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Xaaji, the man has a point. Somaliland needs to engage in a dialogue with Somalia.
I think one should be rude towards Indians, thasts how they are used to.
Xaaji Xunjuf;769612 wrote: The people from that region are also very good looking i have noticed that awoow Somalina keep the pictures coming Xaaji, you have noticed that too. Ileen wali suuqi kamaad fariisan.
Somaliland budget increases in 2012 new budget 90 Million USD
Carafaat replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Budget did not increase it just got centralized in stead of every Ministry having its own direct income its now included in the central goverment budget. Income in 2011 was even less then budgetted. -
'Liibaan';769563 wrote: War ma haysid, markiiba waa lasii daayey weftiyadii SSC, in few hours. They are present in Taleex now maanshallah. Goo news. Maxaa war ah shirkii? Spill the beans, give us the latest news. Is it true that other clan leaders will be invited. I hope my Suldaan attends thi historic gathering. He never misses any clan meeting, he likes attending other ppls shirs and sticking his nose everywhere.
Ngonge and many others were wrong in their analysis of Shariif 2,5 years ago. Shariif showed another leadership style of the more consultitive and broad support based kind, then the dictatorial they were used to and Somali's are fed up with Al Shaytaan.
Xaaji Xunjuf;769287 wrote: Where is xaglatooisye and Cali sabaray ,, i see garaad abdilahi garaad soofe the garaad from Buhoodle but where are the ssc leadership. Xaglatoosiye found out about the secret plans of the G6. Many of his SSC crew from Buuhodle joined Somaliland and others are supporting the G6 in their plan to start a political platform and negoitiate with Somaliland. Xaglotoosiye seems to be out of options. He can go now to Somaliland and claim his chair or later with G6 and risk to become a back bencher. Khaatuma is so exciting. Someone should make a documentary or a thriller Movie out of it.
'Liibaan';769522 wrote: Somalia: SSC Khaatumo Grand Conference Unsettles snm/Somalidiid Clan Militia Somaliland Minister for Interior, Mohamed Nur Arale, told the London-based Universal TV that Somaliland administration supported the Khaatumo conference currently being held in the historic town of Taleex but that it will not allow anti-Somaliland politicians to manipulate the meeting. “We will not accept any anti-Somaliland declaration because malcontents with Somali flags are now attending the meeting,” Arale said. Nearly one year ago a meeting for diaspora groups of Sool and Sanaag and Cayn Diaspora (Consultative Conference of Beesha *********** ) was held . A 14-point declaration based on six principles was issued. Three of the principles are: Unity and territorial integrity of Somalia Democratic self-governance and the abiding rights to resistance against aggression Peaceful political dialogue in managing conflicts The first principle is in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1863 (2009) while the second and third principles emphasise peaceful resolution of conflict rather than clan warfare. Somalilad Minister for Interior called some participants in Taleex conference qaran-dumis ( elements bent on destroying the nation). Somaliland administration prides itself on being a good example of governance while many parts of Somali were affected by civil war but the language of its Interior Minister shows that Somaliland feels unsettled by a conference for people who don’t subscribe to secession. Nearly 14 months ago Somaliland administration of president Ahmed Siilaanyo mishandled Kalshaale incident (Somaliland Government Erred on Kalshaale Decree) by ordering his troops, known to him as national army, to be on the side of his clansmen , a decision to which Declaration of the Consultative Conference referred as “war campaigns waged against our people.” Somalia’s political turmoil is partly fuelled by reluctance and refusal to candidly discuss political problems in a non-dogmatic and bigoted approach. Somaliland administration will be undermining its achievements if it continues poking its nose into meeting for leaders of clan that supports peaceful coexistence and political unity of Somalia. Liban Ahmad Liban, ma adiga qashinkan qoray? Somaliland supports the Khatuuma Conference, Minister only emphasized he will protect Somaliland if the meeting is abused for actions against the peace in Somaliland. Most delegations came through Berbera and Hargeysa airports while many in Garowe and Bosasaso have been arrested. Why not write an article about the jailed delegates.
Che, you seem to be alone on supporting Al Shaytaan. They will be wiped out inshallah. Why dont you come onboard and then we can talk about your demands, wishes, grievances and all other issue's.
Che, I am no fan AY governing style, but I would support him anyday over Al Shabaab with their suicide bombings of University student. Its done and over with Shaytanul shabaab.
Wallahi Beletweyn caadi maha. Its so beautyfull ,Modern, fertile and well constructed. And all this time I really thougth Hargeysa was all that and Garowe becomes a tuulo compared to Beledweyn. Wallahi, I have been so ignorent all this time. Waxaan islahaa Somalia waxba ma taalo, except for my beloved Muqdishu. We should make more of these city threads. I wanna see more of Somalia. I am very curious about: Marka Baidoa Kismayo Jowhar Afgooy Baardhere Dhusamareer Barawe Cant wait till Shabaabi's and their shoeshiners give up and leave the place.
2012 will become the best year ever inshallah. It will be all about rebuilding, reconstruction and returning more hope to Somalia After Al Shabaab was ousted in 2011 from Moqadishu and in 2012 they will be wiped out from the Somali map.
Somalina;769497 wrote: Somalina has lots of fans from Shababi shoe shiner to Maakhiri rebel to Cusmaano from nowhereland, it's all good. Let them stay and showcase their contributions to SOL. Add one Unionist Somalilander to the list.
Why do they al have a bikoorad? These guys caadi maha, real trendsetters. Soon every Somali clan will organize a polititcal clan shir in the country and all politican will wear traditional clothes, the decade's of the black suits and tie is over I tell ya. P.S. I see one of my best friends from SL in the picture's. I think he might be a spy for Siilanyo, someone should give a warning to Ali Khaliif.
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> listen at 17.10min
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;769420 wrote: The bar is a Kenyaati bar and patrons are Kenyaatiga. So nothing to do with Soomaalida. Since the deployment, the northeast of the country has been the focus for a series of attacks blamed by Kenyan authorities on sympathisers of the Shabaab Islamist insurgency which controls large areas of central and southern Somalia :confused:
Beletweyn is a beauty. No wonder Hadraawi fell in love and is crazy about the region. Beletweyn Bi'I waa jacaylow Boodhari inuu diley Been baan u haystee Bi'I waa jacaylow Boog aan la dhayinoo Cidi baanan karino Beerkiyo wadnaa iyo Bogga kaaga taalliyo Inuu yahay bir caashaqu Been baan u haystee Webigoo butaacoo Beeraha waraabshoo Dhulka baadku jiifoo Dhirta ubaxu buuxshoo Canabkii bislaadoo Badarkiyo galleydii Laga tuuray baalkoo Bulladiyo ciyaaraha Lagu waa bariistoo Beeluhu gu' joogaan Sow beri-samaadkii Beled Weyne maan tegin Dhanka bari magaalada Sow boqorad joogtoo Biyo dahab la moodoo Cilicdii haweenkiyo Bili loo dhameeyoo Timo boqonta joogoo Baal gorey la moodoo Baarkana casaankii Bidix midig is gaadhoo Bul-cad lagu xiddeeyoo Badh ku xeexanaysoo Barkanaysa qaaroo Huwanaysa baaloo Igu beertay lahashoon U buseelay maan baran Sow goor barqa ahoo Bishu ay siddeed tahay Aniga iyo Beer luli Isku maannu soo bixin Sow bariidadaydii Iyo bedashadeedii Buundada ciyaartee Beled Weyn ku taallee Biyo lulata guudkood Badhtankeeda maahayn Sow bixiso weeyee Ballan maanu dhiganoo Beeri joog imay odhan Sow bayd go'aygii Layguma bushaareyn "maantaa la baxayaa bulshadii imay odhan" Sow waa bastey oo Socod beegsan maayee Ina baaja caawoo I baxnaansha maan odhan Sow taliye baasoo Ba'anoo war-moogii Taydii ma beenayn Sow badiba kooxdii Goortay badheedhee Baabuurki fuulleen Anna baal kamaan korin Boholyow daraaddii Sow baraq nuglaantii Belo lagu ducaystiyo Baryo kumaan maqnaynoo "Biri may xumaatoo baadroolka daadshoo ka wadaa bukoodoo bogsan waayo" maan odhan Sow beriga waagiyo Barqo kulul dhexdoodii Geed baaxad weynoo Dherer iyo ballaadh-loo La yidhaahdo Baaroo Bilig dheer hirkiisii Ma bidhaan sanaynoo Bulxankiisa yeedhiyo Ma maqlaynin baaqii Sow baaxad soorii Iyo laba boglayntii Maan noqon bestey oo Bacadkii ma dheelliman Sow galab-baqoolkii Annagoo barwaaqiyo Meel baadle joognoo Tumanayna Beerrey Sow maan baraarugin Riyo beena weeyee Sow baalla daymii Baabuur lalaahyood Haad baalle mooddoo Fananaaya buur dheer Isma odhan ka boodoo Nafta sow ma biimayn Nin Banaadir joogoo Beled-Weyn la haystoo Waxaan ahay la baabee Sow baadi doonkii Weli baafi maan ihi Beled-Weyn Allahayow Ka dhig xiro badhaadheed Beerlula Allahayow Belaayada hareer mari Beled-Weyn Allahayow Ka dhig guri barwaaqeed Beerlula Allahayow Beryo samo ku noolee Beled-Weyn Allahayow Ka dhig beerta raaxada Beerlula Allahayow Ka barii wax yeellada.
Centurion;743861 wrote: I can envisage the political input of clan elders limited largely to an upper house in a future bicameral Somali political system -not unlike the 'House of Elders' of Somaliland- where they are responsible for ensuring legislation drafted is within religious and cultural norms and interests of the nation. Clan elders, and clan politics full stop - should have no place in government; the Somali consititution should stipulate clearly that clan politics within government establishments is unnaceptable and unconstitutional. In the Somali situation Clan is everything and everywhere, denial of it's existence is denial of the reality. The Somaliland constitution doesnt mention anywhere clan or clan formula's nor representation. But still the Guurti holds it to account that all clans are participating and represented. Having said that, I agree with you that clan should not be institutionalized nor mentioned antwhere, still you have to give it a place in society even if it where for the puspose of its sympolic value to many. if you dont, you risk clan politics dominating everything like back in the '60's. Je moet je ogen niet willen sluiten voor de realiteit, maar het lelijke van de realiteit proberen wel zover mogelijk weg te stoppen en een plaats te geven. Positive;685953 wrote: (This is the last important piece of this series) Proposals for solutions 1.Guiding principles. It is better to have guiding principles regardless of what solution type we choose; it is my opinion that it is paramount thus that the following guiding principles which are basic for our existence as a national state should not be diluted, changed or in any other way modified. The principles are: • Somalia is a state with its own flag, with its defined land, ocean and sea, and people. • Somalis are the people who inhabit Somalia and as people they alone have undisputed right to determine their fate. • Islam is the religion of the Somali State and Somali people. • The highest national body that has highest authority of the nation is its people, the Somali people, or their representatives who are elected through a lawful process. • Somalia is a country where human rights are respected, which lives in peace with itself, with its neighbors and world in general. 2.Outside interventions. Regardless of the intensity of foreign interference and invasions it is ultimately the responsibility of the Somali people to: • Find solution to their problems. • Look after their national interests. • Become united under adverse conditions. • Realize that no person or group of individuals can be subjugated against his or their will in extended period of time. We are all capable to notice that our main problem is not the presence of AMISOM or other foreign actors but it is the absence of national government which came to power on the mandate of the people. The formation of such a national government which has the mandate of the people should be first priority. 3.The leaders of the elites Our Islamic teaching and our country, Somalia, do not belong to any particular group or particular authority but rather their safeguarding is the responsibility of all and every one of us. Therefore the leaders of the elites ought as collective body: 1) Reaffirm that they are brothers and sisters of common faith, land and cultural heritage and hence unity of purpose and action is a requirement. 2) Work to re-establish a strong functioning national government which has the support of all the elites. 3) work together so that the wounds of the war could heal. 4. Solutions. In order to reach a peaceful resolution for the conflict the following three scenarios, and/ or others, can be explored. • An agreement between the warring factions facilitated and guided among others by traditional elders. This is preferable by far the best way to go in this stage. • New national reconciliation meeting of Nairobi style which should be held inside Somalia. This would not be a new approach but it is worth trying. Alternatively if the above suggestion would not work or could not work the TFG could choose to take a drastic step by considering transferring the power to Somaliland! The TFG before its mandate is finished could choose to hand the power over to Somaliland without preconditions. Although this solution is a radical one still it is worth to be contemplated with. If the legal groundwork could be done by the parliament in Mogadishu and power could be transferred to Somaliland it could force Somaliland to accept it. Such an action would immediately bring at least two major benefits; it would stop the dismembering of the country; and Somaliland would be compelled to whole heartedly contribute to bring peace to the South through every means in its disposal. It would also save the country from more foreign military occupations, death, destruction and all the ills of the war and stop further pouring of foreign jihadists to the country. The End. Positive, I agree with most of your analysis on the socio-cultural causes and roots of the conflict. However on the solution I doubt if its possible in the Somali case to re-establish a strong functioning national government without having the local, regional dialogue's and reconcialation and structures in place. You have analyzed that most of the 'power' or atleast the initiative is back with the 'tradtionalist' on local level. And without the participation of these local actors or their mandate you risk that any outcome of such a national reconcialation meeting or goverment is not carried nor has the popular support in the country. Which happened with most of the national reconcialation initiatives and goverments launched in the past twenty years. After the Burco Conference in 1991 and Borama in 1993, there were hundrends of local and regional reconcialation meetings in Somaliland. Sanaag and Erigavo alone had 17 traditional 'shir's' in the begin of the 90's between the diffrent clans living in the region, this made it possible that people live in peace and there is governance, in some parts even with the presence of both Puntland and Somaliland. I would recommend reading Mark Bradbury's book, who wrote extensively on bottem up peace building, with focus on Sanaag. http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/65039/mark-bradbury-ioan-lewis/becoming-somaliland So why not have first local, then regional reconcialation meetings before a national goverment is reinstated? In some places this is already happening, like with ASWJ held area's, Galmudug, there was meeting a month ago in Cadaado organised by Ximan iyo Xeeb, with more then 10 representives of "maamuls" or clan sections from Hiiraan, Shabble's and galgaduud.
inspirational post. thank you Chimera. Someone once said that dreams are the touchstones of our character. I think you must have an fascinating character there.
Somaliland vice president launches road constriction project
Carafaat replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
waa jaceyl. ha la yaabin -
The new constitution of Kenya is supposed to be implemented from january 2012. This would mean that Somali´s in NFD would get more rights to have their own provincial authority with a mandate on tax collection, budget allocation, choose their representatives and governors etc. Does anyone have more info on how the implemention is going. I have heard a while ago from reliable sources that Kenya´n goverment is planning some unrest in the NFD region so they can exclude the Somali region from their constitutional rights because of security and unrest. And then I read this news today about hugh explosio, many deads and wounded in Garissa. I really dont trust this and if indeed Al Shabaab is behind it. Those Kikuyu´s are far smarter then Tigrey´s. They know much better and have been doing it much longer, how to sabotage´s people´s rights. What do you guys think. Is Kenya behind these attacks in NFD region. http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Africa_22/Five_dead_in_New_Year_blast_in_Garissa.shtml
Che, I know. But the odds and public support are today on the side of TFG-Kenya-Ethiopia-AMISOM. Opposing them will make the people´s interest more marganalised and the conflict longer lasting. Dhinac uun aanu wada tageerno walaal, hadii kale waligeen dadkeenu ma sidaan uun ayee ku jiriyaan.
Akash, within the ´SNM´ clan there are many enemies who want to destroy all that what we have build up. This isnt a simple fight of Awdal vs SNM clan. Its one between an internal enemy and Somaliland. If Somaliland doesnt win against its domestic enemy, I am afraid for worse. Dont forget we are on the same side here.