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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Meesha odayaal ayaa ileen joogaa. this is Old school for me.
  2. Are you threating to marry all our girls? war they are the biggest diehard Somalilanders. waxa arki doonta calankii oo Somalia xaafad walba laga taagay. front kale ha isku furin.
  3. I like the wadani song from Bashir Xuseen(6.16min). Midigeey bidix ma ka maarantaa. Maskaxeey iyo aqoon ma ka maarantaa. Waxaan u qaatay inu Somaliland kaga hadliyo.
  4. nuune, ninkanu security councilkii aduunka ayuu horfadhiyaa, wuxuuna akhriniyaa project probosal uu funding ku raadiniyo. ceebey tacaal inu ka hadlee eheed visiion kooda sida Somalia ku nabadeeniyaan, dhibatooyinka heysta, sida ee xal ku heliyaan. not a project probosal lagu soo qoray kampala.
  5. Abtigiis;746323 wrote: I can't speak on this. I don't have figures to dispute this. I tend to agree the recognition-seekers are the majority, but as by what margin, I don't know. However, you would agree geographically, Awdal,Salal, Makhiir and SSC (at least the parts that want union with Somalia) are not small. Also, if referendum comes it will only take place where there is an issue. If there is no issue about secession in Las Anod, there is no need for one. Clearly, you don't want to treat the 20% as angry minorities if the other "80%" decides to go its way. Apart from being undemocratic, it is not excutable. No clan sleeps for the other as you know and the result will be the return of endless clan warfare. So, just don't say what you wish for, be realistic. Your argument also reminds me of the one I hear from ultra ONLF supporters when I say if they don't drop the name, they should at least developed a new map of where it will include. It is clear Harshin, Geladi, Ararso and Jigjiga will not be part of it. The same 'we are the majority' is what I get an answer and other irrelevant historical references. But some do say we are ready to do that but let the others also fight Ethiopian aggression. The other Somalis are not fighting Ethiopia because they are no equally oppressed (in a typical devide and rule policy), and because of the legacy of the clan polarisation in Somalia. On the issue of Somaliland's secession, no one is dying because Djibouti is standing alone. No one will die because SL (the part that wants secession) goes. The reason we cry for union is more from brotherly love towards the people whom we share a lot. And if as you said, you have relatives in Ethiopa and assuming I have similar ones in SL, can you in any way imagine why unity might be appealing to someone, other than seeing it as a relic of policies or the cries of the disgruntled clanmen who wants to use somalia against Ethiopia? What if I just don't see the point of my son asking for a visa to visit his uncles in Hargeisa or the reverse? We do feel the love.
  6. A week ago I signed the Roadmap, on behalf of the TFG and in cooperation with the Transitional Federal Parliament, the Puntland State of Somalia, Galmudug, Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a, because I am confident we can lead Somalia towards growing social, economic and political stability. However, Somalia’s future hangs in the balance and so we cannot take this journey alone. As I stand here today and pledge my commitment to delivering the priority tasks laid out in the Roadmap so I ask for the international support necessary to deliver the humanitarian relief and security that are vital components of stabilizing Somalia. He says, we need support of international community like 20 times in his speech. in otherwords, give us more money. niyow ninku mu tuugsaniyaa.
  7. Maanshallah, people are returning to Moqadishu. Somalina, have you heard anything about the housing prices? are they going up?
  8. Wasiirka Ganacsiga oo degmada Yegoori kula kulmay dhalinyaro qurbo joog reer Sool ah oo socdaalkooda laga bixiyey dareeno shaki xambaarsan Hargeysa – Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa ka hadashay kulan dhex maray Koox Qurbo joog ah oo u dhashay Gobolka Sool, kuwaas oo maalmihii u dambeeyey Socdaal shaki laga muujiyey ku marayey Deegaano ka tirsan Gobolka Sool. Kooxdan Qurbo jooga ee Reer Sool oo dhawaan dalka Dibeddiisa ka yimid, isla markaana socdaal ku soo maray Deegaanada Buuhoodle, Taleex, Boocane iyo Deegaano kale, ayaa maalintii shalay waxa ay Magaalada Yagoori shir kula yeesheen Wasiirka Ganacsiga Somaliland C/risaaq Khaliif Cismaan.Wasiirka Ganacsiga C/risaaq Khaliif Cismaan oo xalay Wargeyska Saxansaxo u waramayey isaga oo jooga Magaalada Yagoori ayaa faah faahin ka bixiyey shirka ay la yeesheen kooxdaasi iyo ujeedada ay u socdeen. Wasiirka oo arrimahaasi ka hadlayaana waxa uu yidhi “Waxaanu u tagnay Safar shaqo oo Deegaankayaga ayaan gaadhay, waxaana jira Niman dhalinyaro ah oo Deegaanka u dhalatay, isla markaana Dibeddaha ka yimid oo soo jeediyey in la qabto Shir ay Beeshu leedahay oo lagaga wada hadlayo, dhinacyo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin Horumarinta, markaas waanu soo gaadhnay si fiican ayaananu isku af garanay, waxaanu u sheegnay inay dadkii Deegaanka u dhashay yihiin oo aanay dhibaato wadin, Qaranimada Somaliland-na ka soo hor jeedin, in haddii ay Hargeysa ka soo degaan iyo Haddii ay Laascaanood ka soo degaan iskugu mid tahay, ujeedaduna ay noqonayso waxaanu ilaalinaynaa dalka horumarkiisa iyo Nabadgelyadiisa iyo in aan laga soo hor jeedin Qaranimada Somaliland oo aan dhulka laga sheeganaynin oo aanay cidina ka sheeganaynin, imikana aanu ku soo dhaweynayno kuna casuumayno Hargeysa ilaa Laascaanood meesha ay doonaan, markaa iyaguna waxa ay noo sheegeen in arintoodu aanay shir ahayn ee ay ahayd sidee loo shiri karaa, haddii laga hadlayo Waxbarasho, Horumarinta aas aasiga ah ee Deegaanka iyo haddii ay noqoto tii Dhaqanka ee Burburtay, Barnaamij noocaas ah oo dadku ma shiri karaana ayey ahayd”. Mar la weydiiyey Wasiirka in ay Dhalinyaradaas is arkeen, waxa uu ku jawaabay “Dhalinyarada saddex nin oo ka mid ah ayaa Magaalada joogay oo iyaga oo jooga aan ugu imid, waanu is aragnay waananu is af garanay si fiican baananu isku af garanay”. Wasiirka oo la weydiiyey bal inay dhalinyaradan ku jiraan dad ka soo horjeeda Qaranimada Somaliland, waxa uu ku jawaabay “Anagu markii aanu weydiinay arinkaasi waxa ay ku jawaabeen Anagu Somaliland waanu ognahay inuu maamul ka jiro, Mucaaridna kuma nihin oo wixii aad noogu talisaan ayaanu diyaar u nahay, shirkana waxa qaybinayey oo aanu hadda wada joognay nimankii Cuqaasha ahaa, Maayarka Magaalada ayaa qaybinayey, berrina (Maanta) shir labaad oo nimankii joogay, Odayaasha Deegaanka iyo Maamulkii Gobolka oo meesha soo gaadhay leeyihiin ayaa jira, waxaana Maamulaya Maamulka Deegaanka iyo Gobolka”. Mar Wasiirka la weydiiyey inay jiraan warar sheegaya inay isku afdhaafeen kulankii shalay oo uu gacan ka hadal isu bedelay, waxa uu ku jawaabay “Arintaasi ma jirto, kulanka meesha la iskugu yimid sadex qof baanu kaga hadalnay, Anigu waan ka hadlay halkan iyo wixii ka jiray Maamulka, Nidaamka iyo sidaanu u soo dhaweynayno cidii dalka wax ku soo kordhinaysa ee aan ka soo hor jeedin Maamulka iyo Qaranimada, waxaana yimid dad laga soo dhaadhiciyey inaanay dalka iman karin oo aanay ku soo bandhigi karin waxa ay doonayaan, waxaanay noola yimaadeen oo ay yidhaahdeen anagu waxaanu wadnaa ma shiri karnaa ma ka qayb qaadan karnaa Horumarka Deegaanka, haddii ay ka soo baxaan wax ku lidi ah anagaa dhibaatada wadna, markaa intaasaa la is yidhi oo la isku macasalaameeyey barritaana la ballamay wax dhibaato ah oo ka dhacayna ma jiraan”. Wasiirka oo la weydiiyey Mawqifka Xukuumadda ee ku aaddan Kooxdan Dhalinyarada ah ee dhaqdhaqaaqa ka wada Gobolka Sool, waxa uu ku jawaabay “Mawqifka Xukuumadda aan ka tirsanahay waxa weeyi sidii aan hadalka ku bilaabay oo ah in qof kasta oo Deegaanka u dhashay ama Dalka ha joogo ama Dibedda ha joogo in aan Shakhsiyadiisa xorta ah aan la cabudhin in uu Horumarintiisa iyo faa’iidadiisa uu kaga qayb qaadan karo Deegaanka, in dhaqankii Beesha u gaar ah ka shiri karto, haddii aanay lidi ku ahayn Qaranimada Somaliland, wixii intaas ka baxsan waanu dhiiri gelinaynaa, waanu la qabanaynaa wixii ay nooga baahdaan, haddii ay noqoto sugida Amniga iyo wixii la xidhiidha, waa inaanay mawqifkoodu kaliya ahayn wixii lidi ku ah Qaranimada Somaliland”. Xigasho: Wargeyska Saxansaxo
  9. Col. Ali Sabarey oo ka hadlay tagi taanka Lascanood ee G6. Ali Sabarey seems to be very angry about the G6 committee visiting Lasanod and Yagoori. He is threating the Khaatumo Conference if the G6 contitues with the deception.
  10. Xiin, you really havent read my earlier post. And as I have notice in here, you have the tendency to fantasize way ahead from the current reality. Those kind of fantasies often lead to wetdreams, creating satisfaction for a minute or so. But coming back to reality. What will a future Somalia Goverment bring to the table in a theoreticly future negoitiaten? What cards does it have?
  11. Baashi;746286 wrote: The admin is a different ball game. It just so happen that during Faroole’s leadership some of the clans who founded the state are opting out. Security is getting out of hand in some areas. In this regard the clan construct has either outlived its era or the leadership has failed to articulate a vision that is acceptable to all stakeholders. In either case, Faroole is at the helm and therefore he is responsible - good or ill - what goes in that recovery zone. Good point, I think after 13 years the clan construction outlived its era and achieved its purpose(creating peace). But a clan construct is nog the right tool to (re)allocate resouces or create justice, which is one main tasks of a goverment. And that is what people want, economic development and fair share of the pie. For this you need strong and reliable institutions and rule of law, that is not associated with clan. But Faroole inherited the current clan construct, he did not create it. Therefor the blame is not only on Faroole. In order for Puntland to move beyond the clan construct that it is, you need a broader dialogue and consultation among stakeholders, so that everyone is involved.
  12. xiinfaniin;746276 wrote: Siilaanyo is statesman leading a polarized people. He is like Pawlenty leading the Tea Party pack Awoowe at the end of the day what is measured is the outcome , and judging by that the separatist movement failed spectacularly. I hope the process of remedying the affects of twenty year indoctrination had on the average folks will be peaceful. Unlike your wicked wishes on fellow Somalis, we do not wish a conflict between the mothers. Watching the First Mother ambushing the Love Mother won't please us awoowe. war ma arintii Bosasso ku cabudhisay. sotaan ku iri anigu wanaag ayaan la dooniyaa umada, oo thread dhan ayaa sameeyay sidii Puntland wax looga xalin lahaaa, oo loo joojin lahaa rabshada ka socota.
  13. xiinfaniin;746275 wrote: Xaaji Xunjuf and Cararaaf are wishing wars on the people of Puntland. The title of this post makes that clear. In the hope others who are not well versed with SOmlaia news portals will read the English title and draw a negative conclusion, they mis-chractirize a commercial zoning quarrel in the thriving city of Boosaaso. Cakku nacab iyo ***** Both Somali articles and their title are talking about a clan fight. This is not something that comes from a 'Somaliland' website. Its actually quit sad that some regard the bad PR worser then the actual true facts on the ground, which they dont seem to care.
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;746245 wrote: You want to unite people and individuals who don't share the same Political aspirations or can't even coexist and share A small transitional government proposed by the international Community. And you suggest you want to unite all Somali speaking People this is ridiculousness way of thinking i have to cannot unite People based on a language we have learned that history teaches us that. if that was the case the Tigrayans would have been part of Eritrea today Djibouti would have been part of Somaliland .You accuse others that their political decisions are inspired by emotions but look at you, you feel that the only way you can obtain independence is to use your Subclans Name against your own brothers in particular the in kabri bayax and jigjiga Community who are now left out and are forced to support the dds admin. Somaliland is Political mature its an all inclusive Country a multi tribal society it works with Viable working institutions a government that functions and its people united with a genuine democracy. Now you will view it from A clanish Lens not sure why but because you feel that everything should be clan orientated in order to make sense in your mind.I don't have a real problem with the O name if you are willing to use that name to fight against the other Ethiopians if you think you are going to be successful you should do it. But some will say that you are Clan Secessionist or should i say a subclan secessionist and not an honest Somali Secessionist who is willing to involve all the Somalis in the region. This debate would have made sense 20 years ago, back in 1991. But today Somaliland's indepedance, authority, goverment institution and its laws are standing strong. heck, even my own clan find it hard if not impossible to get their political (clan)message through, let alone some people from the diaspora who are no stakeholders in the country.
  15. Havent you seen how Siilaanyo was received in all those diffrent countries or how he was sitting, laughing around with Head's of State in South-Sudan. Waligaa isdhaga tir, laakinse ha la yaabin dadka hadee dantooda qabsataa marke qaarna toodi iloowaan.
  16. Istafurrulah, kii macaa wanaag kula dooniyaa ma cadow ayaa u aragtaa? Somali maanta ku duceysata dagaal halkan ma joogaane, ma waanin ayaa diidisaa?
  17. Somalia: Puntland should review policing in Galka’yo [Opinion] The president of Puntland State of Somalia, Mr Abdirahman Farole, likened clashes in Garsoor quarter of Galka’ayo to Puntland security operations in Galgala were Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom had been based. For the last two years Galka’yo residents have witnessed clashes between militias in north and south Galka’yo under Puntland and Galmudug administrations respectively . Common complaint from north Galka’yo authorities was that assassins in north Galka’yo escape to south Galka’yo although parts of the city under Puntland is where a Puntland minister was assassinated in 2009. “There was no clan fighting in Galka’yo. Our forces were fighting against terrorists who target our citizens. This is our duty. Our government stops clan wars. We spend massive resources and manpower to stop clan wars, and presently our forces are deployed in many regions of Puntland to prevent clan wars. But Al Shabaab terrorist group is notorious for using the clan card, for hiding under local grievances, similar to methods they used during the Galgala conflict,” Garowe Online quoted president Farole as saying. Puntland is a regional administration formed by stakeholders who share clan affiliation. Ensuring that clan make-up of security forces is diverse is one of the ways to diffuse intra-clan power struggles. President Farole blamed Galmudug administration for “aiding the terrorists by providing safe refuge, medical assistance and even ammunitions.” Garsoor is generally associated with a Puntland sub-clan. Although assassinations have taken place in north Galka’yo, no section of the parts of the town under Puntland was specifically labeled a base for terrorists before this week’s clashes. The new Mudug administration appointed by president Farole several weeks ago sent police men allegedly made up of one of the rival sub-clans to Garsoor “ to beef up security there.” It was for Puntland administration to investigate clashes if people in north Galka’yo have questioned impartiality of security forces. Although Puntland has been in existence for 13 years it has yet to address incongruencies that emerge from the clash between public service nature of policing and recruiting members of the police force on the basis of clan affiliation. Galka’yo clashes have provided Puntland administration with an opportunity to review policing in the town.By: Liban Ahmad This post reflects the opinions of the author and not necessarily those of Horseed Media as a publication.
  18. Its not the first time this kind of clan clashes or clan fights takes place in Bossaso and that Puntland forces are 'perceived' as taking sides. Triviliazing wont solve the 'issue' and blaming Faroole wont hold(as this also happened before Faroole was President).
  19. -Its the first time in twenty years that Somaliland was invited before the Security Council(first in Nairobi and now in NY). -More then 10 Ministerial delegations have visited Somaliland in the last 6 months alone! -Siilaanyo has visited more then 8 countries, where he has been invited by the Goverments! In all those meetings Somaliland delivered exactly the same message, that it is seeking recongnition. The foreign policy strategy has been changed(something very common in the art of diplomacy), not the end goal.
  20. Aaliyah, I am wishing all the best and the succes of the Khaatumo Conference. Whatever the outcome maybe. I am just saying dont hope only for one particular outcome, there many ways in wish the Clan can get United. But unfortuantly some have already made up their mind on what the outcome should be.
  21. Xiin, politics is about interest and compromise(not about slogans and free lunches). Somaliland's interest is clear, now the question is how far will it go to compromise in order to reach its goal(recongnition). The other side(Somalia) which could have prefented building of Somaliland structures, its complete authonomy, its independance and de facto recongnition(dealing independantly with other countries and int org) was completely absent and brought nothing to the table and that unfurtuantly was the case for the last 20 years . So, I really dont get your celebration mood.
  22. May, laakinse logic markaad raacdid ayee iska cadahay.
  23. You hope that the outcome of the Conference will be that SSC will become its own State under the TFG Somalia and that Somaliland and both Puntland should leave all SSC territories. But this aint going to happen. You wanna know why?
  24. A_Khadar, till 4 years ago Somaliland's goverment was barely active let alone had any athority in both the SSC and Makhiri, which was under the full control of Puntland. Puntland is now gone from this whole area, and we cant say its disputed anymore. Now Somaliland's authority reaches the Makhir territority and up to LasAnod, where SSC is in Buuhoodle. The vacuum that Puntland left, has been filled by Somaliland and SSC and other clan governing areas. Somaliland is nowadays even close to Taleex (which is quite close to Garowe). So this isnt anymore a dispute between Somaliland and Puntland, as you want us to belief. Its now about Somaliland and how to incooperate the larger SSC clan and regio in to the governing structure.