan oo maanta soo dhoweynayey gudida idhahooda lagu arkayey ilmo, farxad iyo ray reyn awgeed. tasoo ku tusaysa baahida shacabka u qabaan cid wax u qabata.. Wariyaha Lasanod Online ee ku sugan magaalada Laascaanood ayaa noo xaqijiiey in maamulka Magaalada ka taliya uusan ka qaybgelin wax faro gelina ku samayn soo dhoweynta gudida. Dadweynaha reer laascaanood ayaa maanta muujiey sida ay diyaarka ugu yihiin wafdi ka socda SSC oo u wada xal sidii looga bixi laha dhibta haysata oo talo iyaga dhexdooda ka timaada mooyee cid usoo socotaa aysan jirin. Lasanod Online waxay hadii Alla idmo dhowaan idinsoo tebin doontaa maqal iyo muuqaal sida gudida loogusoo dhoweeey Laascaanood.
  14. If the Conference would be held in Lasanod, the whole point of an occupied Lasanod would be seen in another context and it would change the scope of the discussion and perspective that most people in the diaspora have.
  15. AYOUB;745785 wrote: ^* Aaah, so you don't want me to mention the anarchy nor the social economic benefits Somalilanders would gain on top of the genocide. Oki. Like I've said over and over again in SOL; the unification of Somaliland and Somalia was meant to be the start of unification of all Somali territories. Since that failed (if we take Djibouti and NFD somalis stance in to account ) and even Somali Ethiopians like yourself support the ONLF which fights for independence not unification with Somalia, then the Somaliweyn project is redundant. The people of Somaliland have the same self-determination rights as Ethio-Somalis, Djib-Somalis or any of the five (not to be confused with 4.5 ) Somalis. What gives you and the other Ethio Somali *that right and not Somalilanders? It's 20 years since SL declared its withdrawal from the union with Somalia and it has been vindicated. The people of Borama celebrated the withdrawal as much as the Burcaawis. You and cheerleaders clannish can't deny that. Things have changed, and even patriotic Xiin's Puntland deports Somalis from south Somalia when it suits her. Somali Bantus have abandoned the failed republic. Others called in alqaeda, amisom, and other mercenaries. Look at the whole picture and Somaliland makes a lot of sense. What kind of unity is it when Xiin's Pirate*land (even before finding the illusive oil) can deport me anyway? * Let's not even talk about *dodgy Ethio Somalis like yourself. Got to go, be back later Inshallah Good point. Somaliweyn idea also incooperates the idea of a union with Djibouti, Somali region or ONLF or NFD. Some tend to forget what the blue flag stands for.
  16. Cinda kuma haysato, sagaa cid keeniya meesha. JB oo tageeriya UCID ayaad arki doonta dhawaan.
  17. Abtigiis, I am glad you are joking. For a moment I serieusly considered an official complaint for defamation of character.
  18. Abtigiis, you can ask me directly if you have something to say?
  19. If Greece defaults, other countries will follow(Ireland, Spain or Portugal).
  20. Jacaylbaro;745654 wrote: QARDHO (Mareeg) – A new administration, which seceded from Puntland, was declared in the town of Qardho in Karkar region of Puntland, officials said Sunday. After ceremony held in Qardho town , Karkar State was formally announced to be a new administration and also new president and vice president were designated. The new leader of Karkar State administration Mohamed Jama said in an interview with mareeg Media Network that they had formed the new administration after Puntland authorities failed to fulfill the mandated duties and limited activities at Garowe town, the capital of Puntland. Mr. Jama mentioned that the Karkar State will dominate more territories and the people there will be under the control of it. Asked the military of the new Karkar State, the president said that has the ability to defend itself from Puntland. “We are not people looking for being authorities, but the society in Karkar region has discussed about that. We came to the power through election and we are self-sufficient” jama said. Actually the new state has been declared within Qardho and not abroad like most news so called States..
  21. Sahal will you support UCID if its elect a new leader other then Faisal?
  22. ONLF has been involved in many conflicts between 2 clans disputing over land. You cant deny facts on the ground. That the organisation called ONLF is despised by most inhabitants(O and non-O) of the region.
  23. These are tactics that ONLF is known for in the Somali region of Ethiopia. Thats why many O-inhabitants and all the non-O inhabitants in the Somali region despise this organisation, even more then the Ethiopians do.