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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Gedo folks have the real leverage on this issue. So far they kept silent on this issue, supported the Kenyan invasion but have kept silent on the Azania project thinking that its to early to discuss the political end result without being in control yet of the mentioned region. This strategy comes with certain risks, because it leverages the military power against the political power. Giving them the advantage of having the bigger muscles and a far better negotiating position in any political platform.
  2. Don't know what is so great about selling public proberty.
  3. Cambuulo iyo bun;757865 wrote: Thanks carafaat aad aa uu mahadsan tahay intiis xaqeeni naga maqan tahi somalia degi meeso, madaxweyne maka noqon karni somalia, deegamo ma haaysano, beerihii aan tacban jirni waa nalaka boobay,gabdhihiina ma guursan karni intaasi ne waxa si dheer handadad iyo yasid markasa xal uu maleysan inaas helesaan oo wadanka degaayo Cambuulo, waa runtaa. Ilaa inta la toosiyo waxa naga khaldan mooyane waxba nooma hagaagiyaan. Somali intaa waa iney fahamto.
  4. The poem Dhulgariir(earthquake) composed by Hadraawi is a masterpiece. The poem sends out a very powerful message to the Somali people and warns them against the disasters that their ideas on outcast clans might bring in the future. The poem accuretly dismantles all the wild accusations, myths and fake beliefs held on these clans, and forsees consequences unless Somali's refrain from their long time wrong doing against our brothers. the last part of the poem. Dhibaatada xilkeedii horaa ugu dhabcaasheene Maantana sidii dhagax dixeed hawgu sii dhegine Inta shay la dhawrtiyo haddaan diinta kugu dhaarsho Haddaan dhaar carriyo caaggan iyo dhaar cas kugu dhaarsho Inta gabay dhaf leeyahay haddaan kaaga dhira fuulo Haddaan dhaho hadaan dhigo hadaan weliba dhiib dhiibo Anigoon wax kuu dhimin haddaan dhegaha kuu buuxsho Dhaq dhaqaaq ma kaa iman karaa dhiillo lagu baajo. Dhabtuun baa khalqigu diidayaa meesha dheer tegaye Dhulgariirka waa laga baqaa waayo soo dhaxaye La dhex joogi maayoo arlada dheelmashow qorane Qofba wuxuu dhigtaa baa u yaal dhiilka aakhiro, e Ninkii dhiiri sheegtow is furo waa dhanaan tahaye. Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame (Hadraawi)
  5. White lady doing the Somali Niiko. It should be forbidden.
  6. This dance is called Saar, Feer Sagaaro.
  7. dee kolay tolka saw maad u codeyn I voted tactical. .
  8. SOMALI:ISIS & NEB-HET Egyptian-Puntite Royal Dance:"Shuba"
  9. Ciyaar Dhaqameed Kabeebeey ah oo Lagu Ciyaaray Magaalada Mustaxiil
  10. SOMALI-ANCIENT-EGYPTIAN-PUNT traditional dance in Somali Region of Ethiopia
  12. Somalia;758416 wrote: It's as if you guys don't realise Somalia's first government was founded on 4.5... So what, Somali goverments till now have been a succesfull thanks to the 4.5?
  13. Let nature takes its course and it will find balance. Let Somali's run their lands and they will find a stability. No need to impose an outdated colonial formula.
  14. Jacaylbaro;758271 wrote: So now it is time for you to realize ,,,, That is why they are still in misery sxb. The day they question and bring those mass murderers to court is the day they will have peace and will be respected as an existing hum being. Jb, sidaa ee iminka uga qeyliniyaan ayaad maalindhoow arki doonta Somalia oo wada guddiyo sameysay oo bariyaan dagaladii ka dhacay iyo maxkamado loo sari doono dambiyaal. laakinse wee wanaagsan tahay ina wanaaga la iskaga daydo.
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;758369 wrote: Its a medicine because there is Something the people of Somalia agree on something they don't fight over this how ever doesn't compatibly with building federal states but who said Somalia is at that stage yet?. Kismayo is claimed by various Clan it should start from grassroot level most federal states in Somalia are sub clan states azania forms the biggest challenge so far since the region is inhabited by multiple clans. But what you are trying to do is to ignore one problem and at the same time try to solve the other. Xaaji Xunjuf, have you heard of the balance of nature theory? The balance of nature is a theory that says that ecological systems(nature) are usually in a stable equilibrium (constant balance), which is to say that a small change in some particular parameter (the size or power of a particular animal or plant population) will be corrected by some negative feedback that will bring the parameter back to its original "point of balance" with the rest of the system. Just like in nature clans and the power distribution between clans will be corrected and eventually there will be balance of nature between the clans. There is no need to have a (un-natural)formula to distribute that power between the clans, unless you favour dominance of certain clans, even then it wont hond and nature will bring itself back to balance (see how small clans are dominant within Al Shabaab).
  16. Mintid Farayar;758365 wrote: Don't be so sure of this. There are other, more influential interests at play here as well. The AMISOM countries see their presence as a revenue & influence multiplier in the African geopolitics/Western interests. The Western donors where ready to pull the plug on the TFG during the last squabble (when Farmaajo was still PM), but Uganda threatened to pull out all of its troops and leave the ground for Al Shabaab. The donors had no choice but to rethink and continue to support the TFG sham. Uganda brokered(within the TFG factions) a continuation of the game with the resignation of Farmaajo. Now Kenyan interests are directly involved within Somalia proper further complicating the picture. Somali interests are last on the back burner when it comes to what system will be implemented! If Somali's do nothing then others for sure will implement their own systems. Therefor all Somali's should try to play a role in the future directions of their countries. Thats why I am not against these (clan)States, next step is consultation with locals and implmenting on the ground, become a factor or relevance. Create more Azania's everywhere!!!
  17. Knight of Wisdom;758137 wrote: Who doesnt love SSC?
  18. Bro how is the 4.5 a medicine. Kimaayo waxa isku heysta oo sheeganiya 5 diffrent sub-sub clans from the same block. Tell me how the 4.5 can unite them or heal them. The problem with clans is that it doesnt stay with the block level, it goes down and deeper, and becomes much complexer. Problemkii ahaan jiray 4.5 maanta ku dhufo x20.
  19. XX, Its only natural that people(from whatever clan) with a certain parameter,locality, region come together based on shared interest and come to angreement on their common interest. But I only see 2 obstacles in order for this process to take place, Al Shabaab and the TFG. But there is hope on the horizon. AL Shabaab seems to be divided and military on the loosing side and the TFG's mandate is soon to be ending and donors will definely pull the plug out in August 2012. This will definetly mean there is chance for Somali's to get the initiative back in own hands.
  20. Abdi90;758225 wrote: any one who is deep into puntland politics would say that Puntland administration is already at war with Al-shabab, and beside me this is something which has been said many times by Faroole and his men. And i would says Puntland is loosing other wise why would Faroole ask for Amisom forces to be stationed in puntland??? maybe you understand fighting and war as only face to face faighting? what is happening in puntland is low intense guerilla warfare using assassinations and explosive devices to target Farooles administration, and i can say from the information we have it seems puntland is standing on its last leg and if it doesn't get help from amisom or some one else it will fall. Maybe the only thing holding from its collapse is Ahlul sunna in Galgaduud and they are doomed to fall soon. The time when Ahlul sunna used to attack Ceelbuur is gone long time ago now shabab is dancing around Dhusamareeb going in and out as they wish (it happened 3 times). Abdi, thanks. This is a fair answer to my question. Puntland seems to be indeed engaged in a fight with AL Shabaab.
  21. Xaaji Xunjuf;758338 wrote: ^^^Bad Example the people of bari and Nugaal are one clan Family so the TFG can't divide them Thats why I said, except for Bari and Nugaal.