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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Article 88. Eligibility Criteria for the position of President of the Federal Republic of Somalia Any citizen is eligible for the position of President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, as long as he or she meets the eligibility requirements of: (a) Being a Somali citizen and a Muslim; (b) Being not less than forty years of age; © Having relevant knowledge or experience for the role; (d) Having a sound mind; and (e) Not having been convicted by a court of a major crime. Nope.
  2. Kenya is creating obstacles, they should realize they are part of Amisom and not an occubation force. If they keep acting like this, they risk creating a backlash.
  3. His 3rd trip this month. Why is he in Sudan? The guy should be at the front fighting Al Shabaab. ******* 4.5 Minister.
  4. Marksman;954723 wrote: Can someone tell me if Sheikh Sharif will be barred from ever trying to be a president again in Somalia? Why would you want to have Sheick Shariif back? you think politics is something you can learn in ivy loeague schools?
  5. To bad they didnt stay in Somalia but only came to fill in the position.
  6. Let's see if the Kikuyu follow-up the recommendations of IGAD.
  7. Malistar, you are missing the point. Its the Kenyans, kuwa jarka ka dhacayaa. Axmed Madoobe and tolka are still there and will have their role in the greater region. Its the Kenyans and Ethiopians that wanted to have a role in the regional state building of Somalia, that have been placed outside the process by the Somali goverment.
  8. nuune;954339 wrote: I hate to see folks here celebrating IGAD ayaa sidan tiri and IGAD ayaa waxan soo saartey, who is IGAD, sovereignty is lost, the Somali government doesn't see its Sovereignty is being undermined, but sees only one region as an obstacle to its very existance. That is the sad part as one Soler puts it. The Somali goverment has defended its souvereignity. The Jubbaland process was a Kenyan/IGAD supported and financed process. Which the Somali goverment opposed from the beginning. IGAD candhuufteedi ayee dib u liqday.
  9. Jimco, May 24, 2013 (HOL) — Wasiirrada Arrimaha Dibadda ee IGAD oo kulan ku yeeshay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa waxay ku go'aansadeen in dowladda Somalia ay qabato shir deg-deg ah oo loogu yeerayo dhammaan qaybaha ay quseyso ee ku nool gobollada Jubbooyinka, si shirkaas uu uga soo baxo Road-map lagu dhisayo maamul KMG ah oo laga hirgeliyo Jubbooyinka. IGAD ayaa sheegtay inay ku taageerayso dowladda federalka Soomaaliya si loo waafajiyo maamullada la dhisayo dastuurka dalka, waxaana arrintan u xaqiijiyay HOL afhayeenka dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya, Inj. C/raxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Yariisoow) oo ku sugan Addis Ababa. Inj. Yariisow oo khadka taleefoonka ugu warramay wariyaha HOL ee London, Ibraahim Baafo ayaa sidoo kale in qodobbadii kasoo baxay shirka wasiirrada arrimaha dibadda IGAD ay ka mid ahaayeen in laga codsaday dhammaan qaybaha kala duwan ee ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo ay ka fogaadaan wax kasta oo keeni kara xaalad amni-darro iyo xasillooni-darro oo carqalad ku keeni karta dagaalka lagula jiro Al-shabaab. "Wasiirrada IGAD waxay isla garteen in shirkii ka dhacay Kismaayo iyo qodobbadii kasoo baxay inaysan ahayn kuwo waafaqsan dastuurka dalka iyo inay ahayd in dowladda Soomaaliya ay hoggaanka u qabato balse taasi ay meesha ka maqnayd, qodobbadii kasoo baxayna ay ahaayeen kuwo aan loo dhameyn," ayuu ku yiri Inj. Yariisoow oo u warramayay wariyaha HOL ee London, Ibraahim Baafo. Arrintan ayay kusoo beegmaysaa xilli magaalada Kismaayo ay yeelatay saddex madaxweyne, lamana oga sida ay u aqbali doonaan go'aankan kasoo baxay shirka wasiirradda arrimaha dibadda ee IGAD oo kulan deg-deg ah ku yeeshay Addis Ababa. Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa shirkan uga qaybgalaysa ra'iisul wasaare ku xigeenka ahna wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee xukuumadda federaalka Soomaaliya, Fowziyo Yuusuf Xaaji Aadan, iyadoo shirkaas ka jeedisay warbixin ku saabsan mowqifka dowladda Soomaaliya ee ku saabsan arrimaha maamul u sameynta gobollada dalka Soomaaliya oo dhan. Wasiirrada arrimaha dibadda ee IGAD ayaa ka hor inta aysan go’aankan ka soo saarin shirkooda oo hordhac ahaa shir ay gellinka dambe ee isla maanta ku yeelan doonaan Addis Ababa madaxda dalalka IGAD waxay warbixin ku saabsan xaaladda Kismaayo ka dhageysteen guddi farsamo oo horay loogu saaray la socodka xaaladda ka taagan Kismaayo. Madaxweynaha la doortay ee Jubaland iyo kuwa is-magacaabay ayaa waxay weli isku haystaan maamulka iyadoo la sheegayo in dadka Kismaayo ay kala taageersan yihiin labada ruux ee ugu saameynta badan oo kala ah: Sheekh Axmed Madoobe iyo Col. Barre Aadan Hiiraale. Waxaa lagu wadaa in gellinka dambe ee maanta ay shir ku yeesheen isla Addis Ababa madaxda dlalaka IGAD, kuwaasoo ka doodi doona qodobbda kasoo baxay shirka wasiirrada IGAD, kaddibna ansixin doona, iyadoo tani ay guul weyn u noqon doonto dowladd Soomaaliya oo muddo dadaal ugu jirtay inay ka dhaadhiciso IGAD in la dhowro dastuurka dalka, dowladda Soomaaliya ay hoggaamiso qorshe walba oo lagu doonayo in maamul loogu sameeyo Soomaaliya. Ibraahim Baafo, Hiiraan Online London, Britain
  10. Safferz;953995 wrote: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Funny documentary. Check leefaye at 3.16.
  11. malistar2012;954342 wrote: Good leadership on behave of the SFG a united dowladd Soomaaliya never fails congrats to the dowladda Soomaaliya Their work is actually starting now. The Goverment needs to organise now genuine, inclusive local and regional reconciliations throughout Somalia. This is a hugh task and responsibility.
  12. The Zack;954328 wrote: they can't! You should know that. Hassan believes in HAGism. He rather jump from a six story house than let a "D" state. Zack, Jubbaland is not a "D" state, just us Mogadishu is not a 'HAG' state. Wait till the reconciliation conference for Banadir starts, we will for sure demand an all inclusive admin.
  13. Johnny B;954320 wrote: According to IGAD , there are no winners , We need to reconcile our positions if we care for our country. suggestions for the sake of the Nation. I) The FGS should for the sake of the Nation grant Madobe and tolka ( maybe by way of tacit accpetance of his leadership ) a leadership role of the new federal state,of Jubaland while securing the minority rights. II ) Raskamboni and Tolka should stay a SNA brigade and accept the FGS's leadership of the state formations be it in the Jubas or wherever Tolka has an interest for the sake of the Nation . What say you Raaskambooni and Tolka? That is a good suggestion. I am sure the Federal Goverment and Raskambooni Tolka will come to a common understanding. After all they want the same, a peacefull region with an effective administration. But what to do with the Puntlanders pushing their own seperate agenda of Somalia in to Kismayo?
  14. A_Khadar;954311 wrote: I don't think he understood.. Very much these are the observations and recommendations so more to come after the IGAD presidents discuss about these . However,the team spotted the main point of the argument which is the interpretation of the constitutionality of building a member state which is where HE. Hassan and Jubaland are out of sync and they recommended the SF PMs to expedite to set the laws govern. Therefore, I smell that Jubaland waa gudubtaye, kuwa iman doona haloo diyaar garoobe. One sad point though is that even after Somalia is no longer a transitional gov, yet other nations decide its destiny quiet extensively. A_Khadar, if you have read the report. It clearly states, the Federal Goverment will organise a new reconciliation conference and FG will be responsible for setting up new administration. Basicly cancelling the 6 months tolka Conference in Kismayo and its outcomes.
  15. Jacpher;954282 wrote: IGAD is getting involved in Jubbaland because Hassan is obsessed with it that much. He tried to block it in so many ways, too many wafdi to Kismaayo and else where in and around the world. He still couldn't come to terms that his way or the highway isn't gonna fix the problem. Now he's getting IGAD involved to get his way. Kenya(under the disguise of IGAD) was supporting the Jubbaland Conference from the beginning. Dont blame Hasan Sheick for bringing Kenyans and IGAD in to the fold. Read the mission report: IGAD was involved in the process of the Jubbaland Conference.
  16. Recommendation Meanwhile the mission calls upon the stakeholders in Kismayo to go to Mogadishu and dialogue with the Federal Government regarding the interim regional administration. Now, regarding this particular recommendation. IGAD is summoning the interim Kismayo administration to engage in a dialogue with the Federal Goverment. Axmed Madobe was the interim leader of the Somali contigent that control Kismayo. Even the Federal Goverment considered Axmed Madoobe as the interim leader, PM Saacid even met him a couple months ago. This hasnt changed, he is still the leader of those militia in Kismayo and he summoned to engage in a dialogue with his Federal Goverment. Calls upon the Federal government of Somalia to immediately integrate the various militia forces into a unified national command of Somali National Army and logistically provide force sustainability; Now, the report also calls to integrate the various militias under the Somali National Army. So once this is done, Axmed Madobe and other militia leaders like Barre Hiiraale role will be diminished to that of civil servant, serving their goverment and people.
  17. nuune;954301 wrote: Carafaat , what Zack asked you is to elaborate the conclusion you made on your first post on this thread, that is all, can you go back to him and asnwer his question, for the first time, try to have a reasonable debate with grown up people, please!! Xaaji, maanta dhiiga kugu kacsan. I hope the outcome of the report will not have a too serieuz effect on you.
  18. The Zack;954296 wrote: Elaborate why say so, would ya? 1.IGAD recongnizes the Jubbaland process as not inclusive! Supports the Federal Goverment to organize a new reconciliation conference. 2.IGAD supports the goverment to taking the lead to establish regional admins, including in the Jubba's! Now lets see how you and Xiin spin this one.
  19. The Zack;954288 wrote: Gheelle, that is true. This is not the last say in anyway. This reports includes what the IGAD committee found out between Xamar and Kismayu and their supposed recommendations. The IGAD presidents are meeting today to discuss. Are you expecting Kenyatta to make a diffrence on this outcome? War Kikuyihii wee ku fashilmeen sheekadan. Even the IGAD secretariat is summoned to support the Federal Goverment.
  20. This is a major win for Somalia and a defeat for Kenya. Kuddos to Hassan Sheick, PM Saacid and showing leadership we havent seen for a long time in Somalia.
  21. The Jubbaland Conference was not an inclusive process. Igad finally recongnizes that important fact and calls for a reconciliation conference organized by the Federal Goverment. This makes sense.
  22. This is a serieuz issue. FGM is no laughing matter, it causes the biggest health problems for Somali women And can leads to frustration for Somali man. Kuddos to Muhubo for speaking out against this practice and offering a solution. She should be appointed as the FGM Ambassador.
  23. Threadkani wee si walaanisaa. Ciyaalkani wee si dayeen. I though Alpha would be the more adult version off Marx?