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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Xaaji. Most Somali dont even know whats Al Shabaab agenda is, who funds them and the role of those foreigners is quite big. They seem to lead the organisation behind the scenes. What is Somali about them?
  2. A_Khadar;762091 wrote: It can be politized as needed but Sool played any tournament somalis play.. .. A_Khadar, a Garaad fella once said that Garaad folks are only Somali's that are part of TFG, Puntland, Somaliland, djibouti, Somali region of Ethiopia. And that SSC politicians should not lock themselves up but be part of any political arena. I though that he had a quite refreshing and sportive argument, dont you think?
  3. There is poetry section you know. Lool
  4. Al shabaab's origin, ideology, tactics and even their clothes are foreign to most Somali's. A friend who just visited Al Shabaab held territory told me the real leadership is with the foreign fighters called, muxyahidiin or something, while Somali's are normal mujahidiins. Most of its leaders are Pakistani, arab and american muxyahidiins not visible to the media but greatly present in the region and most of funding comes from unknown foreing sources. On the hand there is Kenya, where I have met many Somali's serve in its militry, goverment and it's business community. In fact many Somali have big stake in Kenya's economy, wellbeing and peace.While I was in Kenya, many used to ask me if I was a Kenyan-Somali or a Somali-Somali(mostly I answered, that I was a Euro-Somali ). In fact this whole operation inSomalia is led by the Kenyan-Somali's. So my question is who are the real foreigners and who are the real Somali's? Am I a real Somali, or someone occupied with own interest, someone serving the westerns or worse looking through a white's mans glasses. I cant tell anymore.
  5. The Confederate model could be an interesting thought though. Whatever happens in the future, Somaliland, Somalia, Djibouti need to cooperate or have a dialogue on foreign policy. You dont impress nor have any influence with mediocor policy and diplomats on the world stage.
  6. One police officer and one army soldier fought about a local woman. Nontheless one died and the other is serieusly injured. I dont think she was worth all this.
  7. a while ago I read an article about 6.000 Somali's being in Tanzanian jails just for being without the right documents/being illigal in the country. I wonder how many of our people are locked up around the world. I wish we could do something for them.
  8. Al-Miskiin;711209 wrote: I am Wholeheartedly sorry for these brothers' behalf. It's really a shame that they are in prison. I wish I could do something for them, but unfortunately I am only a weak person that don't have that kind of power. I would say to anyone in SOL that those of you who know these brothers, plz help them with everything you can; guide them to the right path, for they are without doubt in the wrong direction, and shaytan have not made it easy for them. The people who thinks that these people are losers, should take a look at themselves. We humans are weak, thus it is very easy to get distracted. These brothers have no need for us talking bad about them, they have probably heard the same trash from more than hundren thousand other people in their local communities, and they are also use to people looking bad at them. So just for a change, help them instead. any of us would wish that we had help if we were in the same situation, it's really heartbreaking when people do not feel the slightest love for others muslims and also in this case fellow Somalis. it's so easy for people to get distracted in this world, and end up in the wrong place! it is only with Allah's permission we are on the right path, and not because we are "wise", or becuz we got something that these brothers dont have. It is only through Allah's blessing, remember that. Allah can very easily turn upside down on your life during a night to test you, so ya ikhwah be grateful if Allah has given you a good life. I pray with all my heart that Allah realeses these boys and girls as soon as possible from the jail and out of this terrible environment. May Allah guide them to the right path, may he be exalted ease the prison life for them, and may this be a lesson they learn from. Make dua for them dear brothers and sisters, as the The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "The believers, in their love, mutual kindness, and close ties, are like one body; when any part complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever." [Muslim] Wallahu a3la wa a3lam I agree with you 100%.
  9. Carafaat


    69 Once a girl is quite fantasised about "69".She has a regular boyfriend they have never done it before. One day she invites her boyfriend to her apartment for romantic dinner. After heavy dinner, she tells him that she wants to do "69". But the Boyfriend doesn't have any idea about what is 69. Girlfriend gets upset but thinks that she can teach him how to do 69. she asks him to lay down...and she then lays on top of him in reverse direction so as in 69. The boyfriend is confused but is eager to know about 69. So he does as the GF tells him to do. They lay down in this position for about 2 min. She is thinking that he will, by the time, get excited by this. but suddenly the GF has to let go one Fart...directly on her BF's face. GF quickly apologises and asks him to stay in that position for some more time. After 1 min she has to let go one another fart....this time bigger than the previous. The BF quickly throws her away, gets up, starts dressing up and yells at her.. "If you think I am gonna take 67 more like this, you are MAD"
  10. Good initiative. Sheick Shariif showing accountability to Muqdisho folks.
  11. It has been 23 years since Hargeisa was bombed. I think its time to remove the airplane and put it somewhere else(museum/war memorial) and not in the middle of the centre. no need to relive history on a daily basis. Another symbol would be more appropiate, something on the ambitouns of the country.
  12. dee sidaa uma calool adki niyow. subxanalaah.
  13. Che, those pictures are really graphic. a strong warning is advised.
  14. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;762124 wrote: It may have 'died' on you, but certainly not to me and those who I associate with. We all still believe firmly in Soomaalinimo and Soomaaliweyn. As a great children's t-shirt slogan went by in '90s: Soomaaliya is my country, no matter what happens . MMA, there are many diffrent varieties and forms of Nationalism out there. Somali nationalism (as invented in the 40's) was buildon uniting the 5 territorities in one country under, one goverment and one rule(Somaliweyn/greater Somalia) or politics/territory. I am ony stating that Somali's dont agree mostly on politics/territory, not even to which country they belong(******ia, Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia,Somaliland, Somalia??). But there are many many other things we agree on and share, you may even call it Somalinimo.
  15. If Somali politicians would only try to visit own country as much as they visit arab and european countries. Wonder if Abdiwali ever visited any place outside Garowe and Moqadishu.
  16. Blue, people call you chickie? I assume its appreviation of chicken?
  17. Valenteenah.;761871 wrote: PS: We are A-OK as long as kurdado iyo masks cad cad na loo soo xidhan and a burning crossna lasoo qaadan. If the economic downturn continues like this, it will be only a matter of time when these people claim their countries back.
  18. Oodweyneh, Sheick Shariif has pacified his clan and changed the vicious circle of violance and animosity within his clan. This was one of the main causes of the civil war in Somalia.
  19. Xaaji, do tell us about your younger daysback in in the '70 and how you chased those Xaalimo's.
  20. I love the Italian suit of Sheick Shariif. Other then that leave The Sheick alone. He has done more then any other leader Somalia has seen in 30 years. Sheick Shariif diplomaticly handled one of the biggest obstacles for Somalia's Peace. And therefor has done more then expected. And if you had more expectations then you Should come back to the realit, mon ami.
  21. Thanks gabbal, Great effort by Gedo folks, worth to follow their examplke. Can prevent some of the suffering we have seen this year. Mintid, Azania is ingenous political leverage invented by O people. Have applauded it from the beginning. However Gedo folks have their own political leverage as well, using the element of suprise comparable with the tactics of 1969, eventhought it has it risks. I am kind of curious myself of Gabbal's take on this and what future ma hold for the region.
  22. Che, I am not giving up. Just need to give this girl a new name and new clothes like Ngonge suggested. Ileyn odaygu wuu naga horeeyaa.
  23. Somali nationalism as most people know it has died a long time ago. Wounded by clannism, corruptiion, war, diictatorship. And it has delivered 0 for the people. We are talking about a non political/non unitarian state focused nationalism, a form of nationalism that is based on those issue's all somali share, one that is shared and not forced upon eachother. A form of nationalism that is inclusive to Djibouti, NFD, ONlf/ Somali region, Somaliland and not one that is abused as hollow slogans to cover the shame by failed southern politicians who stopped caring for their people a long time ago and is used as lame excuse to oppose Somaliland who moved on despite moved. Somaliland, Djibouti, ONLF/Somali region(both have given up on joining Somalia) and NFD(from 2012 getting its own Provinciall self governance) are moving on and not holding to failed idea's from 60 years ago. I suggest you guys to the same and stop using the failed old ideology as a hope to revive Somalia. Come up with something new. Mintid, I understand what you meant about the monopolic abuse of Somalism and how some abuse against Somaliland wihout any prober answer or alternative.