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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. good tip. how about using vaseline as lib balsem?? I have very dry lips and mostly use vaseline.
  2. Thanks for the video and advise, will sure use olive oil for my hair. Its so difficult to know what to use for you hair and skin. P.S. Aliyaah maybe you can open a skin tips thread.
  3. I was wondering how to adress Somali girls from diffrent regions. For example; I know in Djibouti they say - Huuno In Somaliland its mostly- Walaalo And in Somalia its - Abaayo How are Somali girls from Kenya adressed- Sisi? And where is Gacaliye used?
  4. Most students enrolled in higher Education(atleast Hargeisa Uni) are already girls. More educated girls will completely change our society and this creats all sort of problems even for the girls. For example, in Kenya educated Somali girls have real problems finding a husband. My sijui collegues always used to complain that it was so hard to find a husband, they told me most men of their age were either married or low lifes.
  5. Abdullahi Yusuf and his chearleaders must be smiling today. As they are joined by many others, for their treasonous acts of bringing Ethiopians to Somali soil.
  6. Indeed Saado is great artist. Here is one of my most Saado's songs. Some people negatively judge her for the content of her political messages/songs, but irrelevant if you agree with them or not. She is a fantastic singer(and so is Nimco Dareen).
  7. Puntland seemd to have intervened in the prebarations of the Conference. The SSC folks who were united for this Conference seem to be divided on this interverence of Puntland in the Conference. Some sub-clans even saying they are withdrawing their support for the Conference. The questions is why bring Puntland on board if this would create division?" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  8. Somali culture, language and arts has always transcended borders of clan, country and politics. Hadraawi poem is on Beletweyn and not about Berbera and Abdiqadir Jubba's song is about Hargeysaa and not Hiiraan. So, stop polarizing the arts!!
  9. Good initiative. Imagine Horn of Africa Business Associations opening up offices around the world, supporting members in three diffrent languages(Kiswahilli, Somali and Amharic). What a sight!
  10. Good initiative. Xaaji, will the Goverment also make a Monument for Sayid Abdulle Xasan and the Darawiish movement?
  11. Inaalilaahi wa inaalilaji rajicuun ilahay ha u naxariisto Safiir Indho buur ilahay Jannada ha ka waraabiyo. Indhobuur has done a lot for the country and for the people. And for that we always will remember him.
  12. Abu Salman, I agree with you that it would be more constructive to work on those policy issue that we are less divided on. Maybe a two track policy would be an idea, continue the current discourse of polarized debate and at the same time engage in a constructive dialogue on less polarizing political policies(for example, culture, languate, religieuz dialogue's, morals, value's, rights,etc).
  13. Che, maxaa la qoslisaa? Muqdishu is now in a much better state then it was in 2007.
  14. Sheick Shariif Sheikh Ahmed, has pacified Muqdishu, cleaned up the mess from 20 years of Warlods, removed all invisible clan lines in the city, build bridges between the folks of Muqdishu. Eventhought his goverment.didnt reach the rest of Somalia, he is undisputely the best leader Muqdishu has seen in the Last 20 years. Ilaahay kheyr ha siiyo Sheicka.
  15. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;759998 wrote: Your logic is all fine, but has a bit apparent flaw. It has to matter because the said artist -- heesaa -- is supporting one group over the other, or u huu-heenaayo another one. Especially in this case, a heinous one, the Xabashi regime. It is the worst of all. The least we can do is condemn that heesaa, not support him or her and boycott his or her product. It is a matter of principle. MMA, all somali's are supporting one group over the other. Nimco Dareen sang also for Somaliland. Does this mean she support seccesionism and therefor should be crucified? Artist are only expressing that what many others already think. Many people support Abdi Ileey, weather we like it or not.
  16. Abtigiis, why does it matter what she wears? She is a singer. She has preformed on countless ONLF, Somaliland, Djibouti, Somalia gigs. If she performs for Abdullahi Yusuf, why cant she sing for Abdi Illeey? No matter, what our political opinion is we should let artist do their thing.
  17. MMA, the politic ideas of artist are not relevant. Why does it matter what they say about politics?
  18. A_Khadar;759788 wrote: ^^ XX you're good man but you conflicting yourself. One point you saying it's important to know his clan and another you don't use.. Why it's important his clan if he the authority you mentioned.. Carafaat, Your question is weak just like if I ask you you always comment on somalis issue so are you clannist or somali unionist.. The topic we have here is that a man who is the commissioner of road for your project came to LA and I was suggesting he should first fix the roads of Hargaysa before he comes to LA . So you all jumped that the man is from sool vs he is isn't ssc which all leads to clan... That is the true and mere faith of your project.. CLAN.. A man who can't provide what is needed in his own house most yet can provide it a house in blocks down the road! Secessionists mentality iga dheh.. So why did you first of all suggested that the Hargeysa roads need him more then the LA roads? Isnt that because you assumed he is from Hargeysa? The pot calling the kettle black.
  19. Somali Arts and Artist are one of the few issue's that have kept Somalinimo alive by keeping the Somali spirit high. Somali arts and artist have always transcended borders, clans and politics. Therefor we should not try to politisize them as we have politisized many other things. Artist should be free to operate without the limitations of borders, clans and politics.
  20. Thats around 60 prisoners per 100.000 people. Comparable with Djibouti.
  21. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda Cadaaladda oo ka warbixiyey tirada maxaabiista ku xidhan jeelasha Somaliland Khamiis, November 17, 2011 (HOL) — Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda Cadaaladda Somaliland Maxamed Muuse X. Cabdi Galaydh, ayaa ka warbixiyey hawlaha u qabsoomay wasaaradooda, waxaanu xusay in maxaabiista Somaliland ee ku xidhan jeelasha Somaliland gaadhayso ilaa laba kun oo qof oo siyaabo kala duwan ugu jira jeelasha Somaliland. Agaasimuhu wuxuu tilmaamay inay waxyaalo badan oo ka yaabiyey ku arkeen Maxaabiista ku jira jeelasha, isla markaana ay doonayaan inay dardar galiyaan garsoorka iyo maxkamadaha dalka si cadaaladda maxaabiista loo sugo. Sidoo kale waxa uuu agaasimuhu sheegay in tirada budhcad badeed ee jeelasha Somaliland ku jira gaadhayaan ilaa konton maxbuus, kuwaas oo lagu helay dambiga Budhcadbeednimo, waxa kale oo uu waxba ka jiraan ku tilmaamay warar sheegaya inay maxaabiis budhcad badeed u xidhan ay xukuumaddu sifo sharci daro ah ku siidaayeen. Agaasimuhu waxa uu sidaas ku sheegay waraysi uu siiyey HOL, waxaanu xusay in dhalinyaro badan oo ka soo qalinjabiyey jaamacadaha dalka ay hawlgaliyeen si ay cadaalladda u sugaan. "Hawsha noo qabsoontay iyo hawsha na hortaalla marka aad isku eegtid tan noo taalo ayaa badan" ayuu yidhi "Wasaaradda Calaaddu waxay soo saartay garsoorayaal dhalinyaro ah oo ka soo qalinjabiyey jaamacadaha dalka iyo dibadiisaba, waxaanu soo ogaanay maxaabiista jeelasha dalka ku jirta intay yihiin, waxaanu soo aragnay dadka muddo dhaafka kuxidhan, kuwa dilalka ku xidhan iyo wax walba oo cadaalad daro tirsanayaba waanu soo baadhnay"ayuu yidhi Mr: Galaydh. Mar aanu waydiinay tirada maxaabiista ah ee jeelasha Somaliland ku xidhan waxa uu yidhi "Maxaabiistu kolna way kordhayaan kolna way yaraanayaan, maxaabiistu laba kun oo dhow dhow ayey ahaayeen," wuxuu kasii sheekeeyay noocyada ay u kala baxaan maxaabiista, isagoo yiri. "Maxabiistu way kala duwan yihiin qaar xabsi daa’in ah, qaar sanado badan ku xukuman, qaar mudadii ka dhamaatay, qaar rafcaan sugaya"ayuu yidhi. Isago ka hadlay intii kormeerka ku jireen dhacdooyinkii layaabka ahaa ee ay ku arkeen jeelasha " maanta ninka dunida ku nooli waxaad filayso iyo waxaanad filaynba waad la kulmaysaa, boqolkii qof ee meel ku jiraba qof waliba kiis gaar ah ayuu ku xidhan yahay. Waxaad ku arkaysaa qaar wax dilay oo dil ku xukuna muddo dheer, oo aan la fulinin dilkiisii taasna waxa leh dadkii uu ninkani u xidhnaa," wuxuu intaas ku daray "Dadka kii wax kharibayey ee laaluushka bixinayey ayaa dacwoonaya, dambigan garsoorayaasha oo kaliya ma leh, dadweynuhuna wax buu ku leeyahay, ilaa qaar laaluush la ordaya la qabto oo jeel loo diro waxba hagaagi maayaan" ayuu yidhi. Agaasimaha oo ka jawaabaya tirada budhcad badeed ah ee ku xidhan Somaliland tiradooda waxa uu yidhi " Budhcad badeedda mar ba tiradoodu way kordhaysaa, jeelashada waxa hadda ku xidhan budhcad badeed aad u farobadan oo ilaa konton gaadhaysa." Mar kale oo la waydiiyey cida ay u badan yihiin budhcad badeedka ay hayaan waxa uuu yidhi " Horta kuwan aynu haynaa Somalilanders ayey u badan yihiin, wax yar uun baa ku jirta oo reer Puntland ah "Agaasimuhu waxa uu hay’adaha iyo awlahada ajanabiga ah ku eedeeyey inaanay Somaliland wax ku tarin, waxyaalaha ay sheegteen ee ay Somaliland ku caawiyaana aanay waxba ka jirin. "Budhcad badeedku waa arrin caalami ah haddii aanay ciidankeenu hadh iyo habeen heegan ahayn ma markab ayaa ku soo mari lahaa, wax Somaliland lama qabtaan," ayuu yidhi. Waxa kale oo uu sheegay in jeelka weyn ee magaalada Hargeysa laga dhisay aan loo samayn maxaabiista budhcad badeed ah, balse jeelkii hore uun dib loo sameeyey. Barkhad-Ladiif M. Cumar, Hiiraan Online Hargeysa, Somaliland
  22. Abtigiis;759569 wrote: I ask to be forgiven if I make a factual mistake, but from the information I have on the Jubbas, no clan can claim singular ownership of the region. So, I believe Gabbal is right. It is a place where many diverse clans live and some who claim it today haven't been there some decades ago, while others who claim it have arrived a decade or so before. The solution is to have an administration that goes beyond this clan identity and brings all togather. Azania is not that state, admitedly. But if Gandi reaches out to others in the region and demonstrates with action that this isn't a one-clan project, it can be used as a framwork to build on. I don't think this will happen, judging by the attitude of Gandhi. That said, today is about Alshabab and I am fully behind the efforts to dismantle this horror group. In the process earning the usual condemnations and accussations of putting clan interest before the national one. I see the bigger picture, the liberty for the people who can't speak, smoke or dress the way they want. That is more important than the condemnations of someone sipping tea in the US, free from all this oppression. Absulutely right!