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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. -Abdi Ileey threatening with war Ma aqbali doono cid walba oo idin hor is taagta waana ka soo horjeednaa dadka qaswadayaasha ah ee qaarkood ay Kismaayo idinla joogan lkn anaga waxaa naga go,an in aan dhiiganaga u hurno, sidii juba-land ay cagaheeda isugu taagi lahayd, -Faroole complaining to western diplomats about Jubbaland. Discussions with the U.S., the E.U, and the A.U. covered a range of topics about Puntland and Somalia more generally, including security issues, the Federal Constitution and formation of Federated States such as Jubaland State, -As I already said the members of Parliament have different options and instruments to correct the executive. But to do that you will need a majority in Parliament. Minority of Parliamentarians cant dictate the affairs of the State. -Nobody will sing or blindly support President Hassan Sheick, cause he is not a dictator, warlord or extremist terrorist. Like the politician our Mucktar above supports. -Clearly there is an issue in Kismayo the government needs to resolve. I belief they are working hard to do so, see the recent support of IGAD. But that is not a reason to call for a coupe d'etat or impeachment of the President, like you have called for less then 2 months after his election. -We shall await your evidence to back up your claims regarding USC memberships.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;957718 wrote: lol@ilma bila meher = b@stard child is he saying jubbaland Kenya xaraan ku dhashay:D XX, so the father is Kikuye?
  3. The majority in Parliament that has elected the President, can also correct the Executive when they have a different interpretation on particular constitutional articles. This can be done through a passing a motion correcting the Executive's position, a constitutional review, constitutional amendments or even a vote of no confidence against the Executive. But threatening with a war, conspiring with arch enemies Ethiopian and Kenyan government and complaining with the western diplomats about the positions of the government, is not the correct course of action.
  4. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was elected less then a year ago, on the 10th of september 2012, as the President of Somalia. Becoming the first civilized leader who has become the President of Somalia, since Abdirashiid Ali Sharmarke(AUN). What makes Hassan Sheick a civilized leader? Contrary to some of his predecessors Hasan Sheick did not come to power through the gun. Contrary to many other leaders he was not a member nor did he lead one of the many clan militia or religious fundamentalist factions that destabilized the country for nearly 30 years. So far Hassan Sheick has not insulted, called names, threatened, killed, bombed, waged war or mass murdered any Somali clan. Nor has he been accused by anyone of these crimes. So far Hasan Sheick did not imprison, kill or wage a war against any of his political opponents. He did not insult, dismiss or engage in a disagreement with his Prime-Minister in public nor through the media. He was not brought to power by Somalia's arch enemies Kenya and Ethiopia, nor did he conspire with these countries before he was elected against the Somali nation. His opponents criticized him from day one, calling for his impeachment without backing up their accusations with concrete facts or arguments for wrong doings. The same opponents who see Hasan Sheick as a failed leader and the biggest obstacle to peace and call for his impeachment, have other exemplary leadership role models with the right kind of civilized principles and philosophies Somalis are clannish people and its quite typical for clannish folks to favor one (despite any faults) and oppose another(irrespective of any fault). And clearly President Hasan Sheicks only fault here seems to be that he belongs to a clan, something we are all guilty of.
  5. Bitte Hör Nicht Auf Zu Träumen Bitte hör nicht auf zu träumen, von einer besseren Welt. Fangen wir an aufzuräumen, bau sie auf wie sie *** gefällt. Du bist die Zukunft, du bist dein glück. du träumst uns in die höchsten Höhen, und sicher auf den Boden zurück. Und ich bin für dich da, du für mich. Seit deiner ersten Stunde glaube ich an dich. Please dont stop dreaming Of a better world Lets start cleaning build it how you would want it You are the future you are your happiness you dream to the highest heights and safely returned to the ground And I'm here for you you for me Since your first hour I believe in you. Alpha, this one is for you.
  6. AU urged Mogadishu to “timely convene and lead a reconciliation conference” to chart out a way to set up an interim administration in regions recently liberated by Kenyan and allied forces. Friday’s decision was reached after the AU received a report from a confidence building team it sent to Mogadishu and Kismayu last week to sound out the various stakeholders on Jubaland state formation. The Kenyans have adjusted their position in alignment with the recent positions of IGAD for the central goverment to set-up interim administration throughout Somalia, including Jubbaland.
  7. Oodweyne;957123 wrote: Baashi , I beg to differ with you in here, Saaxiib. And by that I mean, granted the talk of Farole may be that Hassan Sheikh must walk the walk about Federalism; and for good measure he (Farole) will even say that the only way that talk from Hassan Sheikh will be credible will be if he accept the current Jubbaland as it stand today. But, this is essentially the "first objective" , or if you like it's a way in which one's political ducks can be put into a row for the eventual and the ultimate objective. And that ultimate objective is to have all the "ingredient" in which a "confederate state" for the "Tolka" comprising Jubbaland and Puntland, can be build, eventually, if for any reason the folks who call the shot in Mogadishu gets to be greedy with the power they have at the center of the nation. Hence the "primary objective" of Farole and Madobe is to have a federal state in jubbaland and have that state signed off by Mugadishu, legally. And once that is done, then wait and see if the "ultimate objective" will be warranted, so that means make sure you have the "means" and "wherewithal" to create a "Confederate state" if the such necessity becomes pressing for the "Tolka". Consequently, all this talks about Hassan Sheikh not playing fair with Jubbaland issue may or may not be correct on the face of it. But the larger point is that it's really irrelevant to what those who making this accusation are "angling" for as their "final objective" in this drama. In a sense, this red-herring agenda about Jubbaland is essentially, what the British lawyers call a "God-send justification" to a larger mitigation plea you want to make before dubiously-looking judge. Oodweyne, Excellent analysis there. Baashi wants us to belief that Faroole is merely defending the self-determination of Jubbaland folks. While we all know Faroole's game plan has always been about the control for power in Somalia and with Jubbaland, pirates will hold a significant leverage in a confederate Somalia. Hence why they opposed Azania/Jubbaland when they were holding the PM seat and were in the center of power(till 2012) and have embraced Jubbaland since they lost the PM post and consider these days Jubbaland as a God-send justification, to realize their ulterior dream.
  8. Mintid Farayar;957165 wrote: If Hassan Sheikh attends the G8 Summit this year, some SOL members might commit suicide Hasan Sheick is on fire.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;956670 wrote: Xiinfaniin this is just low even for you what makes you think hassan sheikh wants to stop balaashlayasha Kismayo makes no sense. You can accuse the president of many things. But not that he wants to stop balaashlayaals.
  10. nuune;956964 wrote: woow, tha last picture, Gaas & Ugaas, the two qualified guys who did more to revive Somalia's position on world stage. Do I see Faroole is doing what President Hassan should be doing(in the first two pictures), Faroole bahasha qumaati buu u dheelayaa . Nuune, please do tell us. what is it exactly that Faroole is doing and President Hassan Sheick should be doing?
  11. Its a good step. Although it will be difficult for Somalia to actually make use of these preferences. First you need to have a productive sector able to export, second you need trade specialist to make sure products qualify under all the different quality and health standards.
  12. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;956526 wrote: The true 'secessionists' maanta ayaa la arkaa. Dadkii hoosguntidii dhigtay bilaa xishood, dalkiina rabo inay kala gooyaan, shisheeyana u adeego. Not surprised, though. Xishoodka looma dhasho, waa dhaqan.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;956948 wrote: Carafaat faroole is in bed with the enemies of Somalia. Xaaji, this was always the case. Except this time there is no Sheick Shariif and Shariif Hassan to join him.
  14. Faroole, Ethiopia and Kenya share the same vision of how Somalias state structure should look like.
  15. Organized by: Hanvard Africa Fully Endorsed By: The Republic of Somaliland Ministry of Commerce, Industry of the Federal Republic of Somalia.
  16. xiinfaniin;956123 wrote: ^^dhuusadii maa bilaabatay IGAD does exist. But Kisamyo disagreement is between Jubbaland and Mogadishu government. If you have a problem with that , we understand for you have a problem with Kismayo clans No one is complaining about IGAD, so why talk about IGAD awoowe ? J UBBALAND STATE OF SOMALI PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Statement from Jubbaland State of Somalia Despite the IGAD Summit communique of the 22nd Extra-ordinary session on the situation in Somalia, Mogadishu is still provoking the Jubbaland Administration to catalyze insecurity, hostility and animosity among the clans, which will eventually result in the Jubbaland community give up in shielding Al-Shabab from Jubbaland regions. This gives the impression that Mogadishu is willingly departing out its focus from Al-Shabab and other community healing process. It’s unfortunate that all the energy and resources of Mogadishu given by the international donors for the last 6 months are focused on contesting Jubbaland community achievements. It’s regrettable that Mogadishu is not observing the agreement reached in Addis Ababa, which its party to. Jubaland State Administration appeals IGAD and other peace loving International Community enforce Mogadishu to refrain from further inflaming the delicate situation until the political process is completed. The people of Jubbaland through their traditional and political leaders, decided to establish their Regional Federal State in accordance with the Provisional Federal constitution of Somalia. The decision to establish Jubbaland State was reached after years long all inclusive, transparent and democratic process, which was supported by IGAD . Owing to this, Jubbaland Administration declares that there is no vacuum in administration set up in the regions. Therefore, under the circumstances, Jubaland State will ensure to safeguard its own security and the delicate process achieved through IGAD grand stabilization process and local community participation. We also urge speedy implementation of IGAD s communique issued yesterday. As indicated in the IGAD communique, Jubbaland Administration welcomes the proposal for peace and reconciliation dialogue among the Jubbaland State and Mogadishu through IGAD facilitation. However, such dialogue should take place in a neutral venue accepted to all the parties concern. The Jubbaland Administration urges the Mogadishu, IGAD, AU and the International Community to devote all efforts and energies to the war against Al-Shabab terrorism in Somalia, instead of wasting time and resources on non-existence conflict in Jubbaland. Mohamed Nasser Awoowo, waad si asaasaqday. Jubbaland is talking about IGAD. More then 8 times to be exact. There, I have highlited it for you, just in case.
  17. xiinfaniin;956117 wrote: This is not about IGAD, it is a political disagreement between Jubbaland federal state and Somali federal government. xiinfaniin;937456 wrote: Another update from Kismayo: Reports are coming in that an IGAD delegation visited the venue of the Conference today as a gesture of support Not long ago you were justiying Jubbaland because of IGADs support. Today when IGAD supports the goverment to build regional admins, you are stating its no business for IGAD.
  18. Abtigiis;955914 wrote: As some Somali MPs opposed to Kenya's role in Jubbaland mull tabling a motion for the replacement of Kenyan Defense Forces, Kenya is said to have put in place a nasty but potentially effective plan to deal with recalcitrant members of the Somali Parliament. It has listed the names of 14 top Somali officials - potentially including President Hassan himself, the PM, Faarax Abdulqadir and many senior officials - who will be deemed "enemies of Kenya" and will be barred from entering Kenya. So what, you may ask?! Well, these men's children and wives are in Nairobi!!! They can move the families but how many are willing to do that?! I think angering these Bantu republic is bad because they can play Xero-xun politics, xagga xaafada ayey dadka ka soo galayaan saqajaamintan! But surely, this should wake up the fools who think Somalia can engage in diplomatic war with Kenya right now! Please let us not be hotheaded fools. Let us strategize! President Hassan should take a more conciliatory approach, starting with his communication to Sheikh Madoobe. H may not like him but he cannot ignore him right now! The bulldozer politics the President was playing until now is not going to work. A bit of realism helps. Reminds me of the scare tactics the Kikuyu Police use in Kenya. This wont scare our politicians? these men defy Al Shabaab bomb attacks on daily basis, some little threats from Kikuyu wont scare them.
  19. xiinfaniin;956056 wrote: ^^LOL Waa ciyaar waxani nimanyahow ee naga daaya. This is a confidence building exercise between Mogadishu and Hargeysa Even in a thread about Somali Reconstruction and Investment they manage to turn in to a thread to fuel bitterness about Jubbaland.
  20. Faroole, faces fierce opposition at home. He is gambling that this federalism(more power for Puntland in Somalia) will save his political future. He has no other choice, then to gamble.
  21. Within a week, the secret review committee had convened another meeting, in Nairobi, to further edit and revise the Draft Constitution. The new committee worked for about two weeks on the document and completed its revisions in the middle of June 2012. Signatories were then called to sign the final draft of the constitution on June 22, 2012. What is mind-boggling is that the signatories were not only playing games with the public; they were also playing games with each other. President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed came to the Nairobi meeting with the document that was revised in Addis Ababa arguing that it was the genuinely negotiated version. Yet Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali and other signatories contradicted him saying that the last version is the one that the committee completed in Nairobi. The President complained that his office was not informed about the Nairobi meeting. UNPOS and several Western diplomats intervened and pressured all of them to sign the document. On June 22, 2012, the seven signatories signed their own draft constitution and four protocols that deal with a number of issues including the creation of a National Constituent Assembly (NCA) in Nairobi. UNPOS first shared the Somali-language version of the signatories’ draft constitution and the protocols with the public on June 25, 2012.[14] As such, for the remainder of this article, ‘Draft Constitution’ means the signatories’ final draft completed and signed in Nairobi. Implications of the Hasty and Secretive Drafting Process UNPOS and a narrow group of unrepresentative politicians have controlled the drafting process of the Somali constitution since April 2012. Given the time they had (from late April to June 22, 2012) they negotiated the articles in the constitution secretly and wrote the document hastily. Three implications result from the manipulation of the seven signatories. First, the hasty and secretive drafting process has permanently damaged the legitimacy of the outcome (the draft constitution). Both committees of the IFCC and the CoE have publicly distanced themselves from the signatories-driven process. The leaders of the IFCC and CoE met with civil society members and religious groups in Mogadishu and explained to them the differences between the draft that the two committees had produced and the draft that the signatories had signed. The two committees produced a matrix that identified more than seventy articles that had either been deleted from the original document or differed. They highlighted several articles that relate to the role of Islam, boundaries of the country, electoral systems, design of the second chamber, and Mogadishu as a capital for Somalia. The signatories could not explain or defend their actions well. It seems Culusoow is not blame for this confusing and secretive process. It were the signatories playing games with the public and now Faroole is complaining about a process he was part of.
  22. Timeline of the Somali Constitutional Process: 2004-2012 August 2004 Transitional Federal Charter adopted September 2004 Transitional Federal Government (TFG) established under Puntland’s President, Abdullahi Yussuf. June 2006 Independent Federal Constitution Commission (IFCC) established to work on a new (federal) Constitution. June 2008 Moderate wing of the former Islamic Court Union included in TFG and 275 new Members of Transitional Federal Parliament sworn in. January 2009 Sheikh Sharif (former Chairman of the Islamic Court Union) elected as new TFG President. January 2010 Fifteen new commissioners of IFCC were sworn into office. July 2010 Consultative Draft Constitution (CDC) presented by IFCC and public consultation process commenced. September 2011 Roadmap to End the Transition adopted by the Somali Roadmap Signatories, i.e.: TFG President, TFG Prime Minister, Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament, President of Puntland, President of Galmudug, Chairman of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaa, along with the SRSG Augustine Mahiga. November 2011 Committee of Experts (CoE) established by the Roadmap Signatories in order to complement the work of the IFCC. December 2011 Garowe I Constitutional Conference introduced a National Constituent Assembly (NCA) to replace the national referendum in the adoption of the new Constitution. February 2012 Garowe II Constitutional Conference developed procedures for the adoption of the new Constitution by the NCA, and introduced substantial decisions on the content of the new Constitution, e.g. the decision to establish a parliamentary system of government and the ways forward in the country’s federalisation attempt. March 2012 Galkaayo Agreement introduced Somali Traditional Elders as a mechanism that would select members of the NCA and the new Federal Parliament. April 2012 Harmonised Draft Constitution presented by IFCC and CoE. April 2012 Addis Ababa Agreement by the Roadmap Signatories established the Technical Review Committee (TRC) to review and amend the Harmonised Draft Constitution presented by IFCC and CoE. June 2012 Nairobi Agreement by the Roadmap Signatories transformed the TRC to become the Technical Facilitation Committee (TFC) to finalise the Harmonised Draft Constitution for presentation to the NCA and established the Technical Selection Committee (TSC) to vet members for the NCA and the new Federal Parliament as nominated by the Traditional Elders July 2012 TFC published the Draft Provisional Constitution for presentation to the NCA. 01 August 2012 Provisional Constitution adopted by the NCA/Council of Ministers formed. 20 August 2012 The 275-member Federal Parliament of Somalia inaugurated. 28 August 2012 A new Speaker of the Federal Parliament selected. 10 September 2012 A new President of the Federal Republic of Somalia selected. 06 October 2012 A new Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia appointed. 13 November 2012 The Council of Ministers, announced by the Prime Minister, was endorsed by the Federal Parliament.
  23. Cambuulo iyo bun;955745 wrote: rip somalia Dont loose hope. We have seen worser times, atleast they are fighting eachother with motions. Its much safer then bullets.
  24. Baashi;955668 wrote: It does not look good. Allow sahal, Libaax seedy bey niman salaaxdeene. . So what now? Consider the following bullets and if you found them reasonable tell me where do we go from here -- the ditch we found ourselves in: 1 - IGAD kicked ball back to Villa Somalia as President Hassan requested. 2 - Kenyan forces in South Somalia are there in a UN mandate and part of AMISOM. They want to stay put along their border for obvious reasons. They are mum and waiting and watching how Hassan plays the ball in his back yard. 3 - Ethiopia has its ducks in a raw and waiting to see how things pan out. 4 - Oil companies who are pretty interested in preempting Turkey, Arabs and China and reinstate the valid contracts they've entered with Somali government (1980s) want these agreements honored. To get what they want they need to prop up Hassan government so they can push back all the newbies in the block and get a wet signature on the dotted lines. 5 - Hassan won the diplomatic fight fair and square. Now he got what he wished for the outside world wants Hassan's government to resolve Kismayo's stalemate. President Hassan has no credibility in JL constituents. He poisoned the well so to speak and now he desperately needs the folks who call the shots in Kismayo to work with him in finding a way out of the political stalemate of his making. 6 - JL has its back against wall. There is no card left in its hand other than playing hardball. One good scenario would be to accept IGAD's recommendations in toto except the clause that asks them to go to Mogadishu. 7 - What is JL willing to compromise on? This is toughie!! Compromise they must though! 8 - What is SFG willing to compromise on? Under no circumstance will Hassan want to fail after moving earth and heaven to get IGAD out of the internal Somali politics! He asked for owning the process (which is by the way a brilliant move on his part) now he got it he has to deliver... 9 - Farole could give a helping hand by positioning himself as a mediator. Would Hassan swallow his pride and accept to sit on the mediation dirrin between SFG and JL in Garowe. 10 - US wants to get back on the saddle and move against AS Now put all these scenarios and assumptions and mix them up and watch how each interest group, Somalis and non-Somalis, prioritize their interest and compel other interest groups to make a move.. In this three dimensional Chess game guess who are the pawns!! Baashi, Your analysis of the current situation is quite comprehensive. Only thing I would add for consideration are the IGAD missions recommendation regarding AMISOM in Kismayo. IGAD rightly concluded there were "coordination" issues between the Kenyan contigent and the Federal Goverment and rigthly recommended (political) coordination between Amisom and Federal Goverment. I think this rigthly gives the goverment the arguments to object to the Kenyan contribution to Amisom.