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Everything posted by Carafaat
Operation to Restore Peace and Stability Across Somalia
Carafaat replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
I know many young people who wear part of the fromer ICU. Most of them were really young genuinely working hard to imrpove the lives of their people through following as mush as possible the right Islamic path. And they say, Al Shabaab is not comparable with the ICU, they say Al Shabaab is led by foreigners with a foreign agenda and their objective is not the improve the lives of the Somali people. Che, a lot has changed. -
Che, I wish you would stop polarizing. You and I have no other solutions for Somalia at the moment, except supporting those who say that they are going to free, construct a new democratic goverment. Doesnt make sense those oppose one, while we have no better options.
Wauw, your amazing lady Blue. After years of frustrations that I cant watch SNL, finally you made it come true. I owe you one, just name it. I can get you the Phone nr of KOW, facebook of Xaaji Xunjuf, JB´s picture or my blackberry ping. You name it. erg bedankt,
Somalia;769049 wrote: - Get some rep power - Grow facial hair I gave you some rep:D facial hair you can get by smearing some car oil on your face.
Operation to Restore Peace and Stability Across Somalia
Carafaat replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
XX, Al Sahabaab is the real enemy of all Somali´s. have you forgetten who bombed Hargeysa -
Maaddeey, I call upon you distentiate yourself from Al Shabaab.
good idea cambuulo. a thread dedicated to hablaha somaliyeed.
Rudy, I am looking for an easy solution dont understand that whole psiphon stuff. I am based in Holland.
Dont they know our parents and grandparents were though the Quran by Ahmediyans, Qaderiyans and Salexiyans. Dont they know we are all Muslim, pray to Allah, Mahamed is his messenger, and the Quran is our message. Dont they know that many of the old sufi customs dissapeared through knowledge and through Islaamdoon rather then xukun and judgeding eachothers. caadu bilaah dadkii ayee galeesiniyaan.
Will there be any ménage à trois in the story. cause I wouldnt mind two best friends and a girl.
Mosley objected to the orgy being described as a Nazi prison camp sex party. He insisted it was a German prison camp sex party. as long as it aint nazi sex, then its ok, i think
Maybe he terrorized her with kisses and istiimis.
this is horific. wallahi that we have sunk so deep. if we do nothing against the suffering of our people, one day it might come and haunt us all.
Al-Shabab Torturing a Blind Elderly Man in Southern Somalia WRITTEN BY: NOMAD TIMES - DEC• 24•11 In this video recorded by Al-Shabab soldiers shows Al-Shabab accusing a blind elderly man named Shiekh AbdulRaxim Cusman Haji Maclin for being infidel while he denies it. The elder man who returned from the Hajj the night before, seems frightened while his son is beaten in front of him, if you look closely you can see the blood stain from his son on the elder man’s left shoulder. The islamic militias Al-Shabab have been condemned by Amnesty international and many other human rights organizations for carrying out amputations and executions on innocent people and abusing the old-aged people in Somalia especially the Sufis of Southern Somalia.
it didnt even last a decade, before the system was rotten with corruption, nepotism and bad policies and politics. leading to a military coupe, whish no Somali fought against it. Showing you the system lost any credibility and support. Laakinse hadaa leedihid, waxba kama jiraan oo systemka nimankani ee dhigan wee fiicneed, dee suasho waxa weeyaan meeday maanta aanu cabudnee?
wafti uu Hogaaminayo Garaad Cabdilaahi Garaad Soofe oo si weyn taleex loogu soo dhaweeyey iyo Kaamka Khaatumo2 la kormeeray +Sawiro Wafti Balaadhan oo ay horkacayan Garaad Cabdilaahi Garaad Soofe iyo Garaad Saleebaan Buraale Aw Aadan isla markasna ay ka mid yihiin Cuqaasha iyo Ergooyinka reer Buuhoodle uga qayb gaya shirka KHaatumo2 ayaa soo gaadhay magaaladan Taleex dhamaanba Isimadda, Cuqaasha iyo Ergooyinka Shirka ee jooga Taleex ayaa waftidan si heer sare ah ugu soo dhaweeyey magaaladda iyada oo meel magaaladda ka baxsan looga hortagay, waxana waftidan loo galbiyey Kaamka Shirka lagu qabanayo oo dhamanba Isimadda,G6 iyo waxgaradka kaleba ay kormeer ku soo mareen Munaasabad kooban oo lagu qabatay Geedka Bartaha ah ee shirku ka dhacaya ayaa masuuliyiintii diyaarinaysay kaamka shirku ay ka warbixiyen marxaladaha kala duwan ee u kaamku iminka marayo Cabdifatax Cismaan Dhalac oo ah Afhayeenka Gudidda qaban qaabadda shirka ee Reer Taleex ayaa ka xog waramay qaabka iyo hanaanka ay u diyaariyeen Kaamka Khaatumo2 oo uu shirku ka dhacayo, waxa uu Mr Dhalac sheegay in dhamaanba howlahoodii shaqo ay diyaar u yihiin ergooyinkana ku soo dhaweynayaan magaaladda Taleex isla markasna aysan Taleex cid gaar aysan lahan oo tahay magaalo loo wada siman yahay Dr Cali Khaliif Galaydh ayaa hadal kooban oo uu ka jeediyey goobtaas u mahadceliyey Gudiyadda qaban qaabadda shirka sida habsamidda leh ee ay u soo abaabuleen iyo qaban qaabadooda wanaagsan waxana uu sheegay Dr Cali in Shirka *********** uusan noqon mid garnaqsi ee uu yahay mid umadan Aayaheeda kaga tashanayso dhamaan umadda Soomaaliyeedna ay soo Eegayso waxa ka soo baxa Shirka Khaatumo2 Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil ayaa u mahadceliyey dhamanba Gudiyadda qaban qaabadda shirka Khaatumo2 iyo ergooyinka kale duwan ee ku sugan madasha Shirka ee Taleex, waxana uu Garaad Jaamac sheegay in uu ka mid ahaa Isimadii u yimi shaqaaqadii ka dhacay Taleex ayna hawshaas wax weyn ka qabteen isla markaasna inta yar ee u dhiman dhawaan la soo afjari doono Xaquuqda Sawiradda Bahdda Allssc
MMA, hadaan guri dhiso u dhoor sano kadib dumo. ma waxaad leedahay markaa wuu iska dumay? guri adag hadee dhisi lahayeen waligeed muu dumi leheen, cid kasto ka dambeysaya oo soo degta.
ciyaal ma iskuuladii ayaa fasax ku jira?
Operation to Restore Peace and Stability Across Somalia
Carafaat replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
Che, many Somali's opposed the Ethiopian invasion back in 2007 but are today more supportive of the Kenyan, Ethiopian and AMISOM operations against Al Shabaab. Xalada ayaa is badashay. -
Xaaji Xunjuf;769142 wrote: Somalina carafaat is an Ethnic Somalilander but he was evacuated to the South in the 70s xiligi abaarta xumi ka jirtay Somaliland. Ever since he speaks thinks koonfurian he doesn't even know when to use the R or the Dh or the Kh or the Q. He was send to Somaliland a few times but never really integrated into the Somaliland society. Its a problem i need to do lots of work with him he needs lots of tudering. The First time he arrived in Somaliland he expected Niiko and all of that he was very disappointed when he found out Niiko is hardly performed in Somaliland.
Waxaan noo rajeeniyaa dadkEena iyo dalkeena Nabad, cafimaad , xoriyay, diin iyo kheyr sanadka cusub 2012.