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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. No need for all this chearing and drum beating. -First of all, it where 300 Buhoodle soldiers who registered and joined SL army last months, who entered the city. Nothing to do with "SNM", for they never entered the city since 1991 clan fights. -Second of all, for sure Somaliland goverment will talk with SSC leadership and give in to their demans and the demand of the people. There will be a compromise. The question is on what will Somaliland compromise? Cause military power doesnt bring political satisfaction nor make More content.
  2. Mintid Farayar;774632 wrote: Obviously, I've touched a nerve.... Calm yourself, it's not that serious... Learn to harness that fragile ego. Dont worry, no ego is damaged. Just little dissapointed in our lack of knowledge and understanding In Somalia and what is going on there. And some of the narrow vieuws still held.
  3. Chimera;774427 wrote: Oodweyne, The political landscape of Somalia might be fluid, but that is no different from the fluidness of weekly weather. Your dismissal of my well researched arguments is tantamount to dismissing the predictions of a weatherman because, he too, is relying on "linear suppositions" that have not happened yet. Nobody here has a crystal ball, so examining and analysing the past and the present and then superimposing it on the future is the common technique employed by political and economic analysts. My arguments: - There will come a Mogadishu government - within the next five years - that will re-establish stability across the South, one that is more politically savvy than the erstwhile Islamic Courts, and hence, it will consolidate stability and international good-faith to its advantage. The Somalis of Somaliland and the Somalis of the South are genetically identical, there is a clear universal Somali cultural world be it; language, customs, traditions, morals and faith that cross all cities, towns and villages in the peninsula dominated by the Somali people. I absolutely refuse to believe that what our people managed to erect in the Northwest, or the Northeast can't be achieved in the South. The likes of Hawa Abdi and Farmaajo are evidence that there are plenty of Somalis willing to fight for a good cause, even after all the mess the South went through, most people would have given up, yet the people are more motivated than ever, be it on the ground or in the diaspora. - Economically, Somalia is well set to be a regional & continental player, it has everything it needs to succeed, and one of the liveliest private-sectors in the region that will be carefully nurtured and protected. Their links with the regional economies will be strengthened as the entrepreneurs currently active there return to Somalia to invest there. Today, multiple initiatives are being undertaken to revive a strong Somali agricultural industry. Exports to the middle-east are already set to rise, the return of "big money" crops like Bananas will add to that boom. The reconstruction period will also spur the economy into double digit growth. It's not mere wishful thinking that Somalia will be a major economic player in the region, its children are already laying the foundation. - Militarily, the Mogadishu government will be in control of a 20 000 man army with a relatively small airforce and proportionate navy that is currently being trained and constructed. This I conceed for the influence of the donor powers will still be to strong for that government to stage Neo-Somali Militarism, much the same way Japan and Germany remain castrated, but in Somalia's case this will only last for as long as their aid and assistance is relevant. The moment the Mogadishu government is expanding its budget to billion plus figures in the form of airport and seaport revenues, farm and livestock revenues, and businesses' revenues, not to mention the donations of wealthy Arab countries, the influence of the western donor powers becomes less, and hence the Mogadishu government has room to employ an independent policy, and do its "dastardly deed" against Somaliland much the same way the current Bashir regime of Sudan cares little about the western cries regarding Darfur. May I remind you that at independence, the western donor powers sought to restrict Somali Militarism by only agreeing to a minuscule hardware package, which the Somali government at the time rejected, despite the state still being in its infancy, and having ties with their economies. Yet we both know at the eve of Kenya's independence the Somali Republic cut all ties with Britain for its refusal to acknowledge the NFD referendum. To think a Mogadishu government that is standing on its own two feet(not an "if" but a "when") will be deterred by the protestations of "friends" of Somaliland in its bid to establish its jurisdiction over all its territories is fantasy. I already showed multiple historical precedents where this didn't happen. You doubt the monetary pots that are ready for the future Mogadishu government, but several episodes in the past and present where the Mogadishu government opened multiple pots and put both hands in them, contradict your doubts, be it the Somali military re-arming completely with American hardware worth half a billion dollars through Iran and Saudi Arabia, the loans that build the extensive network of roads and highways still existent across the country,( including Somaliland) or even the recent episode when corrupt individuals stole more than 300 million dollars in the 2008-2009 period. That was six times Somaliland's budget at the time. Let's be honest the kind of money in circulation in Mogadishu, and the potential money that is still accessible through various international development banks are of a kind that Somaliland can never access nor will ever enjoy in its unrecognised status. The corrupt PM Gedi is said to have stolen 30 million under his term, and none of the donor powers really gave a damn, what makes you think that they will care when a future Mogadishu government makes 30 million disappear only for it to return in the form of 50 tanks in the hands of whatever disgruntled movement that is in opposition of Somaliland's quest to secede? Could Somaliland take 30 million of its budget to arm in kind? I doubt it, and if so, for how long? You're looking at the current useless crop of failed politicians and believe that is what you will have contend with for the coming decades, but that is a very myopic look at the situation. The landscape has changed, new players have entered the scene, and the corrupt ones are devising and inventing one new loophole after another to extend their corruption, but they are running sprints while the people and the good politicians are running a marathon, and will outlast them in the end. That's when you will witness the Somali political character that could entice a distant superpower to sign the only friendship agreement with a country on the African continent. You will witness the Somali political character that rallied sympathy on the political arena for the likes of ANC-South Africa, Zambia, Mozambique, Djibouti, Eritrea and Palestine, and generated massive support for their independence, security and struggles. You will witness the Somali political character that played one superpower off against the other for national interests. You will witness the Somali political character that could convince an exclusive organisation based on a non-Somali ethnicity to invite it as a member. You will witness the Somali political character of stepping down after defeat in a democratic election. This Somali political would mobilise all of its resources to secure its legitimacy, and one of the marks of a legitimate country is one that controls all its borders. While Somaliland might enjoy the same political characteristics, it lacks one thing, and that is recognised status, a massive disadventage. Oodweyne, you believe its unfair that I'm giving the future Mogadishu government more resources and allies than Somaliland, but that is because I think you're in denial of history, and believe the international community will look at a recognised government the same way they look at an administration of a unilateral breakaway state that is unrecognised, and whose territory is claimed by the recognised administration. I can't add more to this specific post, for I have said what I originally wanted to say in the previous post, this one was just for clarification. I do not see a reason to continue - as is traditional in the politics section - because I can't force someone to agree with my points, nor do I have an interest to employ the usual name calling and ad hominems that are galore in this section of SOL based on emotions such as pride, or wanting the "last word" so its best to agree to disagree, and hope the future turns out a lot better for the Somali world than the current situation, or my predictions. IGood points. Could name dozens more argument why it would be also beneficial for Somaliland to engage diplomaticly with Smalia's goverment. Even if it is with the current TFG, the sympolic and diplomatic value should not be underestimated. Even public diplomacy could be considered, if serieuz talks is considered to "risky" for Somalilands case.
  4. MMA, waa lagugu so dhawenaa Amsterdam.
  5. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;774146 wrote: Jaahil iyo badow ayaa in the year of 2012 wali ku gambado reer reer iyo laf laf iyo jilib jilib iyo qolo qolo. Adigoon ka bixin ama sheeganeynin, qabiil still waa laga maarmaa, siiba haddaa ku nooshahay Galbeedka. Badow lee waligiis qabiil iyo qabyaalad ku dhex jiro because he thinks it makes him wuxuunan ahayn. To a qabiiliste, awoowgey ayaa boqol geel lahaa iyo ilma'adeeradeyda ayaa daara leh iyo waxaas isku mashquuliyaa asagoo afleerinaayo waxbana heynin oo jaad ruugaayo, ilkahiina ka daadsan. Wax laga gudbay maanta dhan isku mashquuliyaa. MMA, you have a point there. Clan has no use in when being abroad. But how about when I return to Somalia and someone in Somaliland "represents" and speaks on behalf of me, because of clan lineage. And folks like Dalabeey demand that I leave Somalia and go back to my "people". That is what you call a dilema!
  6. The Zack;774192 wrote: Of course it can happen. I have done it myself couple of times. The main reason was the qaaraan was too high. They ask for $100 a month, I joined another qabiil that accepts $20 as their qaaraan. Zack, I dont mind the emotional, financial and social extortion of my clan. But the political extortion and dictation is something I have a problem with.
  7. Folks like Xaji Xunjuf, Mintid Fareyare and Abokor Omar want to dictate their Duriyad politics on me, and when I dont share it they start doubt my clan lineage. markaa waxaan isleeyahay raggan uga bax Duriyada oo dantada qabso. Cause I will never support any Duriyad or Suberiyad politics.
  8. RedSea;774339 wrote: Western Puntland state within Puntland state of Somalia. So this makes Galkacayo the first city in history to house three regional adminstrations which are PSS, WPS, and GSS. Interesting. I predict that soon Galkacyo will get one united admin not based on clan, but on the interest of the Galkacyo folks. inshallah. Folks like General Duke should come and sit around with their Galkayco brothers, rather then praying in the direction of Garowe.
  9. I hear Abdikariim( former TFG) will candidate himself for the Presidency of SSC and is competing with Galeyr/Ali Ciise Cabdi. so Galeyr is actually campaigning.
  10. Political theater performed by Galeyr and Siilanyo for the public. love it.
  11. Abdul;774179 wrote: Carafat,do you want to leave your clan and if so,why?? Cause I was born in Somalia, have more similarities, commonalities and understanding with folks in Somalia rathern then those in SL and I dont always share the widely held political vieuws in SL.
  12. Maaddeey;774092 wrote: Carafaat, after leaving your clan, which clan you'll say you are from?, you know you'll be asked!. I am serieusly considering leaving Dhirta Waqooyie and joining Dhirta Koofurta, for they are truly rightous and beautyfull with whom I share more value's, feel more connection and excitement then with those naked tree's I currently belong too, Tree near Jamaame
  13. Mintid Farayar;773900 wrote: Chimera, My points were simply to correct a few factual errors you made while presenting your optimistic outlook on the Somali future. However, eventually you'll come to the sobering reality that the pressing enemy most Somalis have is not Ethiopia or Kenya, but rather their fellow Somalis. But most of us are shielded from that reality by the sheltered life of living outside. You proposed initially a non-aggression pact between the different Somali stakeholders but if the history of the last 30 years is anything to go by, Somali pacts signed by Somali stakeholders (with the glaring exception of Somaliland) are usually broken before the ink was dry. As for Carafaat, I lost you a long time ago when you waxed on about universal world peace, global socialism alliance, and sitting around European campfires discussing how to unite the malcontented of the globe. ... Mintid, I rather seek dialogue and commonalities on those issue's that Unite us. And I know your kind, who always look for the diffrences even on microscopical scale and promise health by prescriping folks with cyanide capsules.
  14. Samafal;774319 wrote: ^waxaad sheegtay waa wax macquul ah laakiin ducadauyda waxaa kujiray Khayraysan oo soomaali u faaiideeya! oK let me change the wording: "Waxaa tiraahda haday khayr u tahay Allow u sahal haday shar tahayna allow ka jooji" on a side question, wouldn't you wish Somaliland to find oil to boost its recognition quest? Samafal, I can pray to that. Wixii kheyr ku jiro Ilaahay ha u sahlo. And No, I would never pray for OIL in Somaliland as long ots governance is based on Habro's rather then justice and equality. Cause I dont want Habro's fighting eachtoher for OI rather sharing based on brotherhood.
  15. Samafal;773972 wrote: Carafaat can you heed request made by Peace Action and make Dua for thr exploration to succeed? OK let's heear it! "Ama aniga iga daba dheh: Ilaahow betrol nooga soo saar dhulkaas Soomaaliyeed si dadka soomaaliyeed ay uga faa'iidaystaan, mid khayraysan Allow Ka dhig" Say it after me, dont be mean yaah NO, I will make no duca for OIL. I will make duca for cafimaad, nabada iyo kheyrka umada Puntland. Ma jar ayaan umada kasii ridnaa? Puntlands problem is lack of good governance and not lack of money. The money in the world wont by you peace good governance and riightous leaders, only attrack more fortune seekers of Faroole and Ilma Boqor's kind ruining. And destroying the peace from Galgala to Maribaan, to Bossaso. Look what is happening in Nigeria, with dialy mass demonstrations and 800 killed when new President was elected, Congo with the millions hands chopped off for decades, Angola's decades war killing hundred thousands. If we should learn one thing from our own recent history is that we need to create a genuine system of governance andd justice equal for all and not more foreign funds and weapons.
  17. Scottish Independence: Salmond Offers To Hold Talks With Westminster Alex Salmond has offered to hold talks with David Cameron and Nick Clegg, after a week of animosity between Westminster and Holyrood. Salmond said he was willing to meet the prime minister “in Edinburgh, in London or wherever”. The SNP leader made the approach in Dublin where he is attending a summit of the British-Irish council with Nick Clegg. Clegg's spokesperson welcomed the move, telling the press association: "If this means that Alex Salmond is saying he is going to engage constructively and join the conversation, then we welcome that." However the spokesperson added that Scottish Secretary Michael Moore had already invited Salmond to talks with the government. On Friday morning Salmond struck a less conciliatory tone, comparing Scotland with Ireland and hitting out at "Westminster politicians": "I am sure many people in Ireland will remember that sometimes people who are in leadership positions in big countries find it very difficult not to bully small countries. What we have seen over the last week is a most extraordinary attempt to bully and intimidate Scotland by Westminster politicians," he told Irish broadcaster RTE. Salmond added that Clegg, Cameron and Osborne would no longer be "dictating terms to Scotland." It comes the day after George Osborne suggested an independent Scotland would not be able to keep the pound as its currency, as he spoke of "taking the fight" to the SNP. Relations between Westminster and Scotland have reached the level where Northern Ireland's Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness joked that he could facilitate peace talks between the British and Scottish leaders. He said: "(First Minister) Peter Robinson and I have a castle in Belfast and I'm sure we will be prepared to make it available for peace discussions between the British Government and Scotland."
  19. Carafaat

    How long

    Garnaqsi;773825 wrote: For as long as they don't serve bacon in Somalia. They banned Hallal meat in Holland. because of animal rights. lool whats there to say.
  20. I am now in Amsterdam. But I dont think u here.
  21. In Holland they say, if you wanna learn how to ride bike, you better learn it on an old bicycle. So kid, go get your self an old one.
  22. Not again Duke. how many times will you repeat this nonsense, nobody will belief this time. You told years back that it would start. still hasnt. P.S. Or have you been hired as the PR spin docter?
  23. General Duke;773872 wrote: Carafat will vanish when the Oil is found. He reach for a connection to Puntland a lost grandmother and a cousin next door. Vanish will the the price of Red Emperor stocks. dont need to reach, already found my long lost half brothers from Bosasso already back in 2008. :-) you were there, remember
  24. how much cake will I get for the amount of love I show? if you feel me.