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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Awad Hirsi, Miljöpartiet(Greens), Member of Stockholm City Council(Sweden).
  2. Fatma Ali, Groenlinks(Greens), Councilmember City of Nijmegen(The Netherlands).
  3. Ahmed Omar, Labour Party, Mayor of Tower Hamslet, Londen(UK).
  4. Baashe Muuse, Arbeiderspartiet(Labour Party), Oslo (norway).
  5. Ubax Abduqadir, Arbeiderspartiet(Labour Party), Oslo(Norway)
  6. Eng.Fadumo Madar, Arbeiderspartiet(Labour Party), Oslo(Norway).
  7. This thread is dedicated to Somali politicians representing the diaspora folks in their new home countries.
  8. The biggest crowd and best welcome for the Khaatumo Conference Committee so far. Not organising the conference in Las Anod and calling the city of Las Anod not a free town and occupied, is an insult for the good people of Las Anod.
  9. ONLF is fighting the right battles. SNM fougth the wrong ones. SSC, Maakhir, Puntland are States defending Somali Unity. Somaliland is destroying Somali Unity. TFG is set-tup, supported and funded and its leaders hand picked by Ethiopia which is good, but Ethiopia voicing its opinion towards Somaliland is a disgrace. This all fits within the greater strategy for creatingSomali unity, and its not just twisted D-clan ideology, wax fahan.
  10. Abtigiis;746715 wrote: War fiican! Awdal State, SSC, Makhiir State. Ha isku yaaacdo sidii tusbax furtay. Salal State baan fadhinaa. That will cut the whole secession story decisively. Borama is the city closest to Hargeysa(its even closer to Hargeysa then Burco, Berbera, Sheick, etc). What makes you think that if the good people of Borama and Hargeysa cant work it out and unite for a common objective, the people of Borama can unite with Buuhoodle, Badhan, Bosasso, Beletweyn or Baardhere? labadii dariskii hadee heshiin waayaan, markaa ma waxa ee la heshiniyaan dad xafad kale dagan ama magale kale degen. divided we stand, unite we fall? twisted logic.
  11. Jacpher;746538 wrote: No such a thing as Somalian. There's Somali Kenyan, Somali Ethiopian (read: Abtigiis), Somali Jabuti, not Somalian. People: Somali, Ethnicity: Somali, Culture: Somali, Language: Somali, Money: Somali, Nationality: Somali, Country: Somalia. I agree. The word Somalia(n) comes from the Italian synthax for Southern Somalia, la Somalia italiana. Its like saying Somalilander (coming from the English synthax, British Somaliland) while refering to Somali people.
  12. The Zack;746575 wrote: You lie! I am an ONLF supporter and my answer is we want to unite with our motherland, Somalia (After we free O'gadenia). Now what were u saying? The constitution of the ONLF says otherwise. Ofcourse you a free to oppose it.
  13. Xildhibaano Iyo Siyaasiyiinta Bariga Sanaag Oo Xukuumada Dhaliilay Written by Qaran news Sep 15, 2011 at 12:59 PM Hargeysa (Qaran news)- Xildhibaanada labada gole ee Baarlamaanka Somaliland Guurtida iyo Wakiilada kaga jira beesha bariga Sanaag, siyaasiyiin iyo aqoonyahano ka soo jeeda deeganadaasi oo shalay galab shirku yeeshay Caasimada Hargeysa, ayaa xukuumada Madaxweyne Siilaanyo quus kaga muujiyey saamiga laga siiyay jagooyinka xukuumada iyo hay’adaha dawlada, oo ay sheegeen in xuquuqdii iyo saamigii ay xaqa u lahaayeen aan laga siinin beel ahaan, islamarkaana ku eedeeyeen xukuumada Somaliland in masuuliyiintii hay’adaha dawlada ee gobolka Sanaag ay ku lahaayeen dhamaantood la wada eryay xubnihii ka soo jeeday Sanaag bari. Siddan waxa ay ka shaaciyeen shirk ay isugu yimaadeen xidhibanaada bariga Sanaag iyo aqoonyahankoodu oo aanay ka soo saareen war murtiyeed sidan u qornaa:- “Haddii aanu nahay xildhibaanadda, aqoonyahanka, iyo guurtida bariga sanaag , waxaanu muddo farabadan dhawrayney una sid tirineyna bal in xukuumadu wax ka bedesho qaabka ay u wado saami qaybsiga maamulka dawladda, hada oo ay dhamaatay boosaskii xukuumadu heer gobol iyo heer qaran, haba yaraatee ma jiro qof ka soo jeeda beesha oo lagu daray maamulka Siilaanyo marka laga reebo laba wasiir iyo laba agaasime , Hadaba Haddii aanu soo koobno dhacdooyinka isdabajooga ah ee nagala kulmay xukuumada Siilaanyo waxaa ka mid ah. 1. Wasiirkii hore ee wasaaradda arrimaha guduhu oo qaabilsan amaanka dalka, Isago ka turjumaya siyaasada xukuumadiisa uu qoray qoraal una gudbiyey hay’adaha samafalka in bariga Sanaag yahay meel aan amaan ahayn sidaa darteed aan lagu darin xog ururintii hay’adda AMBICAP iyo UNICEF ee ka dhacay dhamaan magaalooyinka Somaliland. 2. Wasiirka kaluumaysiga Somaliland, ayaa ka sheegay VOA in deeqaha la siiyo wasaaradiisa oo ay ku jiraan World Bank ay ku eeg-yihiin Saylac ilaa Maydh, ma sheegin wixii bari ka xiga meesha wax looga keeni doono 3. Xukuumadu waxay si cad uga saartay beesha maamulka gobolkeeda Sanaag oo hore u joogeen laba isuduwe oo kelya oo beesha kaga hadhsanaa labadiina ay xilkoodii waayeen markii u horaysey ee Xukuumada Siilanyo talada la wareegtay. 4. Dhamaan hay’adaha madaxa banana oo ay ugu danbaysey gudida diiwaan gelinta iyo la dagaalanka budhcad badeedka ayaan si cad looga qadiyey. 5. Beeshu waxay kulamo iyo shirar la yeelatay xubnaha ugu firfircoon ee xukuumada waxayna kulan gaara oo heer Suldaana la yeelatay Madaxweyne Siilaanyo. Dhawr jeer. wax ka fuleyna ma jiraan. 6. Gobolka badhan oo ah gobol xuduud la leh Puntland, isla markaana ay ku furanyihiin dhibaatooyin, dagaalo Barakac iyo abaaro oo ay ahayd in tixgelin gaara la siiyo ayaan xukuumadu haba yaraatee wax xil ah iska saarin. Maadaama aanu muddo dheer dhawreyney ixtiraamka, xidhiidhka iyo dhaqamadii soo jireenka ahaa ee ka dhexeeyey reer Somaliland, balse aanan marnaba ku qanacsanayn saami qaybsiga. Maadaama aanaan ka hayn ilaa hadda wax raja ah cid aanu ambiil u qaadano oo noo garaabeysaana aaney jirin (madaxmeel ka saraysa oo la salaaxaa ma jirto) waxaad moodaa iney tahay ninkaan quusani isagaa quusa. Beeshuna waxay isugu noqoneysaa talo si ay uga tashato aayaheeda maadaama ay lagama maarmaan tahay in la helo fursad siyaasadeed oo u adeegaysa beesha iyo degaanka. Waxaanu beel ahaan ka afeefaneynaa inaanan ku kici doonin waxa nabadgelyada Somaliland wax u dhimaya mase balanqaadi karno iney siyaasad ahaan ay wax u dhimi doonta siyaasada xukuumada. TVSLE
  14. Dabrow, the Equater goes through Somalia, or are you denying it?
  15. Somaliland in contrary to Somalia is situated above the equater. Therfore its situated North of Africa.
  16. Xaaji, You are right, Somaliland is an North African country. We should not be associated with East- or of Horn -Africans, iyo gaajada.
  17. Al Shabaab so tii ka baxday arimaha Somalia? wali loomaa sheegiin kuwii SOL ka waday Jihaadka?
  18. Xiin, not only Somalilanders have those dreams, but many Southerners share them as well. Last summer a Southern friend of mine went to Hargeysa for the first time. He was shocked to see poor people there and that the goverment doesnt have social welfare in place. How ignorant! The poor guy really believed literally all those stories about Somaliland wee duushay. Dont tell me you are one of those?
  19. Sheick Aden Siron is funny, few take him serieuz (except Xaaji Xunjuf). Sheick Aden Siro own a number Hamburger fast food restaurants. One time the Sheick had a land dispute over one of his restaurants with the Hargeysa municipility. They told him its illegal to build part of his restaurant on the public road. The next friday. He held a sermon in his mosque. telling everyone that the Hargeysa Municipility is Xaaraan.
  20. Abtigiis;746367 wrote: Carafaat, what are you reading? Where do I show empathy to the killers? Anyway, I know many other Somalis miss their dead ones. That is to state the fact, not to trivialize the indefensible killings in the North. Still, the question why SL's view themselves as the only group victimized by the military dictatorship, I cannot understand. What happened in Mogadishu in 2006? Was that not a big crime too? I refuse to accept that there was a single clan that were systematically killed in Somalia's civil war. Everybody has his dark tales. Baido's starvation by Aideed, Ban-balaayo massacre, Kismayo killings. I have dealt with that. Showing remains of victims of civil war won't strengthen your argument. Let us take emotion out of the matter and present the merits of secession. Abtigiis, nobody said that ones suffering is worser then others. But when the discusion is about 'Somaliweyn', dont be suprised that people from Somaliland think back to those days in the '80 and what the last regime of SOmalia was responsible for. Same reason as why some never accepted the USC Goverment, because ot the crimes committed against people. Same as why some didnt accept and fought against Abdullahi yusuf with his Ethiopian soldiers, because of their crimes in 2006. Why would anyone accept Somalia Goverment Soldiers parading around Hargeisa, when everyone knew what the last Somalia goverment did when it had authority in Hargeysa.
  21. Abtigiis;746311 wrote: Burahadheer, I don't carry a guilt of a clan on my shouders nor I am speaking on behlaf of my clan. As unseemly as it may be to you,I am expressing my personal opinions, obnoxious nor not. And I disagree with your characterisation of the conflict in the North. sure, your version is not new to me. I heard it million times. I have also heard the other extreme version. Butmy own analysis is thatwhile the scale of destruction is higher in the North, the intent of the regime was similar with what it did in Putland prior to this conflict. Barre was using clan against clan to preserve power. Those you think were armed because of kinship were mere stones used in this conflcit because of their vulnerable position. The storyline is a regime bent on remaining in power against rebels who fought against oppression. Extermination, i don't think. was a deliberate policy. The regime could not do the same in Mogadishu because it was quickly defeated. If that wasn't the scale, I am of the opinion the same would have happened to the USC supporters. Whatever moral legitimacy the SNM struggle had, I did not question. I am questioning why secession has to be an answer. And also please open a thread and say all you want about ONLF and the motivations you think it has and why there is no genocide in Somaligalbeed. I will give my opinion there without mixing your clan lineage into the discussion. It is a typical northern disposition to indulge in your-clan vs my clan sort of argument. For your information, I have never crossed the border of Somalia before the fall of Siyad Barre. So, you are wrong to think I am one of those who were cleansing your clan. I have also in the past spoke ill of the refugees you talk about here and the negative role they played. Can you ever look at SNM and tell us anything wrong they did? No. Speaking against your clan is crime in Somali mindset. Abti, these are your own words. Everything you say to rationalize the actions of the former regime will be put in a political context. Maybe someday we will be able to do historical alaysis of the past. But its to soon for that.
  22. Abtigiis, why do you triviliaze and rationalize what happened? And by showing empathy for those who committed these crimes, you certaintly wont create support for your case.
  23. Laalays isnt that Alpha Blondy's tuulo?
  24. Indeed, both best scoring students in high school and intermediate are girls. ileen qaar baa maskax dul saarantahay. who would have thought that?