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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Minti, inadeer, kumaan caayin. sidaan ku caaya, ileyn Suldaan baad ii tahaye. I only said. I have always supported the policy of Somaliland of non-intervention with Somalia. Up to this year, I think Somalilands needs to change its position, make the people ripe for re-attachment and prebare for a deal.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;782269 wrote: No there aren't any in bosaaso and garowe not sure never knew faroole and his likes were Somalilanders Aren't garaad and Maakhirians ethnic landers? I have been there Xaaji, there are many of them there.
  3. It would make me so happy, if it was only a symbolic gesture. laakinse Mintid, waa xaasis. macaa taa wuu diidan yahay.
  4. NGONGE;782274 wrote: Now or in August? p.s. Guru, you seem to have been swept away in the moment (just like Eng. Faisal). Nothing is as drastic as it seems, saaxib. Take a step back and view the situation from a distance, guru. Wa isla iyaadii, saaxib. Indeed, August would be an ideal month. Ileyn Odaygan Ngonge, waa siyaasi khatar ah. :D
  5. Mintid Farayar;782264 wrote: What do the different political actors in the former Somalia have to offer Somaliland? I believe (currently) nothing. They're slowly being led to the slaughter and they don't even realize it (i.e. a creeping, stealth trusteeship). Even the Ethiopians officially said last week they are willing to hand over control of the Hiiraan regions they control to AMISOM when the time is right - no mention of handing it over to the TFG and its forces. The international community is more conversant than you are (it seems) with the capacity/non-capacity of the different administrations. They might have not much to offer. As TFG's perios is ending. But there is more space/political vacuum then ever before, to influence things in Somalia. But you with your little/narrow horizon rather sit, wait and blame others. rather then taking matters in own hands. that is the diffrence between me and you, Minti. And you assertions that they are being led to the slaugher, is incorrent this time. In fact things are changing and people are willing to accept any positive steps. Minti, belief me I for one have always supported Somaliland's foreign policy and opposed Dhirta waqooyi going to TNG/TFG like Buuba, etc. Up to this year, because I belief there is changing coming and we have a momentum. So wake up, smell the coffee and get to work even if it was for recongnition.
  6. Oodweyne;782266 wrote: What faisal seemed to be saying; is that, we need to a step-up in our game. Particularly from position of muddled-thinking to one of clear-as-a-day-clarity, indeed. In other words, although, I wish he wasn't as scattered-brain where some issues are concern, but in here is a "discreet criticism" of the current elected government and her approach of many fronts. And in that “context" it's not only him who think like that. But, many political elites back in Hargeisa are thinking the same; but are diplomatic to say so openly. Hence, the reason he decided to chance to tell the feeling of many about the current government and her "not-so-clear" of where they stand on many issues; particularly, in so public of a manner, indeed. And in that consider it as useful as the public service that he has “performed” in here. Which means, his is similar, in particularly, to in the manner in which the various awkward group of the "Tory right" in here of UK play in the conscious of the England's body-politic. And that is, essentially, a way of warning, any government in UK, when, the “political sentiment” of where they stand with the interest of UK is at “variant” as to where it should be, at the end of the day. I told you the Foreign Minister is unexperienced and weak. Siilanyo needs to fire him asap.
  7. NGONGE;782254 wrote: No idea what that means. Are you talking about the London thing again? Come out and talk and engage with Somalia, Londen or somewhere else. any dialogue or talking is fine by me.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;782259 wrote: ^^ No but its about getting wider platform in the horn of Africa there thousands of Ethnic Somalilanders in Djibouti do not forget that. there are many ethnic landers(according to your definition) in Garowe, Bosasso. Will Wadani campaign there as well.
  9. Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih;524025 wrote: I personally know the kid, he is ciyaal Utanga. He got his books displayed at 1st. Cup Cafe in Minneapolis but he is not okay, mentally. muxuu qabaa?
  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;782241 wrote: Same track works for Somaliland and it works for Somalia why change something that actually works. Correction: it maybe used to work for Somaliland. but dont know if it will.
  11. why? a political party represents the people from particular constituencies of a country within its political platforms. Wadani doesnt represent Djibouti constituency nor Djiboutians.
  12. NGONGE;782233 wrote: You don't know if your'e coming or going, Carafaat. Depends if you guys will open the door of the closet and come out or will stay locked up.
  13. shouldnt they go to Taleex, Boocame or Buhoodle and ask people what they want? rather going to foreign countries, i assume its still a Somaliland political party? this is what I meant with the western orientated elite of Hargeysa. cajiib. where is Mintid, maybe he can explain.
  14. Mintid, previous goverments of Somalia Manifesto ignored Somaliland actors or like the TNG were not prebared to sit down with Somaliland and even denied its existence. So the policy of isolation was back then not by choice but by the southern political situation. Today the landscabe has changed and SL existence and its domestic souvereignity are hardly in question. Do you think its sensible to remain on the same track? see the comments made by another uncle of yours, Faisal ali Waraabe. I clearly agree with him and with Sifir that Somaliland needs to revieuw its policies regarding Somalia.
  15. Oodweyne;782214 wrote: Well, it seems to me, that, what we have in here, is nothing but Dr Sifir and his long-term (which was never hidden) political distaste for Somaliland and all it is stand for. In other words, bring Dr Buubaa’s next missives about Somaliland (even if you coached it as a diplomatic verbiage in-order to hoodwinked the gullible) in here, and then, you have “one short of a hat-trick" of a full absurd argument, from the “ever-tireless-pen” of yesterday’s men and their political delusion about what Somaliland should be. Instead of what she is currently; and with God’s help of her ever vigilant people will remain so, indeed… So, you would choose for A. Option A: Stay the course - mobilize forces and the public to confront and defeat the plans for the establishment of the Khatumo; - Decline to attend the London Conference and restate Somaliland’s position: Somaliland’s independence is irreversible and Somaliland will only enter into a relationship with Somalia as two separate and sovereign states;
  16. Oodweyne;782199 wrote: And that is why the Khaatumo concoction, and its political progenitor, by the name of Taleex Conference, were allowed to happen. Or at least, by default (in the sense of not sending the army to disrupt it, when it was happening) was allowed to go ahead, indeed. Hence, the political “prize” we are currently paying from that “close relationship”, in which the highest leadership of our nation have with those who are intend in creating a standing havoc in Somaliland. Or to put it, differently, I very much doubt, that UDUB leadership (in their day at leadership of Somaliland), would of have been so “openly nonchalant” about this thing, as the current leadership of the current elected government seemed to be. Particularly about this nuisance of a political agenda, in which, the enemies of Somaliland are concocting in here in so open manner indeed. But, for what is worth, we shall see whether the political hand in which the current loeadership of Somaliland are trying in here (a softly-softly version of a political conduct); coupled with a diplomatic “hide-and-seek” (or at any rate not full-throatily defending) Somaliland’s central independence argument, where our friends are concern, is likely to be any more fruitfully for them, come next year this time around.. In other words, we shall see how the “leadership” square these issues. Oodweyne, your hawkish approach has not brought any compromise. Siilanyo has every right to be soft or hold account with the people in the region in his policies. And belief me also our clan family members from Sool, Sanaag and togdheer would benefit from any settlement with the eastern community, Puntland and with Somalia. Those regions are the least development, no need to keep the status quo of cold war going. the clan solidarity of the eastern community in Sool, Sanaag and Toghdeer hasnt brought those regions any benefit. To a quote a good friend of mine who was born, raised from Erigavo and clanwise from western/northern Erigavo, "Economic wise it would have been much better for us, if we would join Puntland rather then Somaliland." And if I was from those regions, I rather be the trading centre/route of two strong regions in one country(Somaliland/Somalia), then the current hinterland it is fom a western orientated Hargeysa/Borama/Djibouti region.
  17. Mintid Farayar;782193 wrote: Once again, Carafaat, you must learn to get your facts correct. Sifir is a former, long-term UN technocrat who joined the TFG under Abdullahi Yusuf's administration. He was closely aligned with Sharif Hassan, the current Speaker of the Parliament, during his time in Xamar and Nairobi. He was never a Somali ambassador nor ever a member of the collapsed military regime. I didnt say he was member of the collapsed regime. But that he was a Foreign Minister for Somalia and thus its Ambassador. Anything to add on the article, content wise.
  18. Mintid, I lived for 2 years in that place. the leader might be from east. But the policies and perceptions of SL are absolutely completely out of touch with what is happening in the East of the country. desicsions are taking in Hargeysa by people who have NO idea what kind of effect it has on the communities living in Burco and east of it. Folks in Hargeysa are always the ones screeming the loudest to close the (eastern)border, while they have Idea of the consequences. But that is what you get when you have one clan dominated politics. It gets completely out of touch with the world and only focussing on eachothers side of city "daan". Tell me Mintid, when was your last time in Burco or Erigavo? I was there in 2009 and you?
  19. kingofkings;782185 wrote: again what's your point. this is not a thread of other alphabets of somalia. This thread is exclusively dealing with osmania and it should be a priority for future puntland education minister. i liked your idea or learning more about Osmania. and i think we should study all the scribts in order to find and gather more on history. But seems you are focussing on making your lot distuingisch itself, suit yourself.
  20. Somalina, dont listen to Alpha. waa fish and chips. he has never been to Muqdisho.
  21. Does JB support the new state? and what does Ngonge think? will eastern Berbera folks secesseed from the new State?
  22. interest blog as well. gabartaan maad u shekeysay.