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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. With all that complaining, I am sure the man felt also victim of wife.
  2. Juxa, waad ku mahad sanatahay talada. Indeed I am not a hero in this battlefield called love, for some reason I tend to be the first casualty. If it were not your encouragment, I would have given up on Blue afterher first reaction and first page of this thread.
  3. Good and constructive discussion going in this threa between between Toghdeer, Sanaag and Sool folks. Other Somali's could learn something from this dialogue.
  4. Eastern-Sanaag, Sanaag, SSC, Somaliland. Why differintiate any communities wishes from the other. Afterall dont they all want the same?? Peace, good governance, development and a future for their kids. I am sure that most folks from my tuulo welcome anyone and any goverment, if they believed that it would bring them development. Only a small group of deluded individuals that dont know their interest, would oppose.
  5. Somaliland goverment has budgetted 3mln dollar for eatern Sanaag and Sool for 2012. This money does not come from tax payers money, bur rather from tax income which is paid by Somaliland citizens incl those in Sanag and Sool. Erigavo, Lascanood folks pay taxes. This aint charity, its their own money coming back.
  6. DHAHAR;779555 wrote: Reer Sanaag waxay ku diidayaan malaha hormarka iyo wax wada qeybsiga talo wadaaga reer woqooyiga. Waanuna soo dhaweyneynaa cidii wanaag u wada dalka. Dhahar, you are right my friend. And this goes for us all. We welcome anyone who is contributing to the peace and development. I am sure our people know their interest and will always distinguish the positive and the negative.
  7. A_Khadar;779580 wrote: Watch the videos posted about these incidents being the last one from LA wounds in the hospital where they are treated. And I am sure you have seen it the video from Buhodle just a week or so ago where houses burned and casualties mentioned. And simple yyou know the perpetrouters and don't seem to see the different it will make their ranks and subclans since they are all militia from the smn project. A_Khadar, when one observes a crime committed. Others need to know as much facts as possible for one to distuingisch the ones committed a crime and those who have not. We dont want to commit another crime by falsely accusing innocent people. Or are you one of those only interested in accusing whole communities? Just like those who say it wer certain clans who committed crimes in Hargeysa and Burco back in 80's?
  8. Somali's have sometimes a tendency to throw away the good with the bad. And later on asking themselves where the positive exceptions are? We need to guard, defend and fight for the good, the exception and the positive. How few or little it is.
  9. Taleexi;779513 wrote: May be the massacre thing is taken out of proportion - nevertheless, human tragedy which most of the secessionist lot rejoice. If what the leaders of the enclave, most intellectuals, and most religious men are saying is taking into account they are all promoting ethnic cleansing and that is the sad part. The whole "SL" project is taking out of proportion indeed. Taleexi, human suffering should not be proportionalized in any ways. However politics is always a matter of perception and proportion.
  10. Jiirow, Ilahay ka baq when you accuse of people of things wish we know little of. Concerning the TNG period I have no facts or witnesses, maybe you have and are willing to present them. And leave the juddgement to others.
  11. A_Khadar;779520 wrote: Now your true color is out just like your cousins JB, XX and Oodweyne and the rest.:mad: My cousins hired by somaliland are not there to kill their own women and children but when they see what your militia is doing, they defected. Of course when they defect and realize what s/l's mere agenda is all about (clan cleasing), I welcome them. Those killing people indiscriminately are your militia from Burco and beyond. That is the truth but keep on denying. Can you tell us the number of casualties, name, locations and sub_clans of the victims and of names, ranks and sub_clans of the perpetrouters?
  12. A_Khadar,indeed he was wrongfully accused. But the cruel thing is, actually they promoted him to minister due to the succes of the Sugar Project that was finished and running from 1980. And was approved by both donor countries.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;779468 wrote: Baran or badhan seems the folks in garowe can't pronounce the simple name of the city yet they wish to claim Xaaji, you should check the video of the Demo. It seems like one Xiiny together with wife and children are protesting.
  14. Oodweyne;779524 wrote: ^^It was 1982 ; which was after they were demoted from their ministerial roles. And they were made as "advisors" to the then Afweyne's son-in-law , by the name of Ina Dafle , who was a minister of planning of that time. For silanyo was a minster of commerce of that government; and Galeydh was the minster of industry of the same government. Thanks for the correction Oodweyneh.
  15. Valentanah, abaayo Blue is westernized. I am thinking of a Valentine suprise coming february. Do you think that is a good idea? Blue, you are right. My interest emerged due to the fact we live in the same city. For that is a practical issue, which has no relevence for the topic in discussion.
  16. A little interestinf fact. Siilanyo and Galeyr were the most senior(both) Minister who opposed the regime and went to exile around 1981.
  17. Qandalawi;779193 wrote: This is the most fair and balanced government for decades. Haa waa Dowlad cadaalad kudhisan wax badanna way qabanaysaa, hadana wayba qabatayba. Mucaaradka kuwa ah waa kuwa meesha iska waayay axdi qarameedkana mawaafaqsana waxay dalbanayaan laakiin dowladaan waan dificaynaa. Haaheey aawe ministerada nimankasta waa inuu reerkiisa kakeenaa ciidanki lagu qoray, anigu kolay wasiirnimadayda mawayna wayna liiqanaysaa in latuuraa suurtagal ah lakin 4 askari waa iga diyaar balse waa iskala noqon markan wayo booskana kolay waa iska 4 hub la'aan ah oo aan ugu tala galay hadhow hubka lasiiyo markay lagoostaan inaan qaybtayda lacagta qaato... Lool Aside the joke, Carafaat Awowe how you accurately matched certain individuals real profile here on SOL is amazing. Qandalawi, you were my second choice as PM. If Xiin declines the job is yours.
  18. Abwaan;779083 wrote: loool...Wax ka jira ma leh dowladdaan anigaa iyo akhyaar kale oo badan ayaa laga tegey....4.5-na kuma know Garowe in lagu heshiiyey in 4.5 ay sii socoto illaa amar dambe lol. Haddii 5 waddan keligey safiir la iiga dhigi waayo Itoobiyaanka ayaan soo kaxaysanayaa! Or should I say Golaha Murtida iyo Madaddaalada? Ruwaayadaha lacag badan baa laga helaa:) Abwaan, wait Min of Information Duke will answer all question and complaints on the goverment.
  19. Didnt know SL was in control of Badhan? If you look closely at the video. It migt appear as one old Qardho guy, his Maakhiri wife and their many children protesting. The men and women from Badhan seem absent from the protest.
  20. Abdiwali carries a great responsibility for Somalia in general and specificly he is the last hope to repair the reputation of his clansmate as leaders of Somalia. If Abdiwali becomes another clannist Yeey, Sharmarke, Abshir Farax or Faroole. Then he might be well the last Puntlander to lead Somalia.
  21. I read a couple of times how diffrent Nomad's accused Ali Khaliif Galeyr of corruption with the funds of Mareerey Sugar Factory. And potrayed him as a thief. This is a grave lie and a sin, if we keep silent and dont testify against these vicous lies spread by the dictatorial regime against an intellectual who opposed the crimes, theft and injustice of the old dictatorial nepotist regime. Ali Khaaliif Galeyr indeed led the Mareerey Sugar Project. This project was funded by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia Goverments. The factory was build, project was finished, the accounts closed and the project, financial and accounting reports were handed by the Somali goverment to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Who APPROVED The accounts and financial reports. Ali Khaaliif and his team were commended by many for the work they have done, and there was not a shiilling wasted because of the transparency mechanism of this project. In fact Ali Khaliif Galeyr did not even directly control the funds, but his financial accounting team did which was composed of diffrent members. Among them a close family members of mine, who is willing to testify in public, any court and above all to Allah against these lies and murder of an honoust character. In fact Ali Khaliif was one of the most transparant and not corrupted public figures who promoted then to a Ministerial functioning after the project ended around 1981. Due to the work he has done with Marreey Sugar factory. And this is when he saw the corrupt, nepotist, rotten culture of the regime from the inside and when he started to oppose it. He left the country as Minister after leaving as the Project Director of Mareerey factory and it was workng more then 2 years. He went in to political exile and this is went the sick and dying regime started spreading lies and rumours about the man. He was the highest political figure who opposed the regime(excl SNM), who knew the system and the figures from the inside. That is why the regime did its utterly best to start this smear campaign against the person Ali khaliif Galeyr. In exile he wrote many articles critizing the regime. One of those articles I recelty is called, Notes of the State of the Somali State , published in the Horn of Africa, an independent Journal, jan 1990. In interesting article describing the rotten state and decay of Somalia and its causes. Anyone who reads that article will see that this man was morally and ethicly opposed to the regime and its dealings, murdering and was willing to testify against it because it was wrong.
  22. Duufaan;779251 wrote: Like many nations in Africa, Somalia has endured the legacy of the foreign expedition of greed throughout the continent. After the Berlin Conference 1884, Western European powers sought to divide Somaliland -- one of the most homogeneous regions of Africa -- into British Somaliland, French Somaliland, Italian Somaliland, Ethiopian Somaliland (the ******), and the Northern Frontier District (NFD) of British Kenya. Thus, sowing the seed for the current ongoing inter and intra-regional unrest of Somalia. Fast forward to 1991: a mix of northern and southern clan-based militias armed, financed, and supported by Ethiopia toppled Somalia's central government and, in due course, brought the strategic collaboration between these militia groups to an end as each went to secure its area of influence (read clan-based). This formula would work for some and not the others. Stabilization has proven a difficult undertaking in a number of the southern regions while in the northwest and northeast regions (Somaliland and Puntland) clan militia groups and their clan elders were able to bring relative stability to those regions. This, some argue, was possible mainly because of the clear single clan dominance in both of those regions. Though, both northwest and northeast regions of Somalia enjoyed relative peace that gained them much praise, they both fell short of playing a pivotal role in instilling hope in the hearts and minds of the majority of people in the rest of Somalia. Neither Somaliland nor Puntland has indicated any interest in mediating between their warring brethren in the South. Many Somalis both in the homeland and in the Diaspora (including this writer) have envisioned that a modified version of the northern model of peace that is free of clan dominance could be duplicated in the rest of Somalia -- creating a foundation of a homegrown national reconciliation that could ultimately save Somalia. Lamentably, Somaliland and Puntland opted to keep their respective successes local and within the confines of their respective clans. The said approach has not only fueled the already underway clanization of the Somali political problem, but has lent both of these two political entities to forcefully subjugate dissenting voices of people from other clans with impunity. And as a result have deepened the distrust between local clans. Squeezed between the powers of these two administrations are the people of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn (SSC) -- their high rate of inter-marriage with people of Somaliland and Puntland, notwithstanding. Clans within the SSC are considered the bridge and the glue that kept the union of North and South or the Somali state together. Over the years, the people of SSC have taken the brunt of Somaliland and Puntland forces; each wanting to annex them. In addition to the impact of the long drought, these people continue to suffer sporadic violent campaigns from both sides. And though it is hidden from the world's view, their condition is another humanitarian disaster in the making. Meanwhile, there are the howling voices of the women and children of these regions as they are torn between the men they love, their husbands, sons, fathers, brothers and next of kin, who are dying as a result of a tug of lethal war fought in the name of secession versus union. I recently received an email from a friend whose father is from Hargaisa (Somaliland) and his mother from Buhodle (SSC). In it he made this heart-wrenching comment that eloquently sheds light on the tragedy of fratricide or clan wars; especially as it divides families. He said "Territories that want to secede should not be allowed to force those who want to remain in the union. My father should just leave my mother in peace if she wants Sool to be part and parcel of Somalia. And he is free to pursue his political desires to run with Somaliland as he wishes." Somalia is inundated with arms and ammunitions, and anyone with money can buy them to kill and maim the innocent such as women, children, elderly and minorities with impunity. Let there be no mistake, using force to annex these regions is a loose/loose proposition. It will only contribute to more deaths and destruction that could end the relative peace long enjoyed by the people of the north. Against that backdrop, the Obama administration's Dual-Track (multi-track) policy toward Somalia has exacerbated the situation for these people. This policy gave boost to the institutionalization of clanism as it is set to further polarize the society by engaging non-state actors such as clan based administrations, militias, clan leaders and self-proclaimed ones as legitimate leaders so long as they are against Al-Shabaab; even if these actors are against the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) -- the same government that the U.S. claims to support. The continuation of the counter-terrorism containment policy only provides bandages to festering wounds that neither helps Somalia nor the U.S. To remedy the long standing issue of SSC regions, both Somaliland and Puntland must end their respective campaigns of forcing the people of SSC into submission. Violence cannot solve this problem. On their part, the TFG must be mindful of people of SSC's struggle for self-preservation while genuinely addressing the grievances of their brethren from the north-western and pave the way and indeed spearheading a genuine national reconciliation initiative that holistically addresses the Somali political problem. Indeed SSC folks have the political leverage to orge Somali unity. And they are those that have to make the first political sacrafice for the rest to follow. All in the name of Unity. Inshallah they will pull it off, in a peacefull and gracefull manner.
  23. Somalina, I got a good taste of Beletweyn. Do you have more where that came from.
  24. Look how Chimera is bragging about being loyal and his 9 star approval rate. Even after being flooded with compliments by Juxa and Blue, he even adds more compliments to himself! And not even saying thanks or showing modesty. I would atleast downplayed any compliments, and say, maya abaayo ani wiil iska caadiya ayaan ahay, kolay dabeecado aan wanaagsanneen macaa waan leyahay, waa iska caadi, or something.