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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. xiinfaniin;958883 wrote: lol@ Carafaat. I thought you called Ahmed Madoobe a warlord that need to be shunned away , and should never be dignified with a presidential audience m. Ahmed Madobe is not the issue here nor his background as warlord. Many Somali politicians had a previous careers in warlordism. The issue is the Kenyan agenda, the process of the Jubbaland trajectory, Puntlands agenda for clan federalism for Somalia, the non-involvement of the central government and the following the right procedures as mandated in the constitution.
  2. Hassan Sheick and Ahmed Madobe need to sit down and come to terms in order to resolve the Jubbaland issue. But with Faroole and his agenda between, the issue will only lead to more misunderstandings and disruptive murmur.
  3. President Kenyatta emphasized that Kenya has no intention of interfering with the domestic affairs of Somalia saying his Government’s only agenda is to support the establishment of administrative structures as well as institutions necessary for the stabilization and reconstruction of Somalia. Kenya doesn't seem to back down, after the IGAD agreement to stand behind the Federal Government in terms of establishing regional states and administrative structures. Kenya should respect Somalia's sovereignty and stop interfering in the internal business of Somalis.
  4. Document and twitter account look fake and have been made by the same person. HAG is quite secretive, dont think they would 'tweet'.
  5. Kenya provides bullet proof car to its ally Ahmed Maduba, to protect him from other rivaling Presidents.
  6. Somalia, its not true that the government has violated the constitution. In fact its stand towards Jubbaland is based on the constitution. This issue has been debated here extensively. And the outcome was that Parliament should establish a law regarding the states. But this here is a clear violation. Some would even say its treason to conspire with Kenya against the sovereignty of the nation.
  7. Alpha Blondy;958423 wrote: MASSIVE rains right now. MADNESS in HAG. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;958474 wrote: Carafaat do you think there are Somali nationalists left well atleast the Somali political leaders are not nationalistic people. This is not something new Atleast they should uphold to the same constitution that they are basing their claims on. Laakinse dastuurkuu ayee ku tum tumaniyaa.
  9. Jubbaland us not legitimate dee. It was a child conceived by a Kenyan, which makes it defacto illegal.
  10. Today its Sahal meeting Kenya. Tomorrow D&M in Ethiopia. 0.5 meeting Yemen. Qabiiladii wexe ku tumaniyaan dastuurkii iyo qaranimadii, all for the sake of clan interest.
  11. But Kenya's involvement is not new. They were involved even before goverment opposed Jubbaland.
  12. Horta what does the constitution say about Foreign Affairs? Isnt that the sole authority of the central goverment?
  13. I have met many Somalis with Arab citizenship's(mostly in Qatar, UAE). Everytime I asked them if they are Somali, they were insulted. Showing me their ID cards to prove they are absolutely not Somali. Only to tell me later their (grand)parentswere Somali.
  14. Mooge;958187 wrote: nope. that is not what happened. it is all your imagination. faroole has to get this step done in order to justify the big coming earthquake. it is good politics you may never understand. ha sugi wayin niyoow. unless qoslaye makes drastic changes, faroole's plan is full speed ahead. so far things are going as planned. Mooge, give us some insight what we can expect from Faroole. He is becoming a desperate man these days, prepared to do anything to fight the end of his political future.
  15. Tallaabo;957630 wrote: Duur just signed away every Somalilander's private data base to Britain's MI6 and MI5 with no benefits in return. Somaliland conducted (two times) voter registration collecting a lot of personal data, even parents names, digital picture, fingerprints. Are you telling me this is all handed over to the Brits?
  16. Alpha Blondy;958130 wrote: that would be geeljire, the fisheries minister. I see also the Ministers of Aviation, the Minister of Presidential Affairs, Minister of Agriculture, Minister Xaglatoosiye, several ex Ministers, MP's, the entire Sultans of Somaliland, youth and womens groups. This is a warm and gracefull welcome for the Professor. I dont think he expected this kind of a reception.
  17. Yunis;958171 wrote: ^I don’t see what the big fuss here. He might be a flip-flopper at times, but the Prof is Reer waqooyi by birth, a region that he hasn’t seen for over a decades. Separatists will see it differently and interpret the Professor is caring a secret recognition letter from that great state of Minneapolis. This is not about recongnition. Its about the last 'lost son' returning home. The return of the Professor is A significant symbol and turning point, not to be underestimated.
  18. brainblaster456;958096 wrote: I would like if Somalis adopted dances like this in the cultures, ii fahama nooh Why, Somalis have their own cultural dances.
  19. First thing the President should do is fire his PR and Spokesperson and employ one hailing from Puntland.
  20. An official in the semiautonomous Puntland region of Somalia says a surveillance drone has crashed. Ports and Anti-piracy Minister Saeed Mohamed Rage said Saturday the drone crashed in Qaw village 20 kilometers (12miles) west of the port city of Bossasso. The United States military flies aerial surveillance drones from Indian Ocean island nation of Seychelles to monitor piracy off the East African coast, but Rage said it is not clear whose drone crashed. The U.S. also flies drones that occasionally fire at Somalia's Islamic extremist rebels in south and central Somalia. The al-Shabab rebels Tuesday posted pictures on Twitter of what they claimed was a surveillance drone that had crashed. Puntland, in northern Somalia, has escaped the decades of conflict seen in the country's south and central regions. Source: AP
  21. Irrelevant of their political views, Somaliland is their home and they have every right to visit their home.
  22. I hope Hargeysa or Amoud University offer him a guest lectureship and make use of this opportunity to have such esteemed scholar in their midst.
  23. Doesnt Somaliland have a Minister for Business, Trade and Commerce?