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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Check this. During an TV intervieuw, Edna is walking through the hospital, where she stumples upon a pregnant women in the hall, she brings the women to a hospital room to check the fase of pregnancy, however the women is actually delivering and Edna imediately delivers the baby during the intervieuw. Check her reaction at 2.48 min. Amazing women. Edna saved so many mothers and baby's.
  2. Ilaahay kheyr ha siiyo Dr.Edna Aden. She has done so much for the people and the land. Build hospitals, trained so many nurses, set-up a nurse training College, delivered so many baby's, represented the country as Foreign Minister. Wish we had more Edna's.
  3. atleast they visit now. try to be positive mon ami.
  4. Che, what is AS agenda for 2012 besides new image. :-)
  5. My hope for NFD in 2012 is to get its own regional goverment. Inshallah.
  6. 1. Recongnize Somaliland 2. Save Somalia 3. Free Ogaddenia 4. Unite Somalia 5. Lead Africa for World Peace
  7. abaayo, maanta waa maalin weyne maanta. maanwa waata dhaqaaqday.
  8. Poll is closing tomorrow and the race seems to be between Nuur Dacaleey and Qeylodhan. who will win?
  9. Bluelicious;764075 wrote: The first image shows, early morning Jigjiga residents going to the main Mosque of Masjidul Jaama to pray. There are also other images like Jigjiga University, Sayid Mohamed A Hassan Theater, The Regional Campound, The Jigjiga Technical & Vocational Training Center, Gurmo Historic Stones and many more landmarks. Jigjiga Boyz are two teenage singers Guledcase and Hassan Mokonnen. Hassan Makonnen is singing with the Amharic lyrics in which he is praising some of the famous old sections of the Jigjiga Town, while GuledCase is featuring the Somali lyrics in which he is praising Somali girls, some of the their names he mentions. This song is a symbol of the Multi-Cultural and Islamic Town of Jigjiga. Jigjiga is a Somali town. That you bring Oromo's there doesnt make it multicultural!!:mad:
  10. xiinfaniin;764082 wrote: This is a desperation The author and the poster know Mahiga has done no such thing Even the TFG has done better under Mahiga's term, peacefull Moqadishu, visit of UN SG, UN staff slowly movings towards Somalia. You must support him for that at least.
  11. Is this the same Ghaandi as the one leading Azania? So he had his own peace caravaan back in 1994 and now he is the President of Azania. There is stil hope for Xiin then.
  12. Somalina;764165 wrote: I knew Thankful would've a field day with this news. Its his best week so far.
  13. embarrasing sight with the bullet proof vest. hope they relocate soon out from Nairobi.
  14. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;764186 wrote: BAAQ NABADDOON Dalka gudihiisa : Waxaa si joogta ah intaas uga socday dalka gudihiisa shirar iyo kulammo xal nabadeed lagu raadinayay, haba ku dhisnaadeen badanaaba qaab qabiile, waxaana ka mid ahaa: - Berbera 1992. - Boorama 1993. - Kismaanyo 1993 iyo 1994. - Garoowe 1994. - Xamar 1994. - Boonkay 1994. Dalka dibaddiisa : Waxaa la dhisay ururro dalka dibaddiisa ka jira oo aan kooxna ku tiirsanayn kuna shaqaynaya fikrad iyo mabaadi' Qarannimo in badanna isku hawlay xal u helidda dhibaatadaas; Ururradaas dibdjoogta ah waxaa ka mid ah: - Kooxda u hawlgalka nabadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya - Yurub (Groupe d'action pour la paix et la r‚conciliation en Somalie - Europe), 1992. - Ergo - North America, 1992. - The somali challenge: Peace, Resources, and Reconstruction, 1992, Geneva iyo U.S.A. - Somali Canadian Youth Society, 1992, Ottawa, Canada. - Golaha wax Garadka Soomaaliyeed (Somali Intellectuals Forum) 1993, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Guddiga isku dubba ridka ururrada soomaaliyeed ee jarmalka (Coordination committee of somali organization in Germany) 1993, Bonn, Germany. They left out the Mother of all Peace Conferences, Burco May 1991.
  15. I experienced two of these sort of demonstrations in Hargeysa back in 2007 and 2008. Crowds of excited kids, police firing in the air, burning tyres, hysteria everywhere, schools and offices close. You would almost think it its the end of peace. But 2 days later its like all quite and peacefull, everybody is back to work, earning money for family, kids going to school, with enough things happened on a day to discuss for coming week.
  16. Indeed, Mahiga must Go then. Faaido kale ma laha.
  17. Intervieuw with Ali Khaliif Galeyr.
  18. NGONGE;764021 wrote: ^^ If he praises or recognises Somaliland he must go dee. Wuxu waa 'condom' (begging the pardon of the polite company amongst us of course), once they praise or recognise SL, we don't need them. So say it with me Jacaylbaro: Mahiga Must GO! Condomka marka hore wax kale ayaa lo isticmaala, ma la iska tuura dee?
  19. xiinfaniin;763834 wrote: A Khadar, think of Somaliland as a clan of ours who out of legitimate, political grievance resorted to unworkable approach to remedy the past. The stuff they concocted in thier effort to separate from us is quite entertaining . If you read Mintid Farayar's post, the delusion is ever palpable and raw. But I would say this; after the fall of Laascaanood, Somaliland's separatist project has reached a political sealing. With no history of clan majesty to sing for, the victory against their historical nemesis was perhaps too big a feat for them. I am sure in the chewing gatherings of Hargeysa the fall of Laascaanood is a big deal, but the movement it ignited (which our separatists brothers are now constantly complaining about) made a more profound statement about the viability of separatist project. Here you have a large clan with glamorous history whose capital is taken by a neighboring clan that've gone rouge on them. The people who resisted British invasion, and put up twenty years of struggle against an enemy with vast resources and logistical reach are now waking up to a peculiar reality after a century of Darwish movement; a certain northern movement wishes to relive the relics of colonial era, seeking to curve up entire cities and land to reach a wicked political station called closing colonial borders of 1920s. Simply put, with the fall of Lascanod, a lane was crossed. As a result , an entire movement was born to take up the challenge. Result: Diaspora is organizing to reverse the gains of this mad group. And it is scaring the heck out of a lot of separatists in abroad who witness the rebirth of SSC nationalism. So the activism, the Diaspora organizations, and the songs of Saado Ali are all part of that reality. Those who provoked it shall have no reason to complain about it---they are akin to the fool that bit a piece he could not swallow. That is how I understand the SSC activism... Now that said, I am not fond of the denial of other community's achievements. The fact remains in the north, semblance of law and order exists. In the areas where there is a consensus, peace reigns supreme. And I appreciate that. The problem lies in the areas where the separatist delusion attempted to expand ... Xiin, a political sealing for who exactly? You mean your beloved Puntland? Is this what you really concern your self with on the day your biggest Sheick was assasinated in Bosasso?
  20. NSUM only cares about Somaliland. What Mahiga and other UN officials have done in Somalia or Moqdisho they dont care. Quite ironic for those pretending to care about Somalia.
  21. If you watch the video carefully, you see the girls come running towards the white girl while the girl tries to run away and boyfriend defends her while the girls have not attacked yet. this tells you, sheeko ayaa ka horeysay. and the girls where clearly going for revenge against the white girl while boyfriend tries to defend his girlfriend by attacking the Somali girls roughly. white trash iyo Somali trash oo is helay.
  22. Sayid*Somal;763751 wrote: :D Talking about waxa la yidhi - Jacaylbaro aya laga haya hadda ka hor in adiga iyo marwodaado in aa hadal kaan soo socda is waydaarsateen mar aad gaariga Jacaylbaro ku wada jidheen idin koo arkay dibiyaal meel daaqaya - markaasad adigu hadalka bilowday - adoo dhahaya; Mr Ngonge - (pointing to the bulls grazing) "relatives of yours?" Mrs Ngonge - "yes, they are my in laws"