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Everything posted by Carafaat
Check also your local Chinese restaurants.
Dr_Osman;767363 wrote: Carafat then you wouldnt be scared to do a census and have constieutent parliament. I think that proves your the minority and you know the truth Somaliland had multiple voter registrations, 4 elections and 1 referendum. Now its up to you to do the same and then you will find out majority of Bosasso is inhabited by Bay and Bakool folks.
Dr.Osman you are a definetly a minority in Somalia.
Abtigiis;767320 wrote: To make the dreamers regain sense, a series of political and diplomatic maneuvers will have to be taken by a resurgent Somalia. Politically, (1) support the unionists in Somaliland (Awdal, SSC, Salal). (2) Provide strong financial and political muscle to the unionists from the recalcitrant clan, and enable these politicians to appeal to their fellow clansmen. There is no shortage of these genuine Somali unionists. (3) Institute an employment programme that will give priority to the youth and intellectuals from Somaliland, in the Somalia state Ministries and Agencies (including diplomatic missions). (4) Provide lucrative franchises and monopolies for big businessmen from Somaliland in South Somalia. (5) Embark on a diplomatic offensive and ensure all States do not entertain any travel documents other than those issues by the Foreign Ministry and Immigration authorities in Somalia. (6) mount a coherent propaganda campaign that emphasize the benefits of unity and disseminate it through popular Somali and foreign media (7) Use religious leaders to also spread the message through sermons in Mosques and the media (8) Create Somali artists and musicians forum and provide adequate funding to them: this should be led by artists from Somaliland as much as possible (9) give scholarships and educational opportunities to students from Somaliland ( disproportionately) to expel any fears about marginalization (10) include in the national plan and give priority to big projects in Somaliland, such as, upgrading of Egal international airport, Berbera port, new Universities, etc These actions will not change every poisoned mind, but the incurable minds will be pushed to the margins of the society. Abtigiis, actually this plan could work to create disunity in Somaliland. But what you forget is that its not in the interest of most people from Somalia. Why would they wanna share the pie with Somalilanders who are already better off.
Biggest Cities according to population 1 Mogadishu 2 Hargeisa 3 Beledweyne 4 Baidoa 5 Kesmaayo 6 Burco 7 Galkayo 8 Jowhar 10 Borame 11 Berbera 12 Marka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_Largest_20_Cities_in_Somalia_by_Population Lets be realistic only Galkacyo and Kismayo is partyl inhabited by your folks. Moqadishu alone has more population then all your clan together. So actually, Moqdishu folks should get have of the seat in TFG Parlement.
The Zack;767265 wrote: Everyone is after their own interest. Faroole and the entire D block are for choosing the parliament based on districts and states, the rest (Sakiin, Canbe and Caalin) are for the 4.5 system. - See how these three are all on one side? It is not coincidence, they know they are ripping others off LOL. Common sense tells me (and no I am not siding with one side) that the 4.5 formula is just wrong. Let's be honest, how is it fair for Bay & Bakool to get same number of MP's as Gedo, Upper Jubba, Lower Jubba, Bari, Nugaal, more than half of Mudug, Sool, Sanaag and half of Galgaduud all combined? Bal ii sheega... They are not comparable both geographically and population wise. Down 4.5! loool. Zack come on. Bay, Bakool, Shabelle's are much more populated then those desert provinces you mentioned. According to the last cencus made in Somalia back in the 70's. http://mappery.com/maps/Somalia-Ethnic-Groups-Map.jpg And lets be honoust who still controls the biggest portion of Somalia today? Al Shabaab dominated by certain clans who have been marganalized in the past. They gained a lot of self-confidence and have been governing themselves the last two decades. With or without Al Shabaab they wont give up their power so easly. Zack, Jaalle's days are really over.
Cesária Évora, Singer From Cape Verde, Dies at 70
Carafaat replied to Alpha Blondy's topic in General
R.I.P. Cesaria, indeed a legend. -
I love his songs and music. Axmed Naaji Sacad wuu xiiqay sidu nabad uga heesiyay.
we are not chinese dee, kuwaasi bisado iyo eey ayee cunaan.
Dr_Osman;766880 wrote: The way I would do next years military parade is to have the Darawish-Police- Marina- PIS all march. After that follow it up with a first parade of normal technicals about 10 is enough, then a parade of the bullet proof technicals after that a parade of the bms, parade of the heavy trucks, parade followed by f350s and armed carriers. Follow it up with galkayo warehouse tanks and other heavy armoury saluting the general at the bases saluting the general and marina academy in bosaso with helicopters saluting their general. That would be more fully what the puntland security looks like today impressive line up.what about demining, asluubta, ect? or are these guys to soft
Dr.Osman, your analysis of Puntland 2011 is quite fair and constructive. However its rather focussed on political, economic and security side of issue's. But how about social development, for example regarding minorities and short (clan) lineaged people. Has their situation improved?
Check 3.20 min. loool@ my family name carries a lot weight in this land, it will protect me. Wiilkani waa laandheer.
Duufaan;767216 wrote: Niman uu horkacayo Wiilka dhaqan celiska ah ee ay SNM-tu ku sheegto inuu arimaha dibada u qaabilsanyahay Mohamed Bajaaj iyo kuwo kale oo looga darey Hargeysa iyo dad ka tirsan hayadaha kala duwan ee Dowladda Federalka KMG ayaa shir qarsoodiya uga furmay Magaaladda Qaahira ee dalka Masar sida laga soo xigtey xubno ku sugan magaalada muqdisho una dhuun daloola arima dawlada tamarta daran ee xamar ku sugan. Ergada dawlada Labada Shariif ayaa la xaqiijiyey inuu horkacayo xildhibaan Mohamed Omar Dalxa Dhaqancelis, halka Mohamed Bajaajna uu kulanka qarsoodiga ku wehliyo ninka madaxtooyada u qaabilsan Siilaanyo ee lagu magacaabo Xersi Xaaji Cali. Kulanka labada dhinac ayaa la sheegayaa sida dadka loogu sheegey inay uga wada hadlayaan shirka Magaaladda London ka dhici doono 23 Febaury 2012 ee Dowladda Ingiriiska ku casuuntay garabyadda maamulada ka jira wadanka Somalia, waxaase laga yaabaa iney jiraan ajendayaal qarsoon oo loogu adeegayo kala gooynta wadanka. Shirkan qarsoodiga ah ee Dowladda labada Shariif iyo ergada SNM-tu ku leeyihiin Qaahira ayaa la rumeeysan yahay inuu qeyb ka yahay hindisaha cusub ee Dowladda Ingiriiska ku dooneyso in ay garabyada soomaalida ku qanciso in beesha Isaaqa dawlad loogu citiraafo dhul beelo kale oo soomaaliyeed leeyihiin. ninka sheegta gudoomiyenimada waxa ay ugu yeedhaan xisbiga Kulmiye Muuse Biixi iyo Dhiigyacab Ina Kaahin ayaa lagu wadaa inay maalinta sabtida (berito) ku biiraan ergada Jabhada SNM-ta uga qeybgeleysa shirkaa qaahira ka socda. Muuse Biixi iyo dhiigyacab Ina Kaahin iyo dhamaan dadka u xamaasadeysan qadiyada cunsiriyada iyo naceybka ku dhisan ee SNM-ta madaxmartey ee ah dhul aysan lahayn goosaho ku qarwidiisa ayaa la sheegey iney ka careeysan yihiin hadalkii dhawaan Ismaciil Cumar Geelle uga hadlay qadiyadda goosasho ku qarawda ah, mar uu wareysi siinayey wargeys dalka Faransiiska kasoo baxa, ayaa ka dhoofay Magaaladda Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia halka ay hore uga dhoofi jireen dalka Djibouti. Madaxweynaha Jibouti Mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa wargeyskaa u sheegay in Somaliland horaantiiba qaldantay oo Calan iyo lacag sameeysatay iyadoo aan ictiraaf Caalamiya heysan taas oo ka dhigan sida uu sheegay: “Inay gaadhiga iyo dameerkii jiidi lahaa isweydaariyeen, oo gaadhigii ka hormariyeen Dameerkii la rabay inuu jiido gadhiga” Allssc newsdesk. London allssc@hotmail.com Short URL: http://allssc.com/?p=19270 Duufaan, do you actually read this kind of garbage?
"One country, two systems" is an idea originally proposed by Deng Xiaoping, then Paramount Leader of the People's Republic of China (PRC), for the reunification of China during the early 1980s. He suggested that there would be only one China, but independent Chinese regions such as Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, could have their own capitalist economic and political systems, while the rest of China uses the socialist system. Under the suggestion, each of the three regions could continue to have its own political system, legal, economic and financial affairs, including commercial and cultural agreements with foreign countries, and would enjoy "certain rights" in foreign affairs. Taiwan could continue to maintain its own military force, thus evading recognition of Taiwan as part of the Republic of China. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_country,_two_systems
burahadeer;767238 wrote: agree but who is gona tell these guys to put aside the blue ribbon for a second & come up with logic:D Do you think that's possible! Yes, it is possible.And I think its up to us to tell them. It may take a while though.
Inshallah kheyr ayee noqonisaa Khatuuma
burahadeer;767232 wrote: somalilanders have seen so much abuse & at last seen the light ; they are in no mood to go back to butcher's house. If any meaningful dialogue has to take place it should be about their general security,commerce & the likes .They know it's a forgone conclusion & no one really can do anything about people's desire to be who eva they wana be.The question we ask should be why anyone need to take SL back into the fold when it proved disastrous last time.Is it some can't get ova it,is it they believe SL is getting ahead of them..jealousy?somalinimo...eh! There neither be trust nor equality.. the best we can do is cooperate on things that matter to both of us ...like unhindering movement of people etc.Somalis will always cross to each otha ,inter-marry,deal business & so on...so why is it important to be under one flag that left the legacy of destruction....what if everyone better off this way? Burahadeer, I think we are talking about the same thing here, dialogue on common interest. Said nothing about talking SL back or giving up its sovereignity.
Clan Balance(4.5/5.0) and regional representation from districts and province does not have to be exclusive. Combination or hybrid model is possible.
Ace of Spadez, I know the agenda's are opposed, that there is diplomatic cold war and that it has been difficult for Somaliland and Somalia to engage politicly.But this is not something of late and has been the case for the last two decades. You say lets wait for Somalia's till it gets its act together. We have been waiting for years and this hasnt helped Somaliland either. And that is why many Somali's have become to belief that it is impossible to find any political engagement or compromise and assume that diffrent interest and ambitions are always conflicting, irreconcilable and incompatible. Which I disagree with. I belief that with the right mindset, creative thinking, strategy, tact and some people's diplomacy(if direct diplomatic dialogue with TFG is not opportuun at the moment), we could end this (unnecessary) diplomatic cold war that is effecting our peoples relations, vieuws towards eachother in order to find mutually acceptable solutions for those opposing agenda's and find common ground(in the future). This 'reconciliation' process will be a long process, it wont be easy with all the different political interest and sensitivities nor attainable on the short term. But still one has to take the initiative which wont win you everyone's approval. But I guess leadership isnt always about popularity.
Qandalawi;767178 wrote: Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool :D And another secessionist says this: :D Anigu yaabayee xagee dadka ku arkeen Somali naceeb. The Konfurian Somalida kale inteey isgaarsiiyeen during the brutal civil war balse waligay wax sidaan uhadlaaya oo leh Somali ayaa nanaceb ma arkin Loooooool, but in the land of the secessionist thats expected . Qandalawi, both quote's you have posted clearly state "Somaliland's biggest enemies are all Somali". Such a statement can also bemade for Somalia, that enemies of its peace and statehood are Somali. Nowhere its said anything about Somali's hatingon Somaliland. Clearly you misunderstood both statement from two diffrent posters or is your contribution intended to put Somali's against eachother?
lool@xaaji. This thread is about possibilities, compromises and if there might be diffrent roads leading to the same destination, for the Somali conflict in general. And wether Somalilands sovereignty can go hand in hand with Somali Unity on the worldstage? Eventhough Its not my intention to claim its the solutions but havent heard any arguments so far why it cant?
Abokor Omar;767184 wrote: Carafaat, adeer your words are a little thin and your thoughts are being clouded by selfish emotions. You need re-educational classes to stregthen your Somalilandnimo. In your current mindset you are a sitting duck for the vultures and if you want to know how things will end, ask your elders. Please don't be a social worker in a battlefield.. Abokor Omar, you call me emotional, selfish and question my love for Somaliland. Atleast explain how you came to this character analysis or which part of my words you find 'little thin' .