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This issue is embarrasing on many fronts. VP of Puntland asking SSC clan to free Sool from SL, so Puntland can some back. And worse some folks like Taleexi, support this cause.
“Waxaanu Doonaynay In Taleex Laga Soo Saaro Talo Ciidamada S/Land Ee Afarta Sano Iyo Dheeraadka Haysta Laascaanood Lagaga Xoreeyo, Laakiin Koox Ayaa Ku Soo Duushay” C/Samad Cali Shire, Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Puntland Hargeysa, January 22, 2012 (Haatuf) - Madaxweyne ku xigeenka maamul goboleedka Puntland C/samad Cali Shire ayaa cambaareeyay maamul goboleedka Khaatumo ee lagaga dhawaaqay shirkii ka socday degmada Taleex ee gobolka Sool, sheegayna in shirkaasi oo ujeedada laga lahaa ay ahayd sidii beesha *********** loo midayn lahaa, isla markaana ciidamada qaranka Somaliland eek u sugan deegaanada gobolka Sool looga xorayn lahaa ay ku soo duuleen koox siyaasiyiin ah oo shirkaasi majaro habaabiyey, waxaanu intaa ku daray in maamulka Puntland aanu aqoonsanayn go’aanada ka soo abxay shirkaasi Taleex. C/samad Cali Shire waxa uu sidaasi ka sheegay xaflad lagu xusayay maalinta saxaafada Somalia, oo lagu qabtay shalay magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta Puntland.C/samad Cali Shire oo isagu kasoo jeeda deegaanada Taleex ee shirkaasi lagu qabtay, ayaa khudbadii uu ka jeediyay madashaasi oo uu kaga hadlay, waxa uu yidhi “Shirkaasi Taleex lagu qabtay oo ay abaabulkiisa lahaayeen Madaxdhaqameedyada beesha *********** oo ujeedada laga lahaa ay ahaayeen in natiijo wanaagsani ay ka soo baxdo, oo beesha *********** lagu mideeyo, kadibna Ciidamada qaranka Somaliland ee muddada afarta sano iyo dheeraadka haystay Laascaanood laga xoreeyo, nasiib daro koox siyaasiyiin ah oo shirkaasi kusoo duulay ayaa natiijooyinkii laga lahaa marin habaabiyey, waxyaalaha ka soo baxayna maaha waxyaalo lagu qanci karo, ciidamada qaranka Somaliland waxaan ugu baaqaynaa inay ka baxaan deegaanada gobolka Sool”.
Mosy players of the SSC movement, Keyse Abdi Yusuf, Col Curi, Khusuusi Chair, treasurer and now Xaglatoosiye tuned their back to Khaatumo group and joined Somaliland. Even the most foot soldiers joined Somaliland. There is something fishy about Khaatuma.
His hometown Taleex is no longer Puntland? Or is that what some want us to belief.
The external enemies cant do much harm, how about the domestic one?
Why cant grown people just talk.
Hermet, SL foreign policy did change already. We attend these meetings nowdays. Which I think is good to always look after own interest, rather then let emotions determine your own interest and relations with other goverments.
Where are the Landers? Why are they silent? where is Oodweyneh?
http://www.qarannews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12618&Itemid=65 Yn Check how Qudhunnews is panicking on the Londen Conference.
Oday, Welcome to the new Unionist camp. Glad you joined the bandwagon. Many SOL' ers send me private messages saying they will reveal their Unionist love and come out the closet as soon as Siilanyo meets Sheick. You would be suprised about the prominent landers that are actually Unionist.
Ooooohhhh yeaaaa. 2012 is Somalia's year!!! Bluelicious will you do a Dhaanto or Niiko dance if Somalia inshallah becomes peacefull this year, with me ofourse. Right in the centre of Amsterdam on Dam aquare. Actually, its not a question. I challenge you for a Dhaanto dance battle. I will bring my big footed crew, you bring your big boned xalima's.
Xaaji, as long as you want indepedance, you cat talk about Somalia's issue. Join the boat then you can have a say.
Dottore, you are a wise men. But when Somaliland returns and we agree on a Confederation with Somalia. And share. 50/50. You get 20 procent of 50, equal to less then 10 preocent of power. So the balance returns and Puntland becomes a constructive region again. I hope you understan what it would mean, when we return. When Marka and Shabbele get 10 procent, then Somaliland and Dhirta would become majority with 60 procent of power. On the other hand you get 20 procent of Somaliland, leaving 30 procent for H Confederacy. And i didnt even add. Kismaayo, that would give you like 20 extra, bringing to total of 50 procennt. More then you have now. So support my cause for Confederacy.
thats what dirty old men do.
Somalina;777337 wrote: Maxaa ku haaya maanta? PL ayaad ku haysaa non stop, maxaa jira? its a boring day at the office and I am a bit dissapointed on the Khaatumo coup.
Dervish;777326 wrote: Somaliland lost all leverage after attacking buuhoodle and when khaatumo was created. Awdal is next and your dream of a somaliland is over. You'll be forced to join Somalia Dervish, ka leexo meeshan. Nobody is forcing anyone, Somaliland is happily and ready to a Union of two states solution, under one country.