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Everything posted by Carafaat
Ace of Spadez, brother, tortured I am not but thinking realisticly and practical aint really moonshine and sunflowers either. You say hate and love is mutually exclusive but I beg to disagree. how can love exist when there aint without hate, how can peace exist without war? Sxb, everything is compramisable, the question is what do you get in return for it and is this advantage worth the price? Concerning Somaliland's sovereignity and if this can go hand in hand with Unity. You say its impossible. I say its not. State souvereignity is theability of a State to having supreme independent authority over its territory. Its powers to rule and make laws in order to guarantee the best interests of its own citizens. So can you be souvereign and at the same time cooperate on foreign policy and thus showing unity to the outside world? I think this is possible and there numerous examples of such cases and one can always create its own precedent. And actually you have proved my point about if one assumes that diffrent vieuws are incompatible and one being convinced that there is only one way, one road, one right and one solution. Then how can you ever discover those alterning roads to the same destination if the possibility is excluded from the beginning?
Faarax-Brawn;766652 wrote: Do you know that the Myrrah tree is malmal? Ma MalMal baa saan u eg>? Teeda kala,you must be from a god forsaken desert place that doesnt grow any sort of veggies...Even the cows of Garissa will tell you that is grade A Sukuma Wiki*(google what sukuma wiki is) Mimi najua kile Sukuma wiki! You wanna tell us that she is holding some Spinash?
This evening I visited the local Somali community center and had a very interesting and enlighting conversation with this very funny Somali guy. He asked me immediately where I was born (probably wanted to my clan) and I told him I was from Muqdishu. He said that my accent didnt sound 'Xamari' and that he though I was from Djibouti because djiboutians are skinny and dark when they are in Africa and in Europe they become heavy and light skinned. I was shocked and he continued with all kind of diffrent funny provocations which lead to a funny argument. later on I told him that my family is from Somaliland. He asked me which sub-clan and the rest of the lineage, etc. more funny provocations followed directed towards my sub-clan and I did my best to stand ground as much as I could. He told me is from Hargeysa and belongs to A&T folks who live in Dhagaxbuur. naturally I aksed him which sub-clan, he asked suprised if I knew their sub-clans. I responded very confident that i know them, while I actually know only the name of one particular sub-clan which I remember because Meles Zenawi once mentioned them as the only opposition against his regime. I bluffed and asked him if he is reer X. And he said yes and then we both smiled as I sign of mutual acknowledgement. I had to hold my grounds now that I had bluffed and pretended to know the O family. I came with my best provocation and said one clan cant have three goverments. He looked suprised, I continued said you guys cant have all of the Somali regional goverments of Kenya, Ethiopia and Azania all together. He understood my point and asked me what is Azania. I told him Ghandi made this regional maamul for Kismaayo and and Jubba's, etc. He said isnt Ghaani dead. Then I told him this guy is called Ghaandi and he was from the O family and took the initiative for a regional administration, etc. He knew I was waiting for a reply and to my suprise, he said something that really made me think hard and deep and made actually made a lot of sense. He said why cant we think of possibilities in stead of impossibilities and incompressibilities. He said everything is possible and that we just need to think creatively. And start with thinking on how to compromise the uncompramisble, how to achieve what seems unachievable. He said Somali's always start with assuming that diffrent interest and ambitions are conflicting, irreconcilable and incompatible. Their starting point is disagreement and they end always in disagreement.Thats because they assume that there is only one way, one road, one right, one solution, one morality and one winner. This is created by a lack of creativity, narrow horizon, fatalistic vieuw, lack of comprehension, empathy and reality. I wondered if all those diffrent political vieuws are indeed attainable and achievable at the same time? Can you have Indepedance and Unity at time Somali unity? Can you have a free Somali region in Ethiopia and at the same time appease Ethiopia, can you have dozens of small regional admins(federal states) and at the same time a have a strong and effective central goverment, Can clan X and Y have both full acces to Port Y, while neither of them dominates the other? Can the little resources the country has be shared by so many? Can you have equality while we are not equal? What do you think?
Why think it terms of winners iyo loosers? I rather think in terms of positive developments and room for improvement.
Ku dharo in aanad ku niikin Xamar back in the days? I bet you were the top niiko dancer in club Lido, before you became Sheick.
Waa caadi. walaalkeen waan suginaa intu ka samriyo Al Shabaab.
I could swear its a mijin of Kenyan myrrah she is holding there. And those are Somali's. no doubt about it.
Al Shabaab would have slaughered these innocent kids, if they saw these. But Maanshallah Al Shabaab is gone and will never return anymore inshallah. Where is Maddeey??
Degmada Holwadaag oo markii ugu horeysey laga dhigey ruwaayad (Daawo sawirada) Degmada holwadag oo marki ugu horeysey laga dhigey ruwaayad tan iyo marki dalka Soomaaliya ka bilowdeen dagaladi sugeeye ay waxa uu galey dalka marxal adg tas oo ayugu wacneed in la wayo adeegyadaii bulshada sida korontada biyaha isgarsiinta iwm. Hadaba burburka so garey casimada somaliya waxa hoos u dhacay muuqaaldii lagu yaqaney muqdisho iyodoo ad loo boobey wax alle alle wixii yaleymagalada gadiidka dhismyasha jingadaha iyo dhaman bililqoxogan lo geystey bangigi dhexe Soomaaliya Hadaba manta waxan argney in degmooyinka dagalada ku sonaq noqden iney haatan laga dhigayo ruwayada iyo cayaraha hadnewali waxa jirto iney laga war heyn dadka danyarta ah ee dagalda wax ka so gareen guryhooda tas oo lagu guldaeystey in wax laga qabto mamulda ka jira degmooyinka kale ee goblka banadir.
waryahe Abokor, wiilki waa ka qirtay khaladkiisi ee yiri si khalad ayaa la i fahmay, oo sidaa ugumaan jeedin. Markaa inanka Abti baanu u nahay, oo waa saamaxnay. hadaba ka jooji xabada.
Even his friend Ngonge is not coming to his rescue with some decent clothes.
Somalina, Djibouti yaa ka horeyn kara. waa dad ilbax ah. I truelly envy them.
This Conference and whatever the final outcome is a positive step for everyone. It will create and contribute to concensus and thats the best thing for the whole region. Thats is why made this thread. I know some of the Organisers(G15) personally and they are no man of war but of words. Cant imagine why someone would oppose Khatuuma2.
Somalina;766596 wrote: Carafaat I won't call you a secessionist from now on. All you had to do was ask, and you did. Good move. Thanks Somalina:D You are a true wadani. they are very rare these days. But inshallah we will learn our people what wadaniyad(love for the land and the people) means and show them the way.
Zack, Loool. Are you saying the police were at work during A.Mahdi's period. Come on. Be a man and admit you(with many others) were wrong on Sheick Shariif.
Liibaan wuu sii daayay, xumadii ayaa ka adkaatay. P.S. On a serieus note, has anyone read the article.
The Zack: How does a country make an agreement with itself. Cajiib! I mean I get the Jabuuuti part but.... Qandalawi;766551 wrote: Trade is understandable and it exists right now as we speak but what's with foreign relations. The Somali constitution says that any Somali born outside of the Somali republic including Kenya, Ethiopia and Dj territories has the right to live, acquire Somali documents and receive as much opportunities and rights as any Somali born in Somalia. Lets say for example, how we should deal with UN agencies? Or in the relationship with Ethiopia? Doesnt make sense for Somali leaders to have meetings with UN agencies, Ethiopia, Kenya, etc on the same issue's, without (having dialogue)consulting first with eachother? Otherwise you face being marganalised. OdaySomali;766580 wrote: Puntland and Somaliland (+ perhaps Djibouti co operating) would make sense. TFG is a tool/platform, not an entity with objectives of its own. PL and SL too could use this [internationally recognised] tool/platform I suppose. Indeed PL has recently made major inroads into using this 'TFG' platform. Oday, call it how you wanna call it. I am talking about dialogue or consultation on equal terms based on concensus without compromising on political objective.
It's all in there. I have dedicated a thread to it. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/60614-Somaliland-Djibouti-and-the-TFG-should-have-a-dialogue-on-Trade-and-Foreign-Affairs-issue-s