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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Alpha Blondy;955419 wrote: i won't be posting on this thread until my baby comes back....... N*c*s baa tahay. Why insult the girl, specially if you like her. uuffff.
  2. Statement from Jubbaland State of Somalia [Press Release] Despite the IGAD Summit communique of the 22nd Extra-ordinary session on the situation in Somalia, Mogadishu is still provoking the Jubbaland Administration to catalyze insecurity, hostility and animosity among the clans, which will eventually result in the Jubbaland community give up in shielding Al-Shabaab from Jubbaland regions. This gives the impression that Mogadishu is willingly departing out its focus from AlShabab and other community healing process. It’s unfortunate that all the energy and resources of Mogadishu given by the international donors for the last 6 months are focused on contesting Jubbaland community achievements. It’s regrettable that Mogadishu is not observing the agreement reached in Addis Ababa, which its party to. Jubaland State Administration appeals IGAD and other peace loving International Community enforce Mogadishu to refrain from further inflaming the delicate situation until the political process is completed. The people of Jubbaland through their traditional and political leaders, decided to establish their Regional Federal State in accordance with the Provisional Federal constitution of Somalia. The decision to establish Jubbaland State was reached after years long all inclusive, transparent and democratic process, which was supported by IGAD. Therefore, under the circumstances, Jubaland State will ensure to safeguard its own security and the delicate process achieved through IGAD grand stabilization process and local community participation. We also urge speedy implementation of IGADs communique issued yesterday. The new Jubbaland Administration welcomes the IGAD’s proposal for peace and reconciliation dialogue among the Jubbaland State and Mogadishu facilitated by IGAD. However, such dialogue should take place in a neutral venue accepted to all the parties concern. The Jubbaland Administration urges the Mogadishu, IGAD, AU and the International Community to devote all efforts and energies to the war against Al-Shabaab terrorism in Somalia, instead of wasting time and resources on non-existence conflict in Jubbaland. Source: Jubaland State Press office: Mohamed Nasser +252-618836675 Jubbaland justified its founding on the support provided by IGAD. IGAD has now withdrawn its support to establish indepently regional states in Somalia and is aligning itself behind the Goverment of Somalia. Where does it leave the whole Jubbaland process now that it doesnt have the support of IGAD anymore?
  3. Mintid Farayar;955453 wrote: But the attempt to fan the 'potential' discord between the two communities is noted
  4. Wiil Cusub;955435 wrote: Why you didn't surprise one year or 2 years ago when the numbers where even higher than this one or you are Dameeri dhaan raacday Wixii Somalia laga soo sheego waa in SL laga sheegaa War isdaji oo bisinka qabso. This article was only recently published on Oodweynenews.
  5. Mintid Farayar;955422 wrote: It's interesting to look back on yesterday's happenings in order to gain a sense of perspective. Just last year, the same groups who so vehemently oppose Hassan Sheikh now, were the very same groups who catapulted him to power in order to prevent Sheikh Sharif from returning to Villa Somalia. I remember the impassioned speech by former PM Abdiweli, urging the voting MPs to cast their lot for the 'new blood' to give Somalia a chance! That old adage comes to mind: 'Be careful what you wish for.... You just might get it!' Mintid, what is even more incredible is that those who were ruling the Goverment yesterday(as PM/President), contesting for the Presidency, supported the constitution, are now more fond of Nairobi then Mogadishu.
  6. Wiil Cusub, one should not be so sensitive. An article posted here or an issue discussed here does not equal an attack on Somaliland for it wont hurt Somaliland in anyway. The reason why I posted this article is that I am suprised by the number of rape cases.
  7. Miyir;955379 wrote: I don't think Qoslaaye and gang have what it takes to bring united Somalia it will be better that way until we have a competent president and cabinet. President Hasan has done well so far. He might even go down in history as the man who has united Somalia.
  8. Safferz;955286 wrote: He's a jerk and the comment the admin deleted (without me having to report it) was insulting and unprovoked. I'm not here for that shit. Ka yari wuu edeb daran yahay. I suggest you ignore him, that will kill him.
  9. Kismayo, Ama dowlada Somalia ama Kenya ayaa ka talin doonta. Labadaa wa mid.
  10. xiinfaniin;955314 wrote: As of today no delegation was allowed in Kismayo . By all reports Mogadishu delegation is sleeping at the airport tonight. The condition is very simple : Recognize the Jubbaland admin or dont bother coming to Kismayo Refusing the entry of a goverment delegation on Somali soil, that is quite provocating. Madobe is playing with fire. War is not the answer. Yaa wax u sheega dadkaan durbaanka si tumiya.
  11. Ikraan Caraale & Abdifatah Yare
  12. Apophis;955231 wrote: ^I don't remember the Somali people inviting Uganda,Burundi, Djibouti or Ethiopia, do you? The Somali goverment invited these countries through their request to the African Union for peace keepers(AMISOM). Ethiopia was invited by the Somali goverment, both in 2006(under Abdullahi Yusuf) and recently(by Sheick Shariif) to help fight al shabaab in Bay and Hiiraan regions. Kenya was not invited by the Somali goverment!
  13. Haddaba, maxaa sababay in kufsigu sare u kaco magaalada Hargeysa, Maxaase is beddelay. Waxa aanu su'aashan waydiinnay Caasha Cabdi Rooble madaxa xarunta Baahi-koob: “Daba-gal badan kumaannaan samayn, balse waxa aanu isleennahay dhalinyaradii oo kooxo samaystay oo xaafad kasta waxa ka jira kooxo dhalinyaro ah oo isgaashaan-buuraysta oo waxa ay rabaan samaynaya. Ta labaad waxa kordhay soo gudbinta wararka ku saabsan kufsiga ka dib markii aanu wacyigelin badan samaynnay isla markaana aanu meelo kala duwan ku dhejinnay boodhadh, tabaro badanna la bixiyey ayay dadkii fahmeen inay adeeg heli karaan.” Ayay tidhi Caasha Cabdi Rooble. Waxay Caasha Cabdi sheegtay in inta badan uu kufisigu ka dhaco xaafadaha kala duwan ee magaalada gaar ahaan meelaha deggan yihiin dadka IDP-yada ahi amma xaafadaha ay ku badan yihiin dadka danyarta ahi, dadka kufsiga ku kacayaana ay isugu jiraan dad shakhsiyaad ah iyo kooxo dhalinyaro ah oo habeenkii hablaha meelaha waddooyinka ah ka qaata, iyadoo waalidka gaar ahaan hooyooyinka kula dardaarantay inay caruurtooda ilaashadaan oo aanay habeenkii dibadda u dirin . It seems that most cases are committed by groups of young men.
  14. The goverment is right. Kenyan troops were never invited by Somalias goverment and now they are contributing to destablizing relations between the Somali people. Therefor they must go!
  15. These numbers are quite shocking. I only imagine the real numbers are much higher and rape cases are mostly nor reported. So this is only the tip of the iceberg.
  16. War-bixin: 299 Kufsi Oo Hargeysa Ka Dhacay Labadii Sano Ee U Danbeeyey Falalka kufsiga ayaa sare u kacay magaalada Hargeysa iyadoo sannadkii 2012 iyo afartii bilood ee sannadkan horreeyey oo aanay bishan May ku jirin ay dhaceen 299 kufsi oo kala duwan. Xarunta Baahi-koob oo hoos tagta wasaaradda caafimaadka Somaliland kana shaqaysa wax-ka-qabashada iyo daba-galka falalka kufsiga, ayaa idaacadda Hirad u xaqiijiyey in sannadkii hore ee 2012-kii inay Hargeysa ka dhaceen 195 Kufsi oo 67 ka mid ahi ahaayeen hablo caruura oo da'doodu ka yarayd shan iyo toban jir iyo 19 wiil, halka afartii bilood ee sannadkan 2013-ka ay dhaceen 104 kufsi. Caasha Cabdi Rooble oo ah madaxa xarunta Baahikoob ayaa noo sheegtay in marba marka ka sii danbaysa ay falalka kufsigu kor u sii kacayaan, iyadoo tilmaantay in afartii bilood ee ugu danbeeyey sannadkii hore ay dhaceen 94 kufi, taasoo marka la barar-dhigo afarta 4-tii bilood ee sannadkan oo ay dhaceen 104 ay u dhaxayso 10 kufsi. Waxa kale oo ay Caasha Cabdi sheegtay in sannadkii hore guud ahaan kufsiyadii dhacay in 67 dacwado ay Maxkmadda galeen, halka ay maxkamaddu go'aan ka gaadhay 17, 24 kalena booliska dib loogu ceeliyey si ay baadhitaan qotodheer ugu sameeyaan. 28 kalena lagu xalliyey xeer-dhameed amma hab dhaqan. Waxaana ay Caashi sheegtay in inta badan falalka kufisiga dadka gaystaa ay baxsadaan. Marka la sii dhex galo xog-uruurinta iyo war-bixinaha ay Baahi-koob ka diyaariso falalka kufsiga waxa ku cad in sannadkii 2012kii gaar ahaan afartii bilood ee ugu danbeeyey ay kufsiyadani dhaceen; Sebtember 25 kufsi, October 22 kufsi, November 24 Kufsi iyo December oo ay dhaceen 23 Kufsi. Marka la barbar-dhigo afartii bilood ee sannadkan 2013-kan sida ay wax u kala dhaceen oo ah; January 27 kufsi, February 25 kufsi, March 28 kufsi iyo April oo ay dhaceen 24 kufsi. Bishan aynu ku jirno ee May weli war-bixinteedii lama soo saarin. Waxa idiin muuqanaysa in faraqu yahay 10 kufsi. Garyaqaan Cabdi Maxamuud oo ka mid garoorayaasha maxkamadda gobolka Hargeysa, ayaa noo sheegay in maxkamaddu afartii bilood ee sannadkan ay go'aan ka gaadhay 6 fal-danbiyeed oo kufsi ah, isla markaana ay jiraan dacwado kale oo maxkamaddu gacanta ku hayso. Haddaba, maxaa sababay in kufsigu sare u kaco magaalada Hargeysa, Maxaase is beddelay. Waxa aanu su'aashan waydiinnay Caasha Cabdi Rooble madaxa xarunta Baahi-koob: “Daba-gal badan kumaannaan samayn, balse waxa aanu isleennahay dhalinyaradii oo kooxo samaystay oo xaafad kasta waxa ka jira kooxo dhalinyaro ah oo isgaashaan-buuraysta oo waxa ay rabaan samaynaya. Ta labaad waxa kordhay soo gudbinta wararka ku saabsan kufsiga ka dib markii aanu wacyigelin badan samaynnay isla markaana aanu meelo kala duwan ku dhejinnay boodhadh, tabaro badanna la bixiyey ayay dadkii fahmeen inay adeeg heli karaan.” Ayay tidhi Caasha Cabdi Rooble. Dad badan oo Somaliland ku nool ayaa aaminsan haddii aad looga sheekeeyo dhibaatada kufsiga in lacag lagu raadinayo, balse sidaa xaqiiqadu way ka duwan tahay sida ay Caasha Cabdi sharxayso; “Dad badan ayaa dafirsan in dhibaatan kufsigu tahay waxa jira. Waxaana dadkaasi ku odhanayaan 'hay'ado ayaa lacag lagaga doonayaa, falalkani ma dhacaan oo magaalada (Hargeysa) kama dhacaan ee waa laa buun-buuninayaa.' markaa waxa aan bulshada odhan lahaa waa inay xaqiiqsadaan in waxani uu yahay dhib waddanka ka jirta inta aanay guryahooda ka dhicin oo qof kastaa ku baraarugo inta aanay gurigiisa ka dhicin.” Waxay Caasha Cabdi sheegtay in inta badan uu kufisigu ka dhaco xaafadaha kala duwan ee magaalada gaar ahaan meelaha deggan yihiin dadka IDP-yada ahi amma xaafadaha ay ku badan yihiin dadka danyarta ahi, dadka kufsiga ku kacayaana ay isugu jiraan dad shakhsiyaad ah iyo kooxo dhalinyaro ah oo habeenkii hablaha meelaha waddooyinka ah ka qaata, iyadoo waalidka gaar ahaan hooyooyinka kula dardaarantay inay caruurtooda ilaashadaan oo aanay habeenkii dibadda u dirin. Garyaqaan Cabdi Maxamuud Cali ayaa qiray in kufsigu ka mid yahay dembiyadda ciqaabta ah ee maxkmadu sida weyn ugu hawlan tahay, isagoo tilmaamay in falalka kufsiga lagaga adkaan karo sharciyadda oo lagu dhaqmo iyo in ciqaab la marsiiyo dadka ku kacaya. “Waxa kufsiga lagaga taqalusi karaa iyadoo lagu dhaqmo sharciga iyo qodobada ciqaabta ah ee qabanaya ciddii wax kufsata in lagu xukumo. Taasi waxay yaraynaysaa in falalka kufsiga ahi dib u soo noqnoqdaan. Tusaale ahaan todobankii kiis ee ugu danbeeyey haddii lagu xukumi lahaa xukunnada ciqaabta ah waxay yarayn lahayd dhalinyarada kale ee doonaysa inay wax kufsadaan. Laakiin haddii maalin kasta la yidhaahdo waxa lagu xallinayaa dhaqan, inankii yaraaa ee shalay wax kufsaday dee berrina wuu kufsanayaa oo waxa uu og yahay in la soo daynayo.” Ayuu yidhi Cabdinajiib. Ururada dagaalka kula jira kufsiga ku soo badanaya Hargeysa waxa ka mid ah guddida xuquuqalka Insaanka Somaliland oo bishii April ee saqnnadkan soo saaray baaq ka dhan ah Kufsiga, kaas oo ay ugu muhiimsanaayeen in dadka kufisga ku kacaya in la marsiiyo ciqaab adag si ay uga waantoobaan falalka tacaddiga ah ee ay kucayaan, iyo in madax-dhaqameedku faraha kala baxaan falalka kufisiga haddii ay maxkadda galaan, isla markaana maxkamadaha ku tixgeliyaan inay xukun adag saarto dadka wax kufsanaya. Dadka la kufsado aya xarunta Baahi-kood u fudisaa adeegyo ay ka mid yihiin baadhitaan caafimaad, talo siin, wada-shaqayn ay la sameeyaan CID-da, iyadoo sida ay Caasha Cabdi Rooble sheegtay dadka ku qanciya inay dhibtani tahay wax qof kasta ku dhici kara si ay dadka uga saaraan cuqdaddadii iyo tacaddigii ka soo gaadhay xilliggii kufsiga. Fal-danbiyeedka kufsiga oo meel halis ah maraya magaalada Hargeysa ayaa guddida xuquuqal iinsaanka qaranku waxay u aqoonsadeen inuu yahay AAFO QAARAN. Waxaana ay u soo jeediyeen bulshada reer Somaliland in dagaal culus lala galo dadka ku kacaya dhaqannada qarriban ee KUFSIGA. Walaw ay weli maqan tahay tirakoobka kufsiyada kale ee dalka intiisa kale ka dhaca. Ugu danbayntii xubnahani waxay maxkamadaha Somaliland ugu baaqeen in tallaabo adag oo ciqaab ah lagu qaado dadka kufsiga ku kacaya, oo ay sheegeen in dadka qaar imaan beeleen oo ciyaal iyo qof weyn aanay kala eegayn. Waxa kale oo ay bulshada ku booriyeen in aan laga aamusin la iskana indha tirin falalka kufsiga ee sii badanaya. Cabdishakuur Xaaji Muxumed Muuse (Heersare), Hargeysa Office
  17. Safferz;955170 wrote: Never, Alpha and I are finished :mad: Heading to a BBQ, enjoy your Sunday afternoon everyone. Abaayo, what has Alpha done to you? I am his cousin, any complaint about any of his indecent behaviors can be filled with me.
  18. Alpha Blondy;955204 wrote: ^ first base aka Al's 1st alter ego: that's exactly what i tell these fools everyday, inaadeero arafat. we've certainly got 'game' balse they'd rather do gardening and let the JJs slip by, ma garatey? anyways, i've been outvoted by these pathetic fools. one is a melancholic maniac depressive and the other calls himself a 'conscious social reconstructionist' and perhaps even more foolishly a 'cultural critic' .....what is there to critique in this desolate waste, baal ilaah baan kugu dhaarshe? ? i'm out y'all.... forever confined to the chambers, again LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL How many alter egos do you have? Which one of them has the degree in Niikotology?
  19. i like romantic dates, gardening, archiving historical documents, walks by the river and eating apples whilst reviewing an array of post-colonial bestsellers simultaneously. think of second base as a ''culture vulture'' working with a cultural reformist predisposition juxtaposed against a conscious social activist with a pragmatic predisposition... Alpha, you desperatly need a girlfriend. I can sure you, it will the end of your gardening hobby and the end of reading old books.
  20. This is just speculation. Or rather wishfull thinking from some folks in SL who opposed these talks.
  21. Che -Guevara;955071 wrote: Realistically, a Government with no revenue base and which is dependent on foreign armies can not exert itself beyond its immediate environs. There has always one consistent failure in every administration that came through Mogadishu from Abdiqasim to Hasan admins and that's their inability to build a proper functioning administration in Benadir that has solid tax base which can support local competent security force and knowledgeable bureaucracy. While not ignoring its larger obligation, I think the Government should invest its meager resources in securing Xamar on its own terms. Such thing would require starting reconciliation process among local tribes that have fought in the city, a commitment from them is important, establishing a solid tax base by taxing telecoms, money transfers, properties and sales taxes of businesses, I do believe the Government can gather enough resources locally to establish a functioning government in Benadir with its own forces and healthy bureaucracy backed by the local tribes, civic organizations and the religious establishment. Every nation needs a strong center. This Government needs to establish that strong center. A success in Xamar can be replicated in every town. Now obviously, there's the problem of establishing Federal States. I think the Government should own the process first having the Parliament establish the legal and technical framework to engage those entities that claim to represent regions and wants to establish states. The Constitution as it stands now is subject to interpretation. This must be rectified and the legal and technical committees that solely deal with regions should be established. Using a Xamar as benchmark, the Government can make reconciliation the bedrock of Federal States, in other words the folks in Juba should have been made to understand a transparent and inclusive reconciliation is the starting a point of the process to build the state. I think it was a mistake by the Government to simply say we oppose Juba admin without tasking those controlling the region to setup a process and without presenting its own process. The Government knew Juba was coming yet did nothing to own the process. In short, build the center with Somali resources and forces (we will never be independent as long as Ugandans guarding Villa Somalia), complete the Constitution and engage the periphery by tasking them to prepare transparent, inclusive reconciliation overseen by the Government and in line with the Constitution, and let the Parliament take the lead on the technical and legal issues in regards to setting up Federal States, let the Government focus on establishing State Institutions (once Xamar has proper admin with local resources and force) and let the president be the guide to reconcile this troubled nation. Che the Federal Goverment is repsonsible for the entire Somalia and is the goverment for all Somalis. It's responsible for Kismayo, Baidoa, Beletweyn, etc as much as it is for Banadir region. Your solution for the Federal goverment to solely focus on Xamar, would defacto make it a regional state. And that is not what they were assigned to do.
  22. Somalia;954918 wrote: Secondly, the party system has failed in Somalia, we had it in the 1960s, and people created parties for political endeavours like it was a stall in a market. In Somaliland today, there was a supposed constitutional limit of the number of parties yet many are forming today based on clan lines, disgruntled that they may not get their piece among the main, just like SYL days. Thats because the number of parties was not limited. Many countries like Turkey, Germany have a minimum threshold(Germany 5 and Turkey 10% of the votes). Somaliland has opted for a system limited the number of parties, to the three biggest parties elected in the local councils(Puntland is planning to do the same). This should neutralize the errors of the 60's where the number of parties was unlimited and this leading to more polarization.
  23. IV. Findings and recommendations Based on the summit communiqué of 3rd May 2013 and particularly on the five principles enumerated there in, the Ambassadorial team conducted its fact finding and confidence building mission, made observations and came up with the following recommendations: The Federal Government and Parliament of Somalia to expedite enactment of the necessary laws that govern the establishment of regional administration. Recognizing the fragility of the situation in Kismayo, the Federal Government should timely convene and lead reconciliation conference with support of IGAD while consulting key Stakeholders in Kismayo. Meanwhile the mission calls upon the stakeholders in Kismayo to go to Mogadishu and dialogue with the Federal Government regarding the interim regional administration. The IGAD Ambassadorial team proposes that the Federal Government of Somalia takes the lead role in the formation of regional administrations including Juba regions. Noting that the Federal Government and other actors have expressed willingness in IGAD role to facilitate the process, IGAD and the Federal Government should be more proactive. In this regard, IGAD to expedite support to the Federal Government in its priorities including the formation of regional Administration; Calling on IGAD secretariat to provide technical support to the federal government as and when requested; Calls upon the Federal Government of Somalia to provide immediate security and logistical support to the regions; Calls upon the Federal government of Somalia to immediately integrate the various militia forces into a unified national command of Somali National Army and logistically provide force sustainability; The AMISOM Sector II should be provided with a political support unit to help in dealing with the political aspect of the disputes in Kismayo and to facilitate cooperation and coordination between the sector and the Federal Government. Mintid, IGAD's recommendations offer concrete steps to get out of the current deadlock. This includes the coordination between the AMISOM troops in Kismayo and the Federal Goverment. Kenya does not have real manouvering space if it follows the recent IGAD recommendations/communique. Any other move by Kenya could be considered as sabotage of the IGAD facilitated process.