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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Many sheiks and wadaads are actually doing quite well in terms of business and making money. Sheick Khaalid seems to be no exception. I wish I had such business skills. Somehow the Sheicks never include tips on how to make money in their friday preaches.
  2. In a country where most public area's (shacabka) have been claimed and sold by the wealthy and powerfull, its strange to start evicting the poor and powerless. Shamefull.
  3. Abtigiis, the pirates declared defeat. Congratulations to Azania are in order.
  4. xiinfaniin;754546 wrote: Puntland's support is neither here nor there. If anything it discredits The Zack and Prof. Abtigiis's assertion that those of us who opposed the invasion did so because of clan considerations. The reason Faroole is supporting it is very narrow. In his fight to put federalism as a permanent mark in Somalia's constitution he is hoping the new entity that will emerge out of Kenyan invasion will be in his column in relation to federalism. Very shortsighted indeed. You even call your hero Faroole en Wali narrow.
  5. Actually most Landers here support the Kenyan fight against Al Shabaab
  6. sharma-arke451;754380 wrote: What a double standard. Foreign invasion has no classes and category. Amisom, ethiopia and kenya, all take the same ruling. naar meel qaboow malahan. And by the way, even the maamul goboledyada dhisan, especially, pland iyo sland, dee foreign invasion kama marno. Explain?
  7. Interesting audio intervieuw with SSC elder Mahamed Khaawi, the intellectual father of the Khaatuma Conference.
  8. Jacpher, inadeer, I do care about Somalia. And I would love to see all reasonable Somali's from Somaliland, Puntland, Somalia to join hands and free Somali's from those few extrimist in our midst. But if we fight eachother or stand on the sideline and watch brothers battle eachother, only those extremist will gain from it. That is the reason why I have suggested to support Azania Not because I have connection or certain interest with the O-clan, not because I am enjoying the long standing rift between cousins/brothers in the Jubba's/Kismaayo, not because of any animosity towards any clan. Because I fear that the clan wars of the 90's in Jubba's and Kismaayo might start all over again, and this time it could become more disastorous. With more weapons, more soldiers, foreign military support and interest and extremist Al Shabaab gaining from any clan rift and fights. We need to learn how to make practical temporary compromises for the greater good(peace). And if two(or more) Somali groups/clans/thinking can't resolve something on their own, I belief it would help if other Somali's intervened(non military) and mediate in stead of standing on the sideline and doing nothing. We have seen were this could lead to. P.S. The reason why this thread is dedicated to Puntlanders here in SOL. Is to unlock a reaction and go in debate from those most opposing the Kenyan intervention/azania initiative.
  9. Indeed, its time for a coup d'état against the SOL regime here. count me in.
  10. Xaaji, is this a tribute for the guul of Abtigiis and folks?
  11. Gheelle.T;754269 wrote: AMISOM kuma soo socoto Galkacyo iyo PL. Hadalkii Faroole ayaa si khaldan loo turjumtay bay ila tahay. Faroole wuxuu shirka Jaalliyada London ka yiri " AMISOM iyo Saraakiil ka socatta TFG ayaa yimi PL arkayna inay PL leedahay goobo ku habboon in ciidamadda Somaliya loogu tababaro, si looga baxo ciidanka dibada loo qaadayo." Wuxuu raacsiiyay " Waxaa ku jirta Galkacyo meelaha ay taggeen Saraakiishaas.. PL-na waa soo dhowaynaysaa AMISOM inay ka qayb qaadato, tayaynta,qalabaynta, iyo tababaridda ciidamada PL iyo Soomaliya" Kuwa leh AMISOM baa Gaalkacyo imanaysa waxay illa tahay inay hadalkiisa khalad u qaadteen. AMISOM is going to "train" Somali troops in Galkacyo. Isnt that what NATO and the Americans were/are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan as well. Training nowdays is just excuse to bring troops to foreign soils in order to avoid public outburst. Just like Sheick Shariif agreed with the Kenyan, just to 'train' Somali troops. loool
  12. General Duke;754254 wrote: An admin in Kismayu must be set up. It can not be done from Nairobi it must be in Kismayu and by the national government consent. So your 'advice' to Abtigiis and Azanians is to seek support from the TFG and organise as soon as possible a more representetive and inclusive reconcialation dialogue within Kismayo before admin can take off?
  13. There will be soon if Faroole and Shariif get their way. If I were you I would be more concerned with that, then chasing Abtigiis and his folks.
  14. Duke, what is wrong with setting up an admin Kismaayo. If it can bring peace?
  15. If Faroole can decide to bring Ugandese to Galkacyo. I dont see why Ghandi and his folks cant bring Kenyans to Somali soil.
  16. Bro, I would be worried if 2000 burundese and ugandese are coming to my town. More worried about my city then about a place far away from my sphere of influence. Shariif Ahmed dont seem to care much, proved by his late and vague stand on the issue.
  17. VOILA
  18. War niyow dadkaan eega. 2000 Ugandese iyo Burandese askar ayaa u soo socda oo magaladooda lagu dul keeniya. yaguna wexe ka war wariyaan some O refugees iyo Kenyati ilaaliye ee waatan.
  19. Atleast in here SOL they have the upperhand concerning Jubba's and Kismaayo related issue's. Xaaji, dont you think UDUBland should form a coalition with Azania?
  20. War wax ka cajiibsan oo Azania la yiraahdo ayee sameeyeen. Who would have thought that the underdog's of the Kismaayo Wars in the 90s would eventually get the upper hand.
  21. nuune;754205 wrote: Somalia reiterates opposition to Kenya incursion 2011-10-27 00:19:17 FeedbackPrintRSS MOGADISHU, Oct. 26 ( Xinhua ) -- Somali government on Wednesday reiterated its opposition to the Kenyan incursion into Somalia to fight Islamist militants, saying the national army should carry out the offensive. In a joint press conference in the Somali capital, the Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Prime Minister Abdelweli Mohamed Ali, and Defense Minister Hussien Arab Isse, repeated the Somali government's stance that it opposes the Kenyan troops presence in the country. "We want our troops to be the ones fighting al Shabaab and Kenyan forces to support us only in training and logistics in fighting the anti-peace groups," said Somali President flanked on both sides by his Prime Minister and the minister for defense during press briefing in the Somali capital Mogadishu. The Somali officials thanked the Kenyan government for their support for the transitional federal government. Somali defense minister Isse said that Kenya and Somalia have a "long history of friendship and cooperation that continues to this day". "Kenya had long been effective supporter of peace and stability in Somalia. The transitional federal charter that created the TFG was agreed to in Kenya and Kenya have long been a leading advocate of having the international community assist the stabilization and rebuilding of our country," the defense minister said in a statement. The statement comes days after Somali president first expressed opposition to Kenyan troop incursion into Somalia to battle with Islamist Al Shabaab militant that it accuses of carrying out abductions of foreigners within its borders. Somali government said it was forming a high level committee led by the Somali prime minister to discuss with the Kenyan government about the military operations in Somalia. The Somali prime minister for his part said that the recent communiqué issued following the visit by two key Kenyan ministers to Mogadishu outlined strategic partnership between the two countries in the fight against militancy, and piracy in Somali. Kenya also said on Wednesday it has sought clarification from Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG) on its position over the cross border incursions aimed at dismantling the militia group, al-Shabaab, in south of the lawless nation. Kenya Internal Security Minister Professor George Saitoti said it was essential to have a unified approach in dealing with the instability in Somalia posed by al-Shabaab elements and its threats to peace and security in neighboring Kenya. Guys, dont try to spin this. They hardly opposed it. they didnt even request Kenya to leave Somali soil.
  22. PM Gaas welcomed the invasion too. Xiin, why do you oppose the Kenyans fighting Al Shabaab and support the Ugandese troops coming in Galkacyo? Africaak dhul Somaliyeed timi uun maha?