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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Provocation and Polarization is part of the political process. How else will you get attention or set the agenda, if the the corners of the spectrum are not identified? For example, you cant have Socialism without communist presence in the corners. therefor there is No center or nuance without exreme vieuws and extreme corners of the political spectrum. How else can people decide where they stand if they dont know the full spectrum?
  2. Abokor, Buradheer, I truly understand your reluctances against forming a centralized Union State with Somalia. We have seen that it didnt work and led to destruction, chaos, suffering and a state of statelessnes. That road led to nowhere. Only an ***** would not learn from past mistakes and make the same mistake again and again. However Bashir Goths article and my personal opinion is that we should debate and (or people should have the opportunity) to discuss what kind of future we see for the wider Region and what kind of relationship we want between Somali's in the future. And at the moment the political debate across the region(Djibouti, Somaliland, TFG, Somali region of Ethiopia, NFD) is dominated by those looking inward(in Somaliland for example UCID, UDUB and Kulmiye) while those looking outward are hardly heard or represented. While maybe they would have some interesting suggestions or new roads that have not been trying before. And I say, let them come up with their ideas and let people judge for themselves. And we should not make the same mistake as the Somali regime like silencing political acticist who have other kind of ideas. We know where that led to.
  3. Ngonge, I think Shariif has followed your adviced. Moqadishu and Gedo are Al Shabaab, parts of the Jubba's have been cleared, most Somali's have turned against al Shabaab, Somalia is even cooperation with Somaliland against Al Shabaab. Would you say that Shariif has done well?
  4. How about Djibouti? Cant Somaliland seek more cooperation with Djibouti?
  5. N.O.R.F;765060 wrote: This is a meeting for the sake of peace and should welcomed. Put pride and so called 'nationalism' aside people. Agree with Norf here. In politics there is a time for ideologies, polarizing debates, battle of words and arguments, seeking dominance of ones own agenda. And there is a time to look at the common goal, for dialogue and seeking constructive solutions as a way forward. And this is the time of looking forward.
  6. Sxb, this is politics. no need for guns to play politics. So put down your gun and give your opinion.
  7. I cant watch SNL, because I dont live in the US. (We're sorry, but the clip you selected isn't available from your location. Please select another clip.) Is there a way I can still watch these video's. For example hiding my IP Adress?
  8. So, Hargeysa will play against Sool in half-finals. And the winner will then play Hawd in Finals?
  9. Abokor, how a party that advocates for cooperation with Djibouti, Somali region of Ethiopia and NFD? Isnt that also seeking Somali unity and cooperation?
  10. Abokor, I agree with you. Thats why I have said, that Awdal State project is more of a political leverage for Somali unity rather then a real ambition to form a viable real State. But by beating on the clan drums they hope to gain support from folks. If you listen to the "president" of Awdal State in the intervieuw, he is stating that Somaliland should contribute to unity and peace and state building in Somalia. Basicly he is pushing against the whole indepedance cause by beating on the clan drums.
  11. Bashir Goth is a visionary. Many said 2 years ago that it would be impossible to have a unionist party in Somaliland.
  12. Jb, can you update us on the new political parties in Somaliland? Is one of the new parties Unionist?
  13. Not a single word on Africa in his speech. meesha muxuu u yimi, I wonder?
  14. Norf, I understand your arguments completely. Khat is destroying our community, but its not the real cause of our problems but rather the refuge that leads to more problems. And simply banning Qat and hoping things will change will not work because like Ngonge said those you want to help will seek other alternatives. Therefor I say lets adress the real causes first and then lets look at how to reduce the abuse of Qat.
  15. 5 Principles of the Awdal State Revolution – By Aman H.D. Obsiye Dear Comrades, The Awdal State is emerging therefore we need to have guidelines to the Revolution at hand. As the Revolution approaches, and the freedom and liberty of the Awdal people become a reality, we need to know who our allies are and who our opponents are. The Revolution has no gray area, it is black and white. You are either with us, or you are against us. If you are an Awdalite and are against the Awdal State (and for the SNM State, aka Somaliland), let it be known that the People’s Army will hold you accountable. There are 5 principles of the Revolution, and every comrade of the Awdal State must believe in these 5 principles: (1). Belief in ONE Somali nation-state (i.e. belief in the Somali Republic); (2). Belief in the Awdal State as a semi-autonomous federal state (within the Somali Republic); (3). Belief in the criminality of the SNM. You must believe that they are war criminals and should be tried in a court of law for the many injustices they have inflicted on the Awdalites; (4). Belief in the Ugaas (may Allah preserve him); and (5). Belief that in the Somali Republic the overall Somali interest comes first and foremost (i.e. it supersedes any clannish interests), and belief that in the Awdal State the overall Awdal interest comes first and foremost (i.e. it supersedes any clannish interests). Let it be known that if you do not adhere to these 5 principles of the Revolution you are not a true revolutionary. Our Revolution is not only about defending the honor and integrity of the Awdalites from the SNM and the neo-SNM (i.e. the Somaliland National Army), but also to resurrect our Sacred Somali Republic. Somali nationalism is the foundation of the Awdal State and is the foundation to our Revolution. Victory is for the People’s Army! In Solidarity, Wadani Aman H.D. Obsiye
  16. I have just listened to this radio intervieuw on Awdal State. And to my suprise Awdal State's most important objective is not seek self determination of the own region but its rather a leverage for Somali unity against Somaliland's cause for complete independance from Somalia. And in the article below 2 out of 5 principles are focused on the Somali union. Why I find this suprising is that Awdal is in the far west of Somaliland, and if it wants self-determination from Somaliland then this conflicts their unity with Somalia agenda(because the rest of Somaliland is in between in contrary to SSC region for example). Therefor I came to the conclusion that Awdal State most important objective is to work as a leverage for Somali unity rather then self-determination or self rule(which they already have to some extend). What do you think?
  17. As long as there is 4.5 system, people like Shariif Xasan will never be out of the picture.
  18. Ragg horay ugu Shaqayn jiray Maamuladda Sl iyo Pl oo gaadhay Burco balse sheegaya Magaca Sharafta badan ee SSC waxaa magaaladda Burco gaadhay ragg ku maxaabsanaya Magaca SSC hase-yeeshee ahaa cadaw SSC oo hadh iyo habeenba ka shaqaynayey curyaaminta halganka umadda oo cad quudheedyo ka qaadan jiray cadawgeena balse maanta xili coleedka lagu jiro awgeed jaanis ay ku helaan sandalooyin ka dhigtay magaca SSC Ragan burco gaadhay ee ka goostay Buuhoodle waxa horboodaya Xariir Gadhweyne oo ahaan jiray Gudoomiyaha Puntland Buuhoodle, waxana uu hadh iyo habeen ka shaqayn jiray kala daadinta Ciidamadda SSC waxana uu xariir Hogaanka SSC iyo shacabka ka aflagaadayn jiray Warbaahinta Puntland,Bilaal Xaaji Khaliif oo buuhoodle ku leh Hotel Hurdo waxa jirtay in uu Basaas u ahaa Cismaan Garaad Soofe oo uu dhagansan jiray Madaxdda SSC ee macaabiisha la ahaa Hotelkiisa xiliyadda ay Telefoonadda ku hadlayaan iyo waliba marar ay shirayaa maadaa ay Hotelkiisa daganaayeen nasiib wanaag Ciidamadda Sirdoonka SSC ayaa ogaaaday waxa ay kaliftay in laga guuro Hotelkiisa kaas iyo Maayirka Somaliland ugu magacawnaa Buuhoodle oo basaasay Ciidamadda SSC dagaalkii Kalshaale waxaase Naxdin ah in Nimankan Rufyaaniinta ahi ay duufsadeen Curi Aadan Geelle oo ahaa Mujaahid halgamay, waxana uu Curi ahaa Geesi wadani ah waxase la yaableh waxa uu maanta ugu Arooray dhinac Hargaysa uu uu Gabayo badan ka tiriyey waxase uusan Curi Aadan Geelle la socon in Xubihii Ceelal yadda ahaa ee horay ugu goostay Hargaysa ay Suuqyadda Hargaysa Busaaradda dhabadan dhafoorka ku hayaan Short URL:
  19. 'Liibaan';764792 wrote: I see you not different than your fellow clan-secessionists, why you are against Unity: United Somalia? qabiil, of course You should support your clan enclave (Somaliland) to unite with other Somalis Hiiraan, Awdal, Puntland, SSC, Maakhir, Galmudug, etc. United Somalia is the solution.... The Federal States of Somalia, United we stand, divided we fall. Serieusly did you even read the article, mise seeftiii uun ayaa lasoo booday.
  20. 'Liibaan';764953 wrote: You should not get angry and cry, when people respond to your insults and lies. Why you are making up lies about me? You said I support SSC Movement, and I responded saying Mr Carafaat you support Somaliland Clan-Faction. The problem is Mr Carafaat you come Somalia Online to post negative nonsense about SSC in particular, and Puntland and Somalia in general. You created threads with so many negative news about SSC. you post the same anti- SSC and anti- Somalia Unity nonsense in every thread. Sidan si isku dhaan, adi xitaa ciyaalka ku dhaama, banii adam ba ma tihid, cadaawadan farabadanan ee aad shacabka SSC u qabtid, kuuma fiicna. Lets agree to disagree respectfully without insults, SSC People don't want to be part of Somaliland Clan Session. and Somaliland Clan Secessionists don't want to be part of United Somalia. So your whole reason for this tirade is because I made a thread with more then with news and developments about the upcoming Khaatuma Conference with more the 22 pages and 12.000 vieuws. de sidaa wax u sheeg, intaa caytimisid
  21. Carafaat

    Ana Somali

    Congrats to the girls. If somali girls would get more of these opportunities, I am sure they would ***** slap many other countries in sports.