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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. This thread is dedicated to The Oromo's. The Oromo are my most favourite tribe of all the human tribes, they live in far away country, yet they are so close to me, Of all the beautifull creatures they are the most dear to me, the oromo are more then a companion, they mean the world to me. Oromia tiyyaa biyya abbaa kiyaa mallatoon tee Odaa(Oromia)
  2. Xaaji, you overreact. it was hardly a mass demonstration, more like 50 people demonstrating. Come to Burco and we show you mass demonstrations. This is what you can call a mass demonstration,
  3. Showqi;765455 wrote: Wariye Shimbir: Madaxweyne Jacaylbaro wax ma nooga sheegi kartaa JikaarLand sababta loo aasaasay, iyo mowqifkeeda? Jacaylbaro: bacaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac... Wariye Shimbir: Waa yahay Madaxweyne Jacaylbaro, bal wax kale ma ku dari kareysaa bacaaaaaaaaaacdaas? Jacaylbaro: Haa yoo dee JikaarLand waxay mucaarad ku tahay Buufisland, Baagomuudo-land, Birqaabland iyo cid walba oo sheeganeysa magaca Land. Ha ku sugnaato wadanka gudihiisa amaba dibadiisa! Classic.
  4. Hulu can only be watched from U.S. same story there. cant watch videos through most proxy server. Zack, You seem like a hacker, tell me what to do.
  5. Dr_Osman;765503 wrote: She said gelato non-existant they have some pathetic thing which is like milk but they call it gelato lol!!! Puur fabrications. Never would an Italian words be used in Somaliland. Its called ice-criim and not gelato.
  6. Xaaji, baryahay ma macalinkii af Somaliga dhigyay ayaa noqotay. Macalin
  7. Burn Notice, Are we talking about exploration drilling? And what will happen then when they hit oil. Will a larger company come and take over the rights and invest for production drilling?
  8. Dr_Osman;765386 wrote: Ok this is beyond a joke. You cant have sub sub clan states. Puntland is 5 regions man..Azania is 2 regions and somaliland is 3 regions they are the only ones who fullfill the guidelines set in the constitution 2 or more states wa very clear. I just saw that pic hiiran midland and hiiran state..war nimankan i think they just wanna federalism look like a joke. Go read the constitution boys!!! Galguduud, Hiiraan, Shabellede Dhexe are 3 regions. I assume ASWJ will join in a later stage once these local or sub-regional initiatives havemerged. Now the big question is what will Mudug do. Once the city of Galkacyo (and therefor the region of Mudug) is united again under one administration, will it became the hinterland of Puntland or the powerhouse/ center of the Central region of Somalia? If I was a Mudugian, I would rather live in the center and be part of a metropolitan city/region and set the standard of modern Somalia then become the laughing stock of Somalia(like in the past) for being reer myi and live in some backword clan elders dominated hinterland who nobody cares about. And I would think, why ever go to Moqdishu when my Galkacyo can become the new Moqadisho.
  9. Who knew President Sheick Shariif would become such a skilled politician. Unlike his predecessors he is not fighting other politicians plein publique, but rather keeping his dignity, not demoralizing the Somali folks, respecting the separation of powers and ofcourse not shaming himself nor his father in law(atleast in public). Go Shariif!
  10. Duufaan;765438 wrote: This was not what I intended. This is a political and sarcastic poem and I though poetry lovers will enjoy it. Unfortunately it turned insult to Somali women in general and I am sorry about this. Insulting Somali women is insulting your mother where ever region she is from. It was not about Somali women. This was about Mahigan first place the UN representative of Somalia who made positive remarks for Somaliland recognition and alleged women from Toronto who had relationship with him and have strong influence for his work. Reported married with him, even AMIIR made cartoons the lady and Mahigan. Unfortunately many people here cannot read Somali language and never read the poem. The poem is very classic, the author put himself the girl shoos and he is sad about it. There are other women who are married with foreigners who working for Somaliland recognition. I am very confessed, there are some of separist men who are encouraging for those kind of activity and I am war with separatist and their supporters. My point and the author point is, you do not put Somali women in harm. Your comment here is more insulting then your first one. Sxb, take advice from Baashi and rather focus on the issue.
  11. Bosasso indeed is a divers and beautifull business city! Locals are very welcoming, hard working and business minded. very metropolic vibe going on there. Unfortuantly the security in the city has became like a monopoly business which can be traded like a commodity by a few. This can only be tackled if governance of the city is given back to the people, who can end the dominance of the few crooks who abuse their clans and who see this city as their own personal fiefdom.
  12. xiinfaniin;765437 wrote: Sheekh Jawhar is an old hand who would predictably resist changes to the status qua. Remember Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt initially resisted the Youths call of Mubarak's fall . In the Somali case however young revolutions are not born rather they grow up, become old and die( as revolutions).
  13. Positive, I will do right that, it might stirr some things up in the political section. Thanks for the suggestion. P.S. As we have both have menioned Europe(Yurub) as location in our avatar, might I ask where in Europe you are located? You can also send your reply through a PM.
  14. Positive, your ideas are innovative and quite inventive with sold argumentation and reasoning. I agree with you that we have an opportunity to solve the biggest issue in Somaliland (international recongnition/reconciliation/concolidation) and Somalia(a genuine peace initiative/ rebuilding the the Somali State/bottem-up/free from foreign interverence) in one road plan by, for and from Somali's themselves. In any case I think Somaliland Goverment and specially the elders, because of their own experience, could and should play a role in an genuine reconcialation process and bottem-up state building. Because these elders are of an unique generation that has been involved in the countries running for the past four decades and slowly nearing their end of days(+/-10 years left), it would be really prefential if such an initiative would be lead and facilitated by them. Also to let them finish the cycle they have started. Otherwise we might loose the unique perspective on things.
  15. Dr.Osman just arrived and he already has one green bar more then Somalia.
  16. Guys, stop insulting Somali women. People get banned for comments like these.
  17. Puntland folks here on SOL seem to be pre-occupied with Gedo. Like if Puntland doesnt have its own issue's to worry about.
  18. Good initiative. Governance is build through dialogue. And through this kind of consolidation real State's are build up bottem-up. Go Central States!
  19. Sxb, this wait and see mentality has not worked for Somalia in the past 20 years. And I thought your idea's were to get Somalia out of its current impasse?
  20. Xiin, no wonder you dont understand the concept of majority rule. you should try it, maybe it would get you somewhere.
  21. Positive, thanks for the interesting thoughts. It really made me think and really inspired me to think further about a way forward for our people. your conclusion here relates very much with your other thread on the Tooisye scale, me thinks. I would say that indeed such form of an (cultural, tradtional) organisation or platform like a Somali wide Guurti could really contribute to solve the issue's described in your conclusion and would set the actions team free(who are now cought in the own little group thinking) to think, work, contribute and cooperate for a common good transendng groups consciousnesses, it could even de-politize and contribute to the future structure of the Somali State. Positive, lets get down from the abstract level to the more concrete level of the Somali case. What would your agenda be for the Somali case/cause at the moment? Maybe you could open this in a new thread? Starting point would be where you have ended in your Toosiye thread and where you concluded in this thread on Evolutionary steps to nation hood. P.S. For more feedback and input from many more SOL members for a such thread, I would advise to post it under the Political section.
  22. Positive, Indeed an interesting thought. Basicly the extreme ideologies of the three corners of westernized, islamist and clannist have attracted(or abducted) the majority of Somali's. And because of the clan boundries it has become difficult for tradionalist(or moderates) to overcome these diffrences and form a majority with an own political agenda that transcends across clan lines. I agree with you that a Guurti of Somali(tradtional or clan) Elders could form the transcending body that incooperates inclusiveness that is needed to create the incooperation of 'tradionalist'. I think such a body(Guurti) should be Somali wide (including elders from NFD, Somali region of Ethiopia, Somaliland and Djibouti in order to facilitate inclusiveness for reaching cross border(clan) solutions. Many Somali conflicts take place around border areas and clans living across borders, for example Jubba/Azania/NFD, Gedo/Kenya/Ethiopia, Somaliland/SSC/Maakhir, Djibouti/Zeylac/Awdal, Somaliland/Hawd/Somali region of Ethiopia, Mudug/ASWJ/Ethiopia, etc. This would reduce that some Somali's feeling excluded in whatever country or State and them seeking coalition partners with across borders or even foreign support. Such a body could really contribute in solving and/or mediating in most Somali conflicts. What do you think?