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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Odaygu wuu si daayay! He shouldnt have done this. Atleast everyone was showing him respect and were quit mild in their critic. But now the gloves come off.
  2. A_Khadar;748702 wrote: Maxuma laakiin was that the only option in cuqdad iyo hate caano looga dhigo.. Koley dad badan wee ku jirtaa. fartana waa la iskuwada fiiqi karaa. laakinse faido ayee u leheed, inta marba dhinac loo dagaal tagi lahaa.
  3. The Banking Bill should never have been passed through Parliament and the President should never have signed it without the goverment having any capacity to regulate the financial sector. But it was a election promise that Kulmiye made to special interest. And now this is the result. I hope it wont negatively effect SL currency or worse the savings of those people.
  4. Just imagine that Somali's one day (gradually) will find their own(natural) sustainable solutions for the their own created problems and issue's(Just like all other people's around the world have their own issue's and own solutions). Would the UN and AMISOM's created problems/obstacles or at least their interference in this (Somali owned)process be an obstacle for getting to an end result (Somali solution) or constructive for the end result? It doenst take a genius to figer this out.
  5. Ace thats how I understood his words as well. Axmed Yusuf Yaasin Wuxu leeyahay dantiina qabsadaa, inta wax lagu daneesaniyo madaxa laga gali leheen oo dad badani ku dhiman lahayeen. Ahmed Yusuf Yaasin waa wadaad, maha nin dadka dagaal ku qaada ama threating ku sameeya. Markaa fadlan hadalkiisa khalad ha u dhigina. Ilaahay ka baqa.
  6. A_Khadar;748651 wrote: Baaaaaaacccc.. But I am not surprised with him cause many in here sol believe the same theory... Sidaasu last 20 years ugu akhrinayey caruurtii soo koraysay publicly and privately .. A_Khadar, Caruurtaasi wakhtigii 90's hub ayee wada siteen, sidaas ayaa hubka lagaga wada dhigay oo qalin u wada qaateen. Oo looga dhaadhiciyay dalkiina iyo dadkiina u dadaala.
  7. Good idea. Well done. Wallahi, such an sport Academy would produce many Somali athletes. Like the school set up by Lorna Kiplagat in her hometown Eldoret(Kenya) and Haile Gebreselassie in the mountains of Ethiopia.
  8. Xaaji, tii General Bubuto ha ka iloowin.
  9. Macaa wuu gabyaa. ma dhageysatay gabeys giisa Shariif uu u tiriyay? Sheickk Shariifoo kumee Shanganii ka deydeyee kumee Shibis ka waayee kumee Sakiino kugu dawakhee kumee ............
  10. I attended Bustaale Primary School till 1989. Anyone know something about this school or has pictures? Dont have a lot of memories about it. Only that we used to wear green/blue uniform and that teachers used to very harsh and punish me in every class.
  11. I do love Somaliland. Maalin walba sheeko cusub ayee keenan. They are real trendsetters. Soon you will see Djibouti, Puntland, Galmudug and all the foreign based Maamul's deliviring aid(with their flags) around Somalia. Maybe Shariif himself will bring aid wrappend around with the blue flag to Jowhar and other places. I am even hearing there will be a special Minister appointed for (providing)Humanitarian Affairs next to the one for (receiving) Humanitarian Aid and Donor Coordination.
  12. I wonder if he ever visited or been to Somaliland before speaking his mind about it? The least you should do, is know before you talk about it. Utherwise its like Faisal Ali Waraabe talking about what people in Kismaayo shoul do.
  13. loool@Amiirka aloow i da. Dont forget. 6. Soo soco, soo soco SSC'yeey
  14. Thats true, Back in the country havent seen many guys under 40 who are bold. But here most Faarax's are bold before 30's. Do you think its only sun or also better food in the country?
  15. Laga yaaba ine delegationkii sheekadan aane la socon ee ku jeedeen Blackberry texting with Djibouti delegation. Djibouti aa ku leheed casuumad aa leenahay hadhoow, kadib wa barjeeninaa. Marke hareeraha eegeen, oo arkeen Sweden, Switserland, Slowakiya, Slovakia, Spain, Serbia, San Marino oo meesha ka dareeray ee is yiraheen wuu dhaamaday shirkii, ka gaara jaadku intaan aa dhamaan.
  16. Somalina;748458 wrote: Feast your eyes on the future Somali Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Enterprenuers and what have you. Thank you Turkiya. ========== Alxamdullulah. Nice to see Moqadishu smiling again.
  17. Nina Fox;748577 wrote: Oh buoooy. Im going to trample on some feathers today. I knew this was gonna happen when I was served cold coffee mina subax....So here it goes These questions aren't serving any real purpose besides provoking hatred and cuqdad among the 2 regions. Nobody is forcing Somaliland to be part of Somalia, and if the TGF are planning to forcefully retain this region they are delusional. As far as Im concerned Somaliland has been a government for a long time and I wish them all the best in their future endeavours. However what gets to me is S/LANDERS asking----Maxaad ka qabtaaan? Maxaad inaga rabtaaan? Maxaa maxaa maxaa. You are coming across as if you are seeking assurance, and Im sure that was not your intention. Im going to tell you exactly what I tell the S/LAND part of my family at home----------- Nobody cares hadaad go'daan, besides you aint going to set-up shop in Pluto, y're only next door, stop makin a fuss and get on with it will ya. Its not at the end of the world, its only next door. very relative indeed.
  18. Drafting a permanent constitution for the country while Puntland, Galmudug, Ahlu Suna Wa Jamaca and TFG not even represent or have authority in less then half of the country's Province is not realy democratic. They should rather focus on how to free the rest of the country from Al Shabaab (The TFG's initial mandate). Then afterwords support local authorities to emerge. And afterwards those regional authorities or representative bodies can sit down together and draft common rules and laws(Constitution). But now the TFG failed in step 1, resents step 2 and jumps to step 3. This aint right and I dont think it will work.
  19. JB, waxaan maqlay adigu Madaxtooyada kama baxdidba. niyow hadaa isoo dhameysid xilkan, Xamar ayaan si wanaagsan kugu so dhaweyn oo diplomatic receptionka aan ku dhigo Xamar oo Niiko ciyaartay ayaad arki doonta.
  20. Fipikhayre, I thaught the Federal constitution charter has been draften already. Or are there stil elements which are open for discussion?
  21. Playing politics and polirazing Education and therefor the future of the young is sad and dissapointing from both sides.
  22. Is the women on the picture, the Minister of Education?