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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. inaalilahi wa inaalilahi rajicuun ilahay ha u naxariisto inti dhimatay. This reminds me of the suicide attack at the UNDP compound in Hargeysa. I was not that far from there. Somali's need to realize that there is a common enemy out there wishing for our destruction and suffering.
  2. Dee waan yaabay. waxaan is iri, hawo walba maad la duusha.
  3. Caano geel, These kind of images potray a wrong image of the brotherly relations that exist between Somali's. There may be some political disagreements between our politicians and goverments but there thousands of things we do share and agree upon. I suggest we focus on those commenalities.
  4. Djibsomali is a Somalilander. Only a Somalilander would care so much for the internal debate and issue's of the Republic. Only thing is, he is not being constructive by rather wishing for the collapse of Somaliland while caring at the same time.
  5. Xiin, adigu marba ma dhinac ayaa u leexataa? So digii tageeriyay UN'ta iyo sida Somalida ku dul shaqeystaan. Iminkana maad is badashay?
  6. Are you denying Abdullahi Yusuf and the Ethiopians slaughtered people in Moqadishu? Sheick Shariif was the one who kicked them out of Moqadishu, dont try to rewrite history. Waa la ogyahay meeshu Abdullahi Yusuf iyo kuwii tageeray ka galeen.
  7. Abtigiis, the aid industry is one the most shamefull and unethical industries, exploiting human suffering for own advancement. And still there are so people around really thinking that aid really helps. How ignorent. indeed Somaliyeey toosa.
  8. Thankful;749413 wrote: You want to talk about reality? Time and time again, regardless of who comes to office the TFG leader of Somalia is the one that represents Somalia from our (Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti - border). One thing is for certain, Somalia had far darker days and now the TFG controls all of Mogadishu - so much so that the first non-African head of state made a visit. Even during Somalia's darkest day's when the TFG couldn't step foot in Mogadishu or even before that when the government couldnt leave a foreign country; your secessionist tribal group was unable to gain a single country to recognize them or have make any gains in being recognized. You have missed your chance - if you couldnt do it when the TFG was at it's weakest, you will never do it when it is continously gaining more it is today. People from Mogadishu will never forget those dark days when Abdullahi Yusuf (with many here chearleaders celebrating) brougth 30.000 Ethiopian troops and sluaghtered innocent people and destroyed the city which was back then just pacified by the Islamic Courts under the leadership of the current Sheick Shariif. Who is again rebuilding and pacifying the city destroyed by Abdullahi Yussuf and Ethiopians, who paved the road for Al Shabaab.
  9. Scholarships to Universities in Somaliland and outside to countries like Turkey, Sudan, Yemen, Egypt,etc and many other countries are awarded to students who sit for the special scholarships exam. And these students who are allowed to sit for those exams are the high scoring from the 6 regions of Somatliland. This is how it has been done the last years.
  10. which parts of Gedo are now under the control of the militia's and which part under Al-Shabaab?
  11. Amin Amir makes current (political) cartoons about recent political topics in the news. If you dont like what you see, you should really blame those responsible.
  12. ailamos;749241 wrote: Here we go. Although I would like to see a unified Somali nation, it's not necessarily a bad thing if there are two political Somali entities. I once had a Malaysian professor who told us about the story of how Singapore separated from Malaysia. It's a situation not unlike Somaliland/Somalia where Singapore became independent first, then joined the Malaysian Federation. But because of certain differences in ideology between the leaders (as well as some Chinese/Malay conflicts), Singapore separated from the Federation. Now, Malaysia being the larger and more powerful of the two, could have insisted on a unified peninsula, after all both Malaysia and Singapore have intertwined history and culture, but on the contrary, Malaysia voted unanimously to expel Singapore from the Federation in order to avoid bloodshed and animosity. According to my professor, the moral of the story was that neighboring nations mutually benefit one another, so if your neighbor prospers, then you will prosper as well (Read further: ). Now, since the reality on the ground, presently at least, is that Somalilanders wants to remain independent, then we should work towards that because peace and stability in Somaliland can help stabilize the rest of Somalia. Besides, the idea of Dual Citizenship is genius. It has worked in case of Northern Ireland, where people there can have both British and Irish citizenship, if they choose to. Having free movement of people between Somalia and Somaliland will enhance commercial activity. So, all this this adamant nationalism makes no sense to me. If there is a potential of more economic benefit to have two political entities and there is dual citizenship, then why insist on one political entity and the prospect of more infighting between the north and the south? a sensible voice and practical approach. With this kind of thinking we could solve so many of the issue's within the Somali community. I salute you, mon frere.
  13. Mahiga: "Somaliland is a de facto State. Recongnition will come from other Member States, its a matter of time, proces and procedures."
  14. Gheelle, its not important or relevant what I think. But what the SSC public on the ground think and what they expect. Just check the video's I just posted. People seem to be very dissapointed with the Garaad's and dont have a lot of trust or confidence in their political judgements. And their support for Puntland is very much critized. That;s why many think this Conference should not be hosted by the Garaad's or they should take the lead. Because since recently the Garaad's are intervering in the organisation of the Conference.
  15. Our oral history is not really reliable. Only primitive societies have long relied on oral traditions. We need pass that stage.
  16. Cabdillaahi Cawed Cige is a creative author. Always like his short articles, they certainly highlight things from a diffrent perspective. Concerning the topic of the article. Indeed It's ok for someone to oppose Somaliland or have a diffrent opinion. But if you use invalid arguments, you tend to loose the whole argument. Because the discussion isnt anymore about the issue(Somaliland) but about someone own frustrations or emotional outburst.
  17. Good initiative for a society where most people still are illeterate and are used to listing to to Radio BBC.
  18. Guys Djibsomali has a small oipnt (how wrong his statements might be, to be wishing for war!). Of all the things they(opposition and media) said about Riyaale, he always kept cool, presidential and didnt feel to attack back his critics. This current goverment has arrested and prosecuted more journalist in 1 year then Riyaale has in 8 years. The irony is, it was always Kulmiye who supported 'media rights', now they are the ones who hunt down journalist.
  19. Jacaylbaro;748812 wrote: After a year and dheeraad ,,,,, he needed inuu sidaa yeelo. This will be an assignment for all Somalis for weeks now How so was it needed to call people names and make accusations about their history??? You do understand that they will answer him and open up about his history? Niyow dadku ceebtada marke asturaan yagana waa la astuura.