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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Failed attempt to create a rift. 21st October was a sad day for all Somali's.
  2. Becca& Kwabena(Ghana). Great song.
  3. Tarika(Madascar). Music with Indian, Malaysian and African influences.
  4. Alpha Blondy;752571 wrote: ^no! sarah is mohamed the watchman's wife. you see i live alone and they're the closest thing i have to a family. Oromo ayaa closest thing ku ah. dadbaa iminka suuxi doona.
  5. The documentary is filmed in Sachsen Anhalt and other areas of East-German, where unemployment, poverty and racism is very high. In most parts of West-Germany this kind of rasicm is very rare and people are very kind. So there is no need to generalise the 80 miljoen people in Germany.
  6. PasserBy;753040 wrote: If the Amharas are as civilized as you say they are ( I don't dispute it) , why was there a need to wage war against the benevolent emperor, Haile Selassie, in the 1960s or against Mengistu in the 1970s and 1980s? Hmmm... Yes, Shaleqa Admassu doesn't represent Amhara people as a whole, but he does represent the fringe elements (chauvinists) your boss is hoping to get a better deal from (fat chance! ). Your hypocrisy has no bound. May I remind you that your boss's boss is an agame. Who do you think A Osman answers to? This man right here. By the way, you'll be shocked to discover that I am not an agame. You will be further shocked if you knew where I am really from, but I don't want to give you a heart attack. You can only take so much . ONLF today is an empty shell of itself from 20 years ago because of the hypocrisy, opportunism, and whoretitude of Osman and his boys. It has no chance in hell of defeating region five’s special police, never mind xabashis. Keep on fantasizing though. You should direct your question to A&T. The people from whom he is hoping to get a better deal for his sub sub clan are known to insult Somalis as Shiritam Somale . You can ask him what that means and the connotation of it. Ninkaan fadhi ku dirika Somalida xariif ayuu ku noqday.
  7. Wonder why they changed the location? Is it because of security? And how did Faroole react? Where is Xiinfaniin to explain Farooles explanation?
  8. Abtigiis;753116 wrote: Cabdalla Xaaji Cali waa qoloma? Miyaa laga laandheeraysan yahay? Meeshaas qabiilkaa diin ka ah oo nin reer-xoog weyn leh intaa madaarka kuma xidhnaadeene! lool Abtigiis. Abdalle Xaaji Ali waa reer Berbera, wuxu ahaan jiray Duqa Magalada Berbera. Airportkan lagu xiray ee Hargeisa, waxa loo bixiyay magaca adeerkii(AUN Egaal). Markaa laguma xirin laangaabnimo.
  9. GoldCoast;753077 wrote: Why didn't you post the replies to this article where the guy got a shellacking LOL? First reply: Roland Marchal is Research Fellow at SciencesPO Centre for International Studies and Research. He has written extensively on Somalia With all due respect to Richard, this is a collection of all the clichés on Somalia (and Switzerland). That Switzerland reaches its current status is not the outcome of a bottom up approach: there were moments like that, but many others clearly shaped by a quite different logic. One should expect the reference to be more grounded in history. John Lonsdale wrote an essay (published in African Studies) on the creation of pre-colonial State, and one would hardly find any process similar to the one designed by the author. But yes, history is creative. Anthony Giddens, in his book The Nation-State and Violence, also reminds us that States exist only in a system of States. This is also very true when analysing the conditions by which Switzerland was able to survive despite the wars at its borders. It is surprising how the issue of State Building in Somalia is seen as internal, though so many foreign actors are involved and imperative on its shape and orientation. I have no idea whether Somalia is a fit for a strongly centralised State, for a loose federation or for the coexistence of many States: I hope one day its population can have a say on that issue after a proper democratic debate. One should however bear in mind a few points. First, the centralized State was not always a colonial legacy . The Sudan Political Service was not made up of disciples of Napoleon, neither was their practical philosophy inclined to that thinking. Ethiopia was a very centralised State and did not need the Italians to be that. Ioan Lewis reminds us – I think in “Pastoral Democracy”- that Somalis could be fierce Repuplicans but also very obedient. The focus on the current crisis should not pre-empt us to remember other periods of Somali history when centralizing dynamics were very much at play (the Ajuuran empire, or the post 1945 nationalistic period). On should stop identifying State-building process with a UNDP/NGO project and see it as it is: messy, contradictory, often coercive and bloody, and much longer that a diplomatic assignment or a UN contract. That Somali politics could eventually be reduced to clan politics is an opinion that still has some popularity. I would not say this is untrue, but as a sociologist I am amazed that no other identities play a role, neither those created by urbanisation, migrations, social classes, contacts with the State, political Islam and so on. Really, if the author is right, then Somalia is extra-ordinary: the “museum of one people that has not changed” (taking note that the author forgets the strong presence of Bantus and other refugees – such as Oromos – of all kinds). Moreover, I would like to hear what clan politics actually encompasses at a moment when all clans (at least in the South and in large parts of the North) are deeply divided, with the divisions often crossing nuclear families. The proposal Richard makes just ignores history and confuses the social setting of Somaliland and Puntland with most of the South where all clans are represented. What then are the regions he mentions? How to define them? Should we take those of the1960s? or 1990? Or repeat what Puntland and Somaliland did (very different approaches but still a creeping conflict between the two)? Puntland with a very small population and a relative clan homogeneity created more than 30 new districts to appease some of its elites. With little success, as we can witness today. The current problems faced by both entities have different origins but tend to prove that their survival is today increasingly connected or dependent of international support. H is idea is also debatable on another important point: why should Mogadishu port benefit only to Benaadir people? Should Berbera port benefit only to Sahel and not to the whole Somaliland? Ethiopia did promote this idea in the 1990s and got the support of other international players at that time (the EU among them). The achievement is to say the least, unimpressive. To a large extent, the growth of Islamism in the late 1990s and early 2000s was fed by a nationalistic reaction to what many Somalis interpreted as a balkanisation of Somalia. Let us conclude on Somaliland: as someone who grew up in a democratic country, I always question unanimity (seemingly unlike the author) and my fieldwork experience shows that ‘yes ministers’ support their government in Somaliland, but opinions vary in the population at large. Some may die for Somaliland, others feel it is the best they can get for the time being, and few publicly or silently admit (since inside Somaliland they will be arrested or socially coerced) that they are against it. Very weak and pretentious respond to the article without coming up with any historic argument why Somalia should have a strong cenralized State.
  10. Indeed al Shabaab is a product of Somalia. And its stronghold is not without reason those areas in Somalia were grieve injustices were committed against people and who's land was seized and claimed by fleeing remainents of the Siyadist regime and its footsoldiers.
  11. The author states that any attempt by the international community to create a powerful central Somali state claiming also to reprepresent Somaliland could lead to War. But this scenaria is less likely now then it was couple years ago. Because Somalia will not get a centralized goverment and the international community acknowledges Somaliland de facto status.
  12. going to war with who exactly? Does he mean with Somaliland?
  13. xiinfaniin;752601 wrote: ^^ :D @you need to do a lip service to things of principle but must let them go on ^^That I STRONGLY disagree Prof. Abtigiis, and you know it. Waryaa NGONGE, xaafaduhu soo dalkayga maaha? Seriously, Kenya's invasion won't succeed just like the Ethiopian invasion did not work. The Somali conflict is a Somali hence needs a Somali solution . If the world is serious about it, TFG must be helped to do this. Xiin, Did you oppose the Ethiopian invasion as you do the Kenyan? Or are you opposing it because many opposed Uncle Yeey's treason of bringing Ethiopians to Moqadishu?
  14. Monopolisation of the Somali livestock industry, the economical backbone and the Somali lifeline is nothing to cheer for. If only they would understand.
  15. Siilaanyo can write prober English, read this piece he wrote.
  16. This VP is definetely more active and plays a bigger role then previous ones.
  17. Xaqiiqo La Helay: Yaa Usoo Dhiibey Garaadada Garoowe Waraaqdey Inoo Akhriyeen Ilaahbey mahad oo dhami u sugnaatey, nabadgelyo iyo naxariisina nabigiisii Maxamed ahaa korkiisa ha ahaato. Baadhitaan dheer ka dib oon sameeyey ayaan waxaan ku soo ogaadey soona heley xaqiiqada cida usoo dhiibtey garaadada garoowe martida ugu ah beesha maxamúd saleebaan waraaqdii la yidhi ka hor akhriya tv-ga beesha ee Somali chanal waxeyna u dhacdey arintu sidatan: Hadaan ku bilaabo hawshan waxa bilowgeeda ilaa dhamaadkeeda wada waxa ugu horeeya iskana kaashadey niman waaweyn oo qurba jooga oo qaarkood taliskii siyaad bare madax ka ahaayeen, dhawaana bayaan ay beel aysanba u warheyn ku been abuurteen kuna soo saarey webka loogu adeego danaha beesha maxamud saleban ee taleex ku xaar iyo ninka webkaasi u furanyahay ahna hoosjiifaha Faroole waa Cabdisamed Cali Shire’e. Horta waxaa laga dhaadhiciyey odayaal reer buuhoodle ah iyo odey kale oo reer boocame ah kana mushahar qaata faroole, musharkaana uu ugu soo dhiibo hoosjiife C/samed Cali Shire, iney diidaan in shirka dhulkooda lagu qabto ka dibna uu garaadku yidhaaho anaa shirka idiin casumaya si loogu qabto meel aan Garoowe (caasimad beesha) ka fogeyn oo uusan maraba *********** uga bixi karin qoolka loo sudhay beesha Puntland. Intaa markey ku guuleeysteen oo dhulbahantoo dhami isagoo eegaya masiibada iyo hooga ay ku rideen labada beelood ee SSDF iyo SNM iyagoo adeegsanaya wax ma garato magaca inala sheeganaysa ayaa hadana waxaa la gudagaley sidii loo keeni lahaa arin kale oo dadka caqliga saliimka leh aan u cuntami karin in la keeno si shirkaa beesha looga fashiliyo waxeyna timi kadib shirdheer oo xaga telefonnka ah oo leysugu soo noqdey labo jeer kaasoo dhexmarayey Ina Cali shire iyo odoyaasha bayaanka ku qoraa ee qurba joogta ahaa waxeyna ka soo saareen shirkoodii waraaqdii Garaadada loo nisbeeyey ee la yidhi *********** noo maqashiiya. Sidey ku dhacdey iney garaadada Garoowe inta qol lagu soo xareeyey laguna kor akhriyey. Waxey u dhacdey ka dib markii qoladii qurba joogta aheyd iyo Ina Cali Shire isla dhameeyeen qoraalkii waraaqda ayaa shaqada inta dhiman loo xilsaarey ina cali shire. Isna wuxuu u tegey hogaamiyihiisa Faroole wuxuuna ku cabsi geliyey in uu arintan wax kala qabto hadii kale beeshii dhulabahnte ee isaga iyo maamulka SNM-tu ku heshiiyeen midna inuu magaceeda somali weyn kaga dhex qaraabto mucaawunadoodana gobolada beesha maxamud saleebaan loo leexiyo, Siilaanyo iyo SNM-na dhulka ku Ictiraaf raadsadaan iney maanta khatar ugu jirto iney ka far baxsato, maadaama shirweyne ay kasoo qeybgalaan waxgarad isku dhafani la filayo iney qabsadaan. Faroole arintii wuu ka aqbalay, waxaana loo yeedhay garaadadii garoowe Faroole martida ugu ahaa inkasto garaadada qaarkood qadiyada hore ula socdeen hadana badankoodu war kamaheyn mu’aamarada Ina Cali Shire iyo qurba joogta taageertaa soo maleegeen. Garaadadii qolka lagu soo xereeyey hadalka looma badin labaa la kala dooransiiyey: 1- In ay waraaqdan loo akhriyey saxeexaan fiidyowna laga duubto iyagoo ayidaya. 2- Hadeysan taa ogoleyn inuu sida ugu dhakhsaha badan ninwaliba Caruurtiisa, xaasaskiisa iyo xamaamtiisaba sida ugu dhakhsaha badan Garoowe uga uruurasado kana guuro. Faroolana warkii ina Cali Shire buu intuu Istaagey yidhi waa sidaa naa’ibkeygu u yidhi, hadal badana kuma dirin. Isla markiiba waxaa istaagey qaar garaadadii hawsha la socdey waanay ayideen wixii ku qoraa waraaqduu Ina Cali Shire ku dul akhriyey waxeyna balan qaadeen iney hawshaa loo direy fulindoonaan maadama bey yidhaaheen yihiin Isimo Puntland ah yihiin, aysana ogoleyn wax maamulkayaga wax u dhimaya. Garaadada qeybtoodii aan waxba ka ogeyn arinka waxey ku noqotey afkalaqaad waxaana loo sheegey inuusan wax ka hadal arintaasi ah uusan uga banaaneeyn ee ay arintu tahay kala doorasho uun, berina xiligaa leysugu yimaado guri loo cayimay. Garaadadii aan arintan ka wareysaney ee labada shirba fadhiyey waxey ii cadeeyeen kuna cabteen in meesha Garoowe maxas badani ka daadsantahay aysana ka maarmeynin degenaanshaheeda iyo biilka uu Faroole Ina Cali Shire ugu soo dhiibaba saa la’ajligeedna ay yihiin dad mar walba qasban. Hadaba aniga waxaan fahmi kari waayey ileen *********** waa quruum farabadane sidey dantooda oo dhan ugu dabranaankarto afarsiyaasi iyo dhawr garaad oo SSDF iyo SNM u martiya, qaadkooda, qadadooda iyo biilka maatadoodana u hoos fadhiyaan beelahaa maamulada iyo horumarka sameystey. sababtoo ah sidee buu mushatamaca intiisii kale ee aan aheyn nimanka SSDF-ta iyo SNM-tu u yaqaanaan’’dhulbahante hoo bariiska’’ uga badbaadi karaan gaajada, abaaraha iyo horumar la’aanta dhulkeenii ka jirta iyo qixida shacabkeenii u qaxayo ilaa afrikada koonfureed, waa su’aal akhristow lagaa sugayo jawaabteeda. Mansuur Cali. London
  18. xiinfaniin;752085 wrote: ^^Xaaji, the SSC folks are historically from strong powerhouse, the genes are from eastern mountains where their noble grandfather is buried today. you've been outran indeed, the source of your weakness go back to your beginning. If you don't know I am a part time Cultural Anthropologist, and have keen observation to Somali tribal composition and beginning, and in that verse I can easily recite you the poems of that prophetic albeit a bit arrogant, the once King of Hawd Region in relation to your political defeats and ever lasting frustrations; Galka siraw markii raacdadii laysku soo gaaray Neefyahow guduudani midkii gaabiyaaad tahaye Guuldarada waxaa kuugu waxan geenyadii hore'e Frustration iga dheh.
  19. Abtigiis, I would have believed your story. If it wasnt for man dressed in traffic police attire on the top and a macawis, with a tiny plastic with Khat on his side pocket, running toward our car .
  20. A_Khadar;752031 wrote: Where the hell is this Baligubadle? Other day I was Siiraanyo visiting it?.. Alle ha kala qaboojiyo.. Baligubadle is the capital of Hawd Region (South of former Waqooyi galbeed). Its on the Ethiopian border. Comparable with Buuhoodle en Cayn Region.
  21. Happy 2nd anniversar to SSC. Hope the diaspora engages and develops their region many more years to come.