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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Our culture is on the brink of extinction. We have been warned for years by Abtigiis and folks to pick up arms and fight for the survival of our culture and people against the Xabashi invading our lands and the Xabasiation of our culture and our peoples. I am afraid Abtigiis was right all this time and we might be to late if we dont act now. wacht the following horryfing video(36.30min) how Somali culture, tradition, dance is being butchered, sadly enough by our own peoples. Ilaahay ha noo gargaaro.
  2. Aaliyah, I say also wallaalo most the time. And I was born in Muqdisho, Somalia. wouldnt use huuno.I find it strange that sometimes even guys call eachother, huuno. doesnt sound right though. Do you where Gacaliye is used?
  3. Sayneb Cige, Sill standing strong. Ilaahay kheyr ha siiyo.
  4. Che -Guevara;761225 wrote: ^ just wanna throw a party where Xalimos from everywhere come. N here we thought you were going for genuine dialogue. Che, there as a genuine need for a dialogue and I really belief we have the momentum right now. But this dialogue has to start of positive, constructive and non-political. Just to realize again that there is a lot we share besides the existing diffrences in political vieuws. And what better way then having a blast of a party together.
  5. AUN Ambassador Indhabuur in the video.
  6. Carafaat

    Hotel SSC

    I think every clan would be political divided if they had as many choices as the SSC clan has.
  7. Mintid, please read my reply to Oodeyneh. Somehow we associate Somalism always with Somalia. but there are many others you know.
  8. Oodweyneh, you are right there are many political objections within Somaliland to start such cultural forms of cooperation. But Somalia is only one of the 5 countries where Somali's live. Somaliland could start together with Djibouti and the Somali region of Ethiopia such cooperation. From 2012 the NFD region in Kenya will get its own provincial authorities with its own mandate and could join such an initiative. To Jb, Xaaji Xunjuf: Sabo reer ka fogaanoon Laygu aaminin soofkiyo Saaca maanta aan joogno Gabaygu waygu sugnaayee Haddii aan Sarsarriigo Ama aan sarmaseejo Amaba aan sixi waayo Ama aan ka salguuro Amaba laygu saluugo Soomaalida i maqlaysaay I su'aala hadhow
  9. Jacaylbaro;761038 wrote: Exactly ! ! ! .... They can belong to any country but the language, arts and culture are still shared. That is why one shouldn't get mad when we say a poet for example is from Somaliland coz u can still listen to him and attend his events. JB, you can say Ubax Fahmo is from Somaliland when refering to her and her origin. But the fact you listed all great singers and poets under the banner of Somaliland is clearly meant to polarize. Niyow, teeni wee duushay bari hore maanta Shimbirtan kalena ine duusha ayaa la raba. markaa ka daa oo baalasha ha ka rifin.
  10. what kind of blast? kenyan or ethiopan explosives?
  11. Siciid the previous admin did not want to proceed with giving rights without having the laws passed through Parliament.
  12. Ngonge, Gabar waa no hayaa, her name is Shukri Shankaroon. Do you think we can really sell it? Or are you mocking me? Actually I was thinking along the same line to create awareness and sell it to the wider public. But then more through a institutional approach, about a Somali wide non-political institution. Something like the Somali Authority on Culture, Language, Youth and Sports formed by the diffrent authorities in the Horn of Africa, and a Council consisting of Aritst, Poets, Writers, Scholars, youth organisations etc with diffrent Committee's for youth, education, culture, language, etc. And something for the public to promote the non-political cooperation between somali's. Like a big festival of culture, tradition, food, arts, youth, sports, where every region/city can present its local dishes, where artist can show their latest things, football matches, etc. to be be held between 26 of June till 1st of July and every year in another city in the Horn of Africa. I think such an event would draw a lot of visitors from everywhere.
  13. Jacaylbaro;761211 wrote: UDHIS looks like a construction company to me ... Xisbiga ha naga caayin waryaaa.
  14. Valenteenah.;761199 wrote: I love the sincerity and total guilelessness of Carafaat when he says Somali patriots should be happy about Somaliland's achievements! I think maybe you mean the achievements of the population and not the administration? Because as a Somali, you can be proud of the achievements of your fellow Somalis. But patriotism, in essence, is love for one's country. How could a Somali patriot then be happy about the break up of that very same country? Do you follow now, Carafaat? Val, According to most Somali patriotist the break-up is not existent, Somalia is one country and Somaliland uma aqoonsana dal gaara . So if you follow this line of reasoning you would expect that a patriotist would be proud of the achievements as he/she doesnt recognize Somaliland as a separate country.
  15. I lived in Germany for a couple of years after we left Somalia in end of the '80's. But have been living in Holland for the last 20 years. Strange dreams you have? did you manage at the end to get in to Holland ama Germany in your dream or real live?
  16. “Waan jeclaan laha somali midowda laakin waxa weye ina la helo wixi lugu midoobi laha”. Poet Mohamed Hadraawi When the great poet Hadraawi arrived in Moqadishu two months ago as part of a humanitarian relief delegation from Somaliland. He declared to the local media that he would love the unity of the Somali people, but one needs to find that which could unite us. Hadraawi statements emphasizes the strong will and desire of most Somali’s to find some sort of unity around a collective identity or nationalism. Somali pan-nationalism (Midnimo) as we know it today find its origin back in the 1940’s and 1950's. These were the years of Somali independence and the Somali renaissance. For many people this was a decade of great hopes and lofty dreams about uniting all Somali’s within one nation(Somaliweyn). Soon after independence this dream slowly shattered and turned in to nightmare. The Somali nation who’s objective was to unite the Somali people within one nation collapsed and the Somali’s in the Horn of Africa experienced decades of corruption, war, famine, nepotism, clannish, dictatorship and suffering for most Somali people. Nowadays, the Horn of African is one of poorest and most violent regions in the world. And more than four decades later, the dream of Unity is gone and Somali’s seem to be politically more divided than ever. The (British) Somaliland reclaimed its independence in 1991, (French) Djibouti is less than free and ruled by a dictatorship; the (Ethiopian) ****** and the (Kenyan) NFD regions seemed to have accepted the Ethiopian and Kenyan reign over their territory and for at least 20 years (Italian) Somalia was engaged in a bloody civil war following the collapse of the central government. Bringing all Somali speaking people under one form of governance or country proved to be difficult and is today less attainable then it was decades ago. And Somali’s are politically more divided and polarized than ever. Somali nationalism hasnt worked to overcome those diffrences . Because it was based on uniting territories and political power, and politics and land is something Somali’s rarely agree on, let alone share it. Still most people carry hope of a reawakening of a (new) Somali form of pan-nationalism. Personally, I would favour nationalism that unites all Somali’s rathern then divides. A form of nationalism that transcends borders, politics, clan, region, country, etc. A form of nationalism that is build on shared values and one that accepts diversity, that accepts diffrent political vieuws, diffrent agenda's and diffrent interest. A form of nationalism I can share with other Somalis living in diffrent countries. What do you think, is this possible?
  17. Shiling how can one man with a piece of textile ruin your whole 1st of July?
  18. Che -Guevara;761166 wrote: ^I wish all of Somalia the best but does not negate the fact that there are forces in the north whose goals are diametrically opposed to Somalia and who embraced an ideology that will divide Somalia irrespective of any achievement. Simply put,no patriot will support Somaliland's ultimate objective which I imagine you yearn. Your faith in patriotism is weak bro. What do you care if there is antitheses to your thesis. An antitheses should only make your thesis and thus patriotism only stronger. But I see it does the opposite. It makes you doubt your faith in it and therefór your whole case.
  19. How so? What is the criteria? Are there any initiations rituals? I have experience in fraternities you know.
  20. Valenteenah.;761090 wrote: LoL @ iLoox. If only. LoL... I got it all but the 'mit' in the first sentence threw me off at first. I wasn't sure if you were greeting me or asking me how my deutsch is (minus the Deutsch part, of course). Anyway, my understanding is increasing daily and though I have the niceties down and can order tea and a pastry with flair, I'm not yet confident enough to speak it properly. My most overused line is: 'können sie bitte englisch sprechen?'! Tough language but it's growing on me. I am not even sure if using the 'mit'(with) is grammer wise correct. German grammer, pronounciation and spelling is actually quite logic compared to the Dutch language. Why are you learning German?
  21. Che, how can one join this secretive old boys network?
  22. Let me put it like this. Your love for your country(Somalia incl Somaliland) should not be affected by my vieuws(regareding secessionosm) and therefor you should stil love your countries(incl Somalilands) achievements.
  23. Che, what you call treason is what some would call Somaliland patriotism. But how would you call a Somali patriotist who doesnt identify himself with parts of this or is not proud of the achievements of his country(Somalilad)? I dont think you can call that patriotism but rather someone who opposes his own country?