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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Buradheer, I dont think the reversed would work. As it is based on power concetration and not in the interest of people in Somalia.
  2. Uncle Yeey would be a shamed of how you put all your eggs in the basket of Landers.
  3. I heard from very reliable sources that Somaliland is opening an Embassy in Moqadishu. Somaliland goverment even purchased an old colonial style 3-story former hotel with a hugh garden very close to Shariif's own Villa Somalia, in the centre of the city. The building needs some renovation and will be ready to be used in a couple of months. The position of Ambassador has not been filled yet. As a Xamar born and bread Somalilander it would be an honour to serve my land in my country of birth. Therefor I am officially candidating my self to become Somaliland's first Ambassador to Somalia. Ngonge, I hear you have close contacts with President Siilaanyo. Can you put in a good word for me? I am prebared to send you my CV and present my credentials.
  4. I can remember how your uncle Yeey said on the BBC; "We will come for those Hargeysa Xaaran ku heysta, after we deal with the one in Moqadishu". Maantana waxaad ku faraxsantahay rajo ine Somaliland miis ee so fadhiisato.
  5. I like the tone of this debate and how it changed from years ago. Couple of years back, some from Somalia used to make threads against Somaliland and criminalize "secessionist". And today some are hoping and even begging Somaliland to come and sit around the table for brotherhoods sake. Even the Somaliland flag has been spotted in Moqadishu .
  6. Anigu waxba kama qaato somali sites. Only AP. ANP, CNN, BBC. According to those sources Somalia backstapped our friends Iran.
  7. I hope so. Because Al-Shabaab(do you still support them?) even introced suicide donkey's. Ragu baryahan wee sidayeen.
  8. We will see how the news unfolds itself the coming days. Adigu baryahan ma Lawyerkii TFG'da ayaa noqotay?
  9. Wouldnt be logic to request Israel opening an Embassy. Cause the TFG cant guarantee the safety of the Embassy or the Israeli staff, they would be on the A-list of every suicide bomber.
  10. Dont know about that though. But for sure they wont write on Somalia's walkout or backstap in the UN.
  11. Ofcourse not. Abdiwali is a muslim and in no way comparable with Ayaan. I was refering to friends of Isreail, how they are taked care off with job. And that anyone who walksout on Iran in the UN, is a friend of Israel and will for sure be taken care off.
  12. Lool@ Iranian sources. Like Iran would ever write that more then 30 countries walked out on their President. Probably they will say the speech was wel received in the UN.
  13. Abdiwali's walkout in the UN only serves his personal ambtition. There is no single other reason why he and his delegation should walkout on Iran like that. But it doesnt suprise me from TFG officials.
  14. Abdiwali is a US citizens who will loose his job soon and as you know friends of Israel never have to worry about getting a job in NY. His cousin Ayaan Hirsi also landed a nice job with zionist think thank.
  15. Bad idea. Dont forget that US and UN troops back in 90's and Ethiopians recently left Moqadishu with more mess behind them.
  16. So, its actually true. Gaas walked out himself from the meeting? I think he will rewarded with prestigious position within the mighty circles of Israel supprters once he get backs in NY.
  17. LANDER;748188 wrote: To Che, The same question could be asked of you and others who cling on to Somalia as it was, why do you ask obvious questions vis-a-vis Somaliland? Do you hope one day the facts on the ground will suddenly disappear and the former Somali republic will have one central government that rules over all of the its former territory? Do you think Somaliland will vanish into thin air? So if you want to avoid misleading, politically angled propositions you may want to lead by example. Wise words. Would suprise me if he comes up with a better example to follow.
  18. Dont worry. Dont worry Aferwerki and his cousin Melez will both soon be chased away by their own people. Their time is running up.
  19. Fiqikhayre;748094 wrote: The President will come to London in mid October inshaallaah and will be welcomed by the huge Puntland Diaspora residing in the UK and will also speak at the Chatham House, London. ku dayo, ku dayo. Kudos to Puntland for following Somaliland's step. Unfortuantly, these Chatham meetings are useless and didnt have much effect for Somaliland either. Chatham is not what it used to be since the end of the British Empire and world dominance. China is the next place to be.
  20. Xaaji, you do understand that Taleex in under the control and sphere of influence of Puntland. And that the Garaad who picked the location is working for Puntland? So, I really dont expect much from the outcome anymore. This conference will be comparable with the Boocame Conference.
  21. lool@ Saado. I do respect Saado Cali Warsame. She is energetic, outspoken and God help those who she targets.
  22. What is your judgement regarding this roadmap ? Can we expect you to be riding on the front of the caravan?